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thoughts on Yogiraj Gurunath Siddhanath

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hello everyone,


i ask please your thoughts on Yogiraj Gurunath of Hamsa Yoga (google Hamsa Yoga)

I am thinking of being initiated into his kriya yoga, i earnestly seek a Guru and wondering if any of you have had experiences/thoughts about him. I read his book Wings of Freedom it was quite excellent and intriguing.




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What is your goal mikael?


When wanting to learn math or literature one would choose the appropriate teacher. You must have some idea of what the goal is and then you can investigate this person to see if he has accomplished that same goal and is therefore qualified to teach you.

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enlightenment is my goal, isn't it everyones?


Yes, but there are many different ideas on what the nature of enlightenment is. Before taking initiation from any teacher you must learn what he is teaching specificaly. A crude example is when you go into an airport to travel somewhere you must know what your desitination is. Then you check to see which airlines are going that direction. You don't just buy any ticket to anywhere.


Different paths have different goals. For instance the Buddhists want to negate any idea of the self. Some yogis say the self is everything and therefore we are everything which means we are all god. Others like the devotional yogis say we are not God but we are part of God with our own eternal identity meant to unite with Him in love and devotion.


The first two are similar but devotional yoga is very distinct.


I know nothing of the person in question so I can't help you there but i would caution you against making any premature obligations to anybody as guru.


Good luck

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I echo theist here in his note that caution should be there. Srila Prabhupada, my gurumaharaja, made it clear that to accept a gursuddenly is not wise, and actually a symptom of fanaticism.


He also stated that is is tantamount to a marriage. Would one select a wife because he read on the internet that she waas cool. Or found out from another that she desired a husband? Would one select a wife because another said that all other eligible maidens had no qualifications? No, this is ludicrous, because selecting a soul-mate - life partner is a serious business, having major consequences to the very breath we breathe. A guru should be selected in the same critical way. Investigate, get to know, see if you can surrender to, find out if your love will be reciprocated.


Good luck, hare krsna. mahaksadasa

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