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Flu injections for devotees, should we all be inoculated?

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"In the evening I went for my bi-yearly check up by Dr. Vinode. He took some

blood and gave me a flu injection. It seems the body is taking up so much of

my time and I'm only 53. I hate to think what it will be like when I'm 73.

or what about 103 (That's when grandmother Linda left her body?)" Extract from Journal of a Struggling Sadhaka - Volume 6, Part 39 By Partha Sarathi Das Goswami


All flu injections are grown in the yoke of an egg, is there a better way to be potected by the flu.

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no way, Id rather get the flu than the cure. in this age, the solutions are always much more troublesome than the problem, and there is no greater example than modern medicing. Egg yolks? Id be more worried about aborted human fetuses.


I know that many are infected and injected with the ridicule syndrome, and a simple assertion that that man is a "conspiracy theorist" is enough to get one discredited, but the fact remains that the written word is a lie.


So there is all these cures, but why are more dying every year? If they have a cure for anything, one would at least expect a positive analysis of the facts of the cure. Are there any facts that flu is leess of a problem now than in the fifties?


Prevention is something not covered by your HMO or the so-called altruists providing these shots. Keep fit, you donty get sick, I dont get sick, and Im a donut-arian. Fritoes for lunch. a kokanee for dinner.

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