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Acid-Alkaline PH is legit karmi logic to be vegetarian

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Acid--Alkaline Connection to Health


I think I stumbled onto the Rosetta stone of health Problems and thus,

a way of grounding the need to be vegetarian-- all under one heading.

Upon more closer analysis it would seem that the balance between "Acid &

Alkaline (ph)" constitutions in the body are the basis for predicting illness.

Once upon a time vitamins were unknown; cigarettes were advertised by doctors; coke-cola contained cocaine; calorie restriction was relegated to doctors; "Low-Carbohydrates" replaced "Low-Fat" intake monitoring; allergies were about pollen & sneezing; inflammation was about pimples and Bee stings —now this data on Acid-Alkaline PH will be the basis to enlighten the public and medical personnel as to how bad eating habits cause acids and acidic results in the body via PH levels (pH means "potential to release Hydrogen" molecules)—all within the lexicon of the established medical establishment.

I predict that all common discussions regarding maintaining proper health will move into a newly praised field of "Acid vs Alkaline Content in the Body." ---[though I am a novice to the chemistry of the human body---the rules of Ayur-veda & pranayama breathing & control of the tongue are part and parcel to awareness of how Acids affect the body, mind & societal karma].

I realize that my above writing is too general and flowery to explain what I found in this literature---so in lieu of getting the entire book posted for all to see, I ask you to research this subject.



Nov. 15, 2007


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  • 11 months later...

Any one notice the rise in the use of the terms?:


"Acidity" --the relation to health?


"Alkalinity" --the relation to health?


Well, it's happening!


Acid vs. Alkaline = The basic ying and yang paradigm of an elementary chemistry class.


By using "Acid vs. Alkaline" as a guage to maintain bodily health --it becomes abundantly clear how junk foods or processed foods or limited food stocks lead to acidity --thus ailments.


Health cannot thrive in an acidic pH enviroment.



The Facts: acids inhibit oxygen/growth etc.

On the pH-Scale of measurement [Zero to 14], 7 is neutral —this is the pH of a healthy body; mineral-spring water etc.

Any ailment in any locale in the body signifies an Acidic state in that area.

The organs such as the kidneys, liver, etc rid the body (blood stream) of acidic compounds . . .

These purifying organs require alkaline minerals (ie: potassium, magnesium etc,; via dietary intake) to perform their functions.

Poor Dietary habits overburden these organs, and thus, these organs leach-out required minerals.

Green food stuffs replenishes the balance by provided alkaline minerals to organs that combat acid componds.

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  • 2 months later...

Naturally improving your pH balance

The most important aspect of this is to understand that you must make the proper nutrients, vitamins and minerals available to your body when it needs them. At Women to Women, we call this optimal nutrition, and in this day and age you need to work a little to get it. Here are some ideas on how to balance your diet and support healthy digestive pH levels.

  • Take a high-quality daily multivitamin like the one we offer through our Personal Program. This will offset any nutritional gaps and insure that your body has the reserves it needs. The right supplement should contain essential vitamins and minerals, including calcium and magnesium. In addition, I recommend an essential fatty acid supplement, and a good quality probiotic can help the body absorb the minerals that are all-important to your bones.

  • Fill your plate with fresh vegetables, particularly the dark green leafy kind. Add fresh lemon or lime to foods and beverages as a flavor accent. Enjoy plenty of fruit between meals. Again, foods which are fresh, organic, and deeply pigmented or brightly colored are the kinds that benefit you the most!

  • Consider boosting your diet with “green foods” or “green drinks,” which contain the pigment chlorophyll in abundance. The plant world’s equivalent of the hemoglobin in our blood, we can thank chlorophyll for generating all our food (except perhaps fungi!). It works in the body as a strong detoxifier and immunity–building agent. Foods that contain high levels of chlorophyll include the algae Spirulina and Chlorella and the juice of wheat grass and other sprouted grains. These foods offer high levels of other micronutrients as well, and their neat packaging can be especially helpful for those who lack time to prepare whole balanced meals or people recovering from illness.

  • Watch your red meat intake, and keep your servings of the acidifying proteins down to 4 oz per meal (the size of a deck of cards).

  • Avoid refined carbohydrates whenever you can, including sugar, and emphasize the “whole” in whole grains. Eliminate all processed foods, particularly those that contain partially hydrogenated oils (trans fats).

  • Clear the digestive slate with a gentle detox plan, like our Quick Cleanse, to get a better reading on how your diet — and pH — are affecting your sense of well-being. You may be surprised at how well you feel!

  • If you suffer from IBS, acid reflux, or regular heartburn, consider testing your pH. Remember that you may have too little acid in your stomach, not too much. Don’t just assume that an acid stomach means you’re too acidic.

  • Chew your food slowly and thoroughly. Enjoy every bite!

The beauty of balance

The subject of body pH may be having its 15 minutes of fame — and if it helps you to tune in to what’s going on in your body and eat a healthier diet, I’m all for that. Indeed, there are some people who are extremely sensitive to fluctuating pH levels and need to take serious action — but you won’t know until you find a good healthcare practitioner to guide you. And even then, pH is only one piece of the puzzle. To my mind, pH is a helpful indicator of overall balance in the body. But it’s just the tip of the iceberg, and no amount of trendy drinks or diet plans will make it more than that.

That being said, paying attention to your pH is one place you can begin to make a positive change. If it feels like a good place for you to start taking better care of yourself, I encourage you to do so. From there, it’s my hope that you will continue to listen to your body and help it find balance on all fronts, including your hormones, your emotions, and your lifestyle.

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Health Suffering from Acidic Diet?

An Over-Acidic Body May Prompt Weight Gain, Fatigue and Osteoporosis


When acidity and alkalinity are not properly balanced in the body, the breakdown may cause a myriad of chronic health problems that can be remedied with proper diet.

Fat is an acidity problem in the body’s cells, tissues and organs. So are fatigue, allergies, arthritis, osteoporosis and countless other common chronic diseases and maladies.

So says a growing legion of physicians and researchers, including New Biology author Dr. Robert O. Young, who writes in The Alkalarian Approach to Optimal Health that people suffer allergies, gain weight and lack energy because of overly acidic diets.

“Our bodies were designed to be healthy, slender and energic," he says. "Over-acidification interferes with life itself, leading to sickness and disease."

Take Obesity


Dr. Young believes the toxins produced from an overly acidic, oxygen-deprived body may contribute significantly to the growing problem of Americans being overweight.

He says the body creates fat cells to carry acids away from vital organs as a way to prevent these acids from literally "choking organs to death." Left unchecked, toxic acids with high pH levels corrode body tissue, leading to various ailments.

“Fat is saving your life,” he writes. “Fat is actually a response from the body to an alarming over acidic condition.”



Fatigue is probably the most major symptom or complaint of an overly acidic body. Toxins produced from the acidic environment reduce the body's ability to absorb minerals and proteins.

In turn, the production of enzymes and hormones is weakened. The result is fatigue, poor endurance, an inability to add muscle tone, and general weakness, Dr. Young says.



Don Colbert, M.D. bestselling author of Living Divine Health (Siloam, 2006), agrees that an overly acidic body environment can contribute to all sorts of health problems, including everything from arthritis and cancer to osteoporosis, which is one of the most significant health problems in America today.

Because of an overly acidic diet, he says, “Approximately one out of every four females and one out of every eight males over fifty suffer from osteoporosis."

Foods that help preserve the amount of calcium in our bones are alkaline foods. They include most fruits and vegetables, millet, almonds, apple cider vinegar, garlic, lentils and soured dairy products such as low fat yogurt.

“Your diet should probably consist of 50 percent alkaline-forming foods or higher and 50 percent acid-forming foods or lower. If your diet includes a lot of acidic foods, begin now to make changes that will protect your body from bone loss and disease," Dr. Colbert says.

What Causes Acidity?


Dr. Stuart Zoll, D.O.M., A.P., who runs the Center for Preventative Medicine in Boca Raton, Florida, writes in How to Optimize Your Health (distributed 2007) that a diet high in acid foods such as red meat, pork, processed meats, corn and peanuts, bagels, pastries, rolls, sugar, chocolate, candy, deserts, fried foods, carbonated soft drinks and dairy products causes acid wastes to build up in the body.

How does a person know if they're overly acidic? Tissue acidity can be determined by measuring the pH of the blood, saliva and urine, he says.

He recommends the best ways to treat acidity in the body include herbal and homeopathic drainage formulas to stimulate the liver, kidneys and lymph systems. Also he tells his patients to increase water intake, increase vegetable intake, increase exercise, try digestive enzymes when indicated, and "have more fun and pleasure in your life."

Ideal foods for a balanced acid/alkaline body are brown rice, oatmeal, all fresh vegetables, lemons, chicken and turkey, soy products, most fish (especially those high in omega 3 fatty acids such as salmon, trout, sardines and herring), olive oil, avocados, flax see oil, salads, seeds and most nuts.

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Balancing Your Body by Understanding Alkaline and Acid Forming Foods


Foods are generally categorized as acid or alkaline based on the residue they leave in the human body after they have been metabolized. Often there are fad diets that recommend people eat either all acid or all alkaline foods to solve one disease or another.

In reality, it is probably healthier to strive for a balanced middle ground of alkaline and acidic foods. A variety of health problems can occur when the body is either too alkaline or acidic. When the body fluids become too acidic, a condition called acidosis develops. Conversely, when the body fluids become too alkaline, alkalosis results.


Foods are determined to have either an alkaline or acid forming potential based on their pH values. (The word pH comes from the chemistry formula for calculating the concentration of hydrogen ions present in a substance. pH refers to the "power of Hydrogen.") A pH of 7 is neutral.

Foods with an alkaline ash have pH values above 7. Foods with an acid ash have pH values below 7. Pure water has a neutral pH of 7.


In general most grains, dairy products, meats, seeds, legumes and nuts tend to have an acid ash. Most fruits and vegetables tend to have an alkaline ash.

Cooked foods tend to be more alkaline than raw foods. Many holistic practitioners believe that modern Western diets generally are too acidic for good health due to a lack of fruits and vegetables.

They often stress the importance of modifying one's diet to achieve a better acid-base balance.


However, it is generally not a good idea to assume your diet is too acidic just because that is a common problem in the general population. There are many factors that can influence the human body's pH levels.

People who drink a lot of mineral water, take mineral supplements or eat highly a lot of alkaline foods such as dandelion greens or potatoes, may have an alkaline levels that are too high. Many holistic health practitioners recommended that people buy a special type of pH paper that can be used to test pH levels based on urine or saliva samples.


Foods such as orange juice and lemon juice are acidic in their natural state but turn alkaline after they have been metabolized in the body.

As such, for dietetic purposes they are usually considered to be alkaline forming foods despite being acidic prior to consumption.

Most fruits are alkaline except a few that include cranberries, plums and prunes. These fruits are classified as acidic because they contain acids the body can't metabolize.

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Acid Reflux Diet



Many people take over-the-counter antacids for a quick ease of acid reflux, but for most people, a proper diet is the best solution for overcoming acid reflux.





Acid Reflux Diet Myth




  • Myth 1: Drink milk

    A lot of people try drinking milk to ease acid reflux before sleep. But often, milk ends up causing acid reflux during sleep. To understand the whole situation, we have to realize that the problem roots from eating too much at dinner time. Eating a big meal at dinner causes excess stomach acid production. Drinking milk could be a quick fix to the acid reflux problem. Unfortunately, milk has a rebound action and would eventually encourage secretion of more stomach acid, which causes the acid reflux. To solve the problem, try adjusting your diet by eating a small meal at dinner and have a small snack such as crackers before sleep.
  • Myth 2: Avoid coffee, citrus fruits and Spicy food

    We have been told for years that coffee, acidic fruit as well as spicy foods can aggravate acid reflux. Therefore, we should avoid these in our daily diet in order to reduce acid reflux. A recent study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in May 2006 showed that none of these myths hold true. Researchers from the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:place w:st=Stanford University </ST1:P</st1:place>found that the only two behavioral changes can reduce symptoms of acid reflux - eating less and elevate your head while sleeping.


Acid Reflux Diet




  • First of all, try to eat small, frequent meals instead of three big meals a day. Small amounts of food each time would exert less workload on the stomach and therefore requires less acid secretion for digestion. Make sure to include foods that are high in complex carbohydrates in each meal. These foods, such as rice, breads and pasta, are able to tie up excess stomach acid and are often easy on the stomach.
  • Avoid high-fat meals such as those from the fast food chains. High fat foods will remain in the stomach longer, thus causing the need for more stomach acid in order to digest them.
  • But remember, don't overeat! Eating too much of any foods will stimulate the stomach to secret more acids for digestion.
  • Avoid or limit alcohol.
  • Maintain upright position during and at least 45 minutes after eating.
  • Try elevating the head of bed six to eight inches when lying down.

Don't think that beverages just quickly flow through your stomach without affecting acid production. Surprisingly, a lot of beverages stimulate acid secretion such as beer, wine and pop. The worst of all is beer. It could double your stomach acid within an hour.

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Acid - Alkaline Balance for Optimal Health

There are a lot of books out these days that recommend making your diet more alkaline to improve your health. While I do think acid-alkaline balance is important in a person's diet, I always find these books a bit odd, because many of my past health problems stemmed from being too alkaline.

I started testing my urine pH years ago before it was "trendy" to do so. In my case my urine pH was out of the normal range on the alkaline side of the scale. Other family members had the same problem. When I switched my family to a more acidic diet, our bladder infections cleared up and both of my children's adult teeth started coming in all of a sudden.


I suspect that previously my children had been suffering from delayed dentition because their bodies didn't have the right nutrients, or perhaps their bodies were not able to absorb the right nutrients to form their adult teeth, due to a lack of stomach acid. I noticed many of their allergies and chronic sinus and ear infections also cleared up as their diets became more acidic.


Researchers from Japan found that ovariectomized rats fed a low-calcium diet had better calcium absorption when the rats were fed on a diet containing 1.6% vinegar (a very acidic substance) for 32 days than when fed on a diet without vinegar.


So for the last ten years or so I've been a firm believer in the value of acid - alkaline balance in the diet through first morning urine testing. I know a lot of traditional Western doctors feel this isn't helpful, but these are the same doctors who were putting my kids on endless cycles of antibiotics for years that did more harm than good.

So I do feel in situations like this it is better to trust my own judgment than to blindly follow authority figures' advice, especially when that advice has harmed myself and my children in the past with unnecessary drugs with nasty side effects.

Urine testing is inexpensive, easy to do, and seems to help with health issues based on my personal observations. I can't think of any downside to having my urine pH in the normal range.


Listed below are the correlations I've noticed between health issues and out of range urine pH with myself and other family members.

When the urine is too acidic, my family seems to also have many many of the following conditions:


  • High blood pressure
  • Headaches
  • Acid reflux (heartburn)
  • Acid indigestion
  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Heat rashes
  • Motion sickness - (I think movement sloshes the excess acid around in the stomach making people more easily nauseous)
  • Muscle pains
  • Insomnia
  • Cold feet and hands

In Ayurvedic (traditional Indian) medicine, an overly acid condition is associated with a pitta dosha. After taking my son to endless traditional and holistic Western doctors, we found the answers to my son's sweaty head at night and stomach aches on the Internet in Ayurvedic web sites.

He fit the pitta dosha descriptions perfectly, and the recommended diets to balance a pitta dosha put him on the road to recovery. (The traditional yoga diet, which emphasizes a diet high in fresh fruit and vegetables, tends to be an alkaline diet.)


When the urine is too alkaline, I've noticed the following conditions seems to develop:


Please note most of the above lists are not taken from any books or studies - they are just my personal observations of what happens to my family when their urine pH gets out of normal range in either direction.

I think when we don't have enough acid it makes it easier for bacteria and fungus to thrive, hence the onset of bacterial and fungal related conditions. So I certainly don't agree with most of the popular books out today that everyone need to be more alkaline.

There is a condition called alkalosis that can occur when body fluids become overly alkaline. Medical symptoms of alkalosis include muscle twitching, spasms, lightheadedness, confusion and tremors.


However, being too acidic seems to have it's own issues, including a condition called acidosis. Among other symptoms, metabolic acidosis can lead to a loss of calcium.

In a 2006 study, researchers in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:place w:st=<st1:country-region w:st=" /><st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Sweden</st1:place></st1:country-region> found that an acid load in the human body can also cause a loss of renal magnesium . This could contribute to a deficiency of Mg which can lead to conditions conditions such as migraines, osteopenia, osteoporosis, and mitral valve prolapse.

Many holistic doctors recommend saliva or urine testing to determine your pH levels, but I've personally never found any correlation between health issues and saliva pH. Urine pH is the one measurement I've found most helpful.

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  • 2 months later...

The New Biology — maintaining pH Levels in the body

Melvin1 Posted:

What I want to know is why a single white blood cell ( like it had a mind of its own) in the body begins to multiply by itself and gobbles up his brothers, the red blood cells, which produce the disease in man we know as leukemia. Until now, science has not come up with an answer to that question. If you can answer me ( I do ) on this one then you are a genius.



Robert O. Young Ph. D., D.Sc.

Within the past decade, Robert O. Young has been widely recognized as one of the top research scientists in the world. Throughout his career, Robert Young's research has been focused at the cellular level, with a specialty in nutrition. Robert Young's research findings have been published in noted journals.

He is also a keynote speaker at medical and health gatherings all over the world. He has appeared as a guest on many national radio and television shows. On April 22nd 2002 he appeared on the Early Show with his wife and co-author Shelley Redford Young. Among his accomplishments: Developer of a new theoretical paradigm called the Mycozymian Theory; a biological process called Pleomorphism; and the discoverer of the etiology of diabetes, cancer, and atherosclerosis. Robert Young has devoted his career to searching for and finding the missing pieces necessary to complete the larger picture of health.

Shelley Redford Young, L.M.T.

Shelley is a licensed massage therapist with a passionate interest in optimum nutrition. With Dr. Young she speaks to audiences around the world on the basic requirements of a healthful diet, sharing her delicious, alkalizing, vegetarian recipes.

Dr. Robert O. Young is a pioneer of analyzing living blood cells. He has spent years researching diseased and healthy cells under the microscope. He found that unhealthy cells - that is the cells of unhealthy people - appear dark and misshapen, while healthy blood cells are round and vibrant in color, practically glowing in comparison.

Dr. Young set out to find what caused this 'inner light.' He discovered the essence of life is derived almost exclusively through plants, and that every cell in the body needs the light derived from green plants. The greater the amount of green foods consumed in the diet, the greater the health benefits achieved.

Dr. Young also found that these plant foods are cleansing and alkalizing to the body, while processed and refined foods can increase unhealthy levels of acidity and toxins. Through his findings, Dr. Young concluded that over-acidification of the body is the key underlying cause of almost all disease. Because today many of us consume a diet primarily comprised of acid-forming foods, (i.e. sugar, meat, dairy, yeast breads, etc.) rather than green plant foods, they are sick and tired. Dr. Young and his wife, Shelley Redford Young, set out to help others understand the acid-alkaline theory.

They are the founders of InnerLight International, Robert O.Young Research </ST1:PCenter, the InnerLight Foundation, and Shelley Young's <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:place w:st=Academy </ST1:Pof Culinary Arts</ST1:P</st1:place>. In addition, Dr. Young is the author of "The pH Miracle: Balance Your Diet, Reclaim Your Health"<?xml:namespace prefix = v ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" /><v:shapetype id=_x0000_t75 stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" o:preferrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600"> <v:stroke joinstyle="miter"></v:stroke><v:formulas><v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"></v:f><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"></v:f><v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></v:f></v:formulas><v:path o:connecttype="rect" gradientshapeok="t" o:extrusionok="f"></v:path><o:lock aspectratio="t" v:ext="edit"></o:lock></v:shapetype><v:shape id=_x0000_i1025 style="WIDTH: 0.75pt; HEIGHT: 0.75pt" alt="" type="#_x0000_t75"><v:imagedata o:href="http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=snyderhealthc-20&l=as2&o=1&a=044669049X" src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\jtrapani\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image001.gif"></v:imagedata></v:shape>, "Sick and Tired?: Reclaim Your Inner Terrain"<v:shape id=_x0000_i1026 style="WIDTH: 0.75pt; HEIGHT: 0.75pt" alt="" type="#_x0000_t75"> <v:imagedata o:href="http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=snyderhealthc-20&l=as2&o=1&a=1580540562" src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\jtrapani\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image001.gif"></v:imagedata></v:shape>, and Shelley Young shares her alkalizing recipes in "Back to the House of Health"<v:shape id=_x0000_i1027 style="WIDTH: 0.75pt; HEIGHT: 0.75pt" alt="" type="#_x0000_t75"> <v:imagedata o:href="http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=snyderhealthc-20&l=as2&o=1&a=1580540716" src="file:///C:\DOCUME~1\jtrapani\LOCALS~1\Temp\msohtml1\01\clip_image001.gif"></v:imagedata></v:shape>. It is through these resources that one can learn how to overcome health challenges naturally and come into balance. When the pH level in the body is unbalanced, almost any area of the body can be affected; nervous system (depression), cardiovascular system (heart disease), muscles (fatigue), skin (aging), etc. Even obesity is a sign of over-acidity, a normal body response which protects vital organs from damaging acids and their effects. Conversely, in an alkaline environment, the body reaches an ideal weight and corrects negative health challenges naturally.

Dr. Young set out to harness the natural light and energy found in green plants and direct this energy to individual human cells. The result is a family of natural, plant and mineral-based supplements, in both capsule and liquid colloidal form. Colloids are tiny particles, absorbed in the mouth and throat. These products not only increase energy, but also help to destroy harmful organisms that decrease one's energy and vitality. The electric charge and frequency of these particles are designed to match that of the body's cells. In this manner, a new level of health may be achieved; health problems, negative symptoms, illness, fatigue, and excess weight evaporate away! According to Dr. Young's program, the nutrients found in supplements, alkalizing foods, and water can bring the body back into balance. These vitamins, minerals, and herbs infuse the body with new energy, adjusting less energized areas to a new level of light. Other products spotlight energy on the performance of specific organs. These "targeted" products offer a most prized possession of health.

Alkaline food and water must be consumed in order to provide nutrients the body needs to neutralize acids and toxins in the blood, lymph, and tissues, while strengthening immune function and organ systems. For this reason, the Alkalarian Diet was developed to guide those who wish to regain balance and vigor in the body. Some people may choose to follow the Alkalarian Diet completely, while others slowly transition themselves and their family. For many, the change is not an overnight event, but a process. Taste buds that have been jaded by the toxic effect of sugar, salt, and other artificial flavors may take some time to adjust and appreciate the subtler taste of vegetables. Some individuals opt to add an alkaline food and eliminate an acidic food each week, until reaching the goal of an alkaline diet.



by Dr. Robert O. Young, Ph.D.

Dr. Young has degrees in chemistry, microbiology and nutrition, and has spent many years researching the relationship between mycotic infections (yeast, fungus and mould) and the etiology of human disease. His research and articles on microtoxicosis have gained wide recognition in the <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">U.S.A.</st1:place></st1:country-region> and he is currently listed in Who's Who for his breakthrough research. He is the vice-president of Research and Development of InnerLight International, where he has developed colloidal and holistic nutrition formulas now being distributed around the world.


One of my discoveries is that there is only one sickness, and that is the over-acidification of the blood and tissues caused by an inverted way of eating and living. Our present day civilized food with its abundance of sugar and animal protein, especially meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, causes this over-acidification of the blood. This in turn encourages the proliferation of microorganisms which have a common origin and go through various evolutionary steps, the first one being virus, then bacteria, then fungus and yeast. This is called pleomorphism.

Blood is a living tissue just like your liver and heart. When you take on body fluids or blood of any other person, when you take on a transplant, you are literally taking on the elements of some foreign body.


Pleomorphic means "many forms". Pleomorphism is the foundation of microbiology, and it discredits the germ theory which traditional medicine believes in. Microforms such as viruses, bacteria and fungi are all the same organism at various stages of their evolution. The first stage of its evolution which is the primitive stage, is what medical science calls a virus. Viruses are apathological. They are actually composed of a microzyme at the core that is protein encapsulated. As the biological environment becomes overly-acidified, the primitive stage evolves to the intermediate stage, and this is bacterial. This culminates in the final stage which includes the yeasts, fungi and moulds. These forms proliferate and evolve in a compromised biological environment such as acidified blood and tissues. Try a very simple experiment: what happens when you pull the plug on your refrigerator? What appears first? The bacterial forms, then the yeasts, funguses and moulds, and all of a sudden everything just decays, which is what occurs in these final anatomical phases.


I call these phases the cycle of imbalance. In the cycle of imbalance, we have low energy and fatigue, poor digestion, excess weight, unclear thinking, aches and pains, major disorders, and these are all symptoms of this cycle.


It is very important to have a chemical balance between these acid and alkaline conditions, both in the blood and in the tissues. The acid and alkaline conditions are opposites, and when they are balanced, they cancel each other out. However, it is easy for the body tissues to become too acidic, and this imbalance sets the stage for disease. In scientific terms, the acid/alkaline relationship is known as pH. The pH of the body has a profound effect on the inner environment and the microscopic organisms. The pH of blood and tissues should be approximately 7.3. The pH of saliva and urine should be 6.8 to 7.0. Acceptable medical lab parameters are 5.5 to 6.5 for the urine, but at 5.5 and 6.5 the urine is too acidic.


is to separate the alkalinity from the acidity. The acidity goes out through the urine. The alkalinity is bound by calcium, potassium and magnesium and taken back into the blood to neutralize acidity in the blood and tissues. When you over-acidify, you are stressing the liver, the kidneys and the bladder, and you run out of your alkaline reserves which are needed to chelate or bind these acids. Then you start getting localized problems.

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These microscopic beasties get their energy from blood sugars which our bodies are supposed to be using, and they grow and multiply by eating our bodies' proteins. Their needs can turn into our cravings. One of the favourite foods of these microforms is sugar.


They thrive in a declining pH which is acidic, therefore requiring you to eat more pastas, grains, yeast-containing breads, potatoes and especially high fructose fruits and juices, and more sugar in any particular form. Fruit is good, but not in a compromised biological terrain, so when you eat fruit it becomes a food for fungus and fermentation.


These microforms then poison us with their waste products. The waste products are acetylaldehyde, uric acid, alloxin, alcohols, lactic acid, etc. Chronic fatigue is the fermentation of our glucose in exchange for acids. These acids are known as acetyladehydes which are then broken down into secondary metabolites as alcohol.


The result is fatigue - I call it the drunkenness disease. You have just intoxicated yourself due to excess acidification and you have produced alcohol in your system. If you are suffering from lack of energy, all you have to do is change the biological terrain.


These organisms are indestructible - you cannot destroy them. All you can do is change their form, and cause them to retrograde. Bacilli literally evolve backwards out of that cycle when you change the biological terrain. We can control them by retrograding the yeast, fungi and moulds and their bacteria and neutralize their waste products through supplementation and diet. You do that by giving up the very foods that you crave.


These microforms of mould and fungus mixed with the blood cells can be seen through a microscope and these are found in both healthy and non-healthy individuals. Our bodies are moulding, rotting and basically hosting a parasite party. Actually parasites are the side effects of the more serious problem of over-acidification.


Why are you so concerned about parasites when you are being fermented or rotted by fungi and yeasts. I find less than 10% of people are infected with flukes or roundworms or flatworms, but I find 100% of the population infected with these higher development fungal forms in live blood analyses. I have yet to find anyone free of this.


Very few of us know that pleomorphic bacteria, yeast and fungus and their toxins are characteristically present in stored and fermented food. The following list of foods are high in pleomorphic bacteria, yeast, fungus and mould, and produce mycotoxins which cause specific diseases and should never be eaten.


Pig meat including sausage, bacon, salami and ham contain fungus associated with many cancers. Beef, lamb, chicken and turkey contain a variety of different fungi. You need to avoid all mushrooms. There is no such thing as a good mushroom.


Mushrooms disperse spores of fungus throughout the blood and tissues. Peanuts and cashews contain over 25 different strains of fungi. Dairy products including milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese, ice-cream, and butter contain fungi. Eggs, barley, corn, stored grains and cereals, and stored potatoes are fully colonized with fungi. Alcohol contains fungus. Tobacco contains yeast. Yeast in any form such as brewer's yeast or breads should not be eaten.


Sugar including honey, maple syrup, corn syrup, sucrose promotes the growth of pleomorphic bacteria, yeast, fungus and mould and suppresses the immune system response up to five hours.


Vinegar, caffeine in any form, and high fructose fruits acidify the blood and tissues. When you drink orange juice, the sugars in orange juice are released so quickly into the blood stream that they cannot be oxidized. Therefore they are fermented and the acids that are produced literally anaesthetize the immune system. It shuts it down for three to five hours. Apple juice does the same thing. The problem is excess sugar.


Grape juice and grapefruit juice are a little different. Apples, oranges, pears and bananas are more likely to be fermented. The banana get liver spots the same way you get liver spots, through excess fermentation and rotting. If you have spots on your hands, face or arms, if you have moles, these are toxins coming to the surface of the skin. These are acids. This is a manifestation of the one sickness.


You have to change the inner terrain, and if you do, these spots will either disappear or change in colour. Hydrogenated oils like margarine and shortening and vegetable oils interfere with normal biochemical processes and increase cholesterol, interfere with liver's detoxification system and interfere with essential fatty acid function.


The cycle of balance is reflected in these signs: energy, vitality, clear and bright eyes, mental clarity, concentration, a lean and trim body. The first step is to reestablish the internal pH which should be slightly alkaline. The diet should be 80% alkaline, 20% acid. It's a 4:1 ratio. If you have a serious disease, your diet should be 100% alkaline, or at least a 5:1 ratio.

FOOD YOU SHOULD EAT: ALKALINIZING FOODSWe need to eat foods which will actually heal the body. We need to go back to the garden and eat live foods like leafy greens, foods which are high in chlorophyll. For breakfast I eat salad, for lunch I eat salad, and for dinner I have salad. What is good for dinner is also good for lunch, and what is good for lunch is good for breakfast.


You have to overalkalize the blood and tissues. You can freely eat dark green and yellow vegetables, root vegetables, freshly juiced vegetable juices, foods with high contents of chlorophyll, nuts like almonds or hazelnuts which are more alkaline. Almonds are high in oxygen especially after they have been soaked for 12 hours.


Sprouted grains and beans like alfalfa, mung beans, clover and radish, seeds, essential fatty acids from flax oil, borage oil, and virgin olive oil, soy products like tofu, grains from spelt, millet and buckwheat, herbs, spices, seaweed, lots of onions and garlic and distilled water. Fruits like avocados, lemons, limes and grapefruits are low sugar, therefore less likely to be fermented.


Obesity is thought to be a fat problem, but it is not. Obesity is the way your body reacts to indulgence of foods that create excess fermentation and acids. The fat is retained in order to bind the acidity somewhere away from the organs that sustain life.


If we didn't have fats in our diet, we would literally be destroyed by the very acids that we are poisoning ourselves with. When you try to reduce your cholesterol by using drugs, you set yourself up for a heart attack, because you have the acids without the fats and the acids will destroy the cells. Fats bind the acids and neutralize them to prevent them from poisoning the cells.


The same thing happens with calcium-blocker medications. In the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:country-region w:st=<st1:place w:st="on">United States</st1:place></st1:country-region>, the FDA warns that if you take calcium-blockers, you are at risk for heart attacks. Why? Because if the body does not have sufficient fats to bind the toxins, it will use calcium to bind the toxins, and if you are blocking the calcium with medications, there is nothing to bind the toxins and you end up with a heart attack.


We have stones because calcium neutralizes excess acidity and stones are formed. Arthritis also occurs because calcium is being utilized to neutralize acidity. Sugar is metabolized by microforms, producing the acid, which is then bound by the calcium and we get calcium deposits in our joints. We also get calcium deposits in the brain or in the breast.


Calcium deposits always precede the tumour because it is the first line of defense in neutralizing over-acidification. Osteoporosis is a body response which occurs if there is not enough dietary calcium. It pulls calcium from the bones to neutralize the acidity. If we then take more calcium, as supplements, we get more calcium deposits, we get more stones, and we end up with breast cancer or prostate cancer.



Cancer is not a virus; it is an acid problem produced by a mould. It is an infection due to excess fermentation in the weakest parts of the body. What causes cancer in cigarettes is the yeast and sugar they use to accelerate the fermentation process in the tobacco leaves. Cancer is not a localized problem that is metastasizing. Cancer is a systemic problem that has localized.


We know through research that the supplementation of hormones can be a risk factor for breast cancer. When you supplement hormones, those hormones are subject to fermentation in a body that is out of balance, and when hormones are fermented, they produce an acid which has to be eliminated.


These acids are then stored in areas of fatty tissue and what more perfect place to put it than the breast. How can emotion or fear cause rotting processes? Biologically, it's simple. Emotions create acidity through the release of hormones that are then fermented which produces the acid. And we then start craving the foods we should basically avoid.

When someone has cancer, excess proteins are found in the urine because cells are being lysed or destroyed, and those proteins are then being thrown freely into the blood stream and then through the elimination, show up in our urine.


I do not suggest that you should be taking enzymes. I do not use amylase and protease. I developed an enzymatic formula of a noni complex which is unfermented, with no sugar, with green papaya, garlic and tissue salts.

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Dr. Béchamp, in a biological parallel to Lavoisier’s chemical rule:

"Nothing is lost, nothing is created ... all is transformed," was to state: "Nothing is the prey of death ... all is the prey of life."

The Philosophy Behind Dr. B's Work

Albert Szvent-Giorgi, Nobel Prize winner and father of modern biochemistry, stated ,"They will never find the answer for cancer, unless they understand the meaning of life." Biographic Medicine is based on that concept. The only way to understand disease is, first, to understand the meaning of life. The philosophy of Biographic Medicine is based on the theories of Jean-Baptiste Lamarck, Gunther Enderlein, Antoine Bechamp, Rupert Sheldrake, and Andrew Taylor Still and on Homotoxicology

<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Darwin</st1:City></st1:place>'s theory of evolution is based on antagonism and chance. Lamarck's theory of evolution is based on adaptation and symbiosis. Pasteur believed that germs never change and cause disease. Bechamp, his rival, believed that germs change and adapt to the surrounding terrain. Using Pasture's and <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Darwin</st1:City></st1:place> 's philosophies, which modern medicine uses today, we would attack and kill the germ. However, on the other hand, using Bechamp's philosophy of pleomorphism, we should treat and stabilize the terrain and the germ will go back to its normal, symbiotic state.

The physical body has been created over eons by germs that have organized and are working together as a unit, similar to a Portuguese man-o-war or jellyfish. For example, the linings of our intestines are actually germs that are organized and working in harmony. The more the terrain changes and the chemistry and the pHs of the terrain change, the mucosal cells that line the intestines will change their shape and start to protect themselves. They will actually become parasites, Candida, etc., producing waste products that attempt to put the terrain back into its normal shape. Enderlein developed concepts of using germs, such as fungus and bacteria, to actually rebuild the physical body.

The laws and concepts of Homeopathy and Homotoxicology clearly indicate the path of disease and cure. All disease begins with acute symptoms which are bacterial in nature and eventually become chronic and fungal in nature. When disease is treated, it must be reversed and brought back from fungal to bacterial to normal.

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Antoine Bechamp What Your Doctor Will Not Tell You About Disease

Professor Antoine Bechamp

Ever since Louis Pasteur invented the germ theory of disease, we have been at war with germs and have developed more and more antibiotics and other things to kill them. We thought this would get rid of disease, but what has happened is that we now have disease-resistant bugs, and new forms of disease that have arisen and become rampant

A contemporary of Pasteur, Antoine Bechamp, put forward a different theory of disease. He demonstrated that diseases arise when the “terrain” or environment in the body favors disease. He showed that germs are not the causes of disease, but are actually effects or symptoms of disease, and that natural means are sufficient to get rid of them

Pasteur eventually conceded that Bechamp had in fact got in right. He wrote in his private journal, which was not published until long after his death, that: “It is not the germ that causes disease but the terrain in which the germ is found.” However, Pasteur’s ideas had tremendous commercial potential and gave rise to a huge pharmaceutical and medical industry that has no interest in the work of Bechamp.

Bechamp’s theory supports the approach taken by natural medicine doctors such as myself. We believe that the way to good health is by creating conditions in the body that support vitality and well-being, understanding that the body knows how to heal itself once it is given a chance. There is no need to wage war against this or that disease. Our nature is wise and powerful, and when we cooperate with it, so-called “miracles” can occur.

I recently came across this excellent site about Antoine Bechamp. If you want any more information about this extraordinary scientist, I recommend you check it out.

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"An experiment is always the conclusion of a process of reasoning, the premises of which come from observation. " -- Claude BERNARD, The red notebook (notes, 1850 - 1860)

In the beginning, following the technique of BERTHELOT in his "standard procedure", BECHAMP added chalk to maintain the neutrality of the medium. He was surprised to see two different reactions, depending on whether he used chemically pure calcium carbonate or commercial chalk, all other factors being equal.

The first solution, with sugar added and treated with creosote, did not ferment.

The second solution, under the same conditions, fermented.

On microscopic examination of the commercial chalk (known as Spanish White or Meudon White), BECHAMP invariably found the "little bodies" observed in his previous experiments.


"They are organized and living", they act like moulds, they are agents of fermentation, they are "micro-leavens"

He made mention of this, for the first time, to the Montpellier Academy of Sciences in 1864, and informed M. J.B. DUMAS of his discovery of living organisms in chalk.

In December 1864 DUMAS came to Montpellier. In "The Theory of Micro-leavens and of the Microbial System" we read,

"I had had occasion to inform M. DUMAS of my studies; and he seemed very much struck by them, wanting to see my experiments and doing me the honour of visiting my laboratory to look at the micro-leavens of my fermentations with chalk alone, without other additions apart from creosote to suppress the influence of atmospheric germs; he saw there a flask of sugared and creosoted water kept for eight years without any trace of change; albumin, gelatin, etc. .... treated with creosote and exposed to the air for several years and unchanged !


But, I told him, I have only to add creosote or phenolic acid, in the same doses, to milk and it no longer curdles or produces lactic acid ! Why ? You see, there live, in the milk, some "little bodies" which appear identical to those in the chalk !"

Greatly interested, DUMAS advised him to be prudent :

"Publish nothing, he told me, before you have verified the experiments you have shown me, as this is really extraordinary !"

On 26 September 1865, BECHAMP wrote DUMAS to give him the results of his experiments. He confirmed that :

"Chalk and milk contain living beings already developed. That fact, observed by itself, is proven by this other fact, that creosote used in a non-coagulating dose does not prevent milk from later souring, nor chalk from transforming sugar and potato flour into alcohol, acetic acid, lactic acid, and butyric acid."

He was very surprised to surprised to find his letter printed in the next month's edition of the Annals of Chemistry and Physics. He was pleased to see there that the Professor of the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:City w:st=<st1:place w:st=" /><st1:place w:st="on">College of France </st1:place>supported his opinion against that of PASTEUR, who attributed the coagulation of milk to fermentation brought on by germs from the air.

In the same letter, BECHAMP made mention of the existence of these yeasts in cultivated soils, in some mineral waters, in fermentations, in the lees of wine, and related them to those molecules which were said to be animated by brownian movement. To the question, "What is the geological significance and what is the origin of these micro-leavens ?" BECHAMP replied:

"I believe that they are the remainders, organized and still living, of organisms who lived in distant eras. I have found the proof in these very experiments and in those which I have done by myself and in collaboration with M. ESTOR on the micro-leavens of beings which are presently living.


These micro-leavens are morphologically identical and, even though there are small differences in their activities as fermenting-agents, all of the compounds which are formed under their influence remain of the same sort.


Perhaps one day geology, chemistry, and physiology will come together to affirm that the great analogies one sees between geological flora and fauna and present-day flora and fauna from the point of view of form, exist as well from the point of view of histology and physiology.....

"It is worth noting that the calcareous micro-leavens which I have examined are almost without activity at low temperatures, and all of their activity develops between 35 and 40 degrees. An ice-age temperature such as that of the valley of the Obi would cause a total halt in this activity."

Still curious, BECHAMP went on :

"Not having centuries to verify this hypothesis, I did what I could; in the beginning of 1868, I "buried" the body of a little cat in "pure calcium carbonate" prepared for the purpose and "creosoted". The little cat was placed on a much larger substrate of the same carbonate.


The whole was contained in a glass jar closed with several superposed sheets of paper such that the air could circulate without the introduction of dust and germs. The whole was placed on a shelf in my laboratory in <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Montpellier</st1:place></st1:City> and left there for a long time."

It was not until the end of 1874 that, thinking the work of decomposition finished, BECHAMP opened the bottle, taking the necessary precautions to observe each layer.

Of the little corpse, nothing remained but some dried matter and a few fragments of bone; no odour came from it. The calcium carbonate was not discoloured, it was as white as chalk; under the microscope were seen shining molecules, resembling those in the chalk from Sens, and mobile like them.

With this chalk BECHAMP repeated the usual experiments and showed its powers of fermentation. He noted that the micro-leavens were only found in abundance in the layers which were near to the place where the cat's body had been laid.

"They swarmed in their thousands in every field of the microscope."

He concluded :

"They really came from the little cadaver, like the "cretaceous micro-leavens" formed from a fossilized cadaver".

Not content with this demonstration, BECHAMP sought to refute any possible objections :

- germs from the air carried on the fur of the cat

- that having breathed, he had admitted germs from the lungs and the intestinal canal, etc .....

In June 1875, in <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Montpellier</st1:City></st1:place>, he began a similar experiment :

1) the whole cadaver of a small cat

2) the liver of another cat

3) the lung, the heart, and the kidneys

"These viscera having been put in a solution of phenolic acid as soon as they were removed from the sacrificed animal."

The bottles were opened in August 1882, in <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Lille</st1:place></st1:City>. Here is BECHAMP's report:

"It was found that the decomposition was much less advanced than in the experiment of 1868, which is evidently related to the difference in temperature in <st1:City w:st="on">Lille</st1:City> compared to that in <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Montpellier</st1:place></st1:City>.


However, both in the portions of the calcium carbonate adjoining the remains of the little cadaver, and in the viscera, there are swarms of micro-leavens as well as some very well shaped bacteria. The carbonate is impregnated with an organic matter which tints it a yellowish brown, but the whole is without odour.


We have thus, in these new experiences, the counter-proof and the verification of the first: we have assured ourselves that, under these conditions, the micro-leavens belonging to the tissues have really evolved and produced bacteria; we find them in the experiment which ended at Lille, while they had regressed, turning once again into micro-leavens, in the first [experiment] which ended in Montpellier. This explains why it is that one finds bacteria in some soils in which cadavers have been buried, as in all cultivated soils and in compost."

Even in 1875, on the occasion of a Congress for the Advancement of Science at <st1:place w:st="on"><st1:City w:st="on">Nantes</st1:City></st1:place>, BECHAMP had said :

"The micro-leavens of calcareous rocks, of clays, of marls, of all of the rocks that contain them, are the organized and living remains of animal and vegetable organisms from the geological era; these beings have a histological structure like that of organisms of our epoch, their micro-leavens become bacteria by evolution and the micro-leavens, geological yeasts of these rocks, are those of these bacteria in turn destroyed and reduced to their micro-leavens.


We thus must not be surprised that, searching so long for the foreseen consequences of the hypothesis now verified, I have demonstrated the presence of micro-leavens in the fallow-lands of the départements of l'Herault and du Gard, in cultivated soils in general, in the soil of heaths, in alluvial soils, in water, in the dust of the roads, where there still often exists a multitude of bacteria, proving that, like those in the chalk, they are energetic agents of fermentation.

"And I add that, since before 1867, I have made known their role in the soil in agriculture.

"This research has lead to another result of the first order : the demonstration that what one has called, and calls yet, the germs in the air are only in essence these organisms disappearing or being destroyed before our eyes.


In fact, by precise experiments, I have demonstrated that the micro-leavens in the air are fermenting agents of the same order as those in chalk and in rocks, and that my experiments with artificial chalk; only, depending on the site, with these micro-leavens, may the ambient air contain conidia, spores, fungi, bacteria, and all that the winds may bring to it."

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In his eleventh conference, BECHAMP added:

"Among these micro-leavens will necessarily be found those from all of the beings who have died from the most diverse illnesses !"

Later, he explains :

"These, then, are the "morbid germs" which have been named "microbes"."

That name, given in 1878 by SEDILLOT to any organism invisible to the naked eye came to designate, with PASTEUR, any pathogenic micro-organism.

Doctor Hector GRASSET tells us that in 1870, BECHAMP addressed the

Academy </ST1:Pof Medicine:

"The micro-leaven, whatever its origin, is an agent of fermentation; it is organized, it is alive, capable of multiplying and of becoming ill, capable of communicating illness .... In time of health, the micro-leavens of the organism work in harmony, and our life is, in any sense of the term, a regulated fermentation.


In time of illness, the micro-leavens act out-of-harmony, fermentation is perturbed in a specific manner : the micro-leavens, either by a change of function, or are placed in an abnormal situation by some modification of the milieu.

"Not only are micro-leavens of themselves agents of fermentation, they are likely to become bacteria; and this likelihood, the same for all, is not manifested equally by all under the same conditions; which leads to the conclusion that, in each natural group of beings, and for a given organism, in each centre of activity, the micro-leavens have some sort of specifity.....


and what is remarkable about it, is that the bacterium derived from a micro-leaven is an agent of fermentation of the same order as its progenitor....

"It cannot be doubted that the virus of smallpox and that of syphilis contain specific micro-leavens, that is, bringing the illness of the individual from which they come.


These two examples have lead some to suggest the specificity of the determining cause of certain infectious illnesses. I cannot contradict it. However, when one looks at smallpox, syphilis is never inoculable to certain animals, the blood of female rats does not transmit anthrax to dogs or to birds, one certainly must ask why ?


It certainly isn't that the chemical milieu is different, no, and if anthrax is not a consequence of inoculation, it is because the micro-leavens of these animals are unable to evolve in a morbid fashion (to produce anthrax), under the influence of media which tend to create the introduction of morbid material.

"It is not the organisms that we inoculate that multiply there; but their presence and the liquid which impregnates them determines and alteration in the ambient medium which permits normal micro-leavens to evolve in a morbid manner, reaching or not reaching the state of bacteria; the illness is only the consequence of a new manner of action of the normal micro-leavens;


the fever that follows is nothing other than a new method of functioning on the part of the organism, the effort to throw off the products of an abnormal fermentation and disassimillation, provoking the return of the micro-leavens to their pathological state."

After citing BECHAMP's communication to the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:place w:st=<ST1><st1:place w:st=Academy of <ST1:PMedicine </st1:place>of the 3rd May 1870, Doctor GRASSET concludes:

"This theory supports very well all of the clinical and practical experience, with a breadth of vision approached by no other theory of the time. As well, the editor of a medical journal in Paris (The Medical Union,if I remember right) said that, had this theory been put forth by a German, it would long since have been adapted in <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">France</st1:place></st1:country-region>."

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"The difficulty is not to know the truth, but to substitute it for error." -- HAECKEL

It cannot be doubted that BECHAMP looked to many experiments to deduct his "majestic theory of micro-leavens" (141bis), and every one confirmed it to him.

A fortuitous observation from nature showed him the transformation of normal micro-leavens into bacteria. In his third conference, the professor told his students:

"The pulp of the green and soft parts of vegetables is not slow to be invaded by myriads of bacteria, of different sizes and doubtless different species. This pulp, before the appearance of these bacteria, shows under the microscope only cells and molecular granulations. To explain the presence of these bacteria, we invoke the germs in the air or perhaps spontaneous generation. You will judge [for yourselves] a bit of the foundation of these two explanations.

In Montpellier, during the coldest times of the winter of 1867-1868, I happened to notice two whole plants of Echinocactus which were frozen. Several weeks after the thaw, I examined the sort of histological changes which freezing had caused to the tissues of the plant. Its epidermis showed no lesion, it was as firm as before the frost.


You know how this epidermis is tough, thick, strong, and smooth: evidently, the great density of tissue and the thickness of the epidermis is a sufficient obstacle to the penetration of bacteria, of microbes, or of their atmospheric germs; you will admit it that much easier than M. PASTEUR assures us that the body of an animal is not penetrable by these same bacteria and germs.


However, an incision having been made in the frozen portion, matter taken from the depth of the wound, or from immediately below the epidermal layer, contains hordes of bacteria, with the extremely mobile ones named Bacterium termo and putridinis being predominant. This observation was too important for me not to try to verify it."

There follow descriptions of eleven cases, from which BECHAMP concludes that it is clear that :

"vegetable micro-leavens are among those which easily produce bacteria, and the bacteria found did not come from any sort of inoculation, but rather from a natural evolution of the micro-leavens due to a perturbation of nutrition or a change in the medium caused by the frost."

He confirmed this conclusion by the examination of another cactus which had not been frozen, but might have been watered too much, in which he found only normal micro-leavens.

He became interested in the chemical state of the frozen tissue and in that of the tissue kept in its normal state.

Doctor Joseph BECHAMP, his son, who worked with him, completed the experiment with the artificial freezing of a fatty plant (with precautions against accidental inoculations), followed by thawing in a kiln: bacteria appeared rapidly in the tissues.

From plants, BECHAMP turned to animals, in the case of which the question is a great deal more complex, as:

"Animals admit air and its germs into their lungs, and other apertures may be supposed to give them access, to say nothing of foods and drink, etc."

He was thus greatly interested to learn whether, yes or no, bacteria could be generated in animal tissues without the admission of germs from the exterior.

With his experiments with eggs which, shaken, decomposed without presenting the normal strong odour of hydrogen sulfide, BECHAMP proved the existence of an organized element within this completely closed system, and explained its role in putrefaction by a change in the milieu, the unusual mixture of the white and the yolk of the egg.

In 1869, at the Scientific Congress (<?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:City w:st=<st1:place w:st=" /><st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Montpellier</st1:place></st1:City> session) BECHAMP and ESTOR, in a memorandum on the micro-leavens of the higher organisms, repeated their theories.

"In nearly all animal cells, there exist molecular granulations observed by all histologists. These granulations have rarely been studied; Professor ROBIN distinguished four types of granulations:


first, fatty ones soluble in ether, insoluble in acetic acid and gallic acid;


second, granulations more or less similar to those above, but soluble in the two acids named;


third, grey granulations, or those of organic powders showing low refraction, not showing, like the first two types, a closed contour and a brilliant centre, yellowish, soluble in acetic acid, potash, soda, etc .....; fourth, pigmentary granulations .... The molecular granulations we have observed fall into none of the classes studied by M. ROBIN."

and Hector GRASSET added :

"It was clear, [but] that did not stop those critics who were motivated by malice or poorly familiar with the work of BECHAMP to accuse him of considering matters which are not related. What characterizes BECHAMP's micro-leavens is their role as agents of fermentation."

In all of the publications on the subject, BECHAMP insisted on this primordial quality of a non-specific agent of fermentation which could turn into a bacterium, or something else that could:

"Move across the finest filters and membranes such as those made from the intestinal lining or the swim-bladders of fishes."

To his students, the professor explained that:

"The micro-leavens do not change into bacteria without any transition, one can observe a number of intermediate forms between the micro-leaven and the bacterium."

Elsewhere, he took care to specify that bacteria have a refractive power greater than that of the micro-leavens, and that is why it is easier to see bacteria than micro-leavens under the microscope; this helps us to understand how some authorities have been able to deny the existence of the molecular granulations [observed by] the Montpellerian scholars.

CHAVEAU, who had followed closely the teaching of BECHAMP, said that he

"would be pleased to adhere BECHAMP's theory, if he did not look too much on granulation as an agent of fermentation, in effect, a yeast (that is just what gave the theory its value), and most of all if he didn't insist on the evolution of micro-leavens into bacteria. Later, CHAVEAU amalgamated micrococci, micro-leavens, and yeasts."

Charles ROBIN, in his Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Medical Sciences,

"Let us look a bit beyond theory and specify the role of putrefaction in these terms:


M. BECHAMP explains in advance why putrefaction is seen much more rapidly in animals which have died of exhaustion, rather than by other means; it is, if you will, exhaustion which makes the substance of the tissues and the humours more easily fermentable or putrifiable, and at the same time brings on more quickly the transformation of natural micro-leavens into the state of bacteria of putrefaction."

In 1868, in a conference on nutrition at <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Lyons</st1:place></st1:City>, BECHAMP had clearly explained how the cell is an association of micro-leavens, and sketched its evolution after the death of the organism, as the micro-leavens are freed from that association.

"The micro-leavens do not die, they continue their action; however, as the products of this action are not removed according as they are formed, some new conditions are formed, the milieu becomes cluttered with material which was destined to be used or to be eliminated, and the function of the micro-leavens changes as a result of this very cause or as they turn into bacteria.


Thus appears what we call putrefaction, a phenomenon which the best minds have, from early on, considered as a fermentation. However, in the balance, what eats us and destroys us after death, is that same thing that lived in us, without us .... Life is a succession of little deaths, or, if you prefer, a continued putrefaction."

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This was a scientific demonstration of the truth of the prescience of GOETHE when he wrote:

"Death is an artifice of nature to produce an abundance of life."

In that same conference at <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:City w:st=Lyons</st1:City>, the professor from <st1:City w:st=" /><st1:place w:st="on">Montpellier</st1:place> made reference to Hippocrates' aphorism : "Quae faciun in homine sano actiones sanas, eadem in oegroto morbosas".


He added : That which makes us live is also that which makes us ill." and turned his lecture first to the consideration of the healthy processes that take place in the healthy organism, as :

"Before looking to understand the abnormal conditions of life that lead to illness, it is necessary to understand the normal conditions which lead to health. It is only after this double study that we may try to penetrate the mystery of death."

He insisted on the importance of the micro-leavens which animate the healthy actions of which Hippocrates spoke, and then he specified that as well,

"In the micro-leavens themselves, the cells, the tissues, the organs, there are materials which, not being structured, are not living....


These materials, varying according to the regions, the different departments of the organism in question, are mixtures of numerous substances as much organic (first causes) as minerals, either in a state of solution in aqueous liquids or semi-liquids, or in very aqueous insoluble masses ...


this is the matter that we call intercellular, intertissual, or that part of the intracellular mass that is not organized. This constitutes what I have called plasma in the cell and the micro-leaven."

And it is by his discovery of the micro-leavens which gave the proof of the life and the function of the cells, of which the juxtaposition formed, since TURPIN, the living organism.

"It is because the micro-leavens are gifted with an independent and individual life, each according to its type, that there are some of them, functionally different and able to change function, in the different centres of organization, and that the [theory of] the protoplasmic system, false in its principle, is as false in its consequences as it is experimentally.


It is because it is false that the [theory of] the microbial system is equally false. Finally, because this is so it is necessary to be cautious when one wants to practice the supposed microbial vaccinations to induce immunity; because they do not know what it is that they do, neither do those who suppose that there is in the living organism only matter comparable to must, to wine, or to beer; because one does not know in what sense these practices may change the aptitude to change function which exists in the micro-leavens of the organism."

Going further with his postulate :

"The micro-leavens are that by which an organism, a cell, is alive; any organism is reducible to micro-leavens."

BECHAMP continues :

"It is because any organism is reducible to micro-leavens; it is because the micro-leavens are able to change functions that we find explained not only the phenomena which precede birth, assuring the incessant rejuvenation of the species, of the race, but birth itself and the sum of processes which we have understood under the name of maturation.


It is thanks to the properties of the micro-leavens and the cells that we are able to explain how the irritability and the spontaneity of the organism may lead to a cure after having lead to an illness. It is also thanks to the histological strength of the micro-leavens that after the incidence of lesions, traumatic or otherwise, repairs or surgical cures come to be effected."

All of these new notions seemed so very surprising coming from the amiable researcher that they were bitterly contested and reviled. We plan to follow closely the verifications and the applications which followed over time, and we find ourselves in sympathy with Professor Paul PAGES when he wrote, in 1959, to the grand-daughters of the sage he revered :


"The abundant richness of his work is far from being exhausted" (143), and when, in 1938, in his inaugural lecture at the Faculty of Medicine of Montpellier, he bravely summed-up his thought in these terms :

"The pasturian era has been surpassed,

We are beginning the era of BECHAMP."

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"We can accept neither, not the conformity that perpetuates injustice, nor the indifference that tolerates it." -- Doctor Philippe DECOURT

We have seen that for BECHAMP the study of fermentation opened the road to the essential role of the infinitesimally small.

In a note to the Academy of Science, 4 April 1864, he gave a clear definition of the mechanism of fermentation and gave the soluble agent of fermentation all of its importance :


"The complete picture of alcoholic fermentation seems to me to take the following form: when we look at the action of the yeast on cane sugar, this agent changes first, outside of itself, the cane sugar into glucose by means of a product which it contains already formed inside itself, a product that I have named "zymase" (from the Greek, leaven): this is digestion, it then absorbs this glucose and draws nourishment from it; it assimilates, multiplies, grows, and brings forth.


It assimilates, that is to say a part of the fermentable material, modified, now becomes part of its being and serves for its growth and its life. It brings forth, that is to say it puts outside itself the worn-out parts of its tissues, in the form of numerous compounds which are the products of fermentation which it suits us to call alcoholic.


One has to ask whether these compounds come from the sugar or from the yeast. They must come from the yeast, in the same way as the urea and the other compounds that we expel come always from us, that is to say materials which have previously been part of our organism, whatever the nature of previous nourishment or present lack of nourishment.


In the same way that the sugar which M. Claude BERNARD saw formed in the liver came from the liver and not from foods, so the alcohol comes from the yeast."

In that same year of 1864, in various notes, BECHAMP showed that there are in microzoa and microphyta some zymases, which he extracted, as PAYEN and PERSOZ extracted diastase from sprouted barley (diastase being the only soluble leaven known until then); these zymases had a variable chemical role, but in general they rapidly transformed sugar into glucose.

They exist in the plant kingdom as well as in the animal kingdom. He demonstrated anthozymase in flowers and morozymase in the mulberry, etc....

sialozymase in saliva

pancreazymase (known now as "pancreatic extract")

nephrozymase in the kidney, etc....

In 1865, BECHAMP could say :

"I use the word "zymase", used as a generic term, to designate all of the soluble leavens. These compounds are albuminoid material in a particular state, soluble, and thus not organized."

He indicates that, in animals, they are also secreted by the glands and the mucosa.

"There are thus a number of animal zymases as there are a number of vegetable origin. The functional goal of both of these groups is the isometric or chemical transformation of material that serves as food."

He makes another remark:

"The majority of acids, notably sulphuric acid, even heat, cause the same transformations as the zymases, or somewhat less than certain zymases. This is no reason to call them leavens, nor to call the phenomena that they produce fermentation."

Doctor Hector GRASSET mentions that nephrozymase produced by the kidney exists also in pus.

"This nephrozymase that BECHAMP has studied for a long time in relation to the sex, age, and diet of the individuals under study, pathological states of the most diverse sort (the leaven is lacking in some cases, and seems to be in inverse proportion to the severity of the case): it has had a bizarre fate.


It has been denied, vilified; one can do no other, however, than to suggest that the physiologists turn their attention to it and review BECHAMP's work; there exists there a whole field of discoveries for physiopathology.


You will not find nephrozymase mentioned in treatises of physiology; one of the most recent, that of MORAT and DOYON, which cites three soluble leavens in the urine, mentions only amylase as discovered by BECHAMP. We are more familiar with the German studies which are less valuable than those of BECHAMP and his students."

Returning to the present day, "that tidy name, zymase" is forgotten and replaced by that of soluble yeast or enzyme. Why ? Doctor Hector GRASSET explains :

"ESTOR, professor at Montpellier, saw since 1865 the revolution that BECHAMP's ideas brought to the comprehension of vital phenomena, he put them in view in a little brochure on fermentation, and a whole school was formed about this sage. Let us insist on this fact: it wasn't until 1876 that PASTEUR and his school realized the role of soluble leavens and their importance.


Then there happened something quite extraordinary: that tidy word zymase, that had begun to be used generically, was replaced by that of diastase (which was specifically the product of germinated barley) in order not to have to promote the ideas of BECHAMP, which were starting to become embarrassing; even more, since KUHNE had given in 1878 the name of enzymes to the soluble leavens, this term was employed instead.


Finally, in another inversion of sense, DUCLAUX gave the name of zymase to the alcoholase discovered by BUCHNER (1897); justice requires that we cannot consider the word zymase other than generically, if only to do homage to the one who had first imagined and demonstrated the important general role of these products; apart from that it would result in less confusion."

The years have passed, and we now have plenty of other bothersome definitions.

First off, BUCHNER received for his discovery of zymase the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 1907.

The work of Doctor Adrien LOIR, appearing in 1938, as well as the study by Doctor Philippe DECOURT on Antoine BECHAMP, published in the "Claude Bernard International Archives", permit us to re-establish the chronology of the events which led PASTEUR to order "in all haste" the construction of three glassed greenhouses to be brought into the Jura in order to give an experimental base his "Critical Examination of a posthumous paper by Claude BERNARD" on the fermentation of grapes, in which the deceased scholar brought out again :

"The condemnation of PASTEUR's work on alcoholic fermentation - the non-existence of life without air, the leaven not coming from exterior germs, the alcohol being formed by a soluble leaven outside of life." ("The Life of Pasteur", by René Vallery-Radot)

In his notes, all of Claude BERNARD's conclusions agree with those of BECHAMP who, in the course of his studies on vinous fermentation, had clearly shown that the key element in the fermentation of vinous must is found in the seed of the grapes, while PASTEUR denied the existence of this soluble leaven and attributed the fermentation to germs from the air. After having affirmed that his grapes came from greenhouses where the clusters, being wrapped up, did not ferment, due to the lack of ultra-violet rays (103), PASTEUR did not change his mind and declared :

"The question of soluble leaven is settled, it does not exist, BERNARD is the victim of an illusion."

People seemed content with this conclusion, and d'Arsonval, Claude Bernard's young apprentice, who inherited the scientific papers of his Master, fearing unpleasant consequences for his career, kept the manuscript hidden for more than fifty years.

It was only shortly before his death that he spoke of it to his friend from Limousin, Doctor Léon DELHOUME, a historian. DELHOUME, himself aged, was unwilling to investigate the question, but passed the material to Doctor Philippe DECOURT at the same time as the book by the Englishwoman Ethel DOUGLAS HUME with the provocative title:


"BECHAMP or PASTEUR ?, or A lost chapter in Biology", saying to him, "I am too old, now, you ought to see this".

And Doctor DECOURT, impassioned for justice and truth, did not hesitate to write :

"The story was falsified from the start, the falsifications were repeated from book to book, without the historians noticing.


All of the writers, ignoring the work of the other scientists of the epoch, particularly that of BECHAMP and his collaborators, contented themselves with the affirmations of PASTEUR and his family.

"With BECHAMP we saw the unexpected emergence of a very great sage quite un-looked-for. The story is extraordinary - the way that PASTEUR claimed for himself the merits of his adversaries, and, on the other hand, attributed to them his own errors, surpasses anything that one could imagine."

Adrien LOIR, while he admired his uncle without the smallest qualification, and never spoke of BECHAMP, tells many other "personal memories" which support the opinion of Doctor Philippe DECOURT.

A look at certain communications between scholars in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:place w:st=<ST1><st1:State w:st=<st1:place w:st=" /><st1:City w:st="on">Paris</st1:City> and <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Montpellier</st1:place></st1:City> confirms as well this unusual situation.

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Overview of other work

"Chemistry is in a singular position in that one part is taught synthetically: mineral [or inorganic] chemistry. It was LAVOISIER who thus conceived it.


The other part is taught analytically, organic chemistry; it awaits its LAVOISIER." -- Claude BERNARD, The red notebook (notes, 1850-1860)

The sort of narrow cloistering that encloses the present-day researcher in a particular specialty did not exist a century ago.


That allowed BECHAMP's inquisitive and universal spirit to seek out the greatest problem of all time, that of the origin and organization of life.

That meant that, from pure chemistry and the "Toxicological studies on arsenic and antimony" he went on to - organic chemistry from 1857, with his opening lecture to the course in medical chemistry at the Faculty of Montpellier :


"A test of the progress of organic chemistry since LAVOISIER"

- the action of metals on organic liquids, and the primordial influence of infinitesimal doses of some mineral substances : phosphorous, potassium, magnesium, sulphur, manganese, zinc, on the development of moulds.


"Is it not remarkable that Aspergillus niger needs, not only for its development but for the whole of its existence, of such a small proportion of zinc sulphate that the quantity in the mixture, related to unity, is hardly 44 microgrammes. The plant can live without this, no doubt, but in the end it does not give the most abundant harvests unless zinc is to be found in the medium of its culture. Certainly, analysis will not find the zinc in a complete little plant. Who knows if all of the media where Aspergillus <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:country-region w:st=<st1:place w:st=" /><st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">niger</st1:place></st1:country-region> grows, a slice of lemon, for example, do not contain some zinc which [our] analysis is unable to discern ?"

- the role of the nature of the soil for the successful completion of the phenomena of the life of plants.

"The chestnut, for example, prospers only in those soils where silica is abundant."

He made numerous analyses of different thermal and mineral waters, original studies on farmyard milk and the milks of the mammals, from which he drew a troubling conclusion :

"It is never permissable to make a conclusion from the identity of the structure of a gland to the identity of [its] chemical function, nor to always make conclusions from animals to humans."

His observations on plants led him, as we have already seen, to deduce the evolution of micro-leavens into bacteria.

His perception of the penetrating odour spread by the fruit of Gingko biloba in the Botanical Garden at <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Montpellier</st1:place></st1:City> lead him to study :

"The existence of several odiferous fatty acids and their homologues"

in the fruit of this singular tree.

BECHAMP asked himself questions about everything; he retained, up to his death, a young and impassioned spirit, as was remarked by his Romanian biographer, Doctor Constantin ISTRATI :

"He worked quietly, but with a youthful ardour which could serve as an example to young people who get tired and discouraged too quickly.

"In 1882, I had occasion to overhear him speaking with verve and a perfect understanding of the subject with regard to some work presented a great many years earlier to the <ST1:PlaceType w:st="on">Academy</ST1:PlaceType> of <ST1:PlaceName w:st="on">Sciences</ST1:PlaceName> of <st1:City w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">Paris</st1:place></st1:City>. All of the assistants were stupefied by his memory and the clarity of his exposition." (130)

He was still working at the Sorbonne two weeks before his death, impoverished and subject to general indifference.

The Scientific Monitor devoted eight pages to publishing the list of his works; but the general French press was silent, while American, British, Belgian, and Romanian journals deplored the death of the great French scholar, "whose works have powerfully enriched biology, physiology, pathology, and chemistry, Antoine BECHAMP, the immortal author of the discovery of the micro-leavens."

We cannot cite all of his works; there is one of them, however, in which the scientific and philosophical ideas light up so particularly the personality of the man and of the scholar that we think it necessary to reserve it a development a little more important: it deals with his conferences of the winter of 1866-67, published at Montpellier in 1867 under the title On the circulation of carbon in nature and the intermediaries of that circulation. Explanation of a chemical theory of life and of the organized cell.

In this publication, where the professor

"Has decided to put into popular form some of the ideas which are part of his teaching at the Faculty of Medicine and are the fruit of his research into fermentations and that generation which has been called spontaneous..."

...he astonishes us with his experimental successes and enchants our imagination with his philosophical conceptions and his prophetic perspectives; amongst other points, he demonstrates :

"There is only one chemistry.

Matter is not given anything but chemical and physical activity.

There is no "matter" that is organic by nature, there is nothing but inorganic matter.

What is called organic matter is no more than mineral matter of which carbon makes a part.

The "organic" matter thus comprised is profoundly distinct from organized matter."

Thus it was, for many years,

"we have not known how to produce, by synthesis, any compound supposedly organic".

He gives numerous examples of "a great number of compounds which we have not until now refined other than from the organized realm...." such as cyanide, cyanhydric acid, oxalic acid, formic acid, urea, etc.

"There is nothing to prevent us thinking that soon we will be able to make all that plants produce, in the same way that we know how to make a great number of compounds that the plants and the animals never produce.

"The carbon compounds, organic matter, are thus formed from mineral matter and can be obtained by the processes of inorganic chemistry. Thus we see the confirmation of the opinion expressed in 1843 by M. DUMAS."

and we may add the successes of BERTHELOT.

But living, organized matter is something else entirely, the chemist cannot create a cell,

"Every living being is an isolated assembling of the world, a whole having in itself a seed of reproduction."

Of his study showing the facts admitted and verified to date :

"Carbon is the support of organized life.

Oxygen is the limiting condition for the life of organized beings.

Displace carbon, and you abolish with the same stroke the organized world.

Displace oxygen, and you annihilate all life on the earth."

Life is no more than fermentation and combustion, the interlinking of which he affirms in concluding :

"In creation, a great current flows from mineral nature to the organized world, to the vegetal at first, then from vegetal to animal and from there again to the mineral world. In the preformed and living tissues of plants, organic matter is created with the aid of raw or mineral material, and it organizes itself and becomes alive.

"In the cells of the preformed and living tissues of animals, organic matter becomes disorganized, is destroyed, and ceases to be alive;


but the conversion of organic matter into mineral matter is not entirely complete; microscopic organisms, present everywhere, function like animal cells but with a surprising intensity, consuming the leavings, and they finish by returning to the mineral world the material that had been borrowed from it by the plants."

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The Argument that Changed the Course of Medicine

Dr. Louis Pasteur is one of the most known and most influential chemists in the history of the field. He is usually thought of as being one of the founders of the field of microbiology along with fellow doctors Robert Koch and Ferdinand Cohn. He was influenced by Dr. Agostino Bassi in many regards and one of those influences occurred when Dr. Pastuer came out with a vaccine against rabies, Pierre Paul Emile Roux, a fellow doctor and colleague gets lesser credit. Although a few other doctors came up with a microbe - causing disease theory, this was one of the few instances in which Dr. Pasteur developed his concept of microbes causing diseases that he is usually credited for almost alone by the scientific community.


But there is another doctor who held a view that microorganisms can go through various stages of development and can evolve into a multitude of growth forms within their life cycle. This doctor was Pierre Bechamp. And he held a theory which was known as pleomorphism. Although silk worm diseases and how to treat them was initiated by Dr. Agostino Bassi, it is Dr Bechamp ( Pierre Jacques Antoine Béchamp 1816 - 1908) a reknown biologist who gets the credit for diagnosing the silk worm parasites responsible for silk worm disease which was killing the silk worms at the time. He watched microbe - like particles in the blood known as microzymas. What these microbes did was changed shape as people contract diseases.


Dr. Bechamp entertained a view that microorganisms can go through many stages of development and can evolve into various forms of growth within their life cycle. This theory was known as pleomorphism, a monomorphic theory which would eventually rise up to become the dominant paradigm within the modern medical science world.

Entering into the Bechamp - Pasteur face off was Dr. Claude Bernard (1813 - 1878) known as the "Father of Physiology" who was responsible for the establishment of the scientific method within medicine. He said that the environment was the most important aspect in the life of a disease process.

Dr. Bernard went on to state that microbes do change and evolve which is tied to the environment in which they strive to live in. So Dr. Bechamp added that microbes being pleomorphic will change according to their environment to which they are exposed. Thus, he concluded that disease in the body, as a biological process, will develop and manifest its self - dependency upon the state of the internal biological pH terrain, which was at the center.


Both Pasteur and Bechamp are great men who contributed much to the microscopic scientific world. Both men respected each other's work and research too. But because Pasteur came from a more affluent background, he had more of an influence on the inner - workings of the scientific community and its members. This is something Dr. Bechamp could not contest with, and his version of the "germ theory" lost out, even though it was accurate.


When Dr. Pasteur was facing death, he went on to acknowledge the work of Dr. Bechamp by stating that terrain was everything while the microbe is nothing. He also admitted that his "germ theory" was flawed in many ways. But the mainstream scientific community was more dedicated to the theory put forth by Dr. Pasteur. Allopathic (drug based) medicine was firmly entrenched on the road which was paved by Louis Pasteur as well.


Presently, we can see traces of what Dr. Louis Pasteur had done for the scientific community with his use of pasteurizing of milk to kill diseases which can make people sick, and what can be seen now is how doctors operate within their health community. Doctors attempt to put the human body back into balance when it is out of balance through drugs and surgery. Removing the symptom is the general effect which does not deal with the cause of the ailment.

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Pleomorphism, Its Discovery and Suppression

When Louis Pasteur (1822 – 1895) went public with his Germ Theory of disease, ffice:smarttags" /><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:place w:st=Europe</st1:place> continued to be ravaged by waves of infectious plagues, including Cholera, Typhus, Pneumonia (‘consumption’) and Tuberculosis; not to mention the not-too-distant memory of the Black Death. Pasteur’s discovery was due to the invention of the microscope.

The officials and public of the era were ripe for a simple and direct explanation from the emerging world of the Natural Sciences for these tragic and decimating diseases. However, at the time Pasteur was formulating and publicizing his work, a quiet, much more qualified and experienced researcher, Pierre Bechamp, was also looking at the new frontier-world of microbes, and came up with a more complex, but thorough, understanding of these miniature marvels.

He identified a fundamental unit of microbiological life, named the ‘microzyma’, which he said was critical in supporting the life of cells, but could be triggered into pathogenic states, depending on specific changes in the state of the internal (particularly the blood) environment.


Therefore, the bacteria and other micro-organisms; viruses and fungi, that were being blamed as the cause of disease, were viewed by Bechamp as being part of Nature’s ‘clean-up crew’, breaking down sick tissue and ultimately decomposing a no-longer-occupied body. Bechamp also viewed these micro-organisms as ‘changing forms’ (pleomorphic): from seed to bacterial, viral and fungal states, rather than being seen as discrete species unto themselves.

Once these bugs have done the job, they revert to the ‘seed’ stage once again ready to support new life. The very ground we stand on is teeming with these fundamental biological units. I once saw a video of a microzma expiring and emitting a photon of light in the process. Perhaps these units represent the transitional point where Light becomes living Matter.

The consciousness of the era, however, was, as noted, looking for a simpler, more linear explanation for disease, and as Pasteur was more of a PR man than Bechamp, he won the recognition of academia and society.


Also, the simplistic notion of ‘kill the bug, cure the disease’ was very appealing for the emerging Pharmaceutical trade, and continues to provide a major illusion in support of one of the newest ‘plagues’, the overuse of antibiotics.

Pasteur’s conscience, however, moved him to say on his deathbed, “Bechamp was right!”. As Bill Nelson, developer of the QXCI machine likes to say, "the Germ theory proposes you get rid of the flies, while it makes more sense to clean up the garbage attracting them."

As a result of the entrenchment of the Germ Theory in the western mind, other research pioneers who (often independently) corroborated Bechamp’s work, operated on the fringes of mainstream science and did not receive the financial support that would have promoted their findings.

One of the reasons there is some confusion about the concept of Pleomorhism is the language used to describe the various forms was drawn from different researchers who each used their own terminology, unaware of their colleague’s work. Thus, the "Micozyma" of Bechamp is also referred to as a "Protit", "Bion", or "Vion" by other researachers.

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Bacteria: Pathogens or Agents of Decay?: An Ecological Approach to Health

Suppose for a moment that 150 years ago medical scientists made a great error and set off in a tragically wrong direction, one that has caused untold suffering to millions of people, even endangering our very existence as a species, while its proponents line their pockets with gold.

Suppose also that although misinformation, ignorance, and corporate greed have obscured it, the true path to health is still open to us.


Suppose that we can easily understand the superiority of this path, and that all we need to do to turn the tide is to initiate a series of small changes in our lifestyles and values?


What if our survival as a species actually depended upon big changes? If we knew what they were, would we be willing to make them? Would we have the courage?

Could we, the people, person by person, decision by decision, fly in the face of medical error and corporate greed, defy our own complacency and addiction, reverse the process of decay, and regenerate not only our own health, but the health of the planet? Here is the story. You decide.

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Setting the Stage: Theories of Disease

Ideas about the cause of disease have changed down through the ages. Disease used to be blamed on angry gods, or on the spells and curses of powerful enemies. Before the 1880s disease was largely seen as the result of people being out of tune with their environment. While some doctors treated disease with blood letting and mercury, many doctors relied on rest, sunshine, fresh air, and nourishing food or fasting, knowing that the body must cure itself and that the physician’s role was to facilitate that process to the best of his or her ability. Modern western medicine has another perspective entirely.

Current western medicine tends to look at infectious disease as a foreign invader to be fought to the death. Each disease is seen as being caused by the invasion of specific germs, which can reproduce themselves and travel to infect other host organisms. The treatment of disease then, consists of identifying the germs causing the disease, analyzing the appropriate weapon to kill those germs, and using that weapon effectively; killing the germs is considered the cure for the disease. This model of the Magic Bullet Instant Cure has spread contagiously from the treatment of infectious disease into every aspect of health care: eradicate any symptom with a drug or quick-fix surgery, and that’s all there is to it—you are cured.

This understanding of disease dates from the mid-1800s when Louis Pasteur associated pathological changes in laboratory cultures with microorganisms he identified in them. He concluded that the “germs” were causing those pathological changes. Pasteur claimed that a particular microorganism uniquely caused each disease; this was the monomorphic germ theory of disease. A cure resulted when the particular microorganism associated with the disease was eliminated.

At the same time Pasteur was putting forth his germ theory, Antoine Bechamp held an opposing theory which was also in the spotlight: he asserted that microbes naturally evolve through different stages of development during their life cycle. These microbes respond to a toxic body by altering their normally healthy forms into forms associated with disease. But the microbes, he argued, do not cause disease. They are just responding to the toxicity of the body. This was the pleiomorphic theory of disease.

Another scientist of the day, Claude Bernard, argued that disease was caused by variations in the host’s internal milieu, or “terrain,” to which the microbes responded by changing form in order to survive. According to this theory, the vitality of the host was the principal factor in disease.


Relatively small changes in the internal environment made the “terrain” attractive and hospitable to different types of invading organisms: a weak host not only “invited” invading organisms to take up residence, but actually cultured them, inducing their changes into pathological forms. A strong and vital host, on the other hand, was inhospitable and would keep pathological organisms and disease at bay. This is the pleomorphic terrain theory of disease.

Not only did pleomorphism deny the causative role of germs in the development of disease, it also claimed that bacteria actually changed form in response to changes in the bodily terrain. Benign bacteria, under suitable conditions, could change into a “deadly” form, becoming benign again if conditions in the body changed back to support the benign form. The changes in terrain could be very subtle, as little as 0.01%; the body’s pH, or measure of acidity/alkalinity, was the primary determinant of health. A neutral pH kept microorganisms in benign or even beneficial forms.

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Two Roads Diverge...

The scientists debated their theories publicly at great length. Pasteur prevailed, less due perhaps to the validity of his theory than to his commanding personality: “Pasteur was a chemist and physicist and knew very little about biological processes. He was a respected, influential, and charismatic man, however, whose phobic fear of infection and belief in the ‘malignancy and belligerence’ of germs had popular far-reaching consequences in the scientific community, which was convinced of the threat of microbes to man.


Thus, was born the fear of germs (bacteriophobia) which still exists today.” (Baker, p. 212) Not only did Pasteur’s theory give rise to the fear of germs, but at this crossroads an entire medical strategy was birthed, modeled on war, a strategy which resulted, like war, in untold devastation. Humanity began its War on Germs.

In his excellent book, Awakening Our Self-Healing Body, Arthur Baker aptly summed up the results of the natural evolution of this change in our understanding: “With the germ theory of disease, no longer did we have to take responsibility for sickness caused by our own transgressions of the laws of health. Instead we blamed germs for invading the body. The germ theory effectively shifted personal responsibility for health and well-being onto the shoulders of the medical profession which supposedly knew how to kill off the offending germs. Our own health slipped from our control.”

On the surface, this approach has served us pretty well. Modern antibiotics have saved many lives in the 70 years since Alexander Fleming stumbled across penicillin mold on an orange. But the crows are coming home to roost: the experiment has changed the subject. Not only has modern medicine (and agriculture) bred resistance into bugs, it has bred it out of us! As medicine has made its seductive claims to protect us from illness, we have allowed the real supports for health to crumble beneath us.


Three generations of erosive chemical intensive farming has stripped both our soils and food of their vitality. During the same period we have poisoned our bodies and the biosphere with a myriad of toxic chemicals, drugs, radiation, and now feral DNA. We are just now beginning to comprehend the grim and far-reaching effects of our capitulation both to the germ theory and to the tender and lucrative ministrations of its proponents, allopathic medical doctors and pharmaceutical companies.

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Allopathic Model Follows from the Germ Theory


The advent of antibiotics and their phenomenal initial success cemented the place of allopathic medicine as the dominant modality in the treatment of disease. Even now as the idea of dominion over microbial disease is revealing itself as sheer fantasy, and infectious disease is rejoining chronic disease at center stage in the medical arena, allopathic medicine remains myopically focused on destroying disease.

It comes up dismally empty-handed when pressed for a theory of health. For allopathic medicine, health is the absence of disease, as defined by laboratory test results “within normal limits.” If you ask your doctor how to be healthy, she or he will probably say something like “Eat a good low-fat diet, get moderate exercise, and get a medical checkup once a year.”

At the yearly checkup, your doctor will test your blood and body functions to see if you are functioning within normal parameters. If you are not, if your blood pressure, liver enzymes, or blood glucose are abnormal, he will probably write you a prescription for a drug that he hopes will bring that parameter back within normal limits: the drug will most likely block some function of your body to do this.

Your body is in error and the physician hopes to get it back on track. If illness prompts your visit to the doctor, he will write you a prescription aimed at altering your body’s function to eliminate the symptoms that are making you uncomfortable.

Allopathic treatment pits itself against “abnormal” function of the body, which it calls disease, and feels victorious when the targeted body function falls back into line. If some other function moves into the abnormal range as a result of, or at least at the same time as the treatment, the doctor will treat that function with yet another drug: and another, and another... And, “well after all, what do you expect? After all, you are getting older...” Fast!

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The Road Less Traveled: Addressing the Terrain




If symptom-driven blocking of bodily function does not sit well with us, if we are concerned with cumulative side effects of toxic drugs, if we are seeking the reality, and not the mere appearance of health, where do we turn? Are there alternate models that effectively address “the terrain” to which Claude Bernard pointed? There are indeed!

Even before Pasteur, many traditional disciplines addressed whole body balance: five phase , Ayurvedic, and Tibetan medicines are examples. Natural Hygiene, homeopathy, aromatherapy, and Bach flower essence are examples of more recent approaches. (Of course it is important to remember that each of these modalities can also be used merely to treat symptoms rather than establish balance from a whole body perspective.)

In fact before Pasteur and the advent of antibiotics, most successful medical treatments were aimed at bringing the sick person back into balance with the environment through the use of enhanced cleanliness, pure food, hydrotherapy and mineral baths, sunshine, fresh air, and, primarily, rest. The modalities that did not seek to do this, those that applied drugs like mercury and arsenic, and practices like bloodletting, tended to kill the patient.

After Pasteur, when the medical majority went off chasing the illusion of dominion over bacteria, charging down the allopathic road of antibiotics and chemical pharmaceuticals, the pleiomorphs and the natural hygienists set out instead on the road less traveled.

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Pleiomorphism: Rife, Enderlein, and Naessens


Since Bernard and Bechamp’s day, a number of scientists have pursued pleomorphic study, among the most notable, Royal Rife, Gaston Naessens, and Gunther Enderlein. Because the medical establishment has suppressed pleomorphism, we in the West have not heard much about the developments in this arena, and the following reports may sound far-fetched. But before you discount them, take the time to do some research. It will be fascinating, and it may save your life!

In the 1920s a self-taught genius named Royal Rife developed an ingenious microscope capable of much greater magnification than even the electron microscope.

He was also able to view blood and tissue in a live state, because he used light in a way that illuminated cells without their having to be stained. Because the electron microscope requires the use of stained cells, and because staining kills the cells, the electron microscope can only view dead material. Using super magnification of light-illuminated live cells, Rife was able to confirm the pleomorphic nature of bacteria.

Because he could actually see the bacteria, he was able to track their development. He invented a method of aiming a sound frequency at the bacteria and was able to tune the pitch of the frequency to what he called the mortal oscillatory frequency—similar to the soprano holding a high note that shatters a glass. Rife developed tuned frequency treatments to selectively eliminate many types of bacteria from the body. Although his research was initially hailed as “the end of disease,” the medical establishment eventually suppressed it.

Using a microscope similar to Rife’s the French scientist Gaston Naessens has independently verified the pleomorphic nature of bacteria, and developed immune stimulating injections that can in some cases turn the pathological bacterial forms back to normal benign forms.

German bacteriologist Gunther Enderlein was a student of Bechamp, and continued to research the pleomorphic organisms, observing them under a dark-field microscope, which also is able to observe the blood in a live state. Viewed under these ingenious microscopes, the blood that allopathic medicine calls sterile is revealed to be a world teeming with life forms that aren’t in the books.

Microbes mutate according to the pH of the blood, and if the pH varies too far from balance, fungus and yeast overgrows first the blood, and then the body, and, unless the pH is reversed, the body dies.

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