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Has the World Become a Better Place?

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Has the World Become a Better Place?




More then ever before Gaudiya-Vaisnavas need to bring the Vedic paradigm to the world's elites. It is a well-known fact, ISKCON and others have created beautiful temples in India and around the world. They have also done quite a lot in India and around the globe by taking the Bhagavat-dharma conception of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu far and wide all over the land of India. Still, as wonderful as that is, are Indians deeply grateful about the Sankirtan Movement? Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the yuga-avatar, especially asked and empowered the Indians to spread the sanatana-dharma all over the world. What is the result after 40 years? Has the success in India really done anything to change India, or the rest of the world? Is India a better place today then it was before ISKCON and others gained it's foothold? Is the world being objectively changed into a better place any real way by ISKCON or others?

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A couple of quick thoughts on your question.


Here in the USA:


A. Vegetarianism, cruelty-free lifestyles, etc. have taken firm root and are now considered to be both healthy and morally right by very many people. Independently of any particular religious teaching, these are becoming cultural norms in certain geographic areas, influential in all.


B. There is a huge amount of interest and participation in religious practices that lean toward inner discovery and self-realization. The number of teachers and institutional propagators of such practices is large and variegated, and there are also near-innumerable books on these subjects available in English.


Belief in "eastern" spiritual notions such as reincarnation and karma is widespread here now. Terms that refer to these, karma in particular, are part of everyday speech.


I'd say that these are changes much for the better, and that from a forty-year perspective, Srila Prabhupada and the Hare Krsna movement were and remain among the most significant pioneers in introducing A and B above to America.


USA, ca. 1967:


Vegetarianism was universally considered wierd, basically unhealthy, and commonly associated with hippies and "health faddists" of the whackiest type.


Complete misunderstanding of and misinformation regarding religious traditions other than the Judeo-Christian one was the norm; I have numerous memories in this regard.


Today, despite 40+ years of change, meat-eating is still predominant here, as is the Judeo-Christian religious tradition, and there is plenty of visible reactionary sentiment against widespread non-Judeo-Christian spiritualism and deviance from long-established dietary norms.


In regard to this, thank God for the US Constitution.

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Has the World Become a Better Place?




More then ever before Gaudiya-Vaisnavas need to bring the Vedic paradigm to the world's elites. It is a well-known fact, ISKCON and others have created beautiful temples in India and around the world. They have also done quite a lot in India and around the globe by taking the Bhagavat-dharma conception of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu far and wide all over the land of India. Still, as wonderful as that is, are Indians deeply grateful about the Sankirtan Movement? Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the yuga-avatar, especially asked and empowered the Indians to spread the sanatana-dharma all over the world. What is the result after 40 years? Has the success in India really done anything to change India, or the rest of the world? Is India a better place today then it was before ISKCON and others gained it's foothold? Is the world being objectively changed into a better place any real way by ISKCON or others?


Where have I read that before? Oh yeah...



Now more so then ever before Vaisnavas need to bring the Vedic paradigm to the world’s elites. ISKCON and others have created beautiful mandirs in India and around the world. They have also done quite a lot in India and around the globe by taking the Bhagavat conception of Sri Caitanya far and wide all over the land. Still, as wonderful as that is, often times in India it is little more then preaching to the choir. What is the result after 40 years? Has the success in India really done anything to change India, or the rest of the world? Is India a better place today then it was before ISKCON gained it’s foothold and following? Is the world being objectively changed in any real way by ISKCON or others?


My ideas are about reaching the worlds elite families. So much of the worlds wealth and power is concentrated in so few hands. A tiny fraction of the world’s population owns or controls most of the wealth of the world. Which in turn translates into a massive amount of power in the hands of a very few people.


These statistics are from the early 1990s:


Of the world’s 6 billion people, more than 1.2 billion live on less than $1 a day. Two billion more people are only marginally better off. About 60 percent of the people living on less than $1 a day live in South Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa.The world’s 3 richest people have wealth greater than the combined Gross Domestic Product (the value of all goods and services) of the world’s 48 poorest nations. The world’s richest 225 people (number of billionaires at that time) have combined assets equal to the combined annual income of the world’s 2.5 billion poorest people.


Since that time according to recent studies the rich have gotten much richer and the poor much poorer. Today that list of the worlds richest people has gone from 225 billionaires in the early ’90s to 946. Not only that but the wealth of the super wealthy has skyrocketed, vaulting them to a much larger piece of the world pie of wealth and power.In today’s world all of the power is held in very few hands. Power over media, over governments, over national economies, etc.


Reaching those people is what I would like to do. Maui offers a perfect opportunity to do that because it is a hang out for the worlds elites. There are several places around the world that are like a circuit for the super wealthy and their extended families. They include Hawaii, Switzerland, French, Italian and Spanish Rivieras, the Greek islands, the Caribbean islands, Los Angeles, London, and New York City.


Maui is the most popular destination for the elites in Hawaii.They hang out on Maui because it’s part of their circuit. The elite class of people jet set and yacht around the world going from party to party within their own social caste whenever they are not working, if they work. Maui is one of their gathering places because the weather is perfect, the beaches and jungles are gorgeous, and it’s a short flight from California where they also hang out for various reasons e.g meeting celebrities and working with the entertainment business.


So it turns out that Maui is a place that is always full of the world’s elites and their families. Maui is unique amongst the world’s elite hangouts because it is small and remote from the rest of the world and and culturally it has nothing to offer. There is no culture there. On the Riviera, or Switzerland, or Paris or London, or even California, there is culture of some type i.e many varied enjoyable things to do to entertain you: Live music from cutting edge and famous bands, theatre, big nightclubs, european culture of all types, cultural offerings of all varieties. But on Maui there is none of that. Maui is popular because of the beautiful natural surroundings, the comfortable amenities, and the perfect weather. A common complaint of the residents is that Maui has nothing to offer but that. Maui is a cultural wasteland. You hear that all the time from the people who live there. But because Maui is extremely heavenly and beautiful the super wealthy have made it a popular hang out for their circle. In fact Maui is the single wealthiest place on earth. In the 1980’s Maui overtook the French Riviera for that title.


So on Maui what we have is a captive audience in a very small place with nothing to do besides relaxing at health spas, enjoying the perfect weather and beautiful beaches along with enjoying the pristine rainforests which are teeming with countless waterfalls with crystal clear pools as well as wild fruits galore e.g mangos, gauvas, avacados, papayas, passionfruit, bananas, coconut, etc. Enjoying nature and water sports and spas as well as partying with their friends is really all there is for the wealthy to do on Maui. So any kind of entertaining cultural offering and everyone will go. Thats a given because there is no cultural scene there at all.


So my plan is to create a cultural center in the populated area of the island. With a theatre, restaurant, and beautiful temple complex. In the secluded sparsely populated part of the island where all the waterfalls and jungles are, the “Hana side” of East Maui, I envision a yoga retreat and ayurveda healing spa as well as a vaisnava familial community.


I envision it as a place for cultivating relationships with the world’s elites. I want it to be a place where people can relax and enjoy associating with devotees in a vedic environment in a tropical paradise. Preaching directly at the world’s elite families in the same fashion as is done in ordinary circumstances by vaisnavas would be seen by them as trying to separate them from their money. They are generally fearful of people outside of their caste as wanting to exploit them for their wealth. The correct method of influencing them to take to vaisnavism is to become their friends, then they will mingle with us and becomed exposed to our lifestyle. If our lifestyle is to have a beautiful vedic environment populated by a blissful community enjoying ecstatic kirtans, prasadam, sadhu sanga etc, then that would be enough exposure to Krishna consciousness to affect the world’s elite familes. Simply by becoming their friends, becoming their social peers, by giving them exposure to vaisnavas in a setting that they will be attracted to, that will be a very powerful influence on them. They will naturally inquire and want to know what we are all about. The power of the association of Vaisnavas as friends rather then as preachers will be much more effective then trying to preach to them without their asking for it. The Vaisnava youth would be especially effective in attracting the families of the world’s most powerful people.


I feel that the best way to influence them to take to the study of vaisnavism is that we will provide full facility for them to find out about it without us coming across as people who want to convert them. All of this done in arguably the most heavenly place on earth. This would have the effect that they cannot help but want to know what we are all about.


There are plenty of qualified vaisnavas to take part. What it needs is funding from people who see the potential. ISKCON has received and spent huge amounts of money on enormously lavish projects that have little in the way of results compared to what that money could accomplish on Maui. From a Caitanya Caritamrta purport by A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami::



A Vaisnava is immediately purified, provided he follows the rules and regulations of his bona fide spiritual master. It is not necessary that the rules and regulations followed in India be exactly the same as those in Europe, America and other Western countries. Simply imitating without effect is called niyamagraha. Not following the regulative principles but instead living extravagantly is also called niyamagraha. The word niyama means "regulative principles," and agraha means "eagerness." The word agraha means "not to accept." We should not follow regulative principles without an effect, nor should we fail to accept the regulative principles. What is required is a special technique according to country, time and candidate. In this connection, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura comments on these points by quoting two verses by Sri Rupa Gosvami (Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.255-256).


anasaktasya visayan

yatharham upayunjatah

nirbandhah krsna-sambandhe

yuktam vairagyam ucyate


prapancikataya buddhya


mumuksubhih parityago

vairagyam phalgu kathyate


"When one is not attached to anything but at the same time accepts everything in relation to Krsna, one is rightly situated above possessiveness. On the other hand, one who rejects everything without knowledge of its relationship to Krsna is not as complete in his renunciation."


To preach the bhakti cult, one should seriously consider these verses.


I feel that the types of demands put on people living in Iskcon and other yoga ashramas when it comes to total renunciation of all sensual enjoyments would be a detriment and counter productive for the purpose of the Maui vaisnava community I envision. Wealthy powerful people greedily desire enjoyments of all kinds and they are used to and demand them. The yoga ashrama culture of ISKCON temples, ashramas, and country communities is fine for the purpose they are intended for. They are for the cultivation of bhakti yoga following the yogic ashrama standard of sadhana and tapasya.


The people we wish to cultivate will not be accepting of us as their friends if we make ourselves out as holier then thou by presenting ourselves as superior to them or as people who seem to want them to give up their enjoying lifestyle. We do not want to come across as people who look down on them or as people who shun the enjoying spirit. Suggesting that they should be giving up their lavish lifestyles of sense enjoyment will have the effect that they will not care to be around people who try and convince them to do so. The stressing of the renunciation of material enjoyment is counterproductive for achieving the goal of this project. The goal is to cultivate friendships, to associate with the world’s wealthiest people in a community of vaishnavas.


Creating an atmosphere of inclusion and fun is what I see as the best vehicle for reaching out and touching the world’s elite in a way that they will be attracted towards. It is by teaching Vedic Dharma in this way that the worlds elite will be attracted to learn from Vedic sources and Bhakti Yoga practitioners. What we want to avoid is coming across as people who renounce enjoyment. The people we wish to cultivate simply cannot relate to the conception that they can never get enough enjoyment no matter how hard they try. Most of them have been waited on hand and foot since the time they were born, all they do is enjoy, they don’t work, they don’t struggle for existence, they live life like demigods to a degree.


The world’s elite are very interested in Yoga and Vedic culture. By presenting a community of tolerant, inclusive, happy, fun loving vaisnavas, people will naturally want to be a part of the scene and get to know us and become our friends. We don’t want to come across as religious extremists who are all about renouncing enjoying. Reaching out and touching the world’s elite class of people requires a special methodology. But by doing so the entire world can be affected because those people have connections to the world’s leaders in all fields of endeavor.


What we need is financing from those who can see the potential. Maui is the ideal place for the cultivation of the world’s elite class. It is small and there is not much in the way of entertainment and therefore any type of interesting attraction will generate interest from that class of people. This project is not about preaching Krishna consciousness in the way that is usually done in the traditional manner. This project is about becoming close to the leaders of society as friends of them and their families. We will need an attraction to get the people out to meet the vaisnavas. I propose a restaurant and live theatre complex. There is nothing like that on Maui. It will generate instant and ongoing interest from the elite class of people who regularly vacation and live there. Ideally we would like to also have an ayurvedic spa-yoga retreat and community center with living arrangements in the Hana side of Maui. It is very secluded and beautiful and is often referred to as the most beautiful place on the planet. We would also ideally require a large home on the other side of the island where the restaurant and theatre complex would be located. There the devotees who work in the restaurant and theatre can live and entertain. Essentially we would have devotees living in the populated part of the island and also in the secluded sparsely populated part of the island. This is because even though the island is small, the terrain between the populated side and the Hana side makes the journey very slow going. The road to Hana is one of the most famous roads in the world and it takes a good 3 hours to travel it. Here is a video (Youtube.com) of that road.


Hana Road






Here are some videos of the area around Hana





Here are the more populated parts of the island



















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After you chant, can't you see how happy and stately the trees are, the people are? They have no idea why, but they are. And our footdust and their footdust spread around and around - changing the world spinning round and round.


After 500 years the dust floated across the oceans, and soon enough the rest of the world will become enchanted.


It's in the bag.

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Where have I read that before? Oh yeah...



Thanks Shiva prabhu for again posting at audarya after a 3 year break. Good though that you daily surf through audarya and immediately detect the wrongs - a quote without reference to your Hawaiian paradise refuge. How is your DVD pilot project developing?

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Thanks Shiva prabhu for again posting at audarya after a 3 year break. Good though that you daily surf through audarya and immediately detect the wrongs - a quote without reference to your Hawaiian paradise refuge. How is your DVD pilot project developing?


If you click on my name, then click on "Find all posts by shiva", then click on "last" at the right where it says "page 1 of 5", you can see that since March 25 2006 I have made 121 posts here. So there's another "wrong" I have detected by you suchandra, if that is your real name.

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My little world is a whole lot brighter due to associating just a little with Prabhupada's shadow. The prospect for the future is golden. Hopefully I have been able to help one other along the way.


The world? I can longer think that big ..if I ever could.


Everyone I know who goes on Audarya Fellowship reads your posts. Do you have any idea how many people all over the planet are reading your 'preaching'? Also never before in Kali-yuga have we had an oportunity to 'post' a statement about Lord Caitanyas moventment that can be instantly read at an out-post at the South Pole or in central Asia or even on the space station circling our planet. Do we all understand this instrument for preaching right at our fingertips?


I always read this first -


"If a devotee accepts Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as the universal guru and Lord Jagannatha as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna, he is benefited by the combined mercy of Krsna and guru." - Madhya 13.18 purport

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Everyone I know who goes on Audarya Fellowship reads your posts. Do you have any idea how many people all over the planet are reading your 'preaching'? Also never before in Kali-yuga have we had an oportunity to 'post' a statement about Lord Caitanyas moventment that can be instantly read at an out-post at the South Pole or in central Asia or even on the space station circling our planet. Do we all understand this instrument for preaching right at our fingertips?


I always read this first -


"If a devotee accepts Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as the universal guru and Lord Jagannatha as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna, he is benefited by the combined mercy of Krsna and guru." - Madhya 13.18 purport

Thanks Ashvatama prabhu, this is of course the central point, to get the mercy of our parampara, the mercy of the yuga-avatar, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, by posting the best possible information to make people feel attracted to get involved in the path of bhakti - reviving our original relationship with the Supreme Lord Sri Krishna. Since people don't read long online posts, the task is to present the teachings of scripture and our acaryas in short highlights, trying to connect with contemporary issues. Events of the day seen through sastra, so to speak. Since the trend clearly goes to Vaishnava websites with posting option turned off - consisting of a team of responsible staff writers, what you're saying is quite on the spot.


Letter to disciple, November 14, 1968: "You should not give political or social discussions, while speaking on Krishna Consciousness philosophy from Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam you can simply touch on some socio-political implications.


Krishna Consciousness is so broad and all inclusive that naturally when speaking in Krishna Consciousness we get so many opportunities to deal in politics although that is not our subject matter. To do so requires expert handling. You can take part in such classes and present the subject matter in such a way that it may at first appear like socio-political-philosophical affairs, but actually introduce our Krishna Consciousness philosophy. That requires tactful handling. You can give it a political etc., headline, and then end it with our philosophy.


This is Visokumbham Payomukhan. That means to give somebody a jar of poison with a label of nectarine or milk preparation on it. So we have to become politician in this way, just like in old politics there was presentation of Visokanya. This visokanya is a poison beautiful girl. The idea was that a baby girl was from the very beginning administered little doses of poison everyday, which she could tolerate. And gradually increasing the doses, culminating in large doses when she was youth. Such girls were engaged in killing enemies. The enemy will be received as a guest, and this girl will be engaged for looking after his comfort, and when they are friendly, as soon as the enemy will kiss the girl in the mouth, the poisonous effect will immediately affect, because with tongue the poison is very quickly effective. And the enemy would die.


Similarly, we have to introduce Krishna Consciousness in such a way that through politics and sociology they will be injected and become Krishna Consciousness. But instead of being a victim, they will be immortalized. That is the difference.


The story of Ramanujacarya as stated by you is not disobedience. It was a great fervor for the disciple to advance the missionary cause of the Spiritual Master. Such rare instances are sometimes visible in many places. Just like there [TEXT UNCLEAR] lying on the floor. The story is like this: Caitanya Mahaprabhu after taking His lunch would rest for a while and Govinda was daily massaging His feet. So one day Caitanya Mahaprabhu fell asleep very soon and keeping His head on the threshold. So while He was sleeping, Govinda came crossing the body of Caitanya and massaged His Feet. But he was sitting there, so when Caitanya Mahaprabhu was awake He saw that Govinda was sitting there although it was too late.


So He inquired, "Govinda, you have not taken your Prasadam, you are sitting here?" So he replied, "Yes, I shall go now to take Prasadam." Caitanya Mahaprabhu inquired, "Why so late?" He replied, "I could not go on the other side because You were lying on the threshold." Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "How did you come in?" He flatly replied, "By crossing You." Then He inquired, "Why did you not go out by crossing Me?" Govinda said, "That I cannot do. I came crossing You inside the room for Your service, but I cannot go out crossing You for taking my lunch. That would be for my sense gratification."


The idea is for service of the superior sometimes such violation appears to be in the scene. Ramanujacarya violated the order of the Spiritual Master to advance the cause of the Spiritual Master. The Spiritual Master's mission was to deliver fallen souls, therefore Ramanujacarya considered that if the mantra was so powerful to deliver the persons, why not deliver it to everyone as soon as possible. That was a little tactic to advance the cause of the Spiritual Master.


So everything has to be judged by the motive, and as the motive of such apparent violation was very good, Ramanuja's Spiritual Master embraced him. This is not actually violating the order of the Spiritual Master. But such actions are very rarely to be done.


Yes, there is definitely a vast difference between initiated and non-initiated. One who is initiated is authorized, and one who is not initiated is not authorized. Just like, for example, Pradyumna is attending class in Sanskrit in a college, he is given chance to learn Sanskrit, but he is not equal with the regular students. One who becomes initiated is channelized to the authorities in the disciplic succession.


One who isn't initiated may chant Hare Krishna (and should certainly be encouraged to do so) and serve in his own way, and gradually by doing so he may want to be initiated. But otherwise he may fall away from following the rules and regulations.


The clothing is already painted on the Jagannathas, even there is no cloth. And even Krishna is naked, that does not make any difference. But when we dress Him, our service is appreciated. From Krishna's side, naked or dressed, He is Krishna. And from our side, if we nicely dress Krishna and nicely feed Him, He is appreciating our service and we are certainly benefited. Krishna is the same; He does not require us to dress Him, or feed him, etc., but the more I serve by dressing, feeding and caring for Him, He appreciates the service, and I become more Krishna Conscious.


Yes, it is all right to continue painting Lord Caitanya and the Gopis as you have been, in flesh tone.

It is not mentioned how many hands the different Brahmas from the different universes have. Maybe four hands. Yes, they ride on swans.


I am sending herewith the tape, so you do the work on your dictaphone and send me regularly the typed copies. Don't stop sending them, it makes me stop also. Unless I get back the typed copies it doesn't encourage me. So you send me the typed copies regularly and I shall send you the tapes regularly. What about the 3rd Canto? I know that I have made up to the 3rd Canto 7th chapter and the present tape is continuation, but I am in darkness where are the papers. So give me an account where are the papers.


I am concerned about Jadurani's health condition--has she got any fever? If she has feverish condition, she should simply lie down and do no work.


Hope you are well, and please keep me informed of your temple affairs, as well as about Jadurani's health condition.


Your ever well-wisher,

A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami"

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Everyone I know who goes on Audarya Fellowship reads your posts. Do you have any idea how many people all over the planet are reading your 'preaching'? Also never before in Kali-yuga have we had an oportunity to 'post' a statement about Lord Caitanyas moventment that can be instantly read at an out-post at the South Pole or in central Asia or even on the space station circling our planet. Do we all understand this instrument for preaching right at our fingertips?


I always read this first -


"If a devotee accepts Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as the universal guru and Lord Jagannatha as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna, he is benefited by the combined mercy of Krsna and guru." - Madhya 13.18 purport


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only Krishna's love can do that.The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.


We must develop and maintain the capacity to forgive. He who is devoid of the power to forgive is devoid of the power to love. There is some good in the worst of us and some evil in the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies. History will record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition where the world is turning into a global Vikkage, was not only the strident clamor and sinful activity of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.


Narottama dasa Thakura prays to Lord Caitanya, "My dear Lord, please be merciful to me, because who can be more merciful than Your Lordship within these three worlds?" Actually, this is a fact. Not only Narottama dasa Thakura, but Rupa Gosvami also prayed to Lord Caitanya in this way.

At the time of the first meeting of Lord Caitanya and Rupa Gosvami at Prayaga (Allahabad),


Srila Rupa Gosvami said, "My dear Lord, You are the most munificent of all incarnations, because You are distributing love of Krsna, Krsna consciousness." When Krsna was personally present He simply asked us to surrender, but He did not distribute Himself so easily. He made conditions -- "First of all you surrender." But this incarnation, Lord Caitanya, although Krsna Himself, makes no such condition. He simply distributes: "Take love of Krsna."


Therefore Lord Caitanya is approved as the most munificent incarnation.


Narottama dasa Thakura says, "Please be merciful to me. You are so magnanimous, because You have seen the fallen souls of this age, and You are very much compassionate to them, but You should know also that I am the most fallen. No one is more greatly fallen than me." Patita-pavana-hetu tava avatara: "Your incarnation is just to reclaim the conditioned, fallen souls, but I assure You that You will not find a greater fallen soul than me. Therefore, my claim is first." By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada







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Blaming Iskcon for our current problems is a common problem. I have really been infected by that disease myself. Even in my ordinary day to day life I look first to others as the cause for any problem that arises in my life. I struggle with this. But when we strip away all the ***p it comes down to I am the one that choose to investigate a life apart from Krsna and it is my continued reluctance to reconnect with the Lord that keeps me in this situation. All my external enviroment is nothing but a reflection of my own consciousness.



I thought this is ecouraging on this thread

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