suchandra Posted January 4, 2008 Report Share Posted January 4, 2008 Although for Vaishnavas to point out that people have become hippies and don’t properly work like their forefathers in mleccha jobs is not actually a presentation of Krishna-katha, Prabhupada used this phenomenon of a generation breaking away from the tradition to firmly establish Lord Caitanya’s Sankirtan movement. Even sometimes calling his preaching work, a safety net for confused hippies. Somehow many Vaishnava websites like or, remained stuck in that realization of being astonished that the hippies don’t exist anymore and seemed to be gone forever. However, what do we have right now? Would have Prabhupada left present spirit of our time uncommented? Prabhupada surely would have used present chaotic situation in Western societies in the same way to establish Vaishnavism as serious alternative. Now we of course don’t see hippies anymore – instead the hippies seemed to replaced by people with crazy jobs or no jobs at all. The difference is also the numbers, the hippies of the sixties in US were maybe 100,000, those presently with job problems are worldwide 195 mio: “Even though more people were employed than ever before, the number of new jobs created failed to match the rise in global population. The result was that the number of jobless remained at a record high of 195.2 million in 2006, the ILO said in its annual report on employment trends. Some 1.37 billion people were still working for $2 a day or less, which marks the international poverty line. "The strong economic growth of the last half decade has only had a slight impact on the reduction of the number of workers who live with their families in poverty," said ILO Director-General Juan Somavia” source:,f,s.pdf If all this seems far-fetched, look around. America has been stripped of its manufacturer base. The good jobs have been or are being offshored, while Americans are working harder and longer at service sector jobs for less pay and fewer to no benefits. Americans have been dumbed down in public and private schools, universities and colleges. Their only worth now is as consumers of mainly foreign made goods. They are kept in check by sports, idiotic "reality" TV, video games and anything else that turns off thinking. “Therefore Kali made a conspiracy how to get out Mahārāja Parīkṣit so that he could spread his influence. So long Mahārāja Parīkṣit was there, there was no influence of Kali-yuga. So after all, the age has come. It is ordained. So Parīkṣit Mahārāja was cursed by a brāhmaṇa to die within seven days, and after his death the Kali- yuga spreaded its influence. And now, by the advancement of ages, you will find these four places in every home. This is Illicit sex, and intoxication, gambling and meat-eating—this is Kali-yuga.” Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam 6.2.4 by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda Vṛndāvana, September 8, 1975 750908SB.VRN Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Murali_Mohan_das Posted January 4, 2008 Report Share Posted January 4, 2008 Very well said. I was making many similar points earlier today on another web-site. However, unlike me, you actually do research to support your claims. Bravo!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
suchandra Posted January 4, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 4, 2008 Very well said. I was making many similar points earlier today on another web-site. However, unlike me, you actually do research to support your claims. Bravo!! Thanks Murali_Mohan prabhu, people are surely waiting for Vaishnavas who strongly speak out on what is right and what is wrong like activist (Rod Parsley) in video below. But somehow it looks the opposite way round - strong and powerful preachers rather hide out and let everything happen. And so it goes. ........ width="425" height="355"> <embed src=" " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" height="355" width="425"> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
suchandra Posted January 5, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 5, 2008 actually do research to support your claims. Bravo!! Well actually I can't take that credit - since the great preachers of the Vaishnava institutions keep silent others seem to be empowered to take up the task exposing the traps and pitfalls of a more and more unfolding godless civilization in this age of kali-yuga. <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="550"><tbody><tr><td align="center">How University Betrays Students </td> </tr> <tr> <td> by Henry Makow Ph.D. January 3, 2008 I'd only send my son to university if he had no talent. He is going anyway, for the social life and the certificate. I warn him that after studying the humanities and social sciences he'll be unable to think independently or absorb information that doesn't fit his programming. The modern university is not devoted to truth, quite the opposite. Repressive fe-manism is rampant on campus but this is just a symptom of a much more profound problem. Modern Western "culture" is based on the fraudulent assumptions of the "Enlightenment," an intellectual movement dating from the Eighteenth Century. This in turn was the product of the Illuminist program to create a new(secular) world order by denying the existence of God and immutable natural and spiritual laws. In practice this means Arts students study a bunch of atheists who are presented as if they were Gods. Their professors act as high priests. Like deaf men tuning a piano, they try to explain the human condition without any reference to the Creator, Design or man's Divine Spirit. They portray mankind as a forlorn animal in an amoral mechanical universe, characterized by a merciless struggle for survival. They celebrate human "freedom" by which they mean the freedom to reject God's Order, indulge animal appetites, and create an alienated and dysfunctional personal reality. Illuminism is the Luciferian doctrine of Freemasonry. (Communism is another product of Illuminism. All leading Communists were Freemasons.) The mortar board that university graduates wear is a symbol of Freemasonry. Black gowns symbolize the occult. Arts students are unwittingly being inducted into a Luciferian/Communist cult. God represents moral and spiritual absolutes like love, truth, goodness, harmony and justice. Belief in their reality is essential for our healthy development. While our culture pays lip service to them (this is how fraud works), it is frankly devoted to their erasure. DYSFUNCTION BY DESIGN Modern education and culture is designed to make us dysfunctional. "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" confirms this. The Protocols is not an anti Semitic diatribe. (They say that because they don't want you to read it.) It is the blueprint of the New World Order, which is now in place. Someone like Baron Lionel Rothschild wrote it between 1875-1895 for a Masonic Secret Society, the Illuminati. The Illuminati represents a continuation of the feudal alliance of Jewish bankers and European aristocrats. The Illuminati created and financed Communism, Zionism, and Nazism. The Illuminati is bound by a devotion to Lucifer, the rebellious angel who defied God and said man will define reality. He is called "the bringer of light." Now do you understand the word "Enlightenment"? The super rich want to be God and reshape reality to fit their interests. To do this, they need to sever our links with Reality, i.e. God (absolute truth, love and justice.) Their means are unlimited, so are their ambitions. Here are some relevant statements from Protocol 16. "In order to effect the destruction of all collective forces except ours we shall emasculate the first stage of collectivism, the universities, by re-educating them in a new direction." "We must introduce into their education all those principles which have so brilliantly broken up their order." "Do not suppose for a moment that these statements are empty words: think carefully of the successes we arranged for Darwinism, Marxism, Nietzsche-ism.... it should be plain to see what a disintegrating importance these directives have had upon the minds of the goyim. " (Protocol 2) "We shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable to us..." We shall turn them into "unthinking submissive brutes waiting for things to be presented before their eyes in order to form an idea of them..." Let me remind you of a passage from a 1930's Communist manual on brainwashing. "In the United States we have been able to alter the works of William James, and others, ...and to place the tenets of Karl Marx, Pavlov, Lamarck, and the data of Dialectic Materialism into the textbooks of psychology, to such a degree that anyone thoroughly studying psychology becomes at once a candidate to accept the reasonableness of Communism." "As every chair of psychology in the United States is occupied by persons in our connection, the consistent employment of such texts is guaranteed... Educating broadly the educated strata of the populace into the tenets of Communism is thus rendered relatively easy." (II, Ch. 11) BOW DOWN BEFORE "GREAT MEN" Students encounter "The Cult of Great Men" the pantheon of modern pretenders who have usurped God's place. Their every utterance is treated as Holy Writ. Scholarly articles are devoted to words that later turn out to be typos. In a graduate seminar, I witnessed a student read a list of filthy obscenities that had been censored from William Faulkner's novel "Sanctuary." After each expletive, the other students gasped with horror as though a religious artifact had been desecrated. Professors are the overpaid priests of this secular cult. They have a vested interest in maintaining its shibboleths. They initiate students into a lifelong mental servility. All knowledge comes from Great Men. Students can only aspire to analyze their meaning. A professor once told me I had failed because "only great men can say things like that." The students' state-of-mind becomes passive and disoriented. He struggles to reconcile contradictory world-views. One day I had an awakening. Don't these "great men" live in the same world? Isn't it the same one I live in? Dare I think for myself? Dislocation takes place in time as well as space. By continually studying the past, the student thinks nothing remains to be done. No manifestos remain to be written, no Bastilles need to be stormed. While the world cries out for leadership, the new generation is buried in musty manuscripts writing footnotes to dead men. EDUCATION SERVES ITS PURPOSE As you've gathered by now, a Humanities education is not intended to uplift or empower. The world is owned and run by a secretive banking cabal and their inbred allies. Its goal, in the words of Cecil Rhodes, is to "gradually absorb the wealth of the world." Naturally it must obscure this plan. They want to make students their tools. Professors who don't play the game are fired. The Rockefellers regard human beings as domestic animals without divine spirit. This is implied in "Occasional Paper #1" of their General Education Fund: "In our dreams, we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our moulding hands. The present educational conventions fade from our minds, and unhampered by traditions, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsible rural folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning, or of science. We have not to raise up from them authors, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians, nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen of whom we have ample supply. The task we set before ourselves is very simple as well as a very beautiful one, to train these people as we find them to a perfectly ideal life just where they are." ("The Rockefeller Empire" in Josephson, "The Strange Death of FDR" 1948, p. 69) If you haven't noticed, universities are not places of invigorating inquiry and debate. They are stagnant backwaters that reek of moral compromise and disillusionment. Mankind is groping in the dark. "All we know is the wind that blows," Thoreau wrote. Our false confidence is based on material progress and technology, which Thoreau calls "improved means to unimproved ends." "We have turned the brainless head of the goyim with progress," says the Protocols( XIII). With the exception of "material inventions" progress "like a fallacious idea, implies a departure from truth in all cases." In other words, the Illuminists have infected mankind with the illusion that they are building a humanist utopia based on reason, when in fact they are constructing a neo feudal tyranny. This is the essence of "globalism" and the principle behind world events. CONCLUSION God is a Spirit or state of consciousness where ideals of justice goodness truth and love are self-evident. The Illuminists' first priority is to destroy Christianity and belief in God. They have to sever humanity from its metaphysical moorings in order to substitute a false reality conducive to their rule. Humanities education today is a placebo, a substitute for a true education. It is a pretext for indoctrination, acceptance of which qualifies you for employment. My advice to students is to confine themselves to programs which have a practical application and are less ideological: sciences, engineering, computers, pharmacy, commerce etc. The world will not be saved by acts of God but acts of men representing God. Our duty is to take these ideals seriously in our personal lives and bring them into the world. The cost of rejecting God is to become slaves of very bad men. Henry Makow Ph.D. is the author of "Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order." ( His articles can be found at his web site He enjoys receiving your comments, some of which he posts on his site using first names only. </td></tr></tbody></table> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samia Posted January 5, 2008 Report Share Posted January 5, 2008 While I do agree with the sentiment somewhat , one of my favorite quotes from Bob Marley is " An educated man is an Ignorant man " in regards to the brainwashing at Universities, most credibility is lost once someone delves into proven hoaxes as supporting evidence. The Protocols are are proven hoax and even more laughable are the original authors links to " communist manuals " in other articles that are random geocities websites and other christian web sites. The fact that he doesn`t even cite authentic known communist works shows his paranoia and blind lash out response. Believe me I am about the farthest thing from a pro-communist that can be, but this guys paranoia is laughable. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
suchandra Posted January 5, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 5, 2008 While I do agree with the sentiment somewhat , one of my favorite quotes from Bob Marley is " An educated man is an Ignorant man " in regards to the brainwashing at Universities, most credibility is lost once someone delves into proven hoaxes as supporting evidence. The Protocols are are proven hoax and even more laughable are the original authors links to " communist manuals " in other articles that are random geocities websites and other christian web sites. The fact that he doesn`t even cite authentic known communist works shows his paranoia and blind lash out response. Believe me I am about the farthest thing from a pro-communist that can be, but this guys paranoia is laughable. Agreed, but then it could be that you say the Bhagavatam (see below) is also paranoia and laughable - the 7 trillion indebtedness another paranoia. It's all a question of believe, agreed. Btw, your present point of view which says, paranoia and laughable, is also yet another believe? So you have your believe - others have theirs. Why others cant have their understanding? So far you didnt present your understanding how this world is in perfect peace and you're not "kept in check by sports, idiotic "reality" TV, video games and anything else that turns off thinking", but may be can enlighten us with the actual truth about the wonderful interest-free world where we live in? “Therefore Kali made a conspiracy how to get out Mahārāja Parīkṣit so that he could spread his influence. So long Mahārāja Parīkṣit was there, there was no influence of Kali-yuga. So after all, the age has come. It is ordained. So Parīkṣit Mahārāja was cursed by a brāhmaṇa to die within seven days, and after his death the Kali- yuga spreaded its influence. And now, by the advancement of ages, you will find these four places in every home. This is Illicit sex, and intoxication, gambling and meat-eating—this is Kali-yuga.” Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.2.4 Vrndavana, September 8, 1975 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Malati dasi Posted January 5, 2008 Report Share Posted January 5, 2008 Hare Krishna Radhe Radhe With all their limitations, and as an object of suspicion that it have been corporatized, and that they're letting the undercurrent of atheism to slowly seep in, universities are still the bastion and the keeper of democracy, by which we can exercise our right to express our views. Aren't we GVs also beneficiaries of this system? We can hold our ratha yatra in the streets of L.A. or Melbourne, or sell books on the streets; without the internet we won't be in cyberspace talking to devotees in many parts of the world as quick, convenient and cheap as such. (the world wide web is developed in the univ.). My point is, we are here surfing the practicalities of the material world and we have to get on with these practicalities, whether we like it or not, and when we are called to the next shore, hopefully it is the one closer to the Radha-Krishna's and our Gurudeva's kunjas . Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samia Posted January 6, 2008 Report Share Posted January 6, 2008 Agreed, but then it could be that you say the Bhagavatam (see below) is also paranoia and laughable - the 7 trillion indebtedness another paranoia. It's all a question of believe, agreed. Btw, your present point of view which says, paranoia and laughable, is also yet another believe? So you have your believe - others have theirs. Why others cant have their understanding? So far you didnt present your understanding how this world is in perfect peace and you're not "kept in check by sports, idiotic "reality" TV, video games and anything else that turns off thinking", but may be can enlighten us with the actual truth about the wonderful interest-free world where we live in? “Therefore Kali made a conspiracy how to get out Mahārāja Parīkṣit so that he could spread his influence. So long Mahārāja Parīkṣit was there, there was no influence of Kali-yuga. So after all, the age has come. It is ordained. So Parīkṣit Mahārāja was cursed by a brāhmaṇa to die within seven days, and after his death the Kali- yuga spreaded its influence. And now, by the advancement of ages, you will find these four places in every home. This is Illicit sex, and intoxication, gambling and meat-eating—this is Kali-yuga.” Srimad-Bhagavatam 6.2.4 Vrndavana, September 8, 1975 There is a huge difference between paranoia built on hateful hoax writings and true concern for the worlds condition based on teachings from scripture. There is no comparison to be made between the " Blame the grand Jewish conspiricy " and scriptural truths, they are on opposite ends of reality. If you read just a bit more carefully you may notice I never say the world is anything short of a mess, I just pointed out that using articles from haters is kind of a silly way to validate a point. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
suchandra Posted January 6, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 6, 2008 There is a huge difference between paranoia built on hateful hoax writings and true concern for the worlds condition based on teachings from scripture. There is no comparison to be made between the " Blame the grand Jewish conspiricy " and scriptural truths, they are on opposite ends of reality. If you read just a bit more carefully you may notice I never say the world is anything short of a mess, I just pointed out that using articles from haters is kind of a silly way to validate a point. I'm sorry that you feel this way, but bad-mouthing Henry Makow a hateful hoax writer, don't know if you are in that position to do that - what are your accomplishments to judge upon a Jewish scholar when it comes to explain the functioning of our present world? "Blame the grand Jewish conspiricy", why Henry Makow, he's Jewish, but still, in times like these he would never be alive with us when that was all wrong what he says. My two pennies worth of an opinion. Do you believe in life after death? Looks like an utmost concern of yours to go against religious-minded writers like Henry Makow? Bali-mardana: In Arizona there is much government land. I passed through there recently. So there is good facility for them to make secretly. Prabhupāda: Yes. The moon business was done there. Tamāla Krishna: This means it’s definitely a very calculated plot to cheat the public. Prabhupāda: That’s all. Tamāla Krishna: And the whole, all of the nations… Prabhupāda: Just to convince people that our, this rascal civilization is advanced. Rāmeśvara: International conspiracy. Tamāla Kṛishna: That means all the nations are cooperating in this project. Rāmeśvara: Russia and America. Prabhupāda: All the so-called scientists. Tamāla Krishna: Do they know that they are, are they talking with each other, or are they just… Prabhupāda: No, they are knowing. They talk. Chauri chauri mātṛka- bhāi. Rāmeśvara: It’s a conspiracy. Prabhupāda: All thieves, they are cousin brothers, “Don’t expose me and I’ll not expose you. Let us keep peace.” Two thieves, he knows he is a thief, but if he wants to reveal a thief, then his business will be suffer. Tamāla Krishna: They are the greatest cheaters. Prabhupāda: Chauri chauri mātṛka-bhāi. Hare Krishṇa. Morning Walk Conversation with His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda July 12, 1976, New York 760712mw.ny Tamāla Krishna: It seems like it’s such a concerted effort, a conspiracy of all the leaders of the world. Rāmeśvara: Greed conspiracy. Leaders, the bankers they say. Tamāla Krishna: That’s another deep point. Scientists are pointing to the bankers, each group points to the other, and they all cheat together. Pusta Krishna: These demons, Śrīla Prabhupāda, all of them are dehātma-buddhi? Prabhupāda: Yes, all they have… (end) Morning Walk Conversation with His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda July 13, 1976, New York Prabhupāda: There is a very big…. What is called? Conspiracy against us. Dr. Patel: Here and America. Yesterday I read about that cutting paper. Prabhupāda: No, no. One secret letter they have… How they are making conspiracy. Dr. Patel: By the church. Prabhupāda: Not by the church. Dr. Patel: By the society. Prabhupāda: Now they are determined to cut down this movement. Morning Walk Conversation with His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda January 8, 1977, Bombay Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
suchandra Posted January 6, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 6, 2008 Hare Krishna Radhe Radhe With all their limitations, and as an object of suspicion that it have been corporatized, and that they're letting the undercurrent of atheism to slowly seep in, universities are still the bastion and the keeper of democracy, by which we can exercise our right to express our views. Aren't we GVs also beneficiaries of this system? We can hold our ratha yatra in the streets of L.A. or Melbourne, or sell books on the streets; without the internet we won't be in cyberspace talking to devotees in many parts of the world as quick, convenient and cheap as such. (the world wide web is developed in the univ.). My point is, we are here surfing the practicalities of the material world and we have to get on with these practicalities, whether we like it or not, and when we are called to the next shore, hopefully it is the one closer to the Radha-Krishna's and our Gurudeva's kunjas . Thanks Malati dasi, well spoken, we have to be thankful for every single day in this present age of progressing Kali-yuga. Looks like you live right now in a lucky situation, so let's pray that the rest of human society is also getting a chance for spiritual upliftment. Although the World Bank just recently considered it wise to finance the building of the Israel-Palestine Wall, something like a huge prison wall, it also explains to us the Global Poverty Monitoring. Already about 40 mio in US live in such kind of bewildering poverty that they can't even sit down peacefully and read the Bhagavad-gita. So since it is the Vaishnavas concern to show mercy to not only ourselves but also to others, people who speak against atheism at Universities just want to warn us that things can change rapidly and our present wealth and prosperity what we fully engage in Krishna's service is endangered by allowing Kali-yuga to spread out without hindrance. The Bush Record: More Poverty, More Uninsured President Bush says “the foundation of our economy is solid, and it’s strong.” That’s true, for some: corporate profits have now climbed to their highest share of GDP since the 1960’s. But new Census Bureau data show the real state of the current economy. The Bush record on combating poverty and insuring more Americans is an undisputed failure. Poverty, All Races (Millions) Number of Uninsured (Millions) More on the new census data HERE. USA Hunger and Poverty Statistics "Daridra-dosa guna-nase, when a person becomes poverty-stricken, all his quality goes away. He might have very good qualification." May 8, 1975, Perth Poverty 1 • In 2006, nearly 37 million people (12.3%) were in poverty. • In 2006, 7.6 (9.8%) million families were in poverty. • In 2006, 20.2 million (10.8%) of people aged 18-64 were in poverty. • In 2006, 12.8 million (17.4%) children under the age of 18 were in poverty. • In 2006, 3.4 million (9.4%) seniors 65 and older were in poverty. source: The Nation's Food Bank Network Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samia Posted January 6, 2008 Report Share Posted January 6, 2008 I'm sorry that you feel this way, but bad-mouthing Henry Makow a hateful hoax writer, don't know if you are in that position to do that - what are your accomplishments to judge upon a Jewish scholar when it comes to explain the functioning of our present world? "Blame the grand Jewish conspiricy", why Henry Makow, he's Jewish, but still, in times like these he would never be alive with us when that was all wrong what he says.My two pennies worth of an opinion. Do you believe in life after death? Looks like an utmost concern of yours to go against religious-minded writers like Henry Makow? Can you not read ? His " sources " of information are all well known hoaxes and tools of hate. To most logical people using made up evidence invalidates any points that may or may not exist. How is pointing out the insanity of his supporting " facts " badmouthing, it is pointing out the obvious. As for beliving in life after death no I dont because the soul is eternal thus no death only a change. No my concern is pointing out falsehoods with people like, him his cited "source" is part of the reason so many people found actions by people like Hitler so acceptable. Just wondering when Bush is gone you still going to have your little " Evil " America obsession still ? It seems you spend so much time " pointing out " Americas faults I have to ask you in your own terms What are your accomplishment to judge America and Bush ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
suchandra Posted January 6, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 6, 2008 Can you not read ? His " sources " of information are all well known hoaxes and tools of hate. To most logical people using made up evidence invalidates any points that may or may not exist. How is pointing out the insanity of his supporting " facts " badmouthing, it is pointing out the obvious. As for beliving in life after death no I dont because the soul is eternal thus no death only a change. No my concern is pointing out falsehoods with people like, him his cited "source" is part of the reason so many people found actions by people like Hitler so acceptable. Just wondering when Bush is gone you still going to have your little " Evil " America obsession still ? It seems you spend so much time " pointing out " Americas faults I have to ask you in your own terms What are your accomplishment to judge America and Bush ? If you're troubled and feel so much disconcerted by Henry Makow's article then this is your problem not mine. For pacification of your agitated mind, why don't you write your lamentation to the author, he posted his e-mail at the end of his article and is happy to receive your well written survey: But thanks for taking the time to visit audarya-fellowship - hopefully there're other topics which might better serve your comfort and convenience. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samia Posted January 6, 2008 Report Share Posted January 6, 2008 If you're troubled and feel so much disconcerted by Henry Makow's article then this is your problem not mine. For pacification of your agitated mind, why don't you write your lamentation to the author, he posted his e-mail at the end of his article and is happy to receive your well written survey: But thanks for taking the time to visit audarya-fellowship - hopefully there're other topics which might better serve your comfort and convenience. I am more troubled that someone would post anything relating to the protocols here whats next Mein Kampf ? But I guess as long as it fits your reality the amount of death it lead to is ok ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
suchandra Posted January 6, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 6, 2008 I am more troubled that someone would post anything relating to the protocols here whats next Mein Kampf ? But I guess as long as it fits your reality the amount of death it lead to is ok ? Looks you have it all wrong, please re-read Henry Makow's article and don't hesitate to write him for clarification. What is your reality, scanning through the news in search for shrieking,setting ablazed kitten? You say your soul became sickened and you have found a defect in yourself which you have to examine? What came out by this examination? You may be grew numb? Could be that NBC is not the best source for acquiring knowledge. One of your last posts read: "Scanning through the news tonight and found a story that sickened my soul. Maybe I have grown numb in regards to mans treatment of fellow men and need to examine that defect in myself but the rage I felt reading this I haven`t felt for some time" More Teen Girls Accused Of Setting Kitten Ablaze POSTED: 3:41 pm PDT July 18, 2007 UPDATED: 8:01 pm PDT July 18, 2007 <!--startindex-->COTATI, Calif. -- A three-month-old kitten is fighting for his life after allegedly being set afire by two teenage girls last week. The male shorthaired kitten, named Adam, received second- and third-degree burns over 75 percent of its body and was being treated at the Animal Hospital in Cotati, located in Northern California's Sonoma County, officials said. A boy and his friend said they saw the smoke and heard the cat shrieking while the girls laughed. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samia Posted January 6, 2008 Report Share Posted January 6, 2008 Looks you have it all wrong, please re-read Henry Makow's article and don't hesitate to write him for clarification.What is your reality, scanning through the news in search for shrieking,setting ablazed kitten? You say your soul became sickened and you have found a defect in yourself which you have to examine? What came out of this examination? You may be grew numb? Could be that NBC is not the best source for acquiring knowledge. One of your last posts read: Re-read hmm from the beginning of the article .. "Modern education and culture is designed to make us dysfunctional. "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" confirms this." Perhaps you should re-read and while you are at it since you are so quick to defend maybe do some research on his sources, really not too hard to do. As for the article I posted an article that was something that was linked at several sites and seemed fitting to post here since the world events section is lined full of stories of misery from time to time. And yes at that time I had reached a point where shutting things out was a better path for me to take but that story showed the lowest form of life and it really upset me. Perhaps you should examine if your desire for a grand conspiricy blinds you to works of hate, seems you have some sort of mental block in that department, as long as it fits your views it doesn`t seem to matter to you one bit. What is your reality, seeing boogymen around every corner and focusing on every little negative you can find ? Maybe you should shut your browser down for a few minutes and go hit the park for some frisbee, I promise you there wont be a freemason hiding in the bush waiting for you to put your guard down. Seems you have a habit of bad research. Descendants of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse break away from US 2 days ago Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
suchandra Posted January 7, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 7, 2008 Re-read hmm from the beginning of the article .."Modern education and culture is designed to make us dysfunctional. "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" confirms this." Perhaps you should re-read and while you are at it since you are so quick to defend maybe do some research on his sources, really not too hard to do. As for the article I posted an article that was something that was linked at several sites and seemed fitting to post here since the world events section is lined full of stories of misery from time to time. And yes at that time I had reached a point where shutting things out was a better path for me to take but that story showed the lowest form of life and it really upset me. Perhaps you should examine if your desire for a grand conspiricy blinds you to works of hate, seems you have some sort of mental block in that department, as long as it fits your views it doesn`t seem to matter to you one bit. What is your reality, seeing boogymen around every corner and focusing on every little negative you can find ? Maybe you should shut your browser down for a few minutes and go hit the park for some frisbee, I promise you there wont be a freemason hiding in the bush waiting for you to put your guard down. Seems you have a habit of bad research. Descendants of Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse break away from US 2 days ago I don't know where you're living, here you get three years of imprisonment when insulting and offending back and forth, what you're clearly indulging in, a renowned Jewish PhD like Henry Makow, grandchild of Holocaust victims, living presently in Montreal/Canada. Looks like that this is where nowadays lots of folks belong to, locked-up forever in prison. At least Prabhupada says the same, materialistic schools are slaughterhouses. Sriman Mahamantra prabhu started to see what Srila Prabhupada meant when he referred to materialistic schools as “slaughterhouses.” Mayapur Institute of Higher Education and Training Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samia Posted January 7, 2008 Report Share Posted January 7, 2008 I don't know where you're living, here you get three years of imprisonment when insulting and offending back and forth, what you're clearly indulging in, a renowned Jewish PhD like Henry Makow, grandchild of Holocaust victims, living presently in Montreal/Canada. Looks like that this is were nowadays lots of folks belong to, locked-up forever in prison. At least Prabhupada says the same, materialistic schools are slaughterhouses. Wow so skip my point entirely. On that subject though his " source " material is banned in Canada and you can go to prison in several countries for possesion of a copy of the protocols. Clearly as with most of your posts you have failed to do any sufficiant research or real reading. Insulting and offending try pointing out the facts come on , I have left you plenty of opprotunities to prove his source material, defend it since you posted it. 3 years imprisonment for debate LOL and you think America has issues. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
suchandra Posted January 7, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 7, 2008 Wow so skip my point entirely. On that subject though his " source " material is banned in Canada and you can go to prison in several countries for possesion of a copy of the protocols. Clearly as with most of your posts you have failed to do any sufficiant research or real reading. Insulting and offending try pointing out the facts come on , I have left you plenty of opprotunities to prove his source material, defend it since you posted it. 3 years imprisonment for debate LOL and you think America has issues. Looks you're sitting at the internet terminal in a lunatic asylum - hallucinating for years what people post here but providing zero content. My posts are mainly quotes by Prabhupada are you also insulting Prabhupada? If you have problems with Henry Makow PhD go and write him your stupid phantasies. Members of this forum are educated enough to find out if my posts are well researched they don't need your mad paternalism. Prabhupada: I have seen intelligent boys, they go to school and he is spoiled. Yes, spoiled. He learns how to smoke, how to have sex, how to talk nonsense, how to use knife, how to fight, these things. At least at the present moment. Yes. Simply slaughterhouse, this so-called school is called slaughterhouse. Yes, slaughterhouse. Room Conversation with His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda July 9, 1973, London Thus Śrī Īśopaniṣad very strongly warns that the culture of nescience is different from that of knowledge. The universities are, so to speak, centers of nescience only; consequently scientists are busy discovering lethal weapons to wipe out the existence of other countries. University students today are not given instructions in the regulative principles of brahmacarya (celibate student life), nor do they have any faith in any scriptural injunctions. Religious principles are taught for the sake of name and fame only and not for the sake of practical action. Thus there is animosity not only in social and political fields but in the field of religion as well. Sri Isopanisad 10 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samia Posted January 7, 2008 Report Share Posted January 7, 2008 Looks you're sitting at the internet terminal in a lunatic asylum - hallucinating for years what people post here but providing zero content. My posts are mainly quotes by Prabhupada are you also insulting Prabhupada? If you have problems with Henry Makow PhD go and write him your stupid phantasies. Members of this forum are educated enough to find out if my posts are well researched they don't need your mad paternalism. Once again you fail to provide any supporting evedince and skip the point completely. You want to support anti-semetic writings I guess that is your option, just be honest about it. As far as Prabhupada I am not the one intermixing his quotes with those from hate literature like the protocols, so think about who is insulting in this situation. You are like a small child, when a fact with supporting evidence is pointed out to you that you dont agree with you change the subject and try to put others at fault. I wont waste my time with Makow as he isn`t the one who posted the article here, as for fantasy, well Im not the one who is avoiding the truth. Hallucinating what people post, don`t make me laugh. Care to address the sample of yours I posted, as you noticed I stepped up and stated the facts behind the post of mine you provided so do you have the ability to ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kulapavana Posted January 7, 2008 Report Share Posted January 7, 2008 The Protocols are are proven hoax and even more laughable are the original authors links to " communist manuals " in other articles that are random geocities websites and other christian web sites. While the mainstream scholars consider the Protocols to be a forgery in sense of documenting an actual meeting that really took place, this did not stop that book from being very popular. Some sources claim it is the second most widely published book in history (behind the Bible). It is the plausibility of these books that makes them so popular. People do want simple and easy answers to their questions. Regardless of which set of demons actually rules the world or is trying to do that, we should not be bewildered by their names, but be mindful of their symptoms. In other words: if it acts like an asura, it IS an asura! Never mind whether he wears a saffron dhoti, black robe, yarmulke, or a five thousand dollar Italian suit. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samia Posted January 7, 2008 Report Share Posted January 7, 2008 While the mainstream scholars consider the Protocols to be a forgery in sense of documenting an actual meeting that really took place, this did not stop that book from being very popular. Some sources claim it is the second most widely published book in history (behind the Bible). It is the plausibility of these books that makes them so popular. People do want simple and easy answers to their questions. Regardless of which set of demons actually rules the world or is trying to do that, we should not be bewildered by their names, but be mindful of their symptoms. In other words: if it acts like an asura, it IS an asura! Never mind whether he wears a saffron dhoti, black robe, yarmulke, or a five thousand dollar Italian suit. You are correct, by all accounts it has the huge publishing numbers and like you said if it supports someones system of beliefs that makes it popular. All I have been pointing out is that this book has its roots in evil, its origins place it as a tool to dominate a specific group of people. It has been the source and supporting document for the extermination of millions of lives, but some don`t seem to mind that as long as they can attempt to make a point, that is what sickens me. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kulapavana Posted January 7, 2008 Report Share Posted January 7, 2008 It has been the source and supporting document for the extermination of millions of lives, but some don`t seem to mind that as long as they can attempt to make a point, that is what sickens me. The Bible (especially it's Old Testament section) was used very much in the same way by many different groups of people, leading to untold misery. It is not so much WHAT you use to justify your demonic activities, but your motivation to harm or exploit others. Nowadays "freedom" and "democratic ideas" are often used by very polished asuras as an excuse to exploit and control other people. Today the masses rally behind these clever demons, just like they rallied behind those who used The Protocols or the Bible. Again, these are PLAUSIBLE ideas, containing more than an ounce of truth, and that is why people fall for them. That is why instead of focusing on the tools of the demonic people, we need to concentrate on their tactics and their true intentions. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
suchandra Posted January 8, 2008 Author Report Share Posted January 8, 2008 Once again you fail to provide any supporting evedince and skip the point completely. You want to support anti-semetic writings I guess that is your option, just be honest about it. As far as Prabhupada I am not the one intermixing his quotes with those from hate literature like the protocols, so think about who is insulting in this situation. You are like a small child, when a fact with supporting evidence is pointed out to you that you dont agree with you change the subject and try to put others at fault. I wont waste my time with Makow as he isn`t the one who posted the article here, as for fantasy, well Im not the one who is avoiding the truth. Hallucinating what people post, don`t make me laugh. Care to address the sample of yours I posted, as you noticed I stepped up and stated the facts behind the post of mine you provided so do you have the ability to ? It is one thing if you make a complaint and another when attacking by bad-mouthing. At another post you're attacking Danielle Fields: Yea I bite back because I doubt you really are doing anything other that trying to spread socialist dreck. Are you really that desperate for attention or that fearful of breaking a sweat? Question, why don't you refute by reason and logic? And if you have no reason and logic to put forth, just refrain from commenting? "You want to support anti-semetic writings I guess that is your option.." Again, you guessed wrongly and you're offending Henry Makow, a Jewish PhD, being anti-Semitic, looks you're a confirmed repeat-offender. "Once again you fail to provide any supporting evedince and skip the point completely." No, your totally wrong, it is you who has to provide supporting evidence for your claims. So far except some skirl, you didnt. If you have the details please forward your wisdom. Prabhupada instructed that modern schools may cause harm to our Vaishnava children. I didnt say that H. Makow is a Vaishnava, but posted his explanation why and how students are brainwashed into atheism and Vaishnava institutions more or less keep silent. Looks like you're the only member who feels like that - again, no, I'm deliberately against any kind of anti-Semitic statements and fiercely dissociate me from such. H. Makow also assures repeatedly in his writings that he isn’t anti-Semitic. So what is your point? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samia Posted January 8, 2008 Report Share Posted January 8, 2008 It is one thing if you make a complaint and another when attacking by offensive bad-mouthing. At another post you're attacking Danielle Fields: "You want to support anti-semetic writings I guess that is your option.." Again, you're offending Henry Makow, a Jewish PhD, being anti-semetic, looks you're a chronicle repeat offender. No, your totally wrong, it is you who has to provide supporting evidence for your claims. So far except some skirl, you didnt. If you have the details please forward your knowledge. Prabhupada instructed that modern schools may cause harm to our Vaishnava children. I didnt say that H. Makow is a Vaishnava, but posted his explanation why and how students are brainwashed into atheism. Looks like you're the only member who feels like that - again, no, I'm deliberately against any kind of anti-Semitic content. H. Makow also assures repeatedly in his writings that he isn’t anti-Semitic. So what is your point? Take your pills and cool down. Like someone of Jewish blood can`t speak ill of Jews or do harm to them ? Wow you really are out there aren`t you , perhaps the name Mengele rings a bell. I tell you what since you are so convinced why don`t you go down and offer to sell your local Rabbi a copy of the protocols, depending on your country we may see you free from prison in about 3-10 years Since you seem to be to lazy here are a few links about the protocols. Or how about a Nobel prize winning Jewish scholar. "If ever a piece of writing could produce mass hatred, it is this one. . . . This book is about lies and slander." Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate So are you going to question a Nobel Laureate and WORLD RENOWNED peace activest ? Take my pills and cool down This coming from someone who sees freemasons behind every bush, what a laugh. Love the stealth edits to your post after my reply why the sudden need to change what you said ? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Samia Posted January 8, 2008 Report Share Posted January 8, 2008 And for good measure before you question his credentials Elie Wiesel was born in the small town of Sighet in Transylvania, where people of different languages and religions have lived side by side for centuries, sometimes peacefully, sometimes in bitter conflict. The region has long been claimed by both Hungary and Romania and, in the 20th century, has changed hands repeatedly, a hostage to the fortunes of war. <!-- render_photo --><TABLE align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>Elie Wiesel grew up in the close-knit Jewish community of Sighet. While the family spoke Yiddish at home, they read newspapers and conducted their grocery business in German, Hungarian or Romanian as the occasion demanded. Ukrainian, Russian and other languages were also widely spoken in the town. Elie began religious studies in classical Hebrew almost as soon as he could speak. The young boy's life centered entirely on his religious studies. He loved the mystical tradition and folk tales of the Hassidic sect of Judaism, to which his mother's family belonged. His father, though religious, encouraged the boy to study the modern Hebrew language and concentrate on his secular studies. The first years of World War II left Sighet relatively untouched. Although the village changed hands from Romania to Hungary, the Wiesel family believed they were safe from the persecutions suffered by Jews in Germany and Poland. The secure world of Wiesel's childhood ended abruptly with the arrival of the Nazis in Sighet in 1944. The Jewish inhabitants of the village were deported en masse to concentration camps in Poland. The 15 year-old boy was separated from his mother and sister immediately on arrival in Auschwitz. He never saw them again. He managed to remain with his father for the next year as they were worked almost to death, starved, beaten, and shuttled from camp to camp on foot, or in open cattle cars, in driving snow, without food, proper shoes, or clothing. In the last months of the war, Wiesel's father succumbed to dysentery, starvation, exhaustion and exposure. <!-- render_photo --><TABLE align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>After the war, the teenaged Wiesel found asylum in France, where he learned for the first time that his two older sisters had survived the war. Wiesel mastered the French language and studied philosophy at the Sorbonne, while supporting himself as a choir master and teacher of Hebrew. He became a professional journalist, writing for newspapers in both France and Israel. For ten years, he observed a self-imposed vow of silence and wrote nothing about his wartime experience. In 1955, at the urging of the Catholic writer Francois Mauriac, he set down his memories in Yiddish, in a 900-page work entitled Un die welt hot geshvign (And the world kept silent). The book was first published in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Wiesel compressed the work into a 127-page French adaptation, La Nuit (Night), but several years passed before he was able to find a publisher for the French or English versions of the work. Even after Wiesel found publishers for the French and English translations, the book sold few copies. In 1956, while he was in New York covering the United Nations, Elie Wiesel was struck by a taxi cab. His injuries confined him to a wheelchair for almost a year. Unable to renew the French document which had allowed him to travel as a "stateless" person, Wiesel applied successfully for American citizenship. Once he recovered, he remained in New York and became a feature writer for the Yiddish-language newspaper, the Jewish Daily Forward (Der forverts ). Wiesel continued to write books in French, including the semi-autobiographical novels L'Aube (Dawn), and Le Jour (translated as The Accident ). In his novel La Ville de la Chance (translated as The Town Beyond the Wall ), Wiesel imagined a return to his home town, a journey he did not undertake in life until after the book was published. <!-- render_photo --><TABLE align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>As these and other books began to win him an international reputation, Wiesel took an increasing interest in the plight of persecuted Jews in the Soviet Union. He first traveled to the USSR in 1965 and reported on his travels in The Jews of Silence. His 1968 account of the Six Day War between Israel and its Arab neighbors appeared in English as A Beggar In Jerusalem . In time, Wiesel was able to use his fame to plead for justice for oppressed peoples in the Soviet Union, South Africa, Vietnam, Biafra and Bangladesh. He has written plays including Zalmen, or the Madness of God and The Trial of God (Le Proces de Shamgorod ). His other novels include The Gates of the Forest, The Oath, The Testament, and The Fifth Son. His essays and short stories are collected in the volumes Legends of Our Time, One Generation After, and A Jew Today. Although Wiesel still writes his books in French, his wife Marion now collaborates with him on their English translation. In 1978, President Jimmy Carter appointed Elie Wiesel Chairman of the United States Holocaust Memorial Council. In 1985 he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Freedom and, in 1986, the Nobel Prize for Peace. The English translation of his memoirs appeared in 1995 as All Rivers Run to the Sea. Since 1976, he has been Andrew Mellon Professor of Humanities at Boston University. He makes his home in New York City with his wife and their son, Elisha. " I think he has some authority to speak on the protocols.... 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