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Effects if planet is Vargottama and Retrograde (Natal Chart)

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Respected Gurujans,


Kindly comment on expected results in case of a Graha being Vargottama but retrograde at birth time. Especially if the planet is a natural malefic. Beng Vargottama purifies the graha, does being retrograde reverse this status.


As an example: Saturn is Vargottama for a Cancer Ascendant (around 2 degrees in the 7th house and is the 7L and 8L in 7th House) and is retrograde at birth. It is also 2 degrees in to Capricorn, therefore of not very strong avastha) but has digbala. What are the likely effects?


In this particular example Jupiter (6L and 9L) is also in Capricorn at about 5 degrees and retrograde. Some opine that deblitated grahas in retrogression give reverse effects i.e. effects like moving towards exaltation or like exalted planets. Jupiter also plays a dual role as a dushtana Lord (6H) and Bhagyesh (9L) in debility.


How do we jointly evaluate the negatives and positives of such placements? Any particular approach or steps that we should follow?


In the above instance, it seems negative factors are neutralizing positive factors and rendering effects of both the planets neutral. Is that correct.


Your insights will be helpful and much appreciated.


In case birth particulars are necessary to evaluate such a placement, the same is -- DOB: 21/8/1961 TOB: 0:3:42 POB: Lucknow (80E55, 26N51).


Kind regards,


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