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An Attempt at Reconciliation

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Understanding the Art and Science of Krishna Consciousness: An Attempt at Reconciliation



Jan 31, NEW YORK (SUN) — A quick glance at the many ISKCON-related websites tells us much, not least that there are differences of opinion about what Srila Prabhupada taught and different approaches to implementing his teachings. Naturally, we all think that our particular interpretation is "the" correct one, and that the Other is fundamentally errant.

Without doubt, there is, ultimately, one truth in Krishna consciousness, though it may be viewed variously, according to one's personal realization and level of spiritual advancement.

This much is obvious. But I am here to say that there is a way to make this diversity work for us, to help us reconcile our differences and to walk together for furthering our spiritual master's mission.


Simplistic though it may seem, I propose that we learn to see Krishna Consciousness as both an art and a science, and I further propose that such vision can help us resolve our many conflicts.

It is a science because it provides a methodical approach to the Divine -- it's a time-tested and repeatable procedure that delivers reliable results. Prabhupada told us this time and again, and many stalwarts throughout history have benefited from its application.

It is also an art. For unless it is practiced with insightful intuition and with great sensitivity, it will yield only superficial results. Unless we creatively apply all that our Acaryas have given us -- recognizing the individuality of each and every practitioner -- we become lost in theoretical philosophy and impractical solutions.

Now, it appears to me that the conservatives in our midst tend to emphasize the "science" side of our tradition, while the liberals are more given to the "art" of Krishna Consciousness.

Both are legitimate, and so we should exhibit some appreciation for each other -- we should see that we erroneously decry each other, when we are actually reaching for the same thing, even if naturally approaching that thing according to our own psychophysical makeup.

I don't mean to ignore the very real problems that face us -- the abuse of power, the deception, the insincerity, the concrete differences in our understanding of the basic philosophy; these are all real enough. But I am saying that a good number of our differences could be set aside in favor of our common goal, and the realization that there are various approaches to that goal.

Let's face it, we adopt a particular position according to our conditioning and limited understanding of Gaudiya Vaishnavism, even if it has been handed down to us by Srila Prabhupada.


Let us not be so arrogant as to think that we, and only we, have some monopoly on the Vaishnava truths we often failingly incorporate into our lives. Let us be open, understanding, compassionate, and loving, and then, I think we can agree, we will inherit the fruits of our glorious tradition.

I know that there is a certain naïveté in my words, but there is also a lot of siddhanta as well. For those who agree, I thought this short note might serve to lessen our quarrel. Really, I just wanted to wish the best to my many brothers and sisters in Krishna Consciousness, whether I see reality the way they see it or not!


Feb 2, AUSTRALIA (SUN) — I really like the idea for reconciliation put forward by Satyaraja dasa. I believe that Srila Prabhupada would be very pleased if we engaged in a manner that brought about a deep love and respect for each other.

Let's face it, we are all somehow or other a part of something very special and wonderfully unique in this human form of existence. On the scale of things, being a Hare Krishna is a pretty rare occurrence.

Developing our love for each other would certainly have an immediate effect on the people around us, which in effect would filter out to the larger population.

One of the first items for an agenda of reconciliation could be forgiveness. To experience forgiveness we must also learn to forgive.

A second item would need to be inclusion for the variety. The Hierarchical type mood does not work within ISKCON.

Sure, there needs to be a healthy respect developed for the renounced and those who are totally committed, but it should not come at the expense of the development of others' spiritual lives, even though they be different.

It is certainly about time the people making the important decisions for ISKCON begin to consider recommendations such as the one put forth by Satyaraja dasa, before ISKCON devolves into total disarray and hatred.

What good will that do for Srila Prabhupada or anyone?

Kurma dasa (not the chef)


Interesting reading, we must understand that the material world is a very difficult place and not be suprised when one falls down, instead be very suprised if they don't full down!

Instead of pointing the finger at others and bad mouthing them, why not try to realize we have all had many many births in this material world and done so many sinful things in so many lives other than this one, and encourage others to somehow never forget Krishna, no matter how fallen we see them.

If we can do that, then in our life time, we will see Krishna Consciousness save the whole world

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