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Why Don’t You Speak Something New?

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The actual meaning of the word "guru" frequently used in lecture below means, siksa-guru. When listening to that lecture from beginning to end it becomes clear that the audience is classified as so very much neophyte, that the lecturer would never at no moment having considered his listerners as prospective candidates to sit on the vyasasana of the disciplic succession.


"So this is the process of guru. You cannot disobey the previous ācārya or guru. No. You have to repeat the same thing. Not research. Sometimes rascals come, that, “You are speaking the same thing. Why don’t you speak something new by research work?” We say that we have no intelligence, we cannot make any research. We are… Guru more mūrkha dekhi koriyā vicāra. Caitanya Mahāprabhu said that “My Guru Mahārāja saw Me a great fool number one.” So one who remains a great fool number one before his guru, he is guru. And one who says that, “I’m advanced so much that I can speak better than my guru,” then he’s rascal. This is the process."


Lecture: What is a Guru?

by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

London, August 22, 1973

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Yes don't speculate conclusions under the pressure to offer something new and distinquish yourself. That is the work of the speculative philosophers.


However, eternal truth has an infinite number of angles of vision from which He can be perceived and explained. One should not also just memorize the words of the guru and then spit them out when he thinks it approriate.


The example is Svarupa Damodara. Srila Prabhupada wanted him to introduce Krsna consciousness into the modern scientific community which takes some solid education into that discipline which no previous acarya had.


New angle, not new truth.

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Yes don't speculate conclusions under the pressure to offer something new and distinquish yourself. That is the work of the speculative philosophers.


However, eternal truth has an infinite number of angles of vision from which He can be perceived and explained. One should not also just memorize the words of the guru and then spit them out when he thinks it approriate.


The example is Svarupa Damodara. Srila Prabhupada wanted him to introduce Krsna consciousness into the modern scientific community which takes some solid education into that discipline which no previous acarya had.


New angle, not new truth.

Your repartee is as good as your logic at the same you cling to the disciplic succession - this is genuine Vaishnavism! Solid education - when seeing all the ISKCON leaders making their degrees of doctors, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's ulterior motive of taking sannyas came into mind. He took sannyas in order to be taken seriously by people in the 15th century Bengali society. Similiarly, in order to be taken seriously in 2007 in the West, an academic degree can effectuate this. This might have been the idea of many ISKCONites to undergo the troubles to inscribe in University.



Preaching is our real business, not getting big, big buildings and doing business for money just to maintain them, no. We shall live under a tree, that is not difficult, but we must go on preaching every moment, that will make us happy.


Letter to disciple


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