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My Servant Has Promised; It Must Be Fulfilled

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This surely happens all the time, that Krishna does so many things simultaneously that we human beings are not able to conceive all the interrelations.

When the guru promises his disciple at the initiation ceremony to bring him to the state of becoming qualified to enter the eternal Kingdom of God, this will surely happen.

And even something is wrongly done, still, Krishna fulfills because He thinks that, “My servant has promised; it must be fulfilled.”







"That is God’s intelligence, in one stroke He is doing so many things. He’s saving Prahlāda Mahārāja, He’s killing Hiranyakaśipu, He’s keeping intact the promise of Brahmā— everything. That is God’s intelligence.


"Even the devotee or the servant of Krishna says something, even it is wrong, Krishna upholds this. Kaunteya pratijānīhi na me bhaktah pranaśyati. So even it is wrongly done, still, Krishna fulfills because He thinks that “My servant has promised; it must be fulfilled.”


Therefore this Hiranyakaśipu thought himself to be very intelligent and wanted to cheat Krishna and His servant, but he was cheated actually.


At last, of course, He little chastised Brahmā that, “You should not give such benediction in future. This is botheration for Me.”


So to serve the servant of Krishna is better than to serve directly Krishna, because if the servant of Krishna promises something, if the servant of Krishna says, “I’ll take you to Krishnaloka,” you must go there. Even Krishna cannot do that. He can… I mean to say that He does not say very easily. But if a servant… Yasya prasādād bhagavat-prasādah. Therefore our philosophy is to please the servant of God, tad-bhritya, bhrityasya bhritya. Then it is very nice. The success is guaranteed."


Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.9.29

by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

Māyāpur, March 7, 1976

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This surely happens all the time, that Krishna does so many things simultaneously that we human beings are not able to conceive all the interrelations.

When the guru promises his disciple at the initiation ceremony to bring him to the state of becoming qualified to enter the eternal Kingdom of God, this will surely happen.


On Saturday, during his Govardhan Puja ("poo-juh", not "pooj" according to Gurudev--it's an important distinction), Srila Gurudev commented that he thinks many of his disciples do not know just what they have gotten when they receive initiation, but that, in time, they would come to understand.

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On Saturday, during his Govardhan Puja ("poo-juh", not "pooj" according to Gurudev--it's an important distinction), Srila Gurudev commented that he thinks many of his disciples do not know just what they have gotten when they receive initiation, but that, in time, they would come to understand.


Well, it's not perfect, but I got the first web-cam video up on Google Video.


Gurudeva's comments referenced above can be found at 1:05:16 in the clip.



<embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.swf?docId=7650915254973585331&hl=en" flashvars=""> </embed>




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