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Is idol worship allowed in Hinduism?

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Thank you. The question is actually directly related to the topic you raised on idol worship.


Those names of Allah are undoubtly holy names. According to what we have been taught the holy names of God are a form of God. Gods names are totally spiritual. The Lord also has an unlimited number of names because He Himself is unlimited in every way.


Sound vibration is also a form. Every sound leaves a distinct pattern that distinquishes it from any other sound vibration. The sound Coca Cola is a material sound that is vibrated by the vocal cords and registers on the ear drums of the earthly body and we perceive it in that way. Just as a painting or sculture has certain patterns that register on the eyes and optic nerve and we perceive the painting through the sense of sight.


Now what is the difference between the name Coca Cola and the name of God, Allah? They both are vibrated by the vocal chords and perceived through the sense of hearing? We have been taught that the name of Allah or any name of God has been invested with spiritual potency by the Lord Himself and is therefore a sound incarnation of the Lord although it appears to be material like any ordinary sound.It is not an ordinary sound however because it carries the very presence of the Lord.


So in this way God appears before our limited ears in the form of His name and likewise He agrees to appear before our eyes in the form of the Murti so that we may offer Him various kinds of service.


So you worship the names of Allah in sound form. Are you an idol worshipper? of course not. You see Muzhar you also worship God in Deity from as His sound vibration incarnation or name.


In Krsna consciousness we are learning to not only hear Him in His names but to see Him as the Deity and even taste Him in the form of sanctified food or prasadam.


So our paths are the same only we are engaging the rest of our senses, other than just hearing, in the perception of the Lord.


Now please be clear I am not saying that anyone can worship any thing calling it God and it is the same thing. Unless the Lord has agreed to appear before the devotee as sound or painting or sculpture or burning bush then the worship is idol worship. But if the Lord appears before in any of these ways no one can rightly denigrate our mode of worship calling it idol worship.



Do you think that we repeat Allah's names in some kind of sound vibration?If your answer is yes then we do not call Allah with any sound vibration for example I am reciting "Allah" on beads then I am just reciting it, there is no sound or music in the background.

If you want to know how we recite, I can record the sound and send you the file.

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i have read teh q'ran and the philosophy contradicts the everyday muslim way one should lead according to it. For example the Q'ran says idoltry is a sin whereas the Kaaba itself contains the Black stone -Al-aswad (the Shiv Ling). Which was even worshipped by king Vikramaditya who used to go regularly to makkeshvar (mecca) to worship the makkeshwar mahadev.


muslims state that they are not worshipping the actual stone but teh reason behind why its there. Okay thats fine. But Hindus also do not believe the stone idols to be God. But the idol represents God. So how is that any different from what the muslims believe?


Also if it point towards heaven or where God is above then is the heaven in Islam that small, that a few yards of the kaaba alone is enough to point to to it? I mean come on? The whole Earth points to heaven if thats how you wnat to go on. also if im not mistaken ... the syrians had won teh kaaba in a fight and kept it for 22 years and also moved the whole thing. So how are you Muslims so sure that it is still pointing to heaven???


i mean come on...

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Brother, I am not compelling any hindu to beleive what i say. I am telling you the verses of your own books. I am not giving my own opinion. I am translating your books If you think I am wrong then correct me brother. I am here for a peaceful dicussion.


I asked you several questions. You did not reply, because you would have to lie or admitt your true motive for coming here.


Abrahamic religions like yours turned the world into a patchwork of religious wars where millions of peope lost their lives in the name of your gods. The world is still ablaze because of it.


Your religions are like rat poison: they have 95% food and 5% strychnine. The food lures people to it, and the strychnine kills their natural spirituality and induces hatred for people whose beliefs are different.


Because you believe you have a duty to convert others to the only "true" religion, you sneak into the house of other people to give them your rat poison. Crazy fanatics among you, be it Jews, Christians, or Moslems, think it is OK to kill others in the name of their religion. Their "martyrs" mark the wide road to Hell you people have been building for over 2000 years.


You want us to become one of you?


I worship two Black Stones, who are the Eyes of Lord Vishnu in this world. through Them I see my Lord and His abode. Do you think I care that folks like you consider them to be idols?


If you want to convince me that your religion has value, FIRST stop the crazy butchers among your fellow Muslims from killing innocent people in the name of your religion. I would rather convert to the religion of Australian aborigenes then become a Muslim.

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i have read teh q'ran and the philosophy contradicts the everyday muslim way one should lead according to it. For example the Q'ran says idoltry is a sin whereas the Kaaba itself contains the Black stone -Al-aswad (the Shiv Ling). Which was even worshipped by king Vikramaditya who used to go regularly to makkeshvar (mecca) to worship the makkeshwar mahadev.


muslims state that they are not worshipping the actual stone but teh reason behind why its there. Okay thats fine. But Hindus also do not believe the stone idols to be God. But the idol represents God. So how is that any different from what the muslims believe?



I think I have explained this but I will do it again. The black stone is nothing but just a

part of kaaba. The black stone is a part of kaaba, you cannot say that black stone and kaaba

are different and kaaba is there because we offer salaah in its direction.

We do not worship kaaba nor we worship Allah through kaaba, as I said we do not need kaaba to remember Allah, it is just our direction and pplce to perform hajj.


1. No muslim keeps kaaba in his house or in mosque, there is only one kaaba in the world and it is for direction. If we would need kaaba to worship Allah, every muslim would keep it in his house and in mosques.


2. At the time of prophet muhammad pbuh, the followers used to give azaan (call to prayers) on the top of kaaba i.e. they use to stand on kaaba to give azaan. No idol worshiper would stand on the idol.


3. When we offer salaah, we do not see kaaba, we see at a place where we prostrate. And a person who is not living in mecca offcourse does not see it at all. We just stand towards it.

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2. At the time of prophet muhammad pbuh, the followers used to give azaan (call to prayers) on the top of kaaba i.e. they use to stand on kaaba to give azaan. No idol worshiper would stand on the idol.



Kaaba is the house (temple) in which the Black Stone (deity) resides. Do Muslims ever stand on the Black Stone? No. What would happen if someone tried to do that? The deity (an object directly representing God) is obviously the Black Stone. That is why the Prophet kissed it as sacred. We climb the temples to hang new flags.

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Describing about the rituals connected with the worship of lord Vishnu, lord Mahaddeva told Parvati– A devotee can worship Lord Vishnu by making his idol. This mode of worship is known as ‘Sthapita’ (installation of an idol). There are also some sacred places related with lord Vishnu which are called ‘Swayam-Vyakata’ (self manifested) like Indradyumna Sarovar, (Kurma sthan), Kashi, Prayag, Dwarka, Naimisharanya, Mathura etc. In all these holy places, Lord Vishnu had manifested himself. A devotee should get up early in the morning and perform ‘aachaman’. He should then chant the holy name of Lord Vishnu. He should take his bath and sit down to worship Lord Vishnu.

A devotee should install idols of Laxmi-Narayana on a beautiful pedestal and adorn it with flowers. He should then make offerings of various articles like akshat, fruits, flowers, etc. to the deity. While worshipping, it is most necessary that a devotee followes the rituals as mentioned in the ancient scriptures like Shruti, Smriti, Vedas etc. He should chant the shlokas of Purush-Sukta as well as the cryptic mantra for the accomplishment of ‘Shodashopachar’. He should light a ghee lamp and make offerings of articles like camphor and betel leaves to Lord Vishnu. While making offerings in the sacrificial-fire, chanting of a shloka either from Purushsukta or Shrisukta is madatory.

There are some specific days which are considered to be specially auspicious for the worship of lord Vishnu–Amavasya, Saturday, Solar eclipse, lunar eclipse etc.


This is from Padma Puaran-Uttarkhand.

Hope Mazhar will be satisfied.

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Brother, Kaafir means a person who does not beleive in Islam i.e. non muslim. So Kaafir and non-muslim have same meaning. Do u mind if i call u a non-muslim? offcourse, no. My intention is not to heart any one.


Yes but they are fair game for you, so that you have to convert them enslave them or even kill them and there is no sin in that. So where is your heart all you guys do is hurt others who do not share your views.





It is not insult to God, God made us with some deficiencies, if He wanted to , He could make us perfect. Imperfect means that we fal ill, we got older and older every day, we get tired, etc. Sometimes we have some diseases. Allah made us like that because Allah wants to test us, this lie is test for the hereafter.

Such a god in my book is a sadist, who makes us imperfect and take delight in seeing us suffer.

Such is your shallow understanding of God, you guys have a lot to evolve to come to a simple understanding even a street cleaner hindu will tell you that he suffers because of his own Karma, he understands he is not this body which is for ever changing diseased and getting old.





If I have a misconception then remove it.

Above is your misconception and therefore Vedic knowledge which in material terms is a rocket science and you have not even reached kindergarten, how would you understand Vedas ?



I am peaceful.

Well show it in your action.


Jai Shree Krishna

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Please educate us on this subject:

Rules for "Lending Money without charging Interest"

Also, if your are able, to explain the same in regards to:

"Lending Money without charging Interest for students to pay for University tuition"

This would be of great interest.


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The images of God are forbidden in Islam, correct?


During Muslim holy days, the pastimes of the prophet are enacted on stage, correct?


What historical events are dramatised on stage at religious feastivals?


Are these staging of religious past events not contradicting the injuctions of the koran?





Below is the reminder that the presentation of images from western scriptures brings great joy and revelry to the viewer.



During the beginning of 1900's in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">America</st1:place></st1:country-region> there was silent Blank & White Cinema Movies.

A movie producer created the movie titled "The Bible" -- please consider what it was like for people who, for generations, had only imagined in their own minds what it was like to see, meet and be there during the days of Biblical Times.

The Biblical Stories were often enacted on stage only during holy festivals [as even done during Muslim religious feativals]-- but when Cecil B. DeMille's classic 1923 Hollywood Silent film "The Ten Commandments" --the audiences must have cried openly to see enacted the very pastimes of their lord that they were so familiar with by way of hearing the stories passed down from older folks and books.

Now, you too can see the Lords Pastimes in the comfort of your home: B.R. Chopra's Mahabharata is available on DVD [16 Disks, thus 94 Hours of enacted pastinmes from sastra]--buy it now at your local Little <st1:country-region w:st="on"><st1:place w:st="on">India</st1:place></st1:country-region> part of town.

Simularly, DVD's Series of A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami's darshana, lectures, kirtanas, his realizations he experinces during his travels on this earth while in the company of his western devotees and his the speaking sanskrit scritural verses -- are also available to us common living entities to see with our own eyes, hear with our own ears remember with our own minds and share with our own friends.

spread the mercy and a chipati too,


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Do you think that we repeat Allah's names in some kind of sound vibration?If your answer is yes then we do not call Allah with any sound vibration for example I am reciting "Allah" on beads then I am just reciting it, there is no sound or music in the background.

If you want to know how we recite, I can record the sound and send you the file.




Thank you for thoughtfully considering my post.


No, the name itself is the sound vibration and that is a form as real as much as a tree or mountain. Every sound has it's own distinct form The fact that you can record it and put it to file and send it to me is proof that it is sound form. Further proof is that you expect my physical ears to hear those name being vibrated.


It has nothing to do with background music or no background music.


Now what remains is if you consider the name of Allah to be a creation of this mundane world or do you accept that the name of Allah is spiritual and Holy and therefore not a product of the mundane world but Allah come to you in sound form.

You must consider the names of Allah to be holy or else why would you recite Them?

This is an essential question.

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Thank you for thoughtfully considering my post.


No, the name itself is the sound vibration and that is a form as real as much as a tree or mountain. Every sound has it's own distinct form The fact that you can record it and put it to file and send it to me is proof that it is sound form. Further proof is that you expect my physical ears to hear those name being vibrated.


It has nothing to do with background music or no background music.


Now what remains is if you consider the name of Allah to be a creation of this mundane world or do you accept that the name of Allah is spiritual and Holy and therefore not a product of the mundane world but Allah come to you in sound form.

You must consider the names of Allah to be holy or else why would you recite Them?

This is an essential question.

I could not have put it better. So simple yet so profound. Sound vibration is form that has a distinct pattern other than noise.


So Mazhar You meditate or recite the Quoranic verses proclaiming the name of Allah which has a distinct sound FORM. Allah according to muslims have 99 names so those names are forms of Allah in sound vibration.


So in actual fact you also worship Allah in his form as sound vibration.


I also know every muslim shows great respect to the Quran book why?


By this I mean the Quran would not be touched by any muslim unless he cleanses himself why? You would not take the Quran into unclean places like for example toilets is it not?


Is the Quran not a representation of Allah? Meaning do you not consider Allah's words (Quran) to be representitive of Allah?


Consider these words carefully because if you say the Quran is not Allah in the form of words then Allah is not Ominiscient/Omnipresent.


Just somethings to ponder about.


Hare Krsna/Krishna


Jay Sirla Prabhupada


(Just a quick question to anyone who knows : Is Allah the Vedic name of Durga Devi?)

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Kaaba is the house (temple) in which the Black Stone (deity) resides. Do Muslims ever stand on the Black Stone? No. What would happen if someone tried to do that? The deity (an object directly representing God) is obviously the Black Stone. That is why the Prophet kissed it as sacred. We climb the temples to hang new flags.


Brother understand something very clearly and I said it before that:


Kaaba includes the black stone. They are not different. back stone is a part of kaaba. the black stone DOES NOT REPRESENT GOD AT ALL.

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Brother understand something very clearly and I said it before that:


Kaaba includes the black stone. They are not different. back stone is a part of kaaba. the black stone DOES NOT REPRESENT GOD AT ALL.


They are different. They have different names, and different functions. Based on your tradition Archangel Gabriel gave Abraham and Ishmael the Black Stone to be the foundation of Kaaba and all Muslims try to pay their respect to it by kissing it or by pointing to it during the 7 circumambulations of Kaaba.

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Describing about the rituals connected with the worship of lord Vishnu, lord Mahaddeva told Parvati– A devotee can worship Lord Vishnu by making his idol. This mode of worship is known as ‘Sthapita’ (installation of an idol). There are also some sacred places related with lord Vishnu which are called ‘Swayam-Vyakata’ (self manifested) like Indradyumna Sarovar, (Kurma sthan), Kashi, Prayag, Dwarka, Naimisharanya, Mathura etc. In all these holy places, Lord Vishnu had manifested himself. A devotee should get up early in the morning and perform ‘aachaman’. He should then chant the holy name of Lord Vishnu. He should take his bath and sit down to worship Lord Vishnu.

A devotee should install idols of Laxmi-Narayana on a beautiful pedestal and adorn it with flowers. He should then make offerings of various articles like akshat, fruits, flowers, etc. to the deity. While worshipping, it is most necessary that a devotee followes the rituals as mentioned in the ancient scriptures like Shruti, Smriti, Vedas etc. He should chant the shlokas of Purush-Sukta as well as the cryptic mantra for the accomplishment of ‘Shodashopachar’. He should light a ghee lamp and make offerings of articles like camphor and betel leaves to Lord Vishnu. While making offerings in the sacrificial-fire, chanting of a shloka either from Purushsukta or Shrisukta is madatory.



Thats what I said, that why you make idols to worship God?

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Yes but they are fair game for you, so that you have to convert them enslave them or even kill them and there is no sin in that. So where is your heart all you guys do is hurt others who do not share your views.




Allah says in Quran that if u kill any human being (whether muslim or non-muslim) unless for murder or creating mischief on the land then u have killed whole of humanity. And If u save any human being (whether muslim or non-muslim) then u have saved whole of humanity.


So brother, killing any innocent human being is a big sin in Islam.


Such a god in my book is a sadist, who makes us imperfect and take delight in seeing us suffer.




Such is your shallow understanding of God, you guys have a lot to evolve to come to a simple understanding even a street cleaner hindu will tell you that he suffers because of his own Karma, he understands he is not this body which is for ever changing diseased and getting old.



Brother we may get problems in our life because of ur deeds but Quran says that this life is the test for the hereafter and we all are undergoing a test. Allah examines different people with different things, e.g. Allah gives some one wealth then He sees that whether the prson surf it in the way of Allah or not. Some one is poor, not because his deeds in this world (as I said it may be) but if his deeds are good and he is in problem that this is that test for him. Quran also says that we will surely test all of you with hunger, fear of death.




Above is your misconception and therefore Vedic knowledge which in material terms is a rocket science and you have not even reached kindergarten, how would you understand Vedas ?



I quoted your scriptures, I think I am right and if u think I am wrong then correct me, it is ur duty to correct me as a hindu.

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During Muslim holy days, the pastimes of the prophet are enacted on stage, correct?


What historical events are dramatised on stage at religious feastivals?


Are these staging of religious past events not contradicting the injuctions of the koran?




I didn't understand ur question brother. May be u r translating it wrong.

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Now what remains is if you consider the name of Allah to be a creation of this mundane world or do you accept that the name of Allah is spiritual and Holy and therefore not a product of the mundane world but Allah come to you in sound form.


You must consider the names of Allah to be holy or else why would you recite Them?


This is an essential question.



Brother Thiest,


I understood ur question completely. Why are you trying to compare the sound form with the idols? There is no such comparison. We have ears to listen, if we do not have ears then how there will be effective communication?


And further, sound is an invisible form. It can not be seen but idols ae physical.

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So Mazhar You meditate or recite the Quoranic verses proclaiming the name of Allah which has a distinct sound FORM. Allah according to muslims have 99 names so those names are forms of Allah in sound vibration.


So in actual fact you also worship Allah in his form as sound vibration.




I gave the answer above.




I also know every muslim shows great respect to the Quran book why?


By this I mean the Quran would not be touched by any muslim unless he cleanses himself why? You would not take the Quran into unclean places like for example toilets is it not?


Is the Quran not a representation of Allah? Meaning do you not consider Allah's words (Quran) to be representitive of Allah?




Quran is the final word of God. We respect Quran is it the Book of Signs, the verses in quran are signs. We respect it because it is a book of Allah and it contains the name of Allah and His mesenger and it contains the name of many messengers.


Didnt u respect ur scriptures? will u take the Veda in an unclean place? No. Respecting the word of God does not mean that it is the representation of God.


I may ask you Is Veda not a representation of God? Meaning do you not consider God's words (Veda) to be representitive of God?



Consider these words carefully because if you say the Quran is not Allah in the form of words then Allah is not Ominiscient/Omnipresent.




There is no verse in quran or any sahih hadith (saying) of prophet muhammad that Allah is omni present. But Allah's knowledge is everywhere, it is spread everywhere, He knows everything and He has power over all things.

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They are different. They have different names, and different functions. Based on your tradition Archangel Gabriel gave Abraham and Ishmael the Black Stone to be the foundation of Kaaba and all Muslims try to pay their respect to it by kissing it or by pointing to it during the 7 circumambulations of Kaaba.


Just because gabrail gave it to ibrahim proves that black stone is the representation of Allah? No. It was just a foundation, the first step in the formation and at the time of prophet muhammad when it was rebuilt, it was the last step, the stone was put lat ast by muhammad pbuh and other people together.

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Please educate us on this subject:

Rules for "Lending Money without charging Interest"

Also, if your are able, to explain the same in regards to:

"Lending Money without charging Interest for students to pay for University tuition"


Your question can be changed in an answer:


"Lending Money without charging Interest" is the rule itself whether you are giving loan to anybody, do not charge interest.


You asked about rules, then brothe rules are simple that if u r lending money then do not charge interest and take back only principle amount irrespective of when the loan is paid back in 5 years or 10 yeas or 100 years.



And Allah says in Quran that give enought time to the debtor to pay off his loan and it is even better for you to discharge his loan if he is not able to pay.

I hope it answers. But you an ask further if you want.



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I thibk Idol Worship is good because it helps increase the concentration. I helps you stay focussed on the object(namely idol) thereby helps you have better communication with GOD.


Brother but your sacred vedas prohobit the idol worship.


"They enter darkness, those who worship the natural elements" (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). "They sink deeper in darkness, those who worship sambhuti." Yajurveda 40:9

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Brother Thiest,


I understood ur question completely. Why are you trying to compare the sound form with the idols? There is no such comparison. We have ears to listen, if we do not have ears then how there will be effective communication?


And further, sound is an invisible form. It can not be seen but idols ae physical.


Mazhar, Thank you for agreeing that sound is form. Yes sound is invisble to our ears just like paintings are not audible to our ears. That only proves the similarity and that they are both creations or phenomena of this world.


The difference is the name of God or the Murti of God can by the will of God be invested by Him with His own presence. Are you suggesting Allah's name is not Holy. No of course not you would never say such a thing. Allah's presence in His name is what makes it holy. And in the same way the Lord's presence in/as the murti makes the murti holy also.


Not every murti on every Hindu altar is the true presence of the Supreme Lord. Please do not misunderstand here. I am not a Hindu. However if the Lord agrees to appear in that murti form who are you or I to say He cannot. And if the Lord agrees to be present in His name who are we to disagree.


This is simple logic. You cannot say He can appear as His name and not His murti. The Lord can and will do what He wants.

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Mazhar, Thank you for agreeing that sound is form. Yes sound is invisble to our ears just like paintings are not audible to our ears. That only proves the similarity and that they are both creations or phenomena of this world.


The difference is the name of God or the Murti of God can by the will of God be invested by Him with His own presence. Are you suggesting Allah's name is not Holy. No of course not you would never say such a thing. Allah's presence in His name is what makes it holy. And in the same way the Lord's presence in/as the murti makes the murti holy also.


Not every murti on every Hindu altar is the true presence of the Supreme Lord. Please do not misunderstand here. I am not a Hindu. However if the Lord agrees to appear in that murti form who are you or I to say He cannot. And if the Lord agrees to be present in His name who are we to disagree.


This is simple logic. You cannot say He can appear as His name and not His murti. The Lord can and will do what He wants.


Brother thiest, it is illogical to compare the sound form with idol form. You say that we can hear sound, cannot see it: we can see idol and cannot hear it. So, you saying that we cannot hear idol is illogical as idol can not speak nor it can help you. As regard sound form, we make the sound ourselves, from our own mouth, we do not create instruments or play instruments for the sounds. So the difference is that our sound in natural i.e. given by God but idol is not natural. So we call Allah's name with the sound which Allah gave us. But that is not the case with the idol.

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8. "Andhatama pravishanti ye asambhuti mupaste"

"They enter darkness, those who worship the natural elements" (Air, Water, Fire, etc.). "They sink deeper in darkness, those who worship sambhuti."

[Yajurveda 40:9] *******

First of all this quote isn't from the Yajur Veda, but the Isa Upanishad (likewise I can not find any of the other verses you quoted from the Yajur Veda, are you sure you are qouting the right scripture, as I don't recall the Yajur Veda having 40 books), and I've never seen it translated in the manner you have posted. Rather I find the verse translated as-
Into blind darkness enter those who follow ignorance;

into even greater darkness go those who follow knowledge.

It is distinct, they say, from knowledge.

It is distinct, they say, from ignorance.

So have we heard from the wise who explained it to us.

Knowledge and ignorance, whoever knows the two together

with ignorance passes over death,

with knowledge attains immortality.

Or of a similar variation. I'd be curious though to see if anyone has seen a translation similar to the one Mazhar posted.
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