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I want to know if I have Neechabangha Rajyoga.


Astrological Details




Name: Sunder Rangarajan

Date of Birth: 06/September/1968, Friday

Time of Birth: 3.40 A.M

Place of Birth: Chennai,India.

Latitude: 13.5 N , Longitude: 80.18 E

Local Mean Time: 03:31:12

Lagna: Cancer

Lagna Lord: Moon

Sun Sign: Virgo

Sun Sign Lord: Mercury

Moon Sign: Aquarius

Moon Sign Lord: Saturn

Nakshatra: Satabisha

Nakshatra Lord: Rahu

Current Dasa: Saturn


In my horoscope 3 planets are debilitated.

Saturn is Debilitated and retrogate in Aries. Saturn is also Vargottama.

Venus is debilitated with exalted mercury and Ketu.

Mars is debilitated in lagna in cancer.

Sun in Leo(Moolatrikona)with Jupiter which is combust.


From April, I have Saturn Dasa and Venus Bhukti.


Does a Neecha,Vakra and Vargottamma planet give a Uchha planet effect?

If the lord of the house being in quadrent from lagna is itself neecha?

I am very worried. I need some definite answers.


- Sunder Rangarajan

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