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Why is Lord Caitanya not listed as an Avatar?

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in rahda kund they say he was two souls and others say three sat chit ananda seperate avatars in one form strugling to please krishna and then 5 single soul avatar apear beside him and then syamsunder would jump out of their skins and perception conigtion seenn until real prabhupada said never imagine krishna is not real save vrinda love rahda syamsunder coming when i am pleased he will speak

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Respected "GODSEED",


You have provided a huge list of pramaan for proving Gaurang mahaprabhu as Shree Krishna.

Whether Gaurang Mahaprabhu told to the world that he is Krishna himself hence worship him & chant his name???? He asked to chant Krishna's divine names.

Secondly if this is a fact then why great acharyas of other sampradaya have not mentioned in their writings???

Also at many places Lord Krishna himself has told that he is Lord Shiva & there is no difference between him & Shiva.This fact is not considered. Why??? Lord Shiva is treated as a mere demi god.

Why stress is to prove Gaurang Mahaprabhu as a supreme personality again & again???? Why not to preach his Sikshashtaka????

Pls forgive my offence.



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Respected "GODSEED",


You have provided a huge list of pramaan for proving Gaurang mahaprabhu as Shree Krishna.

Whether Gaurang Mahaprabhu told to the world that he is Krishna himself hence worship him & chant his name???? He asked to chant Krishna's divine names.

Secondly if this is a fact then why great acharyas of other sampradaya have not mentioned in their writings???

Also at many places Lord Krishna himself has told that he is Lord Shiva & there is no difference between him & Shiva.This fact is not considered. Why??? Lord Shiva is treated as a mere demi god.

Why stress is to prove Gaurang Mahaprabhu as a supreme personality again & again???? Why not to preach his Sikshashtaka????

Pls forgive my offence.




Before one can accept someone's teachings, it is proper that one has faith in that person. Otherwise he will not put his full faith in those teachings. If he does follow those teachings without faith in the person, then it will be more like a mechanical ritual. Lord Chaitanya preached Love of Krishna. Yes, we must follow his instructions. But if you read Chaitanya Charitamrita and Chaitanya Bhagavata, the Lord even manifests forms like Varaha, Mahavishnu etc. Why? This means he knew it was important to show people he was the Supreme Lord if people were to take him seriously.

Eventually once we are sincere and understand the glories of Mahaprabhu, then we can understand his teachings and carry them out. And this is possible only by the mercy of Lord Nityananda. Nityananda prabhu ki jaya!

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such important questions are better asked only to real authorities and not to a quack like me. i'm nothing more than a renegade, but for the causeless grace of Shreematee Rädhikäjee.


anyway, i'm tryin' to asnwer, pls. forgive me if i state something inappropriate.


before i begin, u might (or may not) be aware of the Truth that after the mogul invasion in india, the Divya place of ShreeVraja Mandala

was totally uninhibited due to muslim fear of devastating our real nidhi, until ShreeChaitanya Mahärpabhujee rediscovered Them in the 16th century.


When ShreeMahäprabhujee went on His Vrindävan Yäträ, at the time of HIS identifying ShreeRädhä Kunda, there was merely a muddy fen or a bog.


now, asnwers...


your first question: Whether Gaurang Mahaprabhu told to the world that HE Krishna HIMSELF hence worship HIM & chant HIS name?


No, HE never, not only that HE warned HIS nitya-pärshads not to reveal that. Mahäprabhujee is a Prachhanna Avatära (a Hidden Descention). In ShreeChaitanya Charitämrita, HE has time and again warned ShreeAdvaita, ShreeGadädhara to never to Reveal His Actual Identity. After Having Revealed His Real Identity to Shreel Rämänanda Räyajee, (pic. below)




ShreeMahäprabhujee actually warned him not to disclose that reality...ShreeChaitanya Mahäprabhujee appears in those kaliyugas only in which The Original, Pürna Purushottam Bhagavän ShreeKrshna appears, to show and teach the fallen souls the real and innocent way to approach and serve the SUPREME, now, had the contemporary jeevas got to know Who HE actualy 'was', the probably, instead of taking HIM as a Devotee and following HIM, people would have started worshipping HIM and not Bhagavän ShreeKrshna; which certainly wasn't a part of HIS Divine plan for Descention.


second q: if this is a fact then why great acharyas of other sampradaya have not mentioned in their writings?


ShreeKripälujee Mahäräj of Shreedhäma Varashänä (www.jkp.net) also confirms HIM as ShreeKrshna HIMSELF, so when the fifth müla Jagadguru is confirming the Truth again and again, how can one say that Vaishnava Ächäryas are not mentioning or haven't written it? and, again, the Prachhannatä; The SupremePerson reserves a right to be unfathomable to the nondevotees and the doubting thomas. the great ächäryas are none other than the order carriers of the Divine Person, and playing as their innocent servants, in not reavealing who ShreeChaitanyajee is, they simply carried our HIS order.


third q: Also at many places Lord Krishna HIMSELF has told that HE is Lord Shiva & there is no difference between HIM & LORD ShreeShiva.This fact is not considered. Why??? Lord Shiva is treated as a mere demi god.


i couldnt have agreed more with you on any other matter. its a great misfortune that a lotta so called vaishnavas try to differntiate between ShreeHari and ShreeHara. the ral translation of the second nämäparädha is that ShreeHara is not independant and different of and than ShreeHari, so where is the scope of comparison?

Moreover, Shreela Bhaktisiddhänta Mahäräja also clearly writes in the purport to the 45th shloka of the 5th chapter of Brahma Samhitä, that Lord Shiva is not a second Godhead, now this clearly means that Lord Shiva is a Godhead.

In Garga Samhitä and in the Padma Puräna (and at a lot of othe places), Lord ShreeKrshna HIMSELF has clearly pointed out that those who differentiate between ShreeHari and ShreeHara pursue the darkest region of the hell!


actually the demigods die with the cosmic annihilation and the Cosmic Annihilator is Bhagavän ShreeSadäShiva HImself, so, logically HE is not a Demigod, but Bhagavän only.


Shreepäda Shankarächäryajee clearly states in both the Padma Puräna and ShreeShiva Puräna that HE preaches the mäyäväda philosophy in order to delude the atheistic batch of jeevas that are incoroporated in the beginning of kaliyuga. Actually after the descention of ShreeBuddhajee, Who propounded that Vedas actually are not to be followed (in order to stop the animal killing in the name of yägnik sacrifice, for the sake the taste buds of the fallen contemporary jeevas), the soceity at large started fashioning with athiesm, so in order to make those atheists believe in HIM and to delude them, Shreepädas Shankarächäryajee, proponded these philosophies.


but yes, it is terribly heartbreaking that a lot of so called vaishnavas tend to compare the Same Personality.


But yet, one aspect purely stands out that ShreeKrshna is the Primeval Person and HE is the Ädi Purusha and in order to carry out the function of Annihilation, ShreeKrshna only 'bcomes' ShreeSadäShiva.


q4: Why stress is to prove Gaurang Mahaprabhu as a supreme personality again & again???? Why not to preach his Sikshashtaka????


Shreemad Bhagavad Geetä is ever more important because they are the Direct words of ShreeBhagavän, mere HIS association with Shreemad Geetä makes it a Divine Knowledge...similarly, its not out of sentiment that we are braying that ShreeMahärpabhujee is Bhagavän, no..., we mean it, we have Authentic Shästras clearly and unarguably supporting us. And Just due to ShreeMahäprabhujee's association with ShreeShikshäshtaka makes it invalueable...incomparable to that even written by a greatest possible Vaishnava Ächärya.


moreover, ShreeMahäprabhujee is not an amshävatär or a kalävatär of ShreeKrshna, HE is the SELFSAME ShreeKrshna+Shreematee Rädhäräneejee.


He actually took the conclusion of Shreemad Bhagavad Geetäjee to one step further, Shreemad Bhagavad Geetä teaches us to fully surrender us to ShreeKrshna, where as ShreeChaitanya Mahäprabhujee freely distributed the Gopeebhäva to all...yeah...all.


pls. forgive me, but its not fair to question ShreeChaitanyajee's Bhagavattä, especially after having read the authentic Shästric Pramän. It is very indignating that a lot of foolish rascals consider HIM to be merely a saint or a scholar, pitiable are they!:crying2:



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Respected Godseedji,


Thanks for a detailed reply.

Daily I am reading CC & I also accept whatever writtem by you.In this thread only u can read my previous posts about Gaurang Mahaprabhu.


but its not fair to question ShreeChaitanyajee's Bhagavattä


I am not questoning Mahaprabhuji's Bhagavatta which is very much clear from my previous posts


In the previous posts of this thread you would have seen that many persons are challenging his supremacy.

It is in this context only I have written that instead of proving his supremacy stress should be on his teachings.


ShreeKripälujee Mahäräj of Shreedhäma Varashänä (www.jkp.net) also confirms HIM as ShreeKrshna HIMSELF, so when the fifth müla Jagadguru


I doubt whether Gaudiya vaishnavas accept it.This I am telling after reading various posts in this forum itself.


Anyway my intention was to stop others from challenging Mahaprabhu's supremacy.



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Before one can accept someone's teachings, it is proper that one has faith in that person. Otherwise he will not put his full faith in those teachings. If he does follow those teachings without faith in the person, then it will be more like a mechanical ritual. Lord Chaitanya preached Love of Krishna. Yes, we must follow his instructions. But if you read Chaitanya Charitamrita and Chaitanya Bhagavata, the Lord even manifests forms like Varaha, Mahavishnu etc. Why? This means he knew it was important to show people he was the Supreme Lord if people were to take him seriously.


Very well accepted.Very few peoples would have been reading CC.I am interseted, you are interested in reading CC but third person may not be. Hence to prove him about supremacy it become difficult.

Every sampradaya have their own literatures hence they are not interested in other sampradayas literature.Due to this only debate on supremacy arises.Our aim is not to indulge in debate but to talk about krishna's leela & the divine characters of his bhaktas.



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pls. forgive me if i've misinterpreted your intentions but while you might have been accepting ShreeChaitanya Mahäprabhujee as the Supreme, u were definitely pressing as to why to bang bugles as to proving HIS Bhagavattä, might as well, teach ShreeShikshäshtakam...


anyway, my apologies for misunderstandings...



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Respected Tackleberry,


Pls read Chaitanya Charitamrita(CC).It would clear your doubts.CC is vey authentic.Mahaprabhuji has really showed his original Krishna swaroop to many devotess like Advaitacharya,Shree Gadadhar,Shree Nityanand,Thakur Haridasji etc...

You yourself pray to Gaurang Mahaprabhu with pure heart & may be he himself would remove all your doubts.



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