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Jesus visited India twice in his life........

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Well, many people have gone through his unknown life and discovered that he was in India twice, between age of 13-30 and after his crucification. He died in Kashmir, India in Yog Samadhi.


Just try google on "The Unknown life of Jesus " you'd be with fascinating facts that he tried all the Sadhanas and powerful rituals. He manifested Surya Dev and Annapurna Ma. He was perfect in Surya Vigyan so he could perform all those awesome stuffs.

And it is still possible through some sadhanas but need guidance from the one who has attained the mastery over such.









Go through these.

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Sure we all are seeking the God's Kingdom. But the difference is the path. Some may be too long, some got the shortest way...and others may be walking with the dead end ???


Now what remains is to find the proper path to reach there. Otherwise the search would be mere a revery.


We can go even higher in recognizing the truth than the well known masters and sages of the history but need a capable Guru to guide us.


Have you heard of anyone who claims to make person with full devotion and unconditional love greater than anyone?


Don't you think that each person is unique in own way?

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So, if Jesus went to India to learn from the sages there then that shows that in India is where Jesus found the highest spirituality and knowledge.

So, like Jesus, we should follow his example and appreciate that India is the jewel of spiritual culture and the Vedic culture is topmost.


Why not do like Jesus did and accept the spiritual culture of India as topmost.


Somewhere in the New Testament Jesus says that he had a lot more to teach but his audience could not bear to hear it.


However, in India the great sages and devotees don't hold back as Jesus did, so we can learn the highest knowledge not from Jesus but from the same source he went to in search of spiritual knowledge.


However, the Shaivas in North India claim that Jesus was associated with Shaivism and the worship of Lord Siva, the culture of jnana and impersonal realization of the absolute.


I would suspect that this is most likely the facts if in fact Jesus did actually spend time in India.

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...the Shaivas in North India claim that Jesus was associated with Shaivism and the worship of Lord Siva, the culture of jnana and impersonal realization of the absolute.


I would suspect that this is most likely the facts if in fact Jesus did actually spend time in India.


I tend to agree. Kashmir is not exactly a Vishnu-bhakti territory. He did not settle in any of the Vaishnava holy dhams.

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Jesus Christ is buried in Hibernia. His body was removed from its resting place in France by the Knights Templar after the Church crushed the caretakers, the Cathars. Browns book, total fiction, was well researched, which is why it sold.


He went to India once every three months, while he extensively travelled with the great shipping magnate of the day, Joseph Arithemia. He spent more time in the orient than in the desert. He spent the last 60 years of his life in the vinyards of France, raising his family.


Partial knowledge of these facts is the basis for the claims to all the thrones in european monarchy, all claim descendency from Christ, including the present Queen of England.


Yes, jesus is CEO of BP.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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Yes we certainly need a capable Guru who has walked on the sure path leading to the goal. Only such a guru can lead. Rest is all preaching propaganda. Indeed it is a great fortune to find such a Guru. It is even a greater fortune to sit near the feet of such a Guru and be able to learn from him.

Jai Gurudev!



Sure we all are seeking the God's Kingdom. But the difference is the path. Some may be too long, some got the shortest way...and others may be walking with the dead end ???


Now what remains is to find the proper path to reach there. Otherwise the search would be mere a revery.


We can go even higher in recognizing the truth than the well known masters and sages of the history but need a capable Guru to guide us.


Have you heard of anyone who claims to make person with full devotion and unconditional love greater than anyone?


Don't you think that each person is unique in own way?

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Jesus Christ is buried in Hibernia. His body was removed from its resting place in France by the Knights Templar after the Church crushed the caretakers, the Cathars. Browns book, total fiction, was well researched, which is why it sold.


He went to India once every three months, while he extensively travelled with the great shipping magnate of the day, Joseph Arithemia. He spent more time in the orient than in the desert. He spent the last 60 years of his life in the vinyards of France, raising his family.


Partial knowledge of these facts is the basis for the claims to all the thrones in european monarchy, all claim descendency from Christ, including the present Queen of England.


Yes, jesus is CEO of BP.


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa


There could be some truth to this as the film,The Da Vinci Code, says the same. Thing is that what we learned at school is so much driven into the mind, how to ever change it?

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Arrival address and press conference- San Francisco, July 4th, 1970


"Even in some literatures of your Christian religion I find that Lord Jesus Christ also went to this Jagannath temple and lived there for some times. Of course, how far it is true, that is to be judged by you, but I have read this information in a Christian book, Aquarian Gospel."


There are a few other quotes where Srila Prabhupada says this but this one is the most important one. If you request the other quotes I will put them up here.


Thank you. Hare Krishna.

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So much speculation prabhu's, philosophical speculation so it's ok but we must remember speculation nontheless. Srila Prabhupada has stated that Jesus Christ came straight from the Spiritual World. I do not accept that He left a materialized body anywhere on earth. I accept that He left in the same body as the one He arrived as and after transforming it somehow showing that life conquers death. There are so many wonderul lessons encoded in the crucifixtion episode.


The way to know Jesus is through His teachings which when looked at consist of a karma/bhakti yoga sadhana culminating in full surrender in pure bhakti to the Supreme Lord.


There are Buddhists who claim he came to live with them. Others claim he stayed with them. The Aquarian Gospel is a book I love but I don't accept it as an accurate telling of his life. He supposedly went to Egypt and learned mummification according to the AG as well as traveling through thr north region of India.


I cannot accept any such attempts to make him into a siddha seeker of some type. Why would He waste time learning mummification or living out the last of His earthly life with Buddhists? Sheesh


The accounts of Him living in temple Jagannatha at Puri ring true to me as those accounts are consistent with His mission which was to bust through the rigid religious structures that taught a priest in Judaism or an Indian brahmana had an access to the Lord's presence that the common folk, sudras and outcastes like prostitutes theives etc. didn't have.


It is said that Jesus left Jagannatha temple over disbutes with the temple priests concernng these issues (they wanted to kill Him) and He spent time teaching the sudra's and others how to pray directly to their Spiritual Father each soul being a priest unto himself. That caste and birth status had no relevance in approaching and loving God.


It is interesting and intriguing to me because I accept Haridas Thakur as the same personality that walked on earth as Jesus Christ. Haridas also was estranged from temple Jagannatha having been born in a Muslim family.


The other facts of the lives of Haridas Thakur and Jesus Christ show some interesting similarities. Both were beaten through the marketplace. Both apparently died and both resurrected their forms. I know I am speculating and I never argue over this. If no one agrees then that's OK. I just find it interesting and intriguing as I said.

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so what if Jesus went to india twice so what if he died. But according to the Holy Bible can you do any of the miracles performed. You are quick to judge dont get me wrong i am Hindu infact a worshipper of Kali Maa but when you start judging all ! whom are you going to attack next? You are looking all around at other faults but monkey dont watch it own tail. I know you are glad to know that Jesus visited your land twice, i would have been proud too but his spirituality was never in question. he did many things how many of you have walked on water with the knowledge given to you by your capable gurus. Sri Rama Krishna the greatest child of maa states that there maybe many branches in the tree but only one root. he practised all different sadhana and recieved each siddhi but never once did he criticise anothers religion. That is true Guru.

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Haribol! I read that Lord Jesus went to the Sri Jagannatha Temple Complex... :D I love Jesus :D

Radhe Radhe!


Did Jesus Christ lived in India?


"That is true. I have studied ancient records in the Puri Jagannath Temple archives confirming these facts. He was known as “Isha,” and during part of his time in India he stayed in the Jagannath Temple. When he returned to his part of the world, he expounded the teachings that are known today as Christianity.’" - Jagadguru Sri Bharati Krishna Tirtha, Sankaracharya of Jagganath Puri (1959), source: SRF Magazine Winter 1992 Issue.


There is no record of the name Isa for God prior to the 1st century in Hindu literature. It therefore may also be possible that IsaVasya Upanishad was a text authored by one of Jesus' disciples in India. The Isa Upanishad is the earliest historically verifiable scriptural reference of the worship of the Person of God.


Om purnamadah purnamidam purnat purnamudacyate

purnasya purnamadaya purnamevavasisyate

Om santih santih santih


The Word which is complete is complete in itself.

From it was produced this complete creation.

Yet the complete still remains complete. Om Peace Peace Peace


Isavasyamidam sarvam yatkiñca jagatyam jagat |

tena tyaktena bhuñjitha ma grdhah kasyasvid dhanam || 1 ||


Jesus is immanent in this entire universe –

whatever in this universe, animate or inanimate.

By Him is given sacrificially what is given for your enjoyment.

Therefore do not try to gain some one else’s wealth.

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Based on the facts that the Bible provides no record of Jesus' life between ages 12 and 30, that he demonstrated a high degree of spiritual precocity at 12, and that the western-mid eastern world was an orderly place under the rule of the Roman empire, with safe and frequently-traveled trade routes certainly extending to India and beyond, the scenario of Jesus spending a good part of his youth and young adulthood in India is a reasonable supposition.


The supposition that he could have been married and had children is reasonable as well...absolute celibacy is not a requirement for spiritual greatness, as is demonstrated in our Gaudiya tradition. For some reason, though, the fundies really freak when this is suggested to them.


The Sunday-school tale that all of us of Christian background grew up with, and that the fundies promote: Jesus was single, lived with mom and dad, and was a local carpenter...is also a reasonable supposition.

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Based on the facts that the Bible provides no record of Jesus' life between ages 12 and 30, that he demonstrated a high degree of spiritual precocity at 12, and that the western-mid eastern world was an orderly place under the rule of the Roman empire, with safe and frequently-traveled trade routes certainly extending to India and beyond, the scenario of Jesus spending a good part of his youth and young adulthood in India is a reasonable supposition.


The supposition that he could have been married and had children is reasonable as well...absolute celibacy is not a requirement for spiritual greatness, as is demonstrated in our Gaudiya tradition. For some reason, though, the fundies really freak when this is suggested to them.


The Sunday-school tale that all of us of Christian background grew up with, and that the fundies promote: Jesus was single, lived with mom and dad, and was a local carpenter...is also a reasonable supposition.


Also .. if the magi "from the east" came to visit Jesus as infant, how long did they stay? Would they have been realized souls, devotees, having transcendental gifts? It would seem so.


From the east, WHO would have a beliefs that an Avatar could descend such that they would be willing to take up a difficult journey just to go an worship Him?


When the child grew, certainly his mother and father would have told him of such and event. Age 12, Jesus exhibits the sign of young adult life by leaving his parents and going to preach in the temple. It is perfectly reasonable, that he journeyed sometime after .. perhaps 15 years old to the east to seek out the "wise men", the magi.


Also a possibility ..


HerServant and yours.

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The Aquarian Gospel by Levi says he did.

But, it says that he criticized the Rathayatra, called the deities idols and said that chanting could not help you realize God.




Actually the depiction is quite different from the above statement. The scene is that as the cart of Jagannatha went by Jesus remarked that the preists were drunk on wine of carnal things and that KRSNA WAS NOT THERE.


So let's look at that. It is a fact that if you are worwhipping Lord Jagannatha thinking Him a piece of painted wood not realizing His transcendence, dance moved by the intensity of the crowd and noise and not by the taste of Love for God, and chant with a mundane awareness even though you may appear exhuberant you are not in ectasy you are in a state of frenzy which is a perverted reflection of dancing in ecstaic trance.


He also said God inhabits not the noise of men's tongues. By reading Hari Nama Cintamini we learn this is true. Krsna is present in suddha nama. Before that there is a reflection of the Holy Name which is compared to the first light of dawn. This is as far as an impersonalist can reach by chanting.


Deity worship should not be taken to the level of doll worship or else it is just that, doll or idol worship.


It is the same principle that Sita was never touched by Ravanna.

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