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Virtual Vaishnava Memorial Place

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When surfing through the online Vaishnava Memoriam at http://www.iskcon.net/inmemoriam/ it says,


This Page was Last Updated on August 1<sup>st</sup> 2003.


And it says, "In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear."


Could it be that the endeavour to properly update the website in glorification of deceased Vaishnavas who surrendered their whole life for spreading Lord Caitanya's Sankirtan Movement, would produce such "a little advancement which protects from the most dangerous type of fear"?


There's another Vaishnava Memoral Place,





Krishna Media Solutions


6549 Copperfield Ln

Plano, Texas 75023

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Created on: 03-Mar-06

Expires on: 01-Dec-11

Last Updated on:


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Shinde, Hrishikesh hrishi_rns@

Krishna Media Solutions

6549 Copperfield Ln

Plano, Texas 75023

United States



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Shinde, Hrishikesh hrishi_rns@

Krishna Media Solutions

6549 Copperfield Ln

Plano, Texas 75023

United States




Could be that this is the official Vaishnava Memoriam?

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Oooh!! This is brilliant!


Now, we just need "virtual samadhis" so we don't end up cluttering up the Holy Dham with too may tombs of persons who are less than mahajanas (which was a big concern a while back, if memory serves)!!

Well, they stopped to update 2003. Tried to find HG Sri Sriman Bharata prabhu a great bookdistributor who departed last year, nothing online.:crying2:

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It seems that if they can have books of lists for everything including the names of all the hollywood stars dogs, an accurate eulogy page could be nice. Maybe the devotee hospice group could do this work better.


I like em. It where I can remember sudama, bahudaka, tusta, puru, all our friends who seemingly have marched off into history.


These disciples of Srila Prabhupada deserve samadhis, thay gladly donated their youth so prabhupada could spread this movement, we must never forget. All of em.


hare krsna. mahaksadasa, the grave digger servant of Lord Yamaraja.

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