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Christians, please stop your crusade!

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Dear Friends,


This is one of few Vaishnava forums around, but I find many Christians shoving Jesus down our throats, saying a true Vaishnava has to accept him. Let's say this person was real. But that doesn't mean one should accept him, in order to be vaishnava. It's ridiculous. To be Vaishnava, you have to worship Vishnu, follow Vaishnava Scriptures, and so on, where's the rule that says one has to believe in Jesus to be Vaishnava? It makes little sense.


The people on this forum who say a true vaishnava must accept Jesus...why can't these ppl go to christian forums and tell them that in order to be a true christian, they must accept Krishna and Gita? You'll be banned immediately. But here, the legendary vaishnava tolerance has been misused by the christians posing as Vaishnavas, constantly talking about Mary, Jesus etc., when it's totally irrelevant to Vaishnavism.


I request Christians to stop this crusade. If Christianity fascinates you so much, then pl revert to Christianity, and stop bothering vaishnavas on this board.



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The people who're doing this, will definitely ask this question, so let's wait and see how many people turn up for the show, as you've done.;)


Dodge. That was a challenge for you to back up you accusation with a factual example.


I understand though. It's hard to talk with your foot in your mouth.


That is why it is best to have the example before you accuse.


Or as Bod Dylan put it, "I always know my song well before I sing it."

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Give one example of somebody doing this.


I personally agree with this person. I see a LOT of Christian messages and Jesus talk on here... And while I accept the divinity of Christ and think it's a valid path, it's not the path I come here to discuss. I come here to discuss Sanatan Dharma, Tantra, Shakti Sadhana, etc. I accept all things in all of the world to be honest, it all has a place. However I just think that there's a LOT of Christian stuff going on. And I am new here, so it may not matter much what I say...


However I don't come here to discuss Christ, or catholicism or anything like that. I have Mother Mary hanging right next to my Mother Kali...


But the point is, there are some people on here, though I wont mention names who seem to think that Jesus must be accepted, and other instances where irrelevant comments have been made that include Jesus and Mary where someone may be talking about something completely different. I dont' want to get into too much detail with this because I really hate to complain... But for a Sanatan Dharma, and Indian based spirituality forum there's a LOT of Jesus talk going on here.


I came to my path because I was frankly tired of the Christian one. I do not like preachy people, whether it is Krishna or Christ being preached as the absolute way, truth and light for all people and that all other paths are wrong. Not saying this is happening here per se, but there's is definatley some preachy preachy secretarian stuff going on. And of course it's welcome to go on, and like I said I am brand new here, I always have the option of leaving if I dont like anything. But I do like this place, and it's not enough to make me leave.


It doesen't bother me so much because I just ignore it. And like I said I accept all paths as equal... But it just seems very out of place to be preaching Christ here. I mean there's a whole post about Jesus being the REASON for the SEASON. As an American surrounded by preachy Christians, this is really not what I come on here to read. This person is right, this board has some serious Christian undertones for a board based on the Dharma, Sadhanas, and other such things.


I have a pretty good feeling that this post is going to be extremely misunderstood, so I am ready for that.


Now I will say in defense of it, it's beautiful that our path is accepting enough to allow other paths be discussed here, and on this hand I am almost glad to see it. So really my position is neutral. I just wanted to say that this person is not totally off base with what they are saying, and of course I have a tendency to ramble, so HERE WE ARE. :)

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I personally agree with this person. I see a LOT of Christian messages and Jesus talk on here... And while I accept the divinity of Christ and think it's a valid path, it's not the path I come here to discuss. I come here to discuss Sanatan Dharma, Tantra, Shakti Sadhana, etc. I accept all things in all of the world to be honest, it all has a place. However I just think that there's a LOT of Christian stuff going on. And I am new here, so it may not matter much what I say...


However I don't come here to discuss Christ, or catholicism or anything like that. I have Mother Mary hanging right next to my Mother Kali...


But the point is, there are some people on here, though I wont mention names who seem to think that Jesus must be accepted, and other instances where irrelevant comments have been made that include Jesus and Mary where someone may be talking about something completely different. I dont' want to get into too much detail with this because I really hate to complain... But for a Sanatan Dharma, and Indian based spirituality forum there's a LOT of Jesus talk going on here.


I came to my path because I was frankly tired of the Christian one. I do not like preachy people, whether it is Krishna or Christ being preached as the absolute way, truth and light for all people and that all other paths are wrong. Not saying this is happening here per se, but there's is definatley some preachy preachy secretarian stuff going on. And of course it's welcome to go on, and like I said I am brand new here, I always have the option of leaving if I dont like anything. But I do like this place, and it's not enough to make me leave.


It doesen't bother me so much because I just ignore it. And like I said I accept all paths as equal... But it just seems very out of place to be preaching Christ here. I mean there's a whole post about Jesus being the REASON for the SEASON. As an American surrounded by preachy Christians, this is really not what I come on here to read. This person is right, this board has some serious Christian undertones for a board based on the Dharma, Sadhanas, and other such things.


I have a pretty good feeling that this post is going to be extremely misunderstood, so I am ready for that.


Now I will say in defense of it, it's beautiful that our path is accepting enough to allow other paths be discussed here, and on this hand I am almost glad to see it. So really my position is neutral. I just wanted to say that this person is not totally off base with what they are saying, and of course I have a tendency to ramble, so HERE WE ARE. :)


Good. We need more people like you to provide an honest opinion on how things are moving here. Only based on that, we can make changes for the better. Thanks again for NOT denying the obvious, as Theist has done.

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Dodge. That was a challenge for you to back up you accusation with a factual example.


I understand though. It's hard to talk with your foot in your mouth.


That is why it is best to have the example before you accuse.


Or as Bod Dylan put it, "I always know my song well before I sing it."


Are you even reading the threads and posts that you're asking for factual example? Go through the first page of "spiritual discussions", and you'll get all the evidence you'll ever need.

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I personally agree with this person. I see a LOT of Christian messages and Jesus talk on here... And while I accept the divinity of Christ and think it's a valid path, it's not the path I come here to discuss.


Then don't discuss it. But if others want to then why should anyone interfer?

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Are you even reading the threads and posts that you're asking for factual example? Go through the first page of "spiritual discussions", and you'll get all the evidence you'll ever need.


Post your example please. Should be eawsy enough. The fact that you haven't so far is greatly diminishing your argument.

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Why would anyone interfere? Simple, because this is NOT the place to discuss Jesus, go to christian forum if you want to discuss Jesus, Mary, Holy Ghost, and the rest. It's that simple.


So you say but then who are you? Did you create this forum? Prabhupada spoke of Jesus. Would you invite him to leave also?

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So you say but then who are you? Did you create this forum? Prabhupada spoke of Jesus. Would you invite him to leave also?


You're not Prabhupada.;) At any rate, he wasn't destroying a beautiful vaishnava forum with a plethora of posts on Mary, Holy Ghost, whatever. So your comparison is ludicrous.

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Sorry, mr berry, it dont fly, any more than your racist thread. The threads here are under the banner of "spiritual discussion", so your protest dont fly, even if there were so-called christians here shoving jesus down your throat.


That a vaisnava would praise mary, magdalia, thomas, james, or lord jesus is not very odd, as you imply, nor destructive to this forum.


Whiule I may agree when Lord Jesus Christ's name and teachings come up, there are many soo ill informed that they cannot separate religiosity from acxtual spiritual teachings. So thery think jerry falwell is here to convert. But jerry is dead, his religion is dead, and all who follow him are doomed to be bereft of Lord Jesus Christ as He Himself clearly stated.


No, what we do here, most of us whom you are on a campaign to get rid of, like myself, her servant, theist, realist, gHari and others who have no crisis of faith because of someone from another camp is mentioned, what we do is spread the glories of the unlimited supreme personality of godhead. By his expansion as Supersoul, he can appear to anyone any way he sees fit to give them impetus to continue their quest for devotional service.


By your reasoning, we should get rid of anyone who mentions the name of that muslim haridas thakur, because he was not recognized by any vedic society, even by the temple administration of Sri Purosattam Ksetra.


No, sir, I would not push lord jesus down your throat because I dont place him in foul areas. Anyone who claims to follow Lord Jesus employs the same strict principle of "humble persuasion" of Srila Bhaktivinode Thakur, and disavows anyone who casts pearls before swine.


Many of us enjoy and even thrive on SPIRITUAL DISCUSSION. And many of us do not see any of that on christian discussion boards, even though the RELIGION is prominently displayed there. But the ironic thing is that there are many strictly hindu threads on this forum that also are bereft of spiritual discussion, so Lord Jesus Christ is not to blame for your lack of spiritual vision.


Dont stay worry, brah, the forum administrators will let us know what is appropriate and what is not. Jesus discussions are eventually locked by the moderators, but not because of Jesus, rather because of those who cannot engage in spiritual discussion. The offenses to the faultless lord jesus christ is the reason these threads are locked, not his teachings being anti-vaisnava. Please dont push your anti Lord Jesus rhetoric down our throats. Oh, and did I mention your racist thread is about the stupidest thread ever posted here?


haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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