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My birth chart data is as below:


As 06:35 Vi U.Phalguni Su

Su 17:20 Li Swati Ra

Mo 01:33 Ta Krittika Su

Ma 05:10 Aq Dhanishtha Ma

Me 03:03 Sc Vishakha Ju

Ju 15:58 Sc Anuradha Sa

Ve 05:08 Sc Anuradha Sa

SaR 11:17 Ta Rohini Mo

Ra 16:16 Cp Shravana Mo

Ke 16:16 Cn Pushya Sa


Current transits are as below:


As 05:52 Le Magha Ke

Su 04:23 Sg Mula Ke

Mo 16:48 Ar Bharani Ve

MaR 10:19 Ge Ardra Ra

Me 06:05 Sg Mula Ke

Ju 06:26 Sg Mula Ke

Ve 23:52 Li Vishakha Ju

SaR 14:35 Le P.Phalguni Ve

Ra 05:54 Aq Dhanishtha Ma

Ke 05:54 Le Magha Ke


Where RAHU - 6th house, Ketu - 12th house.


I am having some dizziness since last couple of months.


Can anyone throw somelight if that's visible from current transits?


If yes, when will I be fine?


Any input is highly appreciated.





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