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The fame of Jesus...

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The fame of Jesus is indestructible. For many years I have heard big scholars, college professors, big Vedic scholars etc. that say Jesus is just a myth, or just an ordinary man etc. but still to this day Jesus is far more famous than any of these fellas will ever dream to be and even the lowest of mankind including criminals and street thugs of all varieties often tattoo their bodies with images of Christ and the cross etc. I have even heard those of the Gaudiya Vaisnavism persuasion attempt to defame and mythologize Jesus and at the same time saying they are with Prabhupada and the acaryas in an attempt to inundate the western world in Krsna Consciousness. From my studies of Prabhupada's books and letters I have never found any evidence that suggests Prabhupada would ever participate in a strategy of inundating the Western World in Krishna Consciousness but at the same time trying to throw Jesus by the wayside and trample all over the fame of Jesus.

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The fame of Jesus is indestructible. For many years I have heard big scholars, college professors, big Vedic scholars etc. that say Jesus is just a myth, or just an ordinary man etc. but still to this day Jesus is far more famous than any of these fellas will ever dream to be and even the lowest of mankind including criminals and street thugs of all varieties often tattoo their bodies with images of Christ and the cross etc. I have even heard those of the Gaudiya Vaisnavism persuasion attempt to defame and mythologize Jesus and at the same time saying they are with Prabhupada and the acaryas in an attempt to inundate the western world in Krsna Consciousness. From my studies of Prabhupada's books and letters I have never found any evidence that suggests Prabhupada would ever participate in a strategy of inundating the Western World in Krishna Consciousness but at the same time trying to throw Jesus by the wayside and trample all over the fame of Jesus.


Yes. He cannot be destroyed! :) All glories to our wonderous heavenly Father, who sent His Divine Son, the Savior.


All glories to Ya(hu) Shua, Jesus, The Savior of this world and all the worlds of the entire cosmic manifestation! His Mercy is inconceivable!


How renounced is Jesus of His own fame and glory?


Philippians 2:5-11


Have among yourselves the same attitude that is also yours in Christ Jesus,


Who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped.


Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness; and found human in appearance,


he humbled himself, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross.


Because of this, God greatly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name,


that at the name of Jesus every knee should bend, of those in heaven and on earth and under the earth,


and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.


No one can take away His fame because the Father has given it.

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31Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.


Lord Ganesh and Jesus are the most famous, there is no celebration where Lord Ganesh is not invoked, even Srila Prabhupada instructed that we should pray to him for removing the obstacles in our spiritual lives. Lord Jesus is know as Lord of the Lords, Lord Ganesh as Ganapatya, LOrd Jesus as the lamb of God, Lord Ganesh as the elephant of God, the simbol of them is the Cross and so on, too many similarities. Some Tibetan monks said me that they are the same person, but this is confidential and in the future will be know by all ppl.


nectar of devotion:

Other rules are that one should not offer foodstuff which is cooked by a non-Vaiṣṇava, one should not worship the Deity before a nondevotee, and one should not engage himself in the worship of the Lord while seeing a nondevotee. One should begin the worship of the demigod Gaṇapati, who drives away all impediments in the execution of devotional service. In the Brahma-saḿhitā it is stated that Gaṇapati worships the lotus feet of Lord Nṛsiḿhadeva and in that way has become auspicious for the devotees in clearing out all impediments. Therefore, all devotees should worship Gaṇapati.

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31Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.


Lord Ganesh and Jesus are the most famous, there is no celebration where Lord Ganesh is not invoked, even Srila Prabhupada instructed that we should pray to him for removing the obstacles in our spiritual lives. Lord Jesus is know as Lord of the Lords, Lord Ganesh as Ganapatya, LOrd Jesus as the lamb of God, Lord Ganesh as the elephant of God, the simbol of them is the Cross and so on, too many similarities. Some Tibetan monks said me that they are the same person, but this is confidential and in the future will be know by all ppl.


nectar of devotion:

Other rules are that one should not offer foodstuff which is cooked by a non-Vais?n?ava, one should not worship the Deity before a nondevotee, and one should not engage himself in the worship of the Lord while seeing a nondevotee. One should begin the worship of the demigod Gan?apati, who drives away all impediments in the execution of devotional service. In the Brahma-sa?hit? it is stated that Gan?apati worships the lotus feet of Lord Nr?si?hadeva and in that way has become auspicious for the devotees in clearing out all impediments. Therefore, all devotees should worship Gan?apati.


All glories to Lord Ganesh, the Remover of All Obstacles! Lord Ganesh ki Jaya! Jesus ki Jaya!


Even the Bible begins with Ganesh Gnss G(e)n(e)s(i)s.


Did you ever see this:



Ganesha / Gnosis is the patron of scribes and scholars ! Gana-eshvara, Ganesha is associated with generation and the beginning of all things and peoples. Thus it is no accident or coincidence that the Greeks used the word 'Genesis' for the first book of the Bible. Again it is important to note Ganesha's universality. His icon is found on the altars of both Vishnu and Shiva. He is worshiped by the Shakti worshipers as the beloved son of Parvati, and in the Skanda-Murugan tradition he has a prominent place. ...


...... if someone wants to claim that there was no religious association in the Greek mind of a 'Deity' or spirit with 'Genesis', then they will be denying the most basic fact of Greek religion, namely that everything concrete or abstract had a Deity, spirit, or being associated with it. There was a masculine and feminine pair, a patron and patroness, or Theos and Thea, Deva and Devi associated with everything. ..


Gana-pati is the 'father' or generator patron of all beginnings. 'In the beginning' is the translation of the first words of the Bible (Jewish scriptures). In the Greek Septuagint version, these first words are "en arche.". If the name of the book is supposedly the words 'in the beginning', then why is it not "en arche" ? The root 'gin' in the words be-gin-ning and ori-gin gives a clue. ‘Gin’ in the northern European languages, like ‘gen’ in Greek, is originally associated with the spirit of generation and all beginnings, the Lord's form as Gana-pati or Gan-eshvara / Ganesha. At very ancient Rome he was called Janus.



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All glories to Lord Ganesh, the Remover of All Obstacles! Lord Ganesh ki Jaya! Jesus ki Jaya!


Even the Bible begins with Ganesh Gnss G(e)n(e)s(i)s.


Did you ever see this:





Also Lord Jesus Said that He will Come in the future with another name, the second coming and Lord Ganesh incarnate in the world 4 or 8 times says the vedas to reestablish the dharma. Some people thinks that the second comming is kalki avatar but it is said that Lord Kalki comes in last part of Kaliyuga, so I think that this second Comming is the Lord Ganesha Avatar


According to the Ganesha Purâna, four Ganesh incarnations came on earth during the different periods (yuga), in order to fight the devils. They are :

  1. Mahotkata with ten arms, seated on a lion, shining like the sun, came during the Krita Yuga to kill the demons Narântak and Devântak
  2. White-colored Shri Mayureshvar with six arms, riding the peacock, faced the demon Sindhu during the Treta Yuga
  3. Red-colored Shri Gajânana with four arms, mounted on his rat, destroyed the demon Sindur during the Dwapara Yuga
  4. Dhûmraketu is the form of Ganesh who will come in the future; we are now living in the Kali Yuga. Two-arms and smoke-colored Dhûmraketu will ride on a blue horse; he will fight all the devils to restore peace and harmony in the world.
Also Lord Krsna Told to Yudhistira that Lord Ganesh is the same Suprem Lord
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I finally got to watch "The DaVinci Code" last night. It was beautiful and inspirational.


I thought it was a very "dark" movie. It is an attack on theism and it is mayavadi for sure:


In the DaVinci code book it states, "Almost everything our fathers taught us about Christ is false,"


and in the movie it is watered down to: "What if the world discovers the greatest story ever told is a lie?"


It leads to an absurd—and damaging—conclusion. In the movie, Robert ultimately tells Sophie, "What matters is what you believe (is truth)" .


That is, it advocates the message of subjective non absolute Truth. It is impersonalist.


It does not proclaim that only the Personal God is the source of Truth, He is Absolute and the Truth can only be realized in personal relationship with Him.



Da Vinci Code is mayavadi philosophy.


Narada said: You have not actually broadcast the sublime and spotless glories of the Personality of Godhead. That philosophy which does not satisfy the transcendental senses of the Lord is considered worthless. - SB 1.5.8

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I thought it was a very "dark" movie. It is an attack on theism and it is mayavadi for sure:


In the DaVinci code book it states, "Almost everything our fathers taught us about Christ is false,"


and in the movie it is watered down to: "What if the world discovers the greatest story ever told is a lie?"


It leads to an absurd—and damaging—conclusion. In the movie, Robert ultimately tells Sophie, "What matters is what you believe (is truth)" .


That is, it advocates the message of subjective non absolute Truth. It is impersonalist.


It does not proclaim that only the Personal God is the source of Truth, He is Absolute and the Truth can only be realized in personal relationship with Him.



Da Vinci Code is mayavadi philosophy.


Narada said: You have not actually broadcast the sublime and spotless glories of the Personality of Godhead. That philosophy which does not satisfy the transcendental senses of the Lord is considered worthless. - SB 1.5.8




Mayavada is the name of Shankaracharyas philosophy. Where does Da Vinci code talk about Shankaracharya? If it has nothing to do with Shankaracharya it is not Mayavada.


Please learn some basics before you post ignorant and arrogant comments on discussion forums.

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Mayavadi philosophy is any philosophy that detracts from worship of the Personal God and Da Vinci code is full of such inuendos.



Please spend some money and buy a dictionary before you engage in defining sanskrit words and making an embarassment of yourself and your group.


How can you call yourself a vaishnava when you hold such arrogance to think you can provide your own definitions of words that have been existing for thousands of years?


Dont you see how foolish you sound?

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Hare Krishna's are taught how to recognize a 'bogie-yogi' [bogus yogi (esp. a bogus guru)].


What is your agitation all about, I wonder. Herservant is absolutely correct!!


SSR Chap 3 ". . . This Mayavada system of philosophy has been existing since time immemorial. . . ."



Mayavada—the impersonal philosophy first propounded by Sankaracarya, which proposes the unqualified oneness of God and the living entities (who are both conceived of as being ultimately formless) and the nonreality of manifest nature; the philosophy that everything is one and that the Absolute Truth is not a person.


Mayavadi—one who propounds the philosophy of Sankaracarya, which basically holds that God is featureless and impersonal, that devotion to a personal Godhead is false, the material creation of the Lord is also false, and the ultimate goal of life is to become existentially one with the all-pervading, impersonal Absolute.


Mata-ji, You are correct to offer your advice--follow it youself.




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I don't see it that way at all.


God is the only absolute truth. We can only know absolute truth to the extent that God reveals it to us. Otherwise, our experience of the absolute truth is purely subjective.


All that matters (to us as individuals) *is* what we believe in, where we place our faith.


If all of Jesus' miracles have "naturalistic" explanations, that doesn't make him any less special in my mind.


Sri Krishna held up Govardhan Hill with his pinkie. Srila Prabhupada blasted a hole in the mountain of false ego of the West. Srila Prabhupada's miracle is superior to Sri Krishna's in my mind.


Jesus' greatest miracle is the faith he inspired/inspires in so many faithful people.



I thought it was a very "dark" movie. It is an attack on theism and it is mayavadi for sure:


In the DaVinci code book it states, "Almost everything our fathers taught us about Christ is false,"


and in the movie it is watered down to: "What if the world discovers the greatest story ever told is a lie?"


It leads to an absurd—and damaging—conclusion. In the movie, Robert ultimately tells Sophie, "What matters is what you believe (is truth)" .


That is, it advocates the message of subjective non absolute Truth. It is impersonalist.


It does not proclaim that only the Personal God is the source of Truth, He is Absolute and the Truth can only be realized in personal relationship with Him.



Da Vinci Code is mayavadi philosophy.


Narada said: You have not actually broadcast the sublime and spotless glories of the Personality of Godhead. That philosophy which does not satisfy the transcendental senses of the Lord is considered worthless. - SB 1.5.8

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I don't see it that way at all.


God is the only absolute truth. We can only know absolute truth to the extent that God reveals it to us. Otherwise, our experience of the absolute truth is purely subjective.


All that matters (to us as individuals) *is* what we believe in, where we place our faith.


If all of Jesus' miracles have "naturalistic" explanations, that doesn't make him any less special in my mind.


Sri Krishna held up Govardhan Hill with his pinkie. Srila Prabhupada blasted a hole in the mountain of false ego of the West. Srila Prabhupada's miracle is superior to Sri Krishna's in my mind.


Jesus' greatest miracle is the faith he inspired/inspires in so many faithful people.


Well I can't disagree with you on that one. But, I think there is more to this movie than meets the eye. I didn't like it and I think there are some dark aspects to it ..


.. of course any book that is riddled with conspiracy theory has a dark edge to it .


.. maybe I didn't like it because it made me uncomfortable ... no .. that is not it .. I was fine with this movie until the "bloody end" .. I think there is definitely a connection to satanic ritualist stuff .. no thanks

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I thought it was a very "dark" movie. It is an attack on theism and it is mayavadi for sure:


In the DaVinci code book it states, "Almost everything our fathers taught us about Christ is false,"


and in the movie it is watered down to: "What if the world discovers the greatest story ever told is a lie?"


It leads to an absurd—and damaging—conclusion. In the movie, Robert ultimately tells Sophie, "What matters is what you believe (is truth)" .


That is, it advocates the message of subjective non absolute Truth. It is impersonalist.


It does not proclaim that only the Personal God is the source of Truth, He is Absolute and the Truth can only be realized in personal relationship with Him.



Da Vinci Code is mayavadi philosophy.


Narada said: You have not actually broadcast the sublime and spotless glories of the Personality of Godhead. That philosophy which does not satisfy the transcendental senses of the Lord is considered worthless. - SB 1.5.8



Mainly what was pointed out in the "Da Vinci Code", that God cannot possibly be only male, since He created everything as male and female, so there must be also both qualities within the Creator. But Christians would basically think of God as an old man with a white beard.

Could be that Sri Isopanisad, invocation, filtered into "Da Vinci Code".


"The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes. Whatever is produced of the Complete Whole is also complete in itself. Because He is the Complete Whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance."


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Well I can't disagree with you on that one. But, I think there is more to this movie than meets the eye. I didn't like it and I think there are some dark aspects to it ..


.. of course any book that is riddled with conspiracy theory has a dark edge to it .


.. maybe I didn't like it because it made me uncomfortable ... no .. that is not it .. I was fine with this movie until the "bloody end" .. I think there is definitely a connection to satanic ritualist stuff .. no thanks

I saw the movie as fun. I see Satan and Jesus as being brothers (like the Mormons, I suppose).


My mundane senses are gratified by conspiracy theories.


To enjoy the movie, however, requires quite a bit of suspension of disbelief, though. There were holes in the plot large enough to drive a truck through (why didn't Silas just shoot the guy in the head, and, if he *meant* to shoot him in the gut, what assurance was there that he'd be able to pass on what he knew? Just because a woman is buried on some sarcophagus, what *empiric* evidence is there that the woman must be Mary Magdalene?).


I can understand your uneasiness, though.


Despite your warnings, I saw the "Golden Compass" as well. I found it entertaining also. While it's certainly anti-Church, I didn't see it as being anti-spiritual, or atheistic.

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I saw the movie as fun. I see Satan and Jesus as being brothers (like the Mormons, I suppose).


My mundane senses are gratified by conspiracy theories.


To enjoy the movie, however, requires quite a bit of suspension of disbelief, though. There were holes in the plot large enough to drive a truck through (why didn't Silas just shoot the guy in the head, and, if he *meant* to shoot him in the gut, what assurance was there that he'd be able to pass on what he knew? Just because a woman is buried on some sarcophagus, what *empiric* evidence is there that the woman must be Mary Magdalene?).


I can understand your uneasiness, though.


Despite your warnings, I saw the "Golden Compass" as well. I found it entertaining also. While it's certainly anti-Church, I didn't see it as being anti-spiritual, or atheistic.


Well maybe I will have to check it out .. as I understand it is the 3 part of the series that the children kill God ..


... just the premise alone, ie, that someone could even think of God in that "fictional" capacity .. it breaks my heart .. that is all

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Well maybe I will have to check it out .. as I understand it is the 3 part of the series that the children kill God ..


... just the premise alone, ie, that someone could even think of God in that "fictional" capacity .. it breaks my heart .. that is all


Well, which *aspect* of God did they kill? Lord Brahma has a finite lifespan. Sri Krishna left His body when He manifested on this planet. Lord Jesus exhibited dying (and resurrection) in His pastimes.


We need not be confused (even as our hearts break).

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