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Satanic Mentality

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Looks like Prabhupada adopted the concept that there's a satanic mentality and, "this satanic mentality has made them under the control of material nature". The date was November 24th of 66 = 2+4=6 and 66=666.


"The world’s problem is due to this forgetfulness. Īśād apetasya viparyayo ’smṛtiḥ. They have forgotten the protection of Krishna, God. They think that “By this adjustment, we shall be able to protect.” Nonsense. It is not possible. Can you protect yourself from death? No. Then what is your protection? So this is the formula: bhayaṁ dvitīyābhiniveśataḥ syāt. So thiDvitīya means that a, a secondary existence beyond God which is, in Bible, it is said, Satan and God. This satanic mentality has made them under the control of material nature. Satanic mentality. What is that satanic mentality? That “I want to be God.” Always thinking falsely, “I am God,” or “Independent,” “I can do anything, everything,” “Whatever I survey, I am the lord of whatever I survey.” These foolish things are going on. So this is very nicely explained, and reference is given by Lord Caitanya that our whole difficulty, problems, anxiety… A similar verse is in Bhāgavata, another place, sadā samudvigna-dhiyām asad-grahāt. Asad-grahāt. Asat means nonpermanent, which will, we shall not exist. Due to our absorption in that sight, asat, this matter… Just like this body: it will not exist. So giving too much stress on the bodily concept of life, they are sadā samudvigna- dhiyā, they are always full of anxiety. This is the cause. The foolish people, they do not know. Still, they are very much proud of education. Here is the cause, that because we have given too much stress on this false conception of life, therefore we are always full of anxiety. And as soon as I understand that “I am pure spirit soul, part and parcel of Krishna, the Supreme Lord. He is giving me all protection, and my duty is to love and serve Him,” then I am free. At once I am free. The simple formula."


Śrī Caitanya-caritāmṛta, Madhya-līlā 20.119-121

by His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda

New York, November 24, 1966


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It has been my observation that society has been seeing more and more true 'stupidity' [vs. unintelligent/uneducated/un-enlightened] by stupid I mean to say "fool/foolish/foolishness".


Ie: In New York City, January 2008, two 65 year old drug-addicts pushed an office chair, containing their seated mutual friend, to a cash checking store to cash his State welfare check--but, the friend in the chair was dead for two days.

They were both arrested for improper disposal of a corpse and check forgery. Surely their lawyer pleaded 'NOT-GUILTY, your Honor'.


Also, television News reports are filled with reports of 'Stupid criminals' and the world of common people being make to look like stupid 'suckers', interupted by commercials showing 'the-average-joe' as a fool whose best investment is to buy the product advertised lest he be a fool like his neighbor.


Also, Islamic-radicalism seems to be the type of war meant for such times/peoples: Stupid mongrels with stupid ideology with stupid methods derived by stupid philosophies interupting stupid television shows--which the kids in the family don't watch because they are listening to their stupid pop-music. While we call our the political opponents stupid.


One then wonders why young & old educated Americans join the military to get rid of this surplus of 'stupidity'. At least the Nazi's were stand-up guys when it came to being fisrt-class or classical 'enemy'.


Today "Murphy's Law" is going Haywire.

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Surely their lawyer pleaded 'NOT-GUILTY, your Honor'.

Looks like these two homeless "fools" studied law and figured, when getting caught we get over the cold NY winter in a warm prison cell and remain alive.

"Fool/foolish/foolishness", a similiar vedic term is found in a verse from the Second Canto of the Bhagavatam (2.3.19). In Srila Prabhupada's English rendering of the Bhagavatam, this verse appears as follows:



samstutah purusah pasuh

na yat-karna-pathopeto

jatu nama gadagrajah


TRANSLATION: Men who are like dogs, hogs, camels and asses praise those men who never listen to the transcendental pastimes of Lord Sri Krsna, the deliverer from evils.

PURPORT: The general mass of people, unless they are trained systematically for a higher standard of life in spiritual values, are no better than animals, and in this verse they have particularly been put on the level of dogs, hogs, camels and asses. Modern university education practically prepares one to acquire a doggish mentality with which to accept the service of a greater master. After finishing a so-called education, the so-called educated persons move like dogs from door to door with applications for some service, and mostly they are driven away, informed of no vacancy. As dogs are negligible animals and serve the master faithfully for bits of bread, a man serves a master faithfully without sufficient rewards.


Persons who have no discrimination in the matter of foodstuff and who eat all sorts of rubbish are compared to hogs. Hogs are very much attached to eating stools. So stool is a kind of foodstuff for a particular type of animal. And even stones are eatables for a particular type of animal or bird. But the human being is not meant for eating everything and anything; he is meant to eat grains, vegetables, fruits, milk, sugar, etc. Animal food is not meant for the human being. For chewing solid food, the human being has a particular type of teeth meant for cutting fruits and vegetables. The human being is endowed with two canine teeth as a concession for persons who will eat animal food at any cost. It is known to everyone that one man's food is another man's poison. Human beings are expected to accept the remnants of food offered to Lord Sri Krsna, and the Lord accepts foodstuff from the categories of leaves, flowers, fruits, etc. (Bg. 9.26). As prescribed by Vedic scriptures, no animal food is offered to the Lord. Therefore, a human being is meant to eat a particular type of food. He should not imitate the animals to derive so-called vitamin values. Therefore, a person who has no discrimination in regard to eating is compared to a hog.


full purport: http://vedabase.net/sb/2/3/19/en

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It has been my observation that society has been seeing more and more true 'stupidity' [vs. unintelligent/uneducated/un-enlightened] by stupid I mean to say "fool/foolish/foolishness".


Ie: In New York City, January 2008, two 65 year old drug-addicts pushed an office chair, containing their seated mutual friend, to a cash checking store to cash his State welfare check--but, the friend in the chair was dead for two days.

They were both arrested for improper disposal of a corpse and check forgery. Surely their lawyer pleaded 'NOT-GUILTY, your Honor'.


Also, television News reports are filled with reports of 'Stupid criminals' and the world of common people being make to look like stupid 'suckers', interupted by commercials showing 'the-average-joe' as a fool whose best investment is to buy the product advertised lest he be a fool like his neighbor.


Also, Islamic-radicalism seems to be the type of war meant for such times/peoples: Stupid mongrels with stupid ideology with stupid methods derived by stupid philosophies interupting stupid television shows--which the kids in the family don't watch because they are listening to their stupid pop-music. While we call our the political opponents stupid.


One then wonders why young & old educated Americans join the military to get rid of this surplus of 'stupidity'. At least the Nazi's were stand-up guys when it came to being fisrt-class or classical 'enemy'.


Today "Murphy's Law" is going Haywire.


Yes and this is just the G rated version. The NC17 version wouldn't last 20 seconds on Audarya Fellowship. I see this and then I have the realization that I actually took birth into this mess to try and enjoy my senses in my %^*&$(@ stupid *ss attempt to play God. The foolish amongst the fools.


Then I wake up in cold sweat. The nightmare has repeated itself again and I think to myself " Ah...I am awake and safe." This illusion lasts until I look outside and realize the nightmare has really only started again.:eek:


None so stupid/foolish/ignorant as we who continually take on dream body after dream body into this nightmare. One after another... a chain of nightmares with only a momentary reprieve in between deaths and births.


We now have some knowledge that allows us to see that we are dreaming. So we are something like lucid dreamers. But now we need to awaken from the lucid dream state into full blown Krsna consciousness

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We now have some knowledge that allows us to see that we are dreaming. So we are something like lucid dreamers. But now we need to awaken from the lucid dream state into full blown Krsna consciousness




Looks like there're folks who won't awaken from the lucid dream state into full blown Krsna consciousness - the dreaming state must be somehow a really powerful condition.


"Hayagrīva: Plato believes that at death there is an end of the sensory life of the individual—his thoughts, his perceptions and experiences—and the individual then returns to the ideal world from which he came.

Prabhupāda: That means he believes in eternity. This loss of senses, that is we also accept that there are three stages: jāgrati, awakening, and sleeping and deep sleeping. So deep sleeping means unconsciousness. So when a man dies from awakening state, he enters into the dreaming<layer id="google-toolbar-hilite-0" style="background-color: Yellow; color: black;"></layer> state and then enters into the deep sleeping state. So transmigration of the soul means he gives up this gross body, and the subtle body, mind, intelligence carries him to the another body, and in another body, unless the body is prepared properly, he lives in deep sleep. And when the body is prepared at seven months for human being, then he comes to consciousness. He feels, “Oh, why I am put into this packed-up status.” If he is pious he feels very uncomfortable. He prays to God—these things are described—that “Kindly excuse me from this awkward position. Now this time I shall become a devotee.” This is position. The soul is immortal, but still he enters into different stages of life. Then when he comes out, the same different stages of body continues. In childhood he is something different from his boyhood; boyhood something different from youthhood; and he is the same, but he is passing through different… That is called evolution. So when he comes to the perfect stage of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, then his life is successful. Just like a flower, in the bud stage, in the fructified stage, in the blooming stage, and when it is fully bloomed it looks very nice, beautiful. Similarly, when by gradual development when you come to the stage of Kṛṣṇa consciousness, then our whole beauty is revealed.

Hayagrīva: He also stressed the process of remembering. It’s called the, his, Plato’s doctrine of recollection. And he says you can ask a boy, who may be ignorant of a subject, you can elicit answers from him, and this answers, he may give you the right answers, and this would suggest that he acquired this knowledge in a previous existence.

Prabhupāda: Yes. Therefore we find a student in school is very intelligent and less intelligent. Otherwise both of them of the same age, why one is more intelligent, he grasps the matter very quickly, and why the other is not so intelligent? This is everything that putra- janma dṛḍhaṁ vidyā putra-janma dṛḍhaṁ dhanam. (indistinct) The two things especially, knowledge, education and money, they are earned in the previous birth, not that all of a sudden one has become rich, all of a sudden one has become very learned man. No. It is continuous. So if one man is extraordinarily learned, it is to be understood that it is the result of his previous culture."


Philosophy Discussions

with His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda Plato


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