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Remedies for speech problem

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My name is Amit, I am 18 years old and live in England.


I started this thread because I need some remedies regarding about my speech problem.


At the age of 5-6 I started stammering and it lasted for about a year untill it stopped alltogether. I went to a local speech theropist and he helped me overcome this problem by learning me to speak slowly, etc. However I thought this was the end of my speech problem, for about 2 years I was speaking normal, this was during years 7-9. But it was not the end of my speech troubles, I noticed I had speech delay, in other words late in speaking, and I had difficulty reading out words and even my name, which is Amit. I would try to speak, then 3 seconds later I spoke but not in a clear way. However my speech delay problem got better during my years, but I still had difficulty reading out first letter words or numbers such as A, O, 8, 18 etc.


I'm a student at college and like I said over the years my speech has gone better, but I occasionally would get the odd delay. I cannot speak clearly still. I speak in a weird robotic, crooking noise, and its hard for other people to understand, I cannot even speak my own language clearly. So I need some advice and remedies, this has affected my education and relentionships with other people.


My birth details:


DOB: 28/06/1989

TOB: 11.28am

Place: Birmingham, United Kingdom


Many thanks and greatly appreciated,


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Your lagna lord Mercury is also significator speech and intelligence , is in 12th to lagna and lost some of its strength. This makes you weak in strength physically and verbally. The remedial measures that can be suggested are wear Green Emerald on your right little finger and pray God Vishnu regularly.






Thanks for your kind reply.


Not to be rude, but how is mercury 12th to Lagna? my acs is Virgo and Merc is in Taurus conjuct Jup in 9th from Lagna, also 2nd from moon. For Mercury to be in 12th, my Lagna would have to be in Gemini.

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Your ascendent is Midhuna (Gemini ) as per the birth details given by you. If any change is there pl let me know. Asking for clarification is not rude as you are the sufferer and requiring a remedy.






I'm unsure how you get Gemini as ACS, are you using the sun chart? meaning the sun is the 1st house.


My birth details:


Day-28 JUNE 1989

Time-11.28AM (daytime)

Place-Birmingham, United Kingdom (England)

Birth Star-Ashwini


My Lagna horoscope


ACS Virgo

2nd House Libra-Pluto

3rd House Scorpio

4th House Saggitaurus-Saturn, Neptune, Uranus

5th House-Capricorn

6th House-Aqua-Rahu

7th House-Picses

8th House-Aries-Moon

9th House-Taurus-mercury, jupiter

10th House-Gemini-Sun

11th House-Cancer-Venus, Mars

12th House-Leo


From Moon



2nd House-Taurus-Mercury, Jupiter

3rd House-Gemini-Sun

4th House-Cancer-Venus, Mars

5th House-Leo-Ketu

6th House-Virgo

7th House-Libra-Pluto

8th House-Scorpio

9th House-Saggitaurus-Saturn, Neptune, Uranus

10th House-Capricorn

11th House-Aqua-Rahu

12th House-Picses





2nd House-Pisces

3rd House-Aries

4th House-Taurus-Ketu

5th House-Gemini

6th House-Cancer-Moon, Mercury

7th House-Leo-venus

8th House-Virgo-Saturn, jupiter

9th House-Libra

10th House-Scorpio-Mars, Rahu

11th House-Saggitaurus

12th House-Capricorn-Sun

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om gurubhyo namah


dear amit,



sorry for butting in,


for june 25, 1989 at 11:28 in birmingham, i get leo lagna 23 deg 28

using lahri ayanamsa. the time zone used is 1 hour east of gmt.



pl confirm.


may mother bless all,







Thanks for your reply and don't be sorry for butting in.


My Birth details:


DAY-28 JUNE 1989

TIME: 11.28 AM (Daytime)

Place: Birmingham, United Kingdom (England)


I think the time zone is GMT.


52.29N 01-52W

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My dear Amit,

I have verified the charts using Kundli Pro , Horoscope Explorer etc based on Hindu Lunar system of panchang. If you had cast it using western system which is Suryaman ie based on Sun there will be difference in lagna etc. I hope i made it clear to you. Hindu astrology depends on nirayana method of casting Horoscopes.Hindu astrological predictions can't be applied to western astrology.They give wrong results.



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My dear Amit,

I have verified the charts using Kundli Pro , Horoscope Explorer etc based on Hindu Lunar system of panchang. If you had cast it using western system which is Suryaman ie based on Sun there will be difference in lagna etc. I hope i made it clear to you. Hindu astrology depends on nirayana method of casting Horoscopes.Hindu astrological predictions can't be applied to western astrology.They give wrong results.




I understand, thanks.


As per my horoscope, does it show my speech will get better in the future? it will effect my career, relentionships with other sex, freinds, etc....I need this to heal, I will pray to lord Vishnu.

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dear sri.amit,



i get your lagna as virgo- 3 deg 56 mins., using time zone as GMT.


you could have started stammering between aug 1994 and oct 1994.


you were born during the kaala of sun. exactly during its antar dasa

you started to stammer.


if second house from lagna, second house from mercury and mercury

are disturbed, one stammers.


second house is sign asp by ketu. mars and rahu casue graha drishti

on the second house.


second house from mercury is aspected by saturn and rahu.


mercury is with bhadakathipati jupiter and sign aspected by mars.


as per paachakadi sambanda principle mars if placed 3rd to mercury,

mars will pierce mercury.


MERCURY is vaani prathayaka.. (speech)


more can be said about your shasthamsa ( seen for disease )

and shastiamsa ( seen for your past birth ). all have connections

to second house. hence the problem is certainly karmic.



start chanting aaditya hrudayam aloud. try downloading it from the

site prapattin.com. the first sloka is aadityahrudyam.


sun dasa stars from oct-2010.


ketu bhukthi in venus dasa starts in aug 2009 when the problem can



the above mantra is to counter the evil effects. start doing it as

soon as possible. start it during " sun " hora. if further help is needed

pl write as to when you are ready to start, i will tell you the periods of

sun's hora. download the file before writing to me


may other bless all,






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Dear Amit,

The remedy is already given.Your problem looks temporary during certain Dasa and sub dasa periods ,the years as mentioned by you .The destiny is not fixed and can be modified by good deeds, by remedial actions and respecting others. Pl follow these and faith in you, you are sure to succeed in life.




Thanks for your post, it's given me hope. As you stated it could be temporary, I started stammering for 3 years, then it stopped, it went normal for about 18 months then delayed in speech came, I had trouble speaking but it soon got better. I still have delayed speech but with a deep voice, its hard to understand.


I'm a positive person and I totally respect others, I'v done a lot of good deeds and hopefully I can overcome it.

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dear sri.amit,



i get your lagna as virgo- 3 deg 56 mins., using time zone as GMT.


you could have started stammering between aug 1994 and oct 1994.


you were born during the kaala of sun. exactly during its antar dasa

you started to stammer.


if second house from lagna, second house from mercury and mercury

are disturbed, one stammers.


second house is sign asp by ketu. mars and rahu casue graha drishti

on the second house.


second house from mercury is aspected by saturn and rahu.


mercury is with bhadakathipati jupiter and sign aspected by mars.


as per paachakadi sambanda principle mars if placed 3rd to mercury,

mars will pierce mercury.


MERCURY is vaani prathayaka.. (speech)


more can be said about your shasthamsa ( seen for disease )

and shastiamsa ( seen for your past birth ). all have connections

to second house. hence the problem is certainly karmic.



start chanting aaditya hrudayam aloud. try downloading it from the

site prapattin.com. the first sloka is aadityahrudyam.


sun dasa stars from oct-2010.


ketu bhukthi in venus dasa starts in aug 2009 when the problem can



the above mantra is to counter the evil effects. start doing it as

soon as possible. start it during " sun " hora. if further help is needed

pl write as to when you are ready to start, i will tell you the periods of

sun's hora. download the file before writing to me


may other bless all,







Thanks for your reply.


Did you use the correct birth details?


DAY-28 JUNE 1989

TIME: 11.28 AM (Daytime)

Place: Birmingham, United Kingdom (England)


Time zone is GMT.


52.29N 01-52W


I started stammering from 1994 untill 1996, in 1994 and 1995 it was very bad. It stopped after that and speech went normal. For about the next 18 months I had no speech trouble what so ever. End of 1997 and whole of 1998 was a very positive year for me. From about 2000-2002 I had speech delay, in other words, the word I tried to speak would come out late. 2003 to 2005 it went better. 2004 was a troublesome year for me. 2005 and 2006 I still suffered a bit from speech delay. 2007/08 speech has gone better, but I still suffer a bit of delayed speech at present and because I'v got a deep, crooked voice its hard to understand for others.


I'v lost confidence to speak in front of others, so I am a quite person. I often worry what other people think of me, I was picked on at school becuase of this problem.


I understand that I'v got a certain karmic infuence, but I want to put it right, I am a kind, polite, humble person who respect others, I help people and would like to do something for the world.

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Dear shri.Amit,


yes i used the correct details.


pl look at the lagnga deg i stated in the previous mail.


" as virgo- 3 deg 56 mins., "



thanks for other infos.



may mother bless all.








Yes I looked at the lagna.


Can you kindly state when my Sun dasa starts and ends? and what effects it might have on my speech since its in Gemini? Sun is 10th from Lagna, with Leo in 12th house. From moon its in 3rd house with Leo in 5th house. I am also having Saturn return later this year.


Many thanks and greatly appreciated,


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dear sri.amit,



i get your lagna as virgo- 3 deg 56 mins., using time zone as GMT.


you could have started stammering between aug 1994 and oct 1994.


you were born during the kaala of sun. exactly during its antar dasa

you started to stammer.


if second house from lagna, second house from mercury and mercury

are disturbed, one stammers.


second house is sign asp by ketu. mars and rahu casue graha drishti

on the second house.


second house from mercury is aspected by saturn and rahu.


mercury is with bhadakathipati jupiter and sign aspected by mars.


as per paachakadi sambanda principle mars if placed 3rd to mercury,

mars will pierce mercury.


MERCURY is vaani prathayaka.. (speech)


more can be said about your shasthamsa ( seen for disease )

and shastiamsa ( seen for your past birth ). all have connections

to second house. hence the problem is certainly karmic.



start chanting aaditya hrudayam aloud. try downloading it from the

site prapattin.com. the first sloka is aadityahrudyam.


sun dasa stars from oct-2010.


ketu bhukthi in venus dasa starts in aug 2009 when the problem can



the above mantra is to counter the evil effects. start doing it as

soon as possible. start it during " sun " hora. if further help is needed

pl write as to when you are ready to start, i will tell you the periods of

sun's hora. download the file before writing to me


may other bless all,







thanks for such elaborative and to the point analysis. It also help learners like me.

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  • 3 months later...

Dear U. Sanjeeva Rao and Sasisekaran, thanks for all your help.


Just a few questions,


To U. Sanjeeva Rao, Did you use surya kundi to make your analysis? You stated that my acs is gemini? My birth time is 11.28 am and my acs from that time falls under virgo, so I am assuming that you are using surya kundli. Gemini is my sun sign and mercury is 12th from sun, mercury rules gemini. One thing I do not understand is mercury always stays with or moves one rasi backward or forward from sun. Can we say that half of the people born under gemini sun will have speech problems? Mercury is 12th from sun, so it forms a vesi or vosi yoga. Does mercury improve by the conjunction of jupiter, the great benefit? It is also in the 9th house.


To Sasisekaran,

Is my speech problems fixed througout my life, or can you see in my birth chart that it will end sometime?


I forgot to state in my opening post that my 2nd lord venus is with weak mars, therefore causing a speech problem, I always thought that my speech problem would end during my venus dasa? Am I wrong?


Thanks in advance,


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Dear shri.Amit,


yes i used the correct details.


pl look at the lagnga deg i stated in the previous mail.


" as virgo- 3 deg 56 mins., "



thanks for other infos.



may mother bless all.






I am getting a lagna of Leo 23 degrees.


Saturn aspects both signs of gemini and is retrograde. Of course one of those signs is the 2nd house of speech.


Jupiter influences both Mercury in the 10th house and aspects the 2nd house as well, so definitely through time these problems will get better.


But I suspect the main problem is more one of confidence than actual physical problems with the vocal chords. Ketu is on the ascendant. Sun is aspected closely by Saturn and Mars, yoga-karaka Mars is in the 12th house and debilitated.


Wear red coral, do the Hanuman Chalisa & honor Lord Rama. Especially wear red coral and try to be a little more athletic.


These things will make the issues of voice/speech go away faster.


- Pablo

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I am getting a lagna of Leo 23 degrees.


Saturn aspects both signs of gemini and is retrograde. Of course one of those signs is the 2nd house of speech.


Jupiter influences both Mercury in the 10th house and aspects the 2nd house as well, so definitely through time these problems will get better.


But I suspect the main problem is more one of confidence than actual physical problems with the vocal chords. Ketu is on the ascendant. Sun is aspected closely by Saturn and Mars, yoga-karaka Mars is in the 12th house and debilitated.


Wear red coral, do the Hanuman Chalisa & honor Lord Rama. Especially wear red coral and try to be a little more athletic.


These things will make the issues of voice/speech go away faster.


- Pablo


Pablo, thanks for your analysis.


Their is one problem, my lagna is not leo, it is virgo, in the early degrees or could it be late leo? Other astrologers have stated that my acs is virgo and acs lord mercury is in the 9th house. I do symbolize a virgo: reserved, clean, well mannared, etc.


I do have problems with conifidence-my speech problems have taken a battering in my confidence.


I would like to retliate on my last post. I'm sure my acs is virgo, its lord is in the 9th with jupiter, a good house and a with a benefic planet, does mercury improve? My second lord venus is with weak mars, so maybe hence my speech problem, and may be the result on my self-esteem and confidence. After venus dasa ends, does my speech problem end?


Thanks in advance,


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Pablo, thanks for your analysis.


Their is one problem, my lagna is not leo, it is virgo, in the early degrees or could it be late leo? Other astrologers have stated that my acs is virgo and acs lord mercury is in the 9th house. I do symbolize a virgo: reserved, clean, well mannared, etc.


I do have problems with conifidence-my speech problems have taken a battering in my confidence.


I would like to retliate on my last post. I'm sure my acs is virgo, its lord is in the 9th with jupiter, a good house and a with a benefic planet, does mercury improve? My second lord venus is with weak mars, so maybe hence my speech problem, and may be the result on my self-esteem and confidence. After venus dasa ends, does my speech problem end?


Thanks in advance,


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I don't see how you are getting a Virgo ascendant. I am still getting Leo, 23 degrees.


And a SHY person with Sun in the 10th house? Very unusual. Also, lord of the 2nd with debilitated Mars is hardly important in the all powerful 11th house.


Moreover, Saturn really must aspect the 2nd house to be having this much problems with voice.


That makes you a Leo.


A Leo would care if they are not being heard! For a virgo, speech would hardly be an issue (unless there was a more practical reason for speech causing problems).


Again, I'm only guessing here and I could be wrong. Could you have mis-posted your birth time?


- Pablo

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I don't see how you are getting a Virgo ascendant. I am still getting Leo, 23 degrees.


And a SHY person with Sun in the 10th house? Very unusual. Also, lord of the 2nd with debilitated Mars is hardly important in the all powerful 11th house.


Moreover, Saturn really must aspect the 2nd house to be having this much problems with voice.


That makes you a Leo.


A Leo would care if they are not being heard! For a virgo, speech would hardly be an issue (unless there was a more practical reason for speech causing problems).


Again, I'm only guessing here and I could be wrong. Could you have mis-posted your birth time?


- Pablo


Pablo, my birth details are correct.


I was born on 28 June 1989 at 11.28am in Birmingham, England. I used other vedic astrology websites to draw up my lagna chart, and the lagna is virgo on their system, all of them. Other astrologers have also noted that my lagna is virgo, I'm postive. According to western astrology, my lagna is virgo at 17 degrees, so under the vedic astrology system, my lagna could be under the 10 degrees in virgo, or be late leo.


When I was a child, I was to very shy, but not anymore. I'm still a bit reserved, only a bit. As I stated before my speech problems ruined my confidence greatly.


Regarding my speech problem, it is speech delay, but its improving all the time. Speech delay is late in speaking, like when I try to say my name it comes out later than expected, i.e 3 seconds later than I want to. But like I stated speech delay happens rarly now, its almost gone, but still their, sometimes. My other problem is the weird tone of my voice, when I try to speak my native language its hard to understand.


Its very strange, for example, yesterday I was at my cousins house talking to my cousin, their was one occasion were I tried to speak out a sentence but my speech delay problem denied it, but on the other occasions I spoke out clearly, without any trouble. I gave a presentation in college, I spoke very clearly, and I mean very clearly. I was voted number 1 for the presentation I gave, but other times, I sometimes get a bit of delayed speech. I hope you understand, on some occasions it happens, on some occasions I speak clearly. It could be a psychological problem, even a conficence issue. Before I know I'm speaking I get all nervous and think what if I mess it up? This happens when I'm told to talk it college. I speak ok on my own, but in front people, I am short of confidence. I do speak quietly, and I speak a bit fast. I did have speech problems before, and it was quite bad, from speech stammering to speech delay. I don't stammer anymore, just a bit of delayed speech, and my voice is deep, almost like a robot!


I'm quite postive I'm virgo acs. The second house rules speech, the second house is libra, its lord venus is conjuct weak mars, so maybe that's the problem? Then again mars is in a mutual exchange with moon (11 and 8 house), and venus with jupiter (11 and 9 house).


All my birth details are correct.


Thanks and greatly appreciate it,


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Pablo, my birth details are correct.


I was born on 28 June 1989 at 11.28am in Birmingham, England. I used other vedic astrology websites to draw up my lagna chart, and the lagna is virgo on their system, all of them. Other astrologers have also noted that my lagna is virgo, I'm postive. According to western astrology, my lagna is virgo at 17 degrees, so under the vedic astrology system, my lagna could be under the 10 degrees in virgo, or be late leo.


When I was a child, I was to very shy, but not anymore. I'm still a bit reserved, only a bit. As I stated before my speech problems ruined my confidence greatly.


Regarding my speech problem, it is speech delay, but its improving all the time. Speech delay is late in speaking, like when I try to say my name it comes out later than expected, i.e 3 seconds later than I want to. But like I stated speech delay happens rarly now, its almost gone, but still their, sometimes. My other problem is the weird tone of my voice, when I try to speak my native language its hard to understand.


Its very strange, for example, yesterday I was at my cousins house talking to my cousin, their was one occasion were I tried to speak out a sentence but my speech delay problem denied it, but on the other occasions I spoke out clearly, without any trouble. I gave a presentation in college, I spoke very clearly, and I mean very clearly. I was voted number 1 for the presentation I gave, but other times, I sometimes get a bit of delayed speech. I hope you understand, on some occasions it happens, on some occasions I speak clearly. It could be a psychological problem, even a conficence issue. Before I know I'm speaking I get all nervous and think what if I mess it up? This happens when I'm told to talk it college. I speak ok on my own, but in front people, I am short of confidence. I do speak quietly, and I speak a bit fast. I did have speech problems before, and it was quite bad, from speech stammering to speech delay. I don't stammer anymore, just a bit of delayed speech, and my voice is deep, almost like a robot!


I'm quite postive I'm virgo acs. The second house rules speech, the second house is libra, its lord venus is conjuct weak mars, so maybe that's the problem? Then again mars is in a mutual exchange with moon (11 and 8 house), and venus with jupiter (11 and 9 house).


All my birth details are correct.


Thanks and greatly appreciate it,



You say in the Western system you are Virgo Lagna 17 degrees.


To go from Western chart to Vedic chart always means moving back planets roughly 23 degrees. If you don't believe me you can ask other astrologers on this list. I am absolutely certain.


As I stated previously that makes you Leo ascendant (around 24 degrees Leo).


Remember that as LEO ascendant 2nd house is not just aspected by Saturn but also by Jupiter. Jupiter is conjunct Mercury 2nd lord.


So things will get better with time, in fact, your voice could end up becoming one of your real strong points.


However, in the beginning there is some difficulty.


Wear REd coral. Yogakaraka mars is debilitated in 12th house. This is critical.


Good luck,



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You say in the Western system you are Virgo Lagna 17 degrees.


To go from Western chart to Vedic chart always means moving back planets roughly 23 degrees. If you don't believe me you can ask other astrologers on this list. I am absolutely certain.


As I stated previously that makes you Leo ascendant (around 24 degrees Leo).


Remember that as LEO ascendant 2nd house is not just aspected by Saturn but also by Jupiter. Jupiter is conjunct Mercury 2nd lord.


So things will get better with time, in fact, your voice could end up becoming one of your real strong points.


However, in the beginning there is some difficulty.


Wear REd coral. Yogakaraka mars is debilitated in 12th house. This is critical.


Good luck,




Thanks for your analysis and remedy Pablo. I believe you. However, I've still got a doubt on the acs. I've used other vedic websites to draw up my lagna, and it states that it is virgo. Are you positive my lagna is leo? I'm medium height, a bit reserved, slim, not at all athletic, very clean, a bit timid and too critical of myself. I just don't think my lagna is leo!


However their is one important thing that can find my acsendent, my mother died during my childhood, so therefore moon must be in the 8th house. I've read a lot about it and they state that moon is mostly in the 8th house. For the moon to be in the 8th, the acs is virgo.



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Thanks for your analysis and remedy Pablo. I believe you. However, I've still got a doubt on the acs. I've used other vedic websites to draw up my lagna, and it states that it is virgo. Are you positive my lagna is leo? I'm medium height, a bit reserved, slim, not at all athletic, very clean, a bit timid and too critical of myself. I just don't think my lagna is leo!


However their is one important thing that can find my acsendent, my mother died during my childhood, so therefore moon must be in the 8th house. I've read a lot about it and they state that moon is mostly in the 8th house. For the moon to be in the 8th, the acs is virgo.




The only reason other sites will call you a virgo is if they are using a different Ayanamsha. That is possible.


Medium height people are Leo, that's common. Reserved is Saturn aspecting Sun.


Not athletic? If Mars were in 11th it would give athleticism/ambition. Mars in 12th debilitated is weak no athletic inclination.


Also, 4th lord (Mars) debilitated in 12th house of loss indicates loss of the mother.


There is one sure way to tell. Mars is very auspicious for Leo and very inauspicious for Virgo. You should wear a Red coral, put it on Tuesday when the moon is waxing and pray to Lord Hanuman and Rama on that day.


If all sorts of evil afflictions and horrible misfortune fall upon you, then you are Virgo.

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