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Divine Feminine Energy

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The refusal to accept God's Divine Shakti Energy and receive the Divine Grace of a Guru can have dire spiritual consequences. We can not get something for nothing in this life. God demands that we believe in Him with great faith, in addition to His celestial heavenly hosts and divine energies. We all seek to be liberated from unbearable conditions and create the ideal life in paradise, which is why we seek this kind of information. If you simply believe in God and receive the grace of the Divine Guru, everything will fall into place much better than you ever imagined. Arjuna figured that out on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra.





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We need a Guru with divine attunement first to realize the God otherwise it'd be a mere revery. We know nothing except what happened in the past through the books but never dare to examine ownself.


No god can make us realize what exactly the God is but a awakened Guru like Krishna.


Incarnation of the divine force like Krishna is scheduled in every 2500 years and there are lots of people claiming I am/s/he is the divine incarnation and India tops the list in self aclaimed gods and so called Gurus. But, if we have the enquiring mind and the real thirst for the truth then we can find exactly who can be the divine incarnation.


Shree Krishna was with 16 Kalas and there have been a great personality who incarnated with all those 16 Kalas including all 64 Kalas but gone to his origin in silence never to come back again. If anyone would like to search the reality look for a book by Pundit Pitambar Dutt Shastri ( a known scholar in Banars) "Purna Madah Purna Midam". In this book he has described what is symptoms of the divine incarnation with all Kalas in reference with the manuscript by Saandeepan Maharaj ( The Guru of Krishna).



Hope all the people would like to know the reality.


May the peace prevail the earth.

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