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Marriage,Wealth and Neecha Bhanga Raja Yoga..

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Date of Birth : 02/Nov/1978

Time : 22.50

Place : Colombo, Sri Lanka


My Lagna And Navamshaka are both Gemini


2nd House - Jupitor

3rd House - Saturn

4th House - Rahu

5th House - Sun, Venus

6th House - Moon, Mars, Mercury

10th House - Kethu



2nd House - Kethu

3rd House - Mercury

4th House - Saturn, Mars

5th House - Moon

6th House - Jupitor

8th House - Rahu

9th House - Sun

12th House - Venus


I would really appreciate if anyone could look at my birth chart and tell me whats on it Regarding my Marriage (I'm still Single). and I have start a small IT Business and will it be sucessful business.


- Nishantha

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  • 3 years later...

My lagna is Gemini too.

(1) Speaking of your planet strengths..:

Jupiter is 2nd house {exhalted}=very good husband and good childern+good marriage life


saturn in 3rd=stay away from ur brothers and sisters {if any}


rahu in 4.=hmmm. 4 stands for your mother's health and your properties+education.therefore you'll have some problems with ur mother's health and better be careful.always keep an eye on your mom's health.other effects are you'll have good property{but that greatly depends on your husband's 4th place from lagna.


sun and venus in 5= 5 stands for your deeds in your previous birth .therefore your are free from sins.


to say the truth,6 is a bit critical.=6 is considered as an opposite {if good planets are placed,they will be bad/if bad ,they'll be good.but don't u ever worry.i noted that mars is in it's own house and thus ill effects will be greatly reduced .Mars stands for all kinds of enjoyment after marriage.this includes mainly buying property..houses+lands..etc.{mars is bad .so it tends to be good in 6th house}


10 is for karma{life+job} =u have ketu there.therefore it is obviously true that u are learned and will lead a life of harmony with ur husband{but that depends on your husband's chart}.



U will definiely get a good and loving husband.All your expectations will be fulfilled at the right moment.try to control your anger at some places as it may give a bad name.ur husband will be learned and be very soft-hearted.He will truly love u.{but keep in mind.. all these r according to your chart.50 % depends on ur husband's chart..}



ketu is there in 10.if u feel that ur business is declining ,never spend money on it.but dont think ill of ketu..he's the only graha u can make a millionaire.try worshipping ganesha.{all this are for u .but it also depends on your husband's chart}


if u like my explanation, kindly send me a reply with some more questions..

kind regards,


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