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America Divides Over God....

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Like always, Henry Makows articles are spot on! His conclusion: The love of God does unite us.


America Divides Over God in Hollywood Horror



by Henry Makow Ph.D. – December 7, 2007




I was early for “Across the Universe" so I caught the last 20 minutes of "The Mist," a movie I would not normally see.


In this film, a town is enveloped in fog and terrorized by fantastic monster crabs, a good metaphor for the Western World today. The movie focuses on about 50 average Americans who take refuge in a supermarket.



When I arrived, the refugees were fighting over the one thing that should unite them: God. They were divided between “believers” and “secularists.” The believers led by Christian fundamentalist Mrs. Carmody, played by Marcia Gay Harden, insist the calamity is God's punishment for their sins. They must take their medicine. The “secularists” led by artist David Drayton, played by Thomas Jane, just want to escape.


The believers are portrayed as zombies. Clutching knives, they bar the escape route and threaten to kill non-believers. The secularists are ready to reciprocate. Thus, with monsters on the doorstep, the people are tearing themselves apart.


Mrs. Carmody raves about how God requires blood. She brandishes her knife at Drayton's five-year-old son and demands "a blood sacrifice." You can see her character in http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z95rD8E7M9o.


Christians are the monsters within our ranks. Were Jews or homosexuals portrayed in this light, it would be a "hate crime."


Most Americans probably would agree on God yet are being riven into warring camps. Most would accept that God is a moral force connected to spiritual ideals like goodness, truth, justice, beauty and love. Because we have souls, we are able to intuit and follow this moral order. This defines us as human and is the basis of any true civilization.


Whether secularists believe in "God" or not, who can deny they are also motivated by spiritual ideals? So the real issue is not whether these ideals exist, but how to achieve them.


But the monsters that control America (using the mass media) aren't giant crabs (except in spirit.) To protect their monopoly on government credit, they must divide, distract and destabilize the people. Thus we learn to fight over what really unites us.


You don't need to see this depressing movie so I'll tell you what happens. A secularist shoots Mrs. Carmody in the forehead. The non-believers escape but many are consumed by the giant crabs in typical-horror-movie fashion.


Drayton, his son, a pretty teacher and an older couple are trapped in his SUV. Monster crabs the size of football fields are clomping around. Drayton has the gun but only four bullets are left. The group silently decides he should shoot them all. The child becomes a sacrifice to despair.


Then, the mist lifts and an army column arrives to rescue them. Drayton is in agony over his bad timing. He and the audience learn that, believer or not, life plays cruel tricks.


The ending feels false to me. They gave up too easily.







In contrast, "Across the Universe" was a joy to behold. This is a musical love story that uses many little-known Beatles hits to pay gentle homage to the idealistic misguided 1960's. Unlike most movies today, it was beautiful, intelligent, inspiring, tasteful and imaginative.


"Across the Universe" was directed by Julie Taymor, who also made the excellent "Frida" (about the Mexican painter Frida Kahlo.) Taymor is one of the most talented directors working today.


Hollywood is still capable of producing the occasional gem. Ang Lee's "Lust and Caution" was great. "The Hoax"with Richard Gere took us into the psyche of the hoaxer. "The Last King of Scotland" was wonderful.


Perhaps things can improve. Perhaps the Illuminati is hearing the voice of sanity. The CIA's report that Iran gave up its nuclear weapon program in 2003 is a good sign. The Illuminati want to sideline Cheney and Bush for the duration. (Some have suggested that Defense Secretary Gates is the point man in this return to sanity.)


A little good news as Christmas approaches? Maybe. The Internet has produced an exponential increase in mass awareness. Even shills like Bill Maher are

(Note Ron Paul's funny handshakes in this video.)


In the meantime, let's remember that we become what we contemplate. Instead of human perversity, let's contemplate beauty goodness and truth. Hopefully Hollywood will give us more honest, informative, life affirming stories in the future. The love of God does unite us.




Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order." (

www.cruelhoax.ca) His articles can be found at his web site www.henrymakow.com He enjoys receiving comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only. hmakow@gmail.com


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