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Sound vibrations contaminate the ether, which in turn contaminates the air and water.

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"The individual jiva is also endowed with a particle of creative power. And the ordinary individual as well creates his tiny sphere of influence by sound. Some jiva's spheres of influence are no bigger than their own craniums, and some jivas have influence over a community, a nation, or even a whole planet. The beauty and harmony of their particular spheres of influence depends on the quality of sounds they produce".



By Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Maharaja





This inspiring article appeared in a BTG Magazine in the early 70s where Srila Sridar Maharaj describes how sound carves the destiny of the baddha-jiva in the material creation (MAHAT-TATTVA) and how it also awakens ones Spiritual life


His Holiness B.R. Sridhara Maharaja sat on the roof of his quarters in Navadvipa (West Bengal). The now very old sadhu was in a contemplative mood, and to approach him in this state disturbed me.





He motioned that I should sit in front of him, so I timidly went and sat down on a grass mat at his feet. There was no one to be seen for miles around. "There are many things to see from up here by which we can remember Sri Caitanya.," His Holiness said. "We have this Ganges, this forest, the temples, His favorite tree, banana. What have you come here to ask me?"





"Can you explain how, if the Name is a spiritual thing-how is it that we are all chanting it with a material tongue?" I asked, feeling quite foolish. After some silence he began to speak, "Nitai Caitanya, Nitai Caitanya," and then he proceeded:





"It cannot be uttered by a material tongue, nor can a material ear hear the Name. He [the Name] is adhoksaja beyond experimental knowledge], having reserved the right of not being exposed to organic senses. All the experience, knowledge and memories that we have are gleaned with the help of mundane sense perception.





Our tongue is comprised mostly of earth and water elements; the nerve endings extending to all parts of the body carry charges of electricity, also a material element. If an object is too far away, it is not touchable, seeable, tasteable, etc; if an object is too close, it is also imperceptible; we can't see our own tilak mark or even our own eyelids.





"When the senses are extended by microscopes and telescopes, these instruments have more range, but are still limited to the material sphere. The telescope cannot penetrate te outermost covering of the universe; the microscope lens is composed o atoms and therefore cannot see the atom or anything smaller than the atom.


Likewise, the system of mental speculation is also inefficient to perceive the spiritual elements. Mind is a material element whose density is very slight. (Bhagavad-gita VII:4) Higher abstractions are no more spiritual than hard rocks. There is a common belief that by extending the potency of the mind we can conceive of the infinite, but this process is defective.





If the infinite can be confined in a limited mind, then it is not infinite. I don't even know how many hairs are on my head. Mental speculators grind their brains over abstract aphorisms of Zen and Upanisads and think that by their own power they can achieve something like infinity. The result is mental masturbation. The mind explodes and dies of exhaustion. And the reaction is deplorable; total forgetfulness of the self and the infinite.


'There are channels by which the infinite descends. He is all power glory, beauty, knowledge, wealth and renunciation. He is dominant, all extending, free and autocratic. The infinite cannot be contained in a limited sphere, as I've just said, but if He is really infinite then He has the power of making Himself known in all His fullness to the finite mind. When out of His own prerogative, he takes the initiative and reveals Himself to the devotee, there is actual perception of Godhead, self realization, transcendental revelation.





By the channel of transcendental sound He comes by vibrating the spiritual tongue of the pure devotees representing Him to the world. The spiritual element vibrates the spiritual tongues of the perfect devotee's audience, which have hitherto never been vibrated.





"The pure devotee utters the Name of God. Our material ears hear some sound that resembles the transcendental Names of Krsna; our eardrum moves the liquid of the inner ear, half water and half air, which vibrates the ethereal element and touches our mind. At this point, soul has still been untouched, and there has been no genuine spiritual experience. By hearing with the mind's impressions, we enjoy the sound of the cymbals, the beat of the chant, the pleasant company and effect of listening and hearing.





But it doesn't stop here. Piercing the mind, the original sound uttered by Gurudeva moves our intellect, and we consider philosophical and metaphysical truths. For millions of years, sages chanted this on the banks of many holy rivers. Ides flood everywhere about the possible effects of the mantra. This, while being quite blissful, is not spiritual revelation in the true sense.





Beyond the intelligence is the spiritual element-soul, myself. That sound having cut through all my senses including the mind and intellect, now vibrates the finest sentiments of my own real existence. This is the perception of the holy Name on the spiritual plane with my spiritual ear. Then, the soul inspired, recapitulates, sending vibration back into the intelligence, mind and so on-the whole process inverted-out to my external tongue and we say, 'Hare Krsna! That Hare Krsna is He, And we dance in ecstasy.





"Sound, sounds, sounds," His Holiness repeated slowly. "Sounds. Catch hold of the sounds. Seize the sound waves traveling within the either, and your happiness in spiritual life is assured.





Once sage has explained in his sutra that massive epidemics are due to contamination of the ether by impure sound. When the lawyers and pleaders in court begin to tell lies in the name of justice, these sound vibrations contaminate the ether, which in turn contaminates the air and water which people breathe and drink, and epidemic is the result.





"When four-headed Brahma creates the universe, the seed ingredient is sounds. 'OM.' And from that 'om' the Gayatri mantra is born: In this sound, the fourteen planetary galaxies sprout like whorls of spiraling stars and planets, with the sun situated in the very center of the universe. Each planetary system is composed of a different sound uttered by Lord Brahma.





Each galaxy provides the infinite jivas with their particular spheres of karma (action), dhama (religion), artha (economic development), kama (sensual enjoyment and its resultant suffering), and moksa (facility of liberation).





It is the function of Brahma to provide these different galaxies and planets according to the sinful and meritorious deeds of the innumerable. Lord Brahma utters a different sound for each planetary system and his engineer, Sri Visvakarma creates the planets according to those sounds. The subtle elements and gross elements are distributed in this way.





In our planet, the predominating elements are earth and water. In other worlds, only water is found. On the sun, fire is the prominent element. If a spiritual individual, under the effects of illusion, or maya wishes to end his gross existence, he may enter a planet of air, ether mind or intelligence and live as a ghost.





"The individual jiva is also endowed with a particle of creative power. And the ordinary individual as well creates his tiny sphere of influence by sound. Some jiva's spheres of influence are no bigger than their own craniums, and some jivas have influence over a community, a nation, or even a whole planet. The beauty and harmony of their particular spheres of influence depends on the quality of sounds they produce.





"When one nation tries to conquer another, the first points to capture are the radio stations, the newspapers, the journals-the lines of communication. By sending out its manifesto by sound, the government can move the former leaders from their posts and capture the country. Then, also by sound, the new government becomes established.





If there should be any defect in that sound, then the whole thing is ruined. That is why there is so much alteration in the world situation. The sound of all these jivas is, to quote the Bible, 'Babel.' Nonsensical sounds are entering and contaminating the ether, the air, the water, and the very molecular structure of each and every person, place and thing.



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"A person's mind is composed of two functions, technically termed sankalpah and vikalpa. Sankalpa refers to the mind's desire to join thoughts into concepts, theories and tableaus of theories. Vikalpa is the mind's function of rejecting thoughts, simplifying and limiting experiences which are gathered through the senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. Both functions are controlled by sound. Here is an experiment; Close your eyes. When I repeat a number, you will see the number flash before your mind like a cash register.

One. . .Three. . .Seven. . .Four. . .The processes of sankalpa and vikalpa respectively make the thoughts come and go. This is a very simply form of the mind's process.

On a more complicated scale there is the very risky business of intentionally invading the sound waves with defective sound. The lines of communication are filled with impure sound from the earliest schoolbooks to the most advanced so-called philosophy.

The White House filibusters are another excellent example of intentional pollution of sound channels. If we were to infuse spiritual sound into the ether, if we were to saturate the ether with the transcendental sound vibration of Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare, this maha-mantra would purify, enlighten and saturate every being with its potencies.

"In Sri Caitanya's eight verses, which comprise the final message of all spiritual instructions, the fist verse gives five effects of the transcendental sound of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra as follows: Ceto-darpana-marjanam.

It wipes the material dust from the mirror of the mind. The mind is like the intermediate connecting medium between the spirit and that material external covering called the body. The soul has no material activity. When covered by maya, or illusion, the soul remains dormant in a state of suspended animation.

The magnitude of the soul is so great however, that it infuses consciousness on all sides. Through the medium of the mind, the senses act and we 'know' things. If this 'glass.' The mind, is put out of focus by the external nature, we suffer confusion, pain, disease and death.

Yes, death is a state of mind only, as 'I'm drowning! 'I'm giving birth!' 'I'm sick!' etc. When the mind is cleansed by the maha-mantra, the mind is forcibly purified. All the material concoctions, which are the cause of our suffering, are forcibly murdered, starved to death. They thrive on material sense pleasures.

Flooding the mind with transcendental sound is just like stepping on the pin of a bomb: All those misconception of material suffering and enjoyment are shattered, murdered, and the material mind is conquered wholly, leaving no enemies behind. The mind then reflects the spiritual knowledge, quality and energy of the soul itself.

"Bhava-maha-dvagni-nirvapanam. The fire of conditional life is thus extinguished. Nirvana, which most people are trying to understand from Buddhist texts, means extinguishing the fire of material existence. This body has been burning from the very beginning of its duration by the process of digestion.

Biologists all declare that the body is a burning organism, giving off heat, water vapor and carbon dioxide. After seventy or more years, our body is consumed by that smoldering digestive fire and we move into another body, only to burn up that one too. It is like chain smoking; with the lit end of the cigarette you light up a fresh cigarette, and on and on. By the potency of the transcendental sound the cause of that fire is extinguished.

"Sreyah-kairava-candrikavitaranam vidhyavadhujivanam. The transcendental sound then spreads the light of benedictions, peaceful suggestions and fearlessness, and no more anxieties invade the mine.

We approach the world after coming out of the womb with many deep-rooted fears; Is there safety? Is there happiness: Is there peace? The answer is the basic seed. Om in this sense means one big spiritual yes. Om, yes-a positive answer. Simply by negating the mind, the questions of the soul are not satisfied; something positive must be given. The maha-mantra floods the mind with affirmative suggestions of truth.

"Anandambudhi-vardhanam pratipadam purnamrtasvadanam. A full draught of an ocean of blissful nectar is served to the soul, who has been thirsty from time immemorial.

"Sarvtama-snapanam param, vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam. This point has two fold meaning, one external and one internal. Sarvatman means 'all souls.' The holy Name bathes all souls with spiritual bliss, knowledge and love.

The transcendental sound completely overcomes the souls with His sublime potencies. But atman has many meanings, as given by Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Atman means the supreme absolute truth, the body, the mind, the intelligence, endeavor, conviction and nature.

By uttering the pure sound of the maha-mantra one invades the very cause of everything that exists. The mind, body and soul, and even nature itself can be changed into transcendental nature by one heart-felt exclamation of 'Hare Krsna.'

Capture the sound waves which are the cause of every item of existence and saturate them with the holy Name. The result will be the total transformation of energy. An asrama, temple, and all the paraphernalia in them, are all divine. The environment in which we live in the asrama is not the same as the one in which we were born. It is 'there' it is Goloka, and the more we progress in our sadhana the more He will reveal Himself to us.

These truths about the descent of the Hare Krsna mantra were alluded to by Jayadeva Gosvami, jagat-guru, who has written a beautiful verse in description of this process: 'O Hari Nama, You enter my ear and touch my heart, and tears flow from my eyes and fall to the ground; making soft clay, my footprints are left for my successors to follow my way."

"It must be noted that if the teacher is bogus, then that Name will not touch the spiritual spark within the coverings of mind and body. It may sound the same, but it is not-just as milk ;and whitewash look the same but they are altogether different.,

"Now many such artificial gurus are about, and this fact is, as it were camouflaging the genuine devotees. If someone finds a treasure beneath a tree and marks the tree with his initials and then comes back to find every tree marked with the same initials, he is unable to recall the original tree.

This is now often the case, since false holy men are running rampant. But if one is fortunate enough to know the scriptures and tradition, and if one is truly sincere, he will find a genuine sadhu, hear the Name, and begin authentic spiritual life. Then he or she will find a great gift indeed.

"The original sentiments invoked by the Name are concentrated blissful recollections of the pastimes of Krsna as performed in the spiritual world. These sentiments are in all souls and are five in number: the neutral sentiment, the serving sentiment, the sentiment of friendship, parental sentiment, and the sentiment of intimate love. Krsna is called akhila-rasamrta-sindhu, the ocean of all transcendental sentiment.

In the Bhagavat-gita Krsna says, ye yatha mam prapadyante, tams tathaiva bhajamya-ham: 'I reciprocate all the different services rendered to Me within the sphere of these different sentiments, or rasas.' While all of these relationships or spiritual sentiments are on the self-same absolute platform, one may simultaneously acknowledge certain distinctions within them.

"For example, Krsna exchanged loving sentiments with the neutral devotees, who do not take active engagements in His interest at His own sweet time and liking. If He wants to play the flute He picks it up, and He sets it down when He likes. To His servants, He is the noble master. In this relationship there is more facility to please the Lord, to bring His food, His favorite clothing.

Yet there is still some hindrance, since He may tell the servant to be gone, and the servant must obey out of duty. The friendship rasa has two stages. The first stage is friendship with feeling of respect and reverence. Arjuna has this type of friendly relationship with Krsna. He begs forgiveness from Krsna for unknowingly calling Him in jest or for associating with Him without bowing down, etc.

"When friendship with Krsna is more developed, the respect and honorable formalities disappear. Jumping on Krsna's shoulders, wrestling and playing as though Krsna were their equal, Sudama, Sridama and the other cowherd boys revel in endless sports. Sometimes they even consider Krsna their inferior:

'Oh Krsna, He's the youngest one of us. He's also the lightest. We can all overcome Him in wrestling, so go lightly with Him.' As sugar cane juice is concentrated into molasses and then into crystal, so also the friendly rasa with added feelings, develops into parental affection. 'Krsna is my son,' says Mother Yasoda.

'I must always look after His needs and protection. If I don't see Him for even five minutes I get so scared. I see huge trees falling on Him and horrible demons capturing Him. Oh there You are! Why do You scare Your mother like that? Always stay in my presence; I can't stand to have You out of sight.' Even the punishment of the beloved is seen in this intimate relationship.

"As concentrated sugar becomes rock candy, so the parental exchange of rasas condenses into conjugal love, in which there is complete dedication to the desires of Krsna, with no tinge of desire for one's own pleasure. 'I am Yours'-complete, unconditional surrender. 'If you trample my body underfoot or embrace me too tightly, for Your pleasure. I am happy. If You want to throw me into hell and keep me far from Your company, I am prepared to go. If You forget me, that's okay, but I cannot forget You. You are always my beloved."

By this time His Holiness had become exhausted. After forty years of lecturing previous to the use of microphones, his voice had become very thin. We were only on inch apart, face to face. He sat there with his eyes closed, and it was clear that he was experiencing those things of which he spoke.

Just then the loud gong began to toll in crescendo, reaching four loud blasts and reverberating into silence.

"Go down now. It's time for Aratika. Could you follow my words?"

"Yes," I said.

"Did you like it?"


"That's all right. Go down now."

Transcribed by Acyutananda Das, Nabadwipa 1976

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The US Government will not reveal the exact details of how sound frequecies dramatically effect humans and animals. Sound weapons will be the the new defense weapons of the future


These sound weapons travel through all gross matter like cell phone singles do and no one can hide from such a weapon. Even the grossest matter, lead, theses sound vibrations will pass through and find its target


By using these computer-enhanced EEGs, scientists can identify and

isolate the brain's low-amplitude "emotion signature

clusters", synthesise them and store them on another computer.

In other words, by studying the subtle characteristic brainwave

patterns that occur when a subject experiences a particular emotion,

scientists have been able to identify the concomitant brainwave

pattern and can now duplicate it.

These clusters are then placed on the Silent Sound carrier frequencies and will silently trigger the occurrence of the same basic emotion in another human

being without them ever knowing it. We think we have free will but through top secret military sound (microwave) that can be controlled where one actually believes they are making their own chooses!

Microwaves alter the permeability of the body's

blood-brain barrier,14 which can synergistically increase the effects

of drugs, as the military is well aware. "Using relatively

low-level RFR, it may be possible to sensitise large military groups

to extremely dispersed amounts of biological or chemical agents to

which the unirradiated population would be immune."

Sound can be transmitted even easier through the use of implants -

cochlear implants, implants that send electrical signals into the

fluid of the inner ear, or implants that transmit sound vibrations via

bone conduction, such as the cases of dental fillings picking up

audible radio signals.

The stimoceiver, invented by Dr. Jose Delgado, consists of wires

running from strategic points in the brain to a radio

receiver/transmitter located entirely under the skin. Through this

device, Delgado was able to stimulate raw emotions such as arousal,

anxiety, and aggression with the turn of a knob.

Of course, secret research by the US Government into microwaves and

synthetic telepathy has moved on considerably since the end of the

Cold War ... secret microwave radiation can be used to induce in

unsuspecting victims: "Headache, fatigue, perspiring, dizziness,

menstrual disorders, irritability, agitation, tension, drowsiness,

sleeplessness, depression, anxiety, forgetfulness, and the lack of


Naval Research Lab Attempts To Meld Neurons And Chips: Studies May

Produce Army of 'Zombies.'

Future battles could be waged with genetically engineered organisms,

such as rodents, whose minds are controlled by computer chips

engineered with living brain cells that pulsate a sound vibration.... The research, called Hippo-campal Neuron Patterning, grows live neurons on computer chips.

"This technology that alters neurons could potentially be used

on people to create zombie armies," Lawrence Korb, a senior

fellow at the Brookings Institution, said.

According to the information on Dr. Robert Becker's 1985 book The Body

Electric, the microwave voice technology was developed successfully by

Dr. Sharp in 1973.

In 1973, Dr. Joseph Sharp (of Walter Reed Army Research Institute) successfully

developed microwave voice technology. "Serving as a test subject himself in

an echo-free isolation chamber, Dr. Sharp heard and understood spoken words

beamed to his head via a pulsed-microwave audiogram" (an analogy of the word's

sound vibrations).

Beside inventing microwave voice device, their mind control research also use

different frequency microwave to hypnotize somebody. The following information

from The Body Electric prove that the spoken word [microwave voices] of the

hypnotist/invisible personnel can be directly sent into a target's brain to

hear "voices". The target neither can stop the invisible personnel sending

"voices", nor

can shut it off. These kinds of "voices" can drive an unknowing target crazy.

Furthermore, if the invisible personnel pretend themselves (or himself) as

Devil (angel or God) during sending microwave voices, it can mislead the



victim to following their order/voices to commit crimes. For example, 1997

Oregon school shootings -see http://members.aol.com/alanyu5/part2d1.htm )

and Texas, Andrea Yates followed the voices of so-called Satan (invisible

personnel) to kill her children (see ttp://members.aol.com/colonelyu1/part2a18.htm ).



Music Mends Minds After Stroke



Listening to Favorite CDs Speeds Stroke Recovery

By Daniel J. DeNoon

WebMD Medical News

Reviewed by Brunilda Nazario, MD




Feb. 19, 2008 -- Listening to their favorite music helps stroke patients recover mental function and makes them less depressed and confused, Finnish researchers find.


The study, by neuroscientists working together with music therapists, is the first to show that listening to music soon after stroke can have specific treatment effects.


"Our research shows for the first time that listening to music during this crucial period can enhance cognitive recovery and prevent negative mood," study researcher Teppo Sarkamo, a doctoral student at the University of Helsinki, Finland, said in a news release.


It's scientific validation of something music therapists have been working on for decades, says board-certified music therapist Concetta M. Tomaino, DA, executive director of the Institute for Music and Neurologic Function and senior vice president for music therapy at Beth Abraham Family of Health Services in New York. Tomaino was not involved in the Finnish study.


"It is very exciting for me to see in this scientific study something I have been talking about for 20 years," Tomaino tells WebMD. "Our focus has been on discovering the elements of music and music therapy that can help with recovery of cognitive and language function."

(Did you listen to music after your stroke? Play music for your loved one who had a stroke? Talk about it on WebMD's Stroke: Support Group message board.)

Music Stimulates Neural Networks


Sarkamo and colleagues randomly assigned 60 stroke patients to a music group, a language group, or a control group. All patients received standard stroke rehabilitation treatment. Those in the music group were provided with CD players and CDs of their favorite music in any musical genre. Those in the language group got tape players and books on tape.


Patients assigned to the music and language groups were told to listen to music CDs or books on tape for at least one hour every day for the first two months after their stroke. All patients kept listening diaries; hospital staff and caretakers encouraged listening and, when necessary, helped patients work the CD/tape players.


"We found that three months after the stroke, verbal memory improved from the first week post-stroke by 60% in music listeners, by 18% in audio-book listeners, and by 29% in non-listeners," Sarkamo says. "Similarly, focused attention -- the ability to control and perform mental operations and resolve conflicts among responses -- improved by 17% in music listeners, but no improvement was observed in audio-book listeners and non-listeners."


These between-group differences persisted six months after stroke. In addition, the music group had a less depressed and confused mood than the non-listener group.


"What these researchers show so eloquently is that music attracts attention from several parts of the brain simultaneously," Tomaino says. "Stroke damage is in a localized region.


Music stimulates neural networks that bypass this region. This allows the recovery to take place."


Tomaino says the Finnish researchers were successful because they were careful to find music that the patients found both interesting and emotionally stimulating.


"To recover function, there are two fundamental pieces to music therapy," she says. "One, it has to grab your attention, and two, it has to move you. Music is complex.


It has both analytic and emotional components and involves both sides of the brain. In stroke, attention and mood are most damaged. What this study shows is that just listening to something that holds your attention and moves you can improve function in the damaged areas of the brain."


Sarkamo cautions that more research is needed to validate the results of the study. And he notes that what works for one stroke patient may not work for another.


"I would caution people not to interpret this as evidence that music listening works for every individual patient," he says. "Rather than an alternative, music listening should be considered as an addition to other active forms of therapy such as speech therapy or neuropsychological rehabilitation."





chant Hare Krishna


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  • 1 month later...


I hardly consider OM to be a contaminant.





Agree, it certainly is not however, in the material world sound becomes polluted and as devotees of Lord Caitanya, we chant Hare Krishna, not to nullify such pollution as that would be offensive but to simply remember our wonderful Radha and Krishna and their expansion of pure love (devotion) in the form of a devotee Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu

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