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Elliott in Hindi Script

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I am not asking about spelling. I am asking how you pronounce Elliott. Can you explain the pronunciation of each part of Elliott. For example, you can say that 'E' is pronounced like first 'e' of 'elephant'. Like that let me know the pronunciation of whole of ELLIOTT.

Please note that Hindi is a phonetic language. Therefore, how you write depends on how you pronounce.

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As I said, pronunciation is important and not how you write it. That is why I want to know how you pronounce your name. You have written 'E' is pronounced like E of Elephant, L like L of Leaf, I like I of Island. If I am not wrong, I of Island is pronounced like the word "eye". I am assuming the same. If you think it is like I of In, then let me know because I of Island is pronounced differently from I of In.

O of october. I guess you pronounce it the same as first O of doctor.

There are two L's and two T's. It does not matter. What matters is do you pronounce two L's and two T's? Do you pronounce LL like LL in CHILLY? I am assuming yes. Then, your name is to be written as follows:-




I repeat. How you read your name is important and not how you write it so far Hindi is concerned.


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You wrote that I is pronounced like I of Island. But, as I know, I of Island is pronounced as eye. I knew that is not the case and that I must be pronounced like I of India. That is why I wrote that. I repeat:-

To write a name in Hindi, it is not important how you spell in English. But what is important is how you pronounce it. In other words, phonetics are important.

Let me guess the pronunciation

E - Elephant

LL - Chilly

I - India

O - Doctor

TT - Tom (but with more emphasis on T because there are two T's)

If the above is correct, then you write Elliott as given below:-




If you pronounce it differently, then let me know how you pronounce it. You are telling me how you spell it. I understand from your post that you spell it as Elliott. But that is not important. I want to know how you read it. I want to know the phonetics.


As an example, consider the word CAT. You write it as CAT. But how do you read it? You read it as KAT.

Likewise, I want to know how you read your name.


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You have written that I is pronounced like I of CHILLY and last E in Marie like Y of CHILLY.

But I think that in chilly both i and y are pronounced the same way. This means i and e of Marie should be pronounced the same way. So, two i sounds and therefore more emphasis.

I guess ie of Marie is pronounced like ee of see. Let me know if this is correct. Otherwise, let me know the exact pronunciation.

If you find it appropritate, you can use some phonetic symbols.

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