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Age of Narcissism

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Looks like that modern keen thinkers are gradually waking up that we live in a world ruled by big materialistic egos. Books like "Culture of Narcissism", are of great interest (google: relationship in the age of narcissism), but what does it mean in vedic terms? Something like, we live in a "Culture of False Ego"?

About Narcissus the Greek mythology says, the river god Cephisus and the nymph Liriope had a misbegotten son who was called Narcissus.

Liriope, Narcissus' mother, consults Tiresias about the fate of her newborn. She wants to know how long her child will live. Tiresias' answer is that Narcissus will live a long time "if he never knows himself" (Ovid 68). Tiresias' prophesy did come true.

Cephisus and Liriope could't take proper care to raise the child but projected their own incompetency upon Narcissus. Narcissus becomes the product of his parents' attachment disorder symptom.



Narcissus in love with his own reflection


Instead of compensating his parents symptoms and become a successful son, Narcissus was helplessly forced and locked up in a state of being in love with himself and the love to himself depending upon material opulence. In order to achieve this goal, always ready for doing all kind of mischieve to others.

The moral of this story, something like, varnasankara could turn this planet into hell?

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Narcissus was known for his good looks and for the fact that he didn't pay any attention to the local nymphs. He was cursed so that he would fall in love with the next person he saw, and then he had the misfortune to see his own reflection and to fall deeply in love. He then spent as much time as he could gazing at his reflection in the pond until he fell into the water and drowned. In grief, the pond turned from fresh water to salt water like tears. When Narcissus had been looking at his reflection in the pond, the pond was looking at her reflection in Narcissus's eyes. Deepak Chopra talked about this story in one of his books on CD that I borrowed from the local library. I don't think he actually had a reason for talking about the story.

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The legend says, that Narcissus would only have a long life, "if he never knows himself". Could mean if one speaks out the truth so directly as you above bro, people might feel too much panic-stricken?:eek2:

Maybe. Let's try an experiment. Or better yet YOU try it cause' I am chicken.:) Next really beautiful sweet young thing you see on the street who is obviously too into her own beauty you approach her and tell her the story about liquid beauty. How all her beauty which she is so attached too is just so much stool, blood urine etc. and then take note of her reaction. This is experimental physchology so it's bone fide.


Oh and make sure she has no sharp objects in her hands first.


Good luck suchandraji.

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Narcissm is not as bad as a lot of other vices, such as greed for example. If I was to name the most prominent feature of modern men, it would be greed. Narcissma is just a personal problem, but greed ruins the entire society due to ruthles exploitation and unnecessary hoarding.


What if the narcissist in question is a parent who neglects his/her child(ren)?


Aren't narcissism and greed related? Isn't a narcissistic person more likely to be greedy than a devoted, selfless person?

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What if the narcissist in question is a parent who neglects his/her child(ren)?


Aren't narcissism and greed related? Isn't a narcissistic person more likely to be greedy than a devoted, selfless person?


Experts supposed at a round tables talk, that prior to present Narcissism getting so strongly apparent we went through the "Oedipal phase", =Oedipus complex, which was ruled by "an intense threat of retaliation by the powerful same-sex parent".

Now, this is displaced by the Narcissisistic phase with its symptom of human relationship incompetence. Folks just can't handle anymore for example to live as husband and wife in a normal permanent family relationship. Divorce, breakup, disunion, parting. When it comes to managing directors, leaders, political leaders, they "unconsciously compensate this insufficiency by material enrichment", an ethologist said. "Loss of realness when it comes to wages of the top earners who're risking businessfailure just for gratifying their disturbed egos, politicians unscrupulously exploiting their own countrymen".

Missing the understanding that they dig out their own grave by plunging their foot soldiers into impoverishment and hard knocks? Managing directors presently earning 400x more than average workers, insatiable greed for wealth but dwelling in a state of severe partnership disorder? Appears like another intermediate stop in the timetable of ongoing kali-yuga.

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No kidding!!! Well-said.


It's funny how many materialists I run across on another site who assume that one's choice of diet, for example, is a strictly personal choice, with no consequences to anybody else. *That's* just how narcisistic we've become!!!



Missing the understanding that they dig out their own grave by plunging their foot soldiers into impoverishment and hard knocks? Managing directors presently earning 400x more than average workers, insatiable greed for wealth but dwelling in a state of severe partnership disorder? Appears like another intermediate stop in the timetable of ongoing kali-yuga.
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