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Not Kateri,Parmeshwari or Dee Mata

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pujarie five o

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my friend welcome to our discussions and your input is greatly appreciated. we as a people must not believe everything that we are fed that is what makes us different from dumb animals for we have the power of speech and intellegience to think. i understand your question on Munispreng see if this is what they have learnt that is what they will teach. again for the simple they are afraid to say that what they have been selling for all these years was false how can they for the money will go somewhere else so now they have to start to catagorise and say all are one and they are just different forms. the correct name for him is Muniswaran nothing else.


I have been told that he is the Moon God and a Landmaster among other things


as i have also been told at the start of my journey but this is not him that is Chandrae deva but you see once again old customs and stories that bears a resemblence were joined as one simple no high tech talk about it. Same as permeshwari the devi who Chamar kill pigs for.


I have my ideas based on some experience and believe these to have an “esoteric” meaning regarding the mind


quite true and i agree again customs and beliefs turn into rituals. and rituals hand down from generation to generation with no investigation of what or how they came to. listen we well some caribbean folk think that this worship brought here by our forefathers came and stopped right here so now as the world is opening to different ways of gathering info it becomes impossible for them to cope with this new set of information. according to my daughter poem she had to learn: learn little children before you are old for a good education is better than gold.


Also, there is a picture of Kaal Bhairo on a horse that has a very mezmorizing affect on the mind. Do you know where this picture and the others like it (there are ones for Master Sanganie, Master Munispreng and Kateri Ma) came from?

these are tamil base pics the one of Khal Bhairav is called Batukaya but also it goes with the story of how he had fell in love with the king's daughter. Most grama devas are always depicted riding horses for they are warriors. hope i have answered some of you doubts.


so anyways what is you take on kali worship in trinidad.

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Dear Pujarie,


I dont feel that I can comment on any form of worship as I myself have little understanding of these things. Some things if they dont feel right are most likely not right. It has always seemed to me that all Devas want you to use your brain to solve things and not blindly follow the pack headlong into ignorance. Faith and the mind must be in accord.


Upon investigation I have noticed that many pictures of the Gods in the West Indies are not correct, especially with Kateri Ma. For example pictures of Sri Krishna and Bali are often "thought" to be her. Telling people this provokes quite the defensive response.


Your comment about the West Indians and Tamils in East Asia speaking are opening many doors is correct on many levels. It might have the effect however of tearing down ones faith as a new way could seem very threatening to previously held beliefs. But this is the information age and is truly a double edged sword.


God Bless.

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i totally agree with you that is why through the computers and boks that i ws fortunate in getting to broaden my knowledge i have started to campaign against the wrong usage of the devis and devtas using as always black and white when i speak. i show them photos that i can get with atleast a little script and i always quote the source. for a while now i have been telling my fellow devotees that the pic of Sri Katerie is really that of Krishna in the form balaji also called Venkateshwara, but they dont like to listen for their belief is too strong to accept a changing Hinduism. their loss. i always say that ingnorance is no excuse for if you call a man a woman you are bound to get no results but do the heads and the pooja store owners listen no so the masses are led blindly over the cliff into their own self destruction. Take for example their are head pujaries who run Sada (worship without BLOOD) temples and stand every sunday and criticise the worship of Kali Maa in the Blood Form saying that mother was never created to drink blood and eat any meat or dwell amongst unclean poojas then on Monday these are the same persons who are seen in the lines in K.F.C. or in the Chinese resturants buying foods inclusive of meats. so it is alright for the man to eat but not the devi when it was she who have created everything for her own worship. Hypocrites. then the divine does not drink blood but there is no end to the supply that they shove down thier throats then the divine devi does eat nor drink but the pujarie who is in charge of taking care of her can do as he likes. Then there are those females that own the temples and have the devootees that come to their temple call them not by their names or refer to them as pujarin but as Mother. whose mother i dont know heres the excuse: because they own the temple and they are female they are the mother in the temple so call me MAA or MATA. LOL. the same rope they use to test should first be tested on them. Spiritually goes so much further than these material things that we sekk for that it is amazing to see these spiritual leaders always falling for the vanity in each aspect of life if not women then money.

Spin top in mud is what i say pujaries distribute list for you to get items to purchase for poojas and the first thing you see on the list is the price per pooja imagine a Kali Maa pooja costs from $2000.00 TT and up so to go to my mother is so expensive. but we the material persons are so blind that we fail to realise that is why the devi has one of her palms facing us showering her darshan so freely, but i always we trinis must always hear a price else we think that the prayers is not accepted.

my views.:idea: :idea: :idea: :idea: :smash:

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I truly believe that he has attempted to mix in folklore, but I do however commend him on his attempts and most of all I am grateful that you are trying to help me understand.:)

I have attached a picture that I have of Muneshwaran; you may not see it clearly. I believe that you may have seen it before. His left palm has a star shape and his right palm has a crescent moon shape.

Now in this picture, he has two hands, whereas a first murti that I ever saw of him had four hands:

He is holding-

A triangle in his left front hand

A sword in the right front hand

A circular shaped disc, maybe a shield of some sort, in the back right hand and the crescent moon in the back left hand

I also met up with this in a website:

Lord Sri Muneeswarar may be quite unknown to many but he is a powerful God and has an interesting origin.

Long before our time, in ancient ffice:smarttags" /><?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com><st1:country-region w:st=<st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:place></st1:country-region> lived King Thakshar who was Lord Siva's father in law. One fine day, he decided to perform a special pooja called the Achvametha Yagam. Unfortunately he did not invite Lord Siva to the Yagam. Brahma, Vishnu, Indra, the Thevars and Maha Rishis strongly requested that Lord Siva be invited but King Thakshar was indeed stubborn. He flatly refused.

He continued to conduct the Yagam without giving Lord Sivca his share of the Avir. Lord Siva's anger was apparent. King Thakshar was cursed by Nandhithevar, who sits at the base of Lord Siva's idol , and Sivanintahi resulted. The Yagam did not end. Lord Siva's anger exploded. Frightful Veeera Pathirar, Lord Siva's guard, appeared angrily from the Yagam.

And from the Lord Siva's face came Sri Muneeswarar who took seven incarnations - Sivamuni, Mahamuni, Thavamuni, Naathamuni, Jadamuni, Tharammamuni and Vaazhamuni. This he did to protect the souls.

Ø As he appeared from Lord Siva's face. He assumed SIVAMUNI.

Ø Possessing immeasurable divine power he became Mahamuni.

Ø Thavamuni removed all obstacles in the path of the Thevars and Rishis during their Yagam.

Ø Naathamuni offered blessings to the Devagananga and Poothaganga.

Ø Jadamuni grew the trees and possessed the Ruthrkshamala Kaatgar and the book.

Ø Tharmamuni protected the good and destroyed evil.

Ø Vaazhamuni is praised by the Kabalis who live in the jungle.


In so assuming the different incarnations, Lord Sri Muneeswarar has showered his blessings on His devotees. Sivasakthi is Knowledge. In praying to Lord Muneeswarar, devotees may achieve bliss and good health in life.


Does this extract prove the origination of Muneeshwaran?

Perhaps all the different representations of Muneeswaran's pictures and of murtis are really his many incarnations? :idea:

And it should be spelt M-U-N-E-E-S-H-W-A-R-A-N, not so?

And what does his name mean? Do you know?

I really do not understand, if the Shakti off Muneshwaran or any devi or devta, manifests upon someone and they worship them wrongly and call them the wrong names, why doesn’t the Shakti correct them immediately.:confused:

Is it because of the strength of an innocent devotee’s faith, trust, and love in gods and goddesses that it really does not matter how you call on to them by name, as long as your heart is pure and innocent? :confused:

I have seen how faith, trust, and love are ever so powerful, more powerful than knowledge itself.

Then again, we cannot trust, love or have faith without knowing someone or something………or can we?? :crazy2: :crazy2: :crazy2:





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“Muni” in Sanskrit means sage and since sages were very popular during Vedic period it was easy to incarnate munishswarans as the fierceful form of sages who accompanied goddess Durga


because of his closeness to lord shiva folklore begot munishwaran this way some even say that he is because of the sun and moon in his hands the creator and ruler of day and night and the seasons. but one has to remember that when the devi was created she also recieved as gifts the sun and the crescent moon from lord shiva so it safe to say that within time generations by ways to easily identify and appreciate gave him sun and moon.


the beauty of internet i also have this document a good base of information.


yes and no it proves that munishwaran exists. but when you look at the document it also identifies veerabadhra


Perhaps all the different representations of Muneeswaran's pictures and of murtis are really his many incarnations


dont be so naive ( no disrespect) an incarnation can have different names because of the difference in language but will still only be one


I really do not understand, if the Shakti off Muneshwaran or any devi or devta, manifests upon someone and they worship them wrongly and call them the wrong names, why doesn’t the Shakti correct them immediately


this is my point all along with which i have problems but if what the children learn from the start wrong and are not pointed in the right direction how would the shakti grow to be stronger. dont get me wrong i am not the best within this shakti worship but i am always on the look out for the imposters. it is a combination of everything that has these persons giving wrong readings and also the child not living up to their duties. Shakti: this is such a vast word that you know not even the size of a mustard grain is the amount of shakti that comes on the children so when you do not do the proper things in life and follow the rules the result is what you get imposters.:mad:


Is it because of the strength of an innocent devotee’s faith, trust, and love in gods and goddesses that it really does not matter how you call on to them by name, as long as your heart is pure and innocent


would you go with faith, trust and love in god and address Khal Bhairav as ganga maa: No. so then it is the same heart being pure and innocent is foundation for you to prepare thyself not address the gods. this is why we have so many and i believe this is the result of having one for each purpose. take for example take a look at all the victims of crime are they who have lost their loved ones pure and innocent but yet look at the results


I have seen how faith, trust, and love are ever so powerful, more powerful than knowledge itself.


these are just tools for the divine to impart and guide in every day life but also their is honesty to bring the faith, trust and love then there is intelligence to understand and then the emotions that help guide us to make certain sensible sacrifices as i said just tools for further improvement.:rolleyes:


great to see you around and about i am trying to check how much kali temples we have in trinidad if you know of any i did not mention please post.:pray:


i have a picture like that in meh temple hehe you have the one with Kateri on the horse and Sangilli with the big sword got them from omars in south


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dont be so naive ( no disrespect) an incarnation can have different names because of the difference in language but will still only be one


This is a very good point. Most people only see the forms from their culture or region and believe this to be the only form. If you look at the forms of Mother Kali in India it is quite diverse and she is even the Protector of the Dalai Lama in the form of Palden Lahmo. Despite the variations of form, her nature remains the same. I actually like the Shinto way of representing the Gods; by using calligraphy of the name so the mind is not fixated upon the form. People get so caught up on pictures that they actually limit how the power of divinity can work in thier life and are unable to exprience the full vastness of God.


Shakti: this is such a vast word that you know not even the size of a mustard grain is the amount of shakti that comes on the children so when you do not do the proper things in life and follow the rules the result is what you get imposters.:mad:


Words can never describe the power of Shakti, only exprience.


i have a picture like that in meh temple hehe you have the one with Kateri on the horse and Sangilli with the big sword got them from omars in south


Are you able (or willing?) to post a clear and complete picture of Munishswaran as posted in the previous post? I have Kal Bhairo in this form, I love the picture. Do you know who drew those series of pictures?

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Thank you for the posting of the picture. :)


I have Kal Bhairo sitting on the horse in the same artistic style of the Master Sanganie, Kateri Ma and Muni Spreng pictures. Not the one with him and Devi on the horse together. I had a feeling they came from India, they have a sort of unearthly feel to them.......:pray:


I saw a website for a Temple in Malay that totally blew my mind...It has Hindu deities similar to Kali Temple, Buddhist deities, Taoist deities and even Jesus and Mary. I cannot remember the site but if I can retrace my steps I will post it.


Have you read the Tirumantrium or heard of it?

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my friend there is also a pic of a devta riding a white horse with sword in his hands upraised just like Khal Bhairav but he is not he s Kalki Devta the last and final form of Sri Vishnu whom is yet to come at the end of Kaliiyug i hope this is not the one you have. the next question you might ask is how would i know the diffference well the Khal Bhiarav by himself has a little brown dog or jackal by his side for this pic originated from Varanasi or Kashipur where he is known as Kashi Rajan.


Have you read the Tirumantrium or heard of it?


sorry no! but please enlighten me. once it is something about mother and shakti worship i would love to have. do you know of the Mariamman Thalatthu trying to get an original for the longest while have a photocopy but would like to have one in its original state. but please do enlighten me of the Tirumantrium.

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Hey pujarie,



I know Kaani and I do her devotion and I love her irregardless of whether she is a shakti devi or not. Those people in the puja stores sure do know how to make $ of off us. That pic I bought was when I had now entered shakti worship, now I know better. Last year i was looking for a bhairo baba murti, they said I had to import it, I ended up goin to this odd puja store and got the most beautiful murti of him, price was exorbitant but I love him. The puja stores for some odd reason sell all pictures and murtis associated with Shakti worship for sometimes 2 and 3 times. God know why and half the time they dont know what they selling yuh. Know better now thanks for the heads up.



Jai Kali Maa

Jai Shree Maha Shakti Khaal Bhairo Baba


Merry Christmas to Everyone :)

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Dear Pujari (and all viewers),


The Tirumantriam is Tamil Tantra and is from the Saivite tradition. It describes all the energies of Shakti, mantras along with other interesting information including the different types of Yoga. It has one of the best descriptions of the union of Siva and Shakti that I have encountered. Ber in mind that one needs a Guru to grasp the full content of the text. With a background in kali work it will still make sense. Kaal Bhairava also has a small part of a chapter dedicated towards him.


I have a copy with the Tamil and English translations. I need a few more posts then I can send a link.


I have also included a picture of another form of Muneswarar.




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This is indeed Bahuchara Maa. She is a fertility aspect of Devi. Because homosexuals and transgender people and the eunuchs were born without fertility they believe that by abandoning all forms of their masculinity and worshipping her they will gain back their masculinity in another lifetime, or just be free from being born transgender which obviously had wonderful implications in the ancient world as being a sem-divine person on Earth, where as now in this day they are persecuted and forced into begging and prostitution for a living. In ancient times they were paid money to dance at weddings, new houses, or the birth of a child to remove misfortune. They also were kept as guardians and companions of harems, often keeping the women beautiful by their natural skills of hairdressing and teaching them with their natural talents to dance and sing. One could note the story of of Brihinala, or Arjuna who took the form of a transgender and took hiding in a nearby kingdom. S/he taught dancing, and singing to the Princess as well as served as a hairdresser and entertainer.

She is also worshipped by women for the begetting of a Child. I know two girls who visited her temple and were both pregnant with children within a month.

Bahuchara Mata can be worshipped on Sundays and Full Moons if you are looking for fertility within the family or if you are a transgendered and seek her blessings.

Also another interesting note about the Transgender when they worship her is that before they commence with ANY sort of surgical body modification they through various forms of divination consult her before their gender changing surgery. If she says it is a right and auspicious time, the Hijra Chela will then undergo the operation by a person deemed a "mid wife". Then after they operation they are taken out as a bride, and shown to the community. They are also made to sit on a mill stone until they "mensturate" or basically bleed as a sign of being woman. During the castration ceremony they all gather and chant "Mata, Mata" over and over until the culmination of power, and then of course that is when the undesired object(s) are removed, and offered to the Goddess as a sign of their devotion. I also believe that they live in special quarters of town where there is a guru or elder Hijra that presides over her Chelas. They all live together like family.

Isn't diversity wonderful!? I love the fact that Maa's children are so diverse all over the world, with so many customs and traditions. It's a shame that people hate each other for these differences. I mean clearly these people are devoted and dedicated to make such a sacrifice to the Goddess!


I just wanted to let you know about what I know about Bahuchara, her followers and her worship. I know the subject of gender variance and fertility, as well as diversity seems to be offensive to some, however I consider it beautiful.

I also uploaded an image of Bahuchara Mata Devi, and two pictures I found of the very intriguing Hijras.

I also want to say that if I said anything thay may offend someone who MAY be a Hijra on this board or who may read it online by getting something wrong, I appologize. I am just trying my best to convey a subject of people of diversity that I admire for their adamant devotion to the call of Maa!

Jai Mata Di!









Bahuchara was given in marriage to a prince who never spent time with her. Instead he would go to the jungle every night on a white horse. One night Bahuchara decided to follow her husband and find out why he never came to her. As she had no horse, she rode a jungle fowl. she discovered that her husband spent the night in the jungle behaving as a woman.

"If you are not interested in women why did you marry me?" asked Bahuchara. The prince begged her forgiveness and said his parents had forced him into marriage so that he could father children.

Bahuchara declared that she would forgive him if he and other men like him worshipped her as a goddess, dressed as a woman.

Today Bahuchara, whose temple is located in Gujarat, is worshipped by impotent men, enuchs, homosexuals and hermaphrodites seeking redemption from a life that has cast them out of mainstream society.

Bahuchara is depicted in iconography as sittiing on a male rooster or fowl-- thus symbolising her power over the male gender.


please post if your knowledge base is different.

now if you notice i did not say she is not an aspect of the devi i am saying that she is not Kateri Mata, Parmeshwari or Dee mata and as how the pujaries might other wise tell us she is not. for you have read her function.Hope this brings a level of questions as to how she arrived in Kali worship.


Bahuchara of Gjarat.




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the pic below is a picture taken of a web site about kateri mata. some persons have tried hard to convince the unaware that this devi seen sitting on a fowl cock has a place in shakti worship as Kateri Mata, Dee Mata or Parmeshwari, however the story goes:



Bahuchara was given in marriage to a prince who never spent time with her. Instead he would go to the jungle every night on a white horse. One night Bahuchara decided to follow her husband and find out why he never came to her. As she had no horse, she rode a jungle fowl. she discovered that her husband spent the night in the jungle behaving as a woman.

"If you are not interested in women why did you marry me?" asked Bahuchara. The prince begged her forgiveness and said his parents had forced him into marriage so that he could father children.

Bahuchara declared that she would forgive him if he and other men like him worshipped her as a goddess, dressed as a woman.

Today Bahuchara, whose temple is located in Gujarat, is worshipped by impotent men, enuchs, homosexuals and hermaphrodites seeking redemption from a life that has cast them out of mainstream society.

Bahuchara is depicted in iconography as sittiing on a male rooster or fowl-- thus symbolising her power over the male gender.


please post if your knowledge base is different.

now if you notice i did not say she is not an aspect of the devi i am saying that she is not Kateri Mata, Parmeshwari or Dee mata and as how the pujaries might other wise tell us she is not. for you have read her function.Hope this brings a level of questions as to how she arrived in Kali worship.


Bahuchara of Gjarat.


Yes, you are correct... that is Bahuchara Mata. I heard a different story as to why She is worshipped by transexuals, homosexuals, etc... though. I read somewhere that She was almost raped (!), and that She only forgave Her almost-rapist after he castrated himself and donned the garb of a woman for the rest of his life. As for the website you were on... I'm pretty sure that I also got on the same website today (http://devimaamandir.com/Katerimata.html ???) while reading up on Kateri Mata... LMAO... sure is a small virtual world, isn't it! :D

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Namaste Pujari and Radhe


This website seems to identify Kateri with one of the navdurgas (I'm guessing Siddhidatri as she is the only one without a picture of herself below the icon of Kateri at the top). Would any of you be able to verify if this were true or not? If so is the icon of her with lions, also of another goddess then Kateri?

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Namaste Pujari and Radhe


This website seems to identify Kateri with one of the navdurgas (I'm guessing Siddhidatri as she is the only one without a picture of herself below the icon of Kateri at the top). Would any of you be able to verify if this were true or not? If so is the icon of her with lions, also of another goddess then Kateri?


It seems logical that they'd be saying that She's Siddhidatri, since they equate Her being the "last" with Her being the youngest... since Siddhidatri is the last of the Nava-Durga rupa, I'd say there's a good chance you're right. I don't know this though... it's just speculation... but it makes since. I think that the Goddess with the lions is Khodiyar Mata... usually She wears a colorful sari (but w/ the same blessing mudra and trident), but I just found a picture where She's dressed all in black with a lion ( http://family.webshots.com/photo/1070193406025453939OZsZQT ).

Aum Namah Shivaya! Jai Mata Ji!

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hey whats up guys but the truth of the matter is kateri affilation in shakti worship is more close to Katyayainee the SIXTH of the Nav durga forms ( i could be wrong but this is what i have learnt) because once when earth gave birth to son Narak she turned herself into a maiden nurse- Katyayainee to look after her own son.


Nava Durga - These are the nine (nava) main forms of the Goddess. She is well known by these forms in the Vedas. Each goddess symbolises a specific source of Energy.






1. Shailputri - She is the daughter of the Himalayas and first among nine Durgas. In previous birth she was the daughter of Daksha. Her name was Sati - Bhavani. I.e. the wife of Shiv. Once Daksha had organized a big Yagna and did not invite Shivaji. But Sati being obstinate, reached there. Thereupon Daksha insulted Shiva. Sati could not tolerate the insult of husband and burnt herself in the fire of Yagns. In other birth she became the daughter of Himalaya in the name of Parvati - Hemvati and got married with Shivaji. As per Upnishad she had torn and the egotism of Indra, etc. Devtas. Being ashamed they bowed and prayed that, "In fact, thou are Shakti, we all - Brahma, Vishnu and Shiv are capable by getting Shakti from you."






2. Brahmacharini - The second Durga Shakti is Brahamcharini. Brahma that is who observes panance and good conduct. Here "Brahma" means "Tapa". The idol of this Goddess is very gorgeous. There is rosary in her right hand and Kamandal in left hand. She is full with merriment. One story is famous about her. In previous birth she was Parvati Hemavati the daughter of Himvan. Once when she was busy in games with her friends. Naradaji came to her and predicted seeing her Palm-lines that, "You will get married with a naked-terrible 'Bhole baba' who was with you in the form of Sati, the daughter of Daksh in previous birth. But now you have to perform penance for him." There upon Parvati her mother Menaka that she would marry none except Shambhu, otherwise she would remain unmarried. Saying this she went to observe penance (tap). That is why her name is famous as tapacharini - Brahmacharini. But as she was engrossed in Tapa her mother told her, " Beti, please do not make penance." From that time her name Uma became familiar.






3. Chandraghanta - The third Shakti is Chandraghanta. There is a half-circular moon in her forehead. She is charmful and bright. She is Golden colour. She has three eyes and ten hands holding with ten types of swords - etc. weapons and arrows etc. missiles. She is seated on Lion and ready for going in war to fight. She is unprecedented image of bravery. The frightful sound of her bell terrifies all the villans, demons and denavas.






4. Kushmanda - The fourth Durga is Kushmanda. The Shakti creates egg. I.e. Universe by mere laughing she resides in solar systems. She shines brightly in all the ten directions as like Sun. She has eight hands. Seven types of weapons are shining in her seven hands. Rosary is in her right hand. She seems brilliant riding on Lion. She likes the offerings of "Kumhde." Therefore her name "Kushmanda" has become famous.






5. Skanda Mata - The Fifth name of Durga is "Skanda Mata". The daughter of Himalaya, after observing penance got married with Shiva. She had a son named "Skanda." Skanda is a leader of the army of Gods. Skanda Mata is a deity of fire. Skanda is seated in her lap. She has three eyes and four hands. She is white and seated on a lotus.






6. Katyayani -The Sixth Durga is Katyayani. The son of "Kat" as "Katya". Rishi Katyayan born in this "Katya" linege. Katyayan had observed penance with a desire to get paramba as his daughter. As a result she took birth as a daughter of Katyayan. Therefore her name is "Katyayani" on the bank of Jamuna for getting Krishna as a husband. It proves that she is prime deity of Vraj mandal. Her appearance is very sublime. She has three eyes and eight hands. These are eight types of weapons missiles in her seven hands. Her vehicle is Lion.






7. Kalratri - The Seventh Durga is Kalratri. She is black like night. H hairs are unlocked. She has put on neckles shining like lightning. She has three eyes which are round like universe. Her eyes are bright. Thousands of flames of fire come out while respiring with nose. She rides on donkey. There is sharp sword in her right hand. Her lower hand is in blessing mood. The burning torch is in her left hand and her lower left hand is in fearless style, by which she makes her devotees fearless. Being auspicious she is called "Shubhamkari."






8. Maha Gauri - The Eighth Durga is "Maha Gauri." She is as white as a conch, moon and Jasmine. She is of eight years old. Her clothes and ornaments are white and clean. She has three eyes. She rides on bull She has four hands. The above left hand is in "Fearless - Mudra" and lower left hand holds "Trishul." The above right hand has tambourine and lower right hand is in blessing style. She is calm and peaceful and exists in peaceful style. It is said that when the body of Gauri became dirty due to dust and earth while observing penance, Shivaji makes it clean with the waters of Gangas. Then her body became bright like lightning. There fore, she is known as "Maha Gauri" in world.






9. Siddhidatri - The Ninth Durga us Siddhidatri. There are eight Siddhis - Viz- Anima, Mahima, Garima, Laghima, Prapti, Prakamya, Iishitva Vashitva. Maha Shakti gives all these Siddhies. It is said in "Devipuran" that the Supreme God Shiv got all these Siddhies by worshipping Maha Shakti. With her gratitude the half body of Shiv has became of Goddess and there fore his name "Ardhanarishvar" has became famous. The Goddess drives on Lion. She has four hands and looks pleased. This form of Durga is worshipped by all Gods, Rishis-Munis, Siddhas, Yogis, Sadhakas and devotees for attaining the best religious asset.











kateri in shakti worship is a nurse she fixes the problems attached to us by bad karma, she is maa then she is sister she is friend and she is serious when she wants something she always gets it. yes she is playful not mischievious as i read somewhere. youngest does not mean last for within forms and manifestations maa devi can assume the form of a sisteen yearold girl then right after into a old woman who would be first and last. in this context its not the matter of first and last but more or less age or behavioural pattern. then again i can be wrong but check the site it has a lot of wrong info this appears a by product of the new york queens temple same teachings and same murtis. here they have bahuchara as kateri or some other goddess. but hey i can be wrong but one thing i dont do is fool people. if i dont know i dont know i am not going to make up some cock and bull story like these persons have to bring in customers play you fixing them but spoiling Maa Kali name in the process.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone,


I was wondering if anyone could help me out with some questions that I have regarding aspect of worship in the West Indies.


My first questionis thus: In Mariamman and Munishwar temples in India and Malay, Murugan is usually one of dieties worshiped. In the West Indies I have not even heard him mentioned and most think that he is Lord Siva's daughter, not his son. Most people just stare blankly when his name is mentioned. Are there any ideas as to why he was left out of the temples? It is quite a shame if I might add my view as he plays such an important role within the context of the universe and the teachings the tradition embodies is very pratical and rich.


Second: in a previous post Pajarie and myself talked about a Kal Bhairo picture from Tamil Nadu. He is one the horse and is in the series with Kateri Ma, Sanganie and Muneespreng. Upon closer inspection Kal Bhairo wears the mark of Vishnu on his forhead, not Siva's as per other pictures (not to mention that Kal Bhairav is from the Saivite tradition). Any ideas to this over sight, or is this a way of showing that the Divine is in all traditions? Or an oversight of the artist?

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i am attempting to help you understand, however do not accept my words as an official answer, for it is always better to take into consideration the varied perception of others, pertaining to an issue or inquiry.


As for your first question concerning Murugan, it is evident that there are temples in the West Indies that entertain Murugan in Shakti Temples. Some devotees however, may be bewildered by acknowledging him as Murugan, since some know him as Subramunyam or Kartikea.

I suspect that perhaps you must have had some experiences with Guyanese

worshippers, for I myself have realised, as far as my research has lead me, is that some, (maybe all, maybe few) Shakti Temples in Guyana do not entertain or worship Murugan, or are totally unaware of his significance.

Nonetheless, I guess it all depends on the head pujarie/pujarin and his/her beliefs and way of worship.








Hope this helps!



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  • 3 weeks later...


hey bhiro child that not fear i not grumpy just did not understand which pic you was talking bout. anyways so you thought that was kaani devi, but do you know that there is no such thing as Kaani devi if you are talking about the murti or the offering being done in temple where the pelt the coconut on the stone there is no one called Kaani devi. tell me what you think.



there is a devi called kaarni devi and they do worship to her if you dont know somtime you shouldnt talk negative about it ans say she doesnt exist

she does exist i do puja for her were you get a rooster while doing the puja

and bath him put chandan for him and wen the puja is finished let him loose

in your yard he gets rid of any black majic that people do and throw in your

yard just because your shakti temple you go to dont do her worship

that dont mean she dont exist tell do your temple rise parameswari devi

i dont think so but she does exist.

jai kali maa

when next you go to your shakti temple and they rise kali ask her

if you feel i lieing

jai sita ram

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hey whats up A.F. long time not on the scene bit preoccupied with my temple.

anyways bhiro i think for a pundit the concensus would have been that you are supposed to be a little more intelligent than the rest of us as to lead us. you say that there is a devi called kaani devi i say no but there is one called Kanya kumari that people say is kaani and if is this you pray to then woe onto whom you teach as a pundit.:crying2: anyways i see that you are close to shakti worship and at 24 well done but be careful as to how you preach i too am from trinidad and as for pundits here well all i can say is that if you dony follow them then they chastise you. then again you say that you do fowl cock pooja for kaani devi and let go the fowl cock then answer this if you are not going to sacrifice the bird why release the bird so the victory of the prayers run around the yard and well kaani is running behind it. first time i heard a pundit refer to black magic and use fowl cock as antidote.

my concept on paremeshwari maa is different and as you had read my earlier post that you had agreed too, you should know my aim. This post relative to Kaani was not that she deos not exist but is that they refer to her by wrong name my learned friend. and besides as a pundit one has to have controlled emotions and calm and soothing words where are yours.

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Hey pujarie five


Whats the scene? Enjoying your discussion, hope yuh good.




Whats up? I noticed someone asked why bhairo baba has the mark of Vishnu on his head and not Shiva.

Bhairava has the mark of Vishnu on him probably because it is Vishnu who gives him his forgiveness and rids him of sin of braminicide.I most believe this should be true.


Jai Kali Maa!!!!!!!!!

Jai Maha Shakti Khaal Bhairo Baba!!!!!!!!!!!

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well if wat i say is wrong my esteem friend then u should have no problem asking mother then and i know of the devi called kanya kumari u do her puja by inviting 9 girls from the ages of 2 - 10 and offer them sweets and other things but i should be telling you that since you are bramha himself and you know everything in the three world so i am sorry but my guru who lived in tamil nadu for a number of years emparted that knowledge to me from his guru who is well versed in tantric practice but since you are bramha himself then you should know this oooooo great one and a next thing is that you are not thinking,you say that why do you offer the fowl and then let it go so she can run behind it sooo tell me or great one why do we offer food to a dog wen you are doing kala bhairo puja so after he can run behind the dog if wat you were saying are true then you should kill the dog not leave it to run around in your yard sooo do you scarifice dogs to bhairo ooo great pujari, and futher more in the tantra raja tantra page 53 verse 12 it say to send a person crazy you use a fowl by following other practices not mentioned here you leave the fowl let it run free, and the reason for me useing black majic is for the normal person to understand and therefore learn.

jai bhairo baba

wish you all the blessings to you because although we may disagree on somthings we are both devoties of the supreme mother.

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