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Why be in Krishna consciousness ?

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Thank you for your answers. And thank you gHari for providing this clear map that I could follow very easily. :eek4:

Well, thank you all I am self-realized now that's cool. You have other questions ? :)


No, but I have one question really if I may ask. Who are you ?? Et... est-ce que vous pratiquez la langue de molière ??





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On doit seulement chanter "Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare". C'est le plus absolument marveleuse passe-temps! Ce viendra du seulement premier Dieu. Permettez le Nom a venir. Il viendra.


Excusez mes faux paux, s'il vous plait. Bon chance a votre vie avec Jesus et notre plus attractif Sri Krsna, l'Ultime Pere de tout le monde.


Et maintenant, en francais, la carte de l'ultime destination:


<center> http://www.gitamrta.org/audio/french/bg_french.html




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I have difficulties to see the path... still puzzled on how to get the Krishna consciouness or discover the absolute truth... I feel my mind is shrunk between 2 walls and not free... sorry..


Is it interesting to have guidance with a Guru or something, you think ? How to find him on this website ?


Also, I live near Orléans in the Center of France ; do you have any idea where I could find a book of the Srimad Bhagavatan if this is possible... ?


Thank you, mercy



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Here's your problem:


You need a "bench mark"

You must have a "good question" --not just any question to show you have showed up in the classroom.


"What is your problem?" --this is what a trained doctor first asks the patient.


Study something and inquire after you have formed a sincere question that 'fills-in the blank' so that you proceed to the next step.


ps: maybe it's me but you last post read as if you were High while writting. Ha-ha-ha. No serious, you did.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes maybe I seemed high. I don't know what my problem is. It seems I have lost my consciousness, or a piece of something ; my mind is wandering here and there sometimes I feel, I don't achieve things and I wonder what is all this life... what this is all about.


Maybe it's because I haven't found a girlfriend and married or something. I feel strange that lots of things are going wrong in our world. We haven't fought to be alive for all that, have we ? (Iraq war, unemployment, TV real shows...) How come we see the very same things on TV everyday, how come it seems there will be a nuclear blast or the arrival of the martians soon... I don't know. Anyway my mind needs to find a reference, or to become stronger and more conscious, to remember things maybe. It seems (despite it is not my religion) that I have lived other lives, that there is something else out there. That I belong to a bigger perspective and more conscious universe.


Well, these are my thoughts and I am questionning about this website also and the people there, who are you exactly what is this website about. And what is the Hindu religion purposed for ?? So many strange things in these old texts...


So that was my contribution to an attempt of explaining things to you.


Thanks for your attention,




PS : I have chanted the "Hare Krishna" song and haven't been catapulted in another holy dimension :eek4:

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Become "expert" ('expert' is one of the 26 qualities of a Devotee), do a job/vocation the best that could ever be expected, become rich and self-actualized by 'offering' your skills/benefit as a service for others. [ie: work to please society's needs and therefore rewards will assist your endeavors].


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