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Responsive Cooperation

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This lecture I heard today and, yes, it all seems very easy, "I may not surrender to Krishna cent percent, but why He is not kind cent percent?” So that is Krishna’s discrimination. Why He should? He can… He can become cent percent, but He does not do so. That means Krishna is sentient; He is not impersonal. Don’t think that whatever you are doing, Krishna cannot see."





"When I started for your country, I came to Māyāpur. I offered my obeisances to my spiritual master, then I went. At that time I had no money even to purchase the ticket. And after that, I have come with forty crores. This is the secret. Ye yathā māṁ prapadyante. If you fully surrender to Krishna, then Krishna is there. You have to learn how to take from Krishna. Of course, a devotee is never desirous to take anything from Krishna. He wants to give only. This is pure devotee. A pure devotee wants, “Krishna, whatever little I have got, You take it, everything.” And Krishna says, “Yes, because you have given your everything, even up to your life, I’ll also give you My everything to you.” This is Krishna.



There is a verse in the Bhagavad-gītā, ye yathā māṁ prapadyante tāms tathaiva bhajāmy aham: [Bg. 4.11] “It is up to you to… If you surrender cent percent, then I am also fully cent percent for you.” But if you have got discrimination—“Certain percentage for my wife, certain percentage for my children, certain percentage for my country, certain percent…,” so on, so on, so on, so on, ultimately, “Zero for God”—then God is also zero. It is up to you. But if you take God—“You are my everything”—then He is also for you, everything. It is up to you. Parāvaratvam. He does not discriminate. You discriminate. There are many persons, they come to Vṛndāvana, and whatever they have earned throughout the whole life, so they give everything to the wife and children and make contract that “I am going to Vṛndāvana. You send me at least two hundred rupees for my expenditure.” “And what about two lakhs and crores?” “Oh, that is yours. The two lakhs and crores, what I have earned, that is for you, my dear children, my dear wife, and you give me two hundred for God. So I am going to Vṛndāvana.” So Krishna is very intelligent: “All right, I am also for you two hundred. I am also for you two hundred.” Ye yathā mām… This is the meaning, real meaning. Ye yathā māṁ prapadya… Krishna is for you. It is called… What is called the exact word? Responsive cooperation. “If you have surrendered to Me cent percent, then I respond cent percent. If you have surrendered twenty-five percent, then I respond twenty-five percent.” This is the position.

So Prahlāda Mahārāja knows it, that naiṣā parāvara-matir bhavato: “You have no such thing as discriminating.” So one may say that “I may… I am foolish, I may not surrender to Krishna cent percent, but why He is not kind cent percent?” So that is Krishna’s discrimination. Why He should? He can… He can become cent percent, but He does not do so. That means Krishna is sentient; He is not impersonal. Don’t think that whatever you are doing, Krishna cannot see. In the Deity room, if you think that “This Deity is made of brass. Whatever nonsense I can do, He does not see,” no, He can see everything. Añgāni yasya sakalendriya-vṛttimanti paśyanti pānti kalayanti. He sees."


Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 7.9.27

by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

Māyāpur, March 5, 1976

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