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What is nature of Truth?

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The distinctiveness of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada’s teachings and practices is all-pervasive, and may be illustrated by a few concrete examples. This is, for instance, what Paramahamsa Thakura says regarding Truth:


Do not try to discover the nature of Truth by the exercise of your imagination.


Do not endeavor to attain the Truth through experience of this world.


Do not manufacture Truth in order to satisfy your erring inclinations, nor hastily accept anything for the reason that it satisfies such inclinations.


Do not regard as Truth anything that has been “built up,” or has the support of a majority of people like yourself-nor as untruth, anything that is rejected by the overwhelming majority. According to the scriptures there is to be found hardly one in a crore of human beings who really worships the Truth. That which is proclaimed by the united voices of all the people of this world as Truth may turn out to be false. Therefore, cease to confront the Truth in a challenging mood.


The Truth is not brought into existence by such arrogance. One has to approach the Truth in the spirit of absolute submission. It is necessary to listen to Truth. Truth is self-revealing, and it is only when it is pleased to reveal itself that the real nature of the Truth can be known to us, and not otherwise.


In all it minutest details, the conduct of this great teacher of religion corresponds to his teaching. In his personal conduct he never deviates by the breadth of a hair from the truth of Srimad-Bhagavatam to please any individual or body of individuals. He always tries to please only God in the manner that is laid down in Srimad-Bhagavatam. It is in this sense that his conduct is superhuman.


He also never countenances the slightest deviation from the Truth-not even in the most eminent, or dearest and nearest, persons-and holds every single word of the Bhagavatam to outweigh the opinion of all the people of the world. He does not admit that all thinkers and religionists are approaching the Truth by diverse ways. On the contrary, he holds that all so-called truths that pass current in the world point only to a limited ideal formulated by the imagination, and are really untruths and, as such, positive obstacles in the way of the realization of the Truth. This would most certainly seem to be opposed to the judgment of the modern world.:pray:


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