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I started reading "Nectar of Instruction" and the first chapter says that if one is to talk it should be of Krishna.. I don't think I can do this. Does this mean I can't talk about the newly born addition into my family? I cant speak to my Brother about the latest film that is out? Talk to my Mother about the problems I am having? Call my sister and let her know I still love her? To talk about football with my father when our team makes it to the superbowl? Most of my family would stop talking to me If all I did was speak about Krishna.

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I started reading "Nectar of Instruction" and the first chapter says that if one is to talk it should be of Krishna.. I don't think I can do this. ...To talk about football with my father when our team makes it to the superbowl?


Good news, you can go back to Godhead. I hereby curse you that your team will not make it back to the Superbowl for your entire lifetime!:)

P.S. Who do you think the Dolphins should take with the first pick of the draft?

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Good news, you can go back to Godhead. I hereby curse you that your team will not make it back to the Superbowl for your entire lifetime!:)

P.S. Who do you think the Dolphins should take with the first pick of the draft?



My team the Seattle Seahawks are cursed not to win the Superbowl. Seattle is a cursed town when it comes to sports. I am starting to lose some of my attachment to Seattle sports anyway because the whole state of Washington is starting to become kind of like California.

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I started reading "Nectar of Instruction" and the first chapter says that if one is to talk it should be of Krishna.. I don't think I can do this. Does this mean I can't talk about the newly born addition into my family? I cant speak to my Brother about the latest film that is out? Talk to my Mother about the problems I am having? Call my sister and let her know I still love her? To talk about football with my father when our team makes it to the superbowl? Most of my family would stop talking to me If all I did was speak about Krishna.



The way I look at it is just do your best. At least spend some portion of your day talking and thinking about Krishna. Its like Ghari says. Think about God and everything else will fall into place. Or Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all things will be added to you so to speak.

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Most of my family would stop talking to me If all I did was speak about Krishna.


The art is not talking about krishna but getting them to talk about krishna... and it is easy...

sit still with your eyes shut and a mala in your hand silently chanting... yhis way u wont have to tell they will ask what u are up to... :)

and besides you dont need to talk only of krishna all the time... keep conversations casual but keep thoughts on krishna and ke will naturally slip into your conversations from time to time... he will ensure that u will not bore your family and yet talk enough ... trust him love him and let life flow

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You can talk about other things but always bring the points of the conversation back to Krishna. So if you are talking about a Superbowl and if you are winning say it is Krishna's mercy or something. If you are losing say something like- Krishna's desire is always the best for me. That way things are always being brought to Krishna. You can do that, can't you?

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Bhaktivedanta VedaBase: Bhagavad-gītā As It Is

Chapter 12: Devotional Service

BG 12.8: Just fix your mind upon Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and engage all your intelligence in Me. Thus you will live in Me always, without a doubt.

BG 12.9: My dear Arjuna, O winner of wealth, if you cannot fix your mind upon Me without deviation, then follow the regulative principles of bhakti-yoga. In this way develop a desire to attain Me.

BG 12.10: If you cannot practice the regulations of bhakti-yoga, then just try to work for Me, because by working for Me you will come to the perfect stage.

BG 12.11: If, however, you are unable to work in this consciousness of Me, then try to act giving up all results of your work and try to be self-situated.

BG 12.12: If you cannot take to this practice, then engage yourself in the cultivation of knowledge. Better than knowledge, however, is meditation, and better than meditation is renunciation of the fruits of action, for by such renunciation one can attain peace of mind.

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"Nectar of Instruction" and the first chapter says that if one is to talk it should be of Krishna.. I don't think I can do this.

. . . I honestly cannot do this.. I feel so depressed since I read this. My heart is broken. Does this mean I'll never go back to Godhead? I was doing great untill I started reading this book. I feel like it just cut Krishna off from me.


"Nectar of Instruction" is written by a monk, a highly advanced and mature holy man.


This is too advanced for your use. You can read it --but, evidently its discipline is beyond your capacity for a life of contemplation.


1st learn Bhagavad-Gita.

2nd learn Srimad-Bhagavatam.

3rd Learn Chaitanya-caritamrita.


Speaking of Krishna only is an advanced stage of knowledge and detachment.


Your 24 Hour Cycle of daily duties involve sleeping 8 Hours + commuting 2 Hours + working 8 hours + lunch 1 Hour + 5 Hour watching Football = 24 Hours.


Your family should have you to them selves before you take on some real life-long baggage of your own.


So, since you have almost no time for your self you should think about sabbaticals to an ashram for a weekend or something simular where you can practice immercing your mind in 24 hour contemplation of Krishna's name, fame, form, personality, paraphenalia, & entourage.



You might consider this friday at a Hare Krishna Temple nearest to you:

Dear Devotees.

Please join us on Friday March 21, 2008 for the celebration of Gaura Purnima - Appearance Day of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu!

Starting with Mangala Arati at 4:30 am, take part in all of the different daily ceremonies, activities of the day, temple services, hearing and chanting the glories and pastimes of Lord Caitanya, and of course culminating with the evening celebration which begins at 6:00pm.


*Gaura Purnima - Morning Program*

4:30am - 9:00am: Mangala Arati, Tulasi Puja, Japa Meditation, Sringara Arati (Deity Greetings), Guru Puja and Lecture on Pastimes of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

For all interested devotees, after the lecture, there are plenty of service opportunities including helping prepare the Evening Prasadam Feast, cleaning the temple, decorations, and continuous readings from the Caitanya Caritamrta in the temple room. Please inquire at the temple for more information.


* Gaura Purnima - Evening Celebration *

6:00pm - 9:00pm: Sri Sri Radha Govinda Mandir

Join us to celebrate the festival of Gaura Purnima with Bhajans, Kirtans, Abhiseka ceremony of Lord Caitanya, Arati, lecture on the teachings of Lord Caitanya, a drama of Lord Caitanya’s Pastimes, all culminating with a wonderful prasadam feast.

For those devotees eager to render some service or sponsorship of any of the different parts of the festival, please contact the temple.

Your servants,



anarpita-carīḿ cirāt karuṇayāvatīrṇaḥ kalau

samarpayitum unnatojjvala-rasāḿ sva-bhakti-śriyam

hariḥ puraṭa-sundara-dyuti-kadamba-sandīpitaḥ

sadā hṛdaya-kandare sphuratu vaḥ śacī-nandanaḥ

May the Supreme Lord who is known as the son of Śrīmatī Śacī-devī be transcendentally situated in the innermost chambers of your heart. Resplendent with the radiance of molten gold, He has appeared in the Age of Kali by His causeless mercy to bestow what no incarnation has ever offered before: the most sublime and radiant mellow of devotional service, the mellow of conjugal love. (CC.Adi.1.4)

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The Nectar of Goviinda-lila

Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja:


...In the Gita (18.65) we find this verse:

man-mana bhava mad-bhakto

mad-yajii mam namaskuru

mam evaisyasi satyam te

pratijane priyosi me

Absorb your mind and heart in Me, become My devotee, worship Me, offer your pranama to

Me, and then certainly you will come to Me. I make this promise to you because you are very dear

to Me.

This is the best of all verses in the Bhagavad-gita. We shouldn't consider the following verse

(18.66) to be the best:

sarva-dharmn parityajya

mam ekam saranam vraja

aham tvam sarva-papebhyo

moksayisayami ma sucah

Give up all forms of religiosity worldly or other-worldly, bodily or mental, varasramadharma, the worship of demigods and goddesses, and even the worship of Narayana and Dvarakadhisa and come exclusively to My shelter.

Although this is the final verse, and Krsna is telling us to abandon our dharma, we may think that some sinful reaction may come to us. But Krsna says, I am responsible for that. I will excuse you from all sins. Making our parents cry, making our brothers and relatives cry, a wife making her husband cry, a husband making his wife cry, not doing our duty to society, and not following varnasrama-dharma is all adharma or non-religious, and sinful reaction will come to anyone who does these things. But Krsna says, I promise that I will at once free you from any sinful reaction.

The verse that we will describe here, man-mana bhava, is even better than this verse. The verse sarva-dharman parityajya gives instruction for saranagati, devotional surrender, but this verse gives the fruit of that surrender, and is therefore even more exalted.

When we read the Gita thoroughly, and especially when we look through the commentaries of our acaryas, we see that there are five levels of instructions in the Bhagavad-gita. First, there are general instructions for everyone. After this is guhya or secret, then guhyatar or more secret, then guhyatam or most secret, and finally sarva-guhyatam or the most secret of all secrets. These instructions are not given in an expanded form, but in the form of sutras or condensed verses...

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Jai Swaminarayan.


No no this is not what this means. To do such would be impossible unless you are a liberated soul from previous. Even then it would not be easy.


Janak Raja was a great Bhakt. The Bhagwvat talks of His greatness too. Like even Shukdevji Maharaj learnt so much from him and treated him as his guru. So how can King Janak be described like such if he was a king? He was even described as being a great King. How did he go about his deeds as a king if he was immensed in God at all times like the Bhagvat states??


Truth is that one day Mithila his kingdom started to burn.. King Janak said its not his Mithila that was burning yet He got his soldiers to put out the fire and looked after His people.As he knew all is destructible and nothing will remain forever except the 5 eternal entities.


Our job is also to be immensed in God. From within, we should be full of God. Fully absorbed in Him. This should be our aim yet from the outside we have family, friends and so many more relationships to keep being a grahast householder. We should also see to these too. We have to let our family know we love them, care for them and what not but this is all like a play. Just like we dont remember ithe relations of the past life we shall not the relations of this life after this life. Its all materialistic and we know that but such is the way of life. We have to do such for things to go on. The main thing is that we should have God as our 1st priority from within even if we cannot or do not show it from outwards. Just like Janak Raja.


Now if we are elevated to such a state that we cannot then thats when one should consider entering the tyaag ashram-the way of the renunciate. But as householders we should and have to keep this ashram moving forward as well with God our 1st priority. Hence do not be saddened or grieved. Always be in bliss that we have realised Supreme Godhead this time round and that we shall not have to enter this cycle of birth and death again. We should hence serve the bhakts and followers of Shri Krishna too. We have to focus on making Bhagwan happy and expect nothing in return. Like the Sakaam Bhakt who is very much dear to the Lord.


Jai Swaminarayan.

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The Nectar of Goviinda-lila

Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja:

Because you are very dear to Me, I am telling you this most hidden of all instructions.What is that instruction? Before this, Sri Krsna had explained up to the worship of Narayana which is worship of Bhagavan but with awareness of His opulences. However in this verse, four extraordinary activities are described. The first is man-man bhava: always think of Me, the second is mad-bhakto: become My devotee, the third is mad-yaji: worship Me, and the fourth is mam namaskuru: offer pranama to Me. If you cannot do the first, then do the second. If you cannot do

that, then do the third. If you cannot do that, then just offer pranama, and everything will come from that. Now we will speak on the first part of this verse, man-manava bhava: absorb your mind and heart in Me. This is not a simple thing. For a man to absorb his mind in any one activity, then his eyes, ears, nose, and all his senses must be completely centred on that. If the mind cannot concentrate

on something, it is more or less uncontrolled. Sometimes our mind is pondering sense enjoyment, and sometimes we think about Krsna This is the conditioned state. But if someone's mind is fully absorbed in the lotus feet of Bhagavan, then that is the highest form of worship. When will this be possible? In the beginning stage of sraddha or faith it is not possible. Then the stage of ruci or taste will come, and still it won't be possible. After this we can really begin to give our heart. In the stage of sakti or spiritual attachment we can give perhaps one-half of our heart to Him. In the stage of bhava or devotional ecstasy maybe we can give three-quarters of our heart to Him, but only in the stage of prema or divine love can we fully give our hearts to Krsna. Therefore, when Krsna was sending Uddhava to the gopis in Vrndavana, in a clever way, not straight but crookedly, He told Uddhava, Uddhava, My mother and My father are very upset for Me. You go and give them My message and console them a little. Uddhava waited there for a moment and then said, Is there anything more?

Krsna thought, What will I tell him and not tell him? He became a little worried. After deliberating, He concluded, If I don't tell him now, when will I tell him? He said, Yes, there is one thing. There in Vrndavana are the gopis, who are the most dear to Me. They have given Me their entire hearts, and besides Me they know nothing. For Me they have

forgotten all of their bodily needs and bodily functions. What is the condition of someone who has forgotten all bodily needs? They have forgotten eating and drinking, bathing and decorating themselves with ornaments and clothing, and fixing their hair. Their bodies will certainly have become thin and weak, and just see how for Me they have forgotten all of their bodily relations: husbands, sons, friends, brothers, wealth and property. They have no love for anyone but Me, and day and night they are deeply remembering Me. Uddhava, in this world you have not seen such an example of how one person can give their heart to another. Somehow or other they are holding onto their lives. Their life-airs have risen up to their necks, and how much longer can they live like this? I don't know if they can be saved or not. Therefore go quickly, and save their lives. Go and give them My message, that I am definitely coming tomorrow or the next day. For this they are holding onto their lives. They will think, Krsna has said that He is coming, and He is not able to tell a lie. Clutching onto this hope, it is as if their lives are hanging on a limb. If the limb breaks, they will fall down, meaning they will give up their lives. So go quickly.

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Umm oops.. I was trying to post a new question..


On this note.. I still can goto Goloka even if I dont speak of Krishna always?

Vee are vith the Goloka Squad, Vere are your papers, are your papers in order?

It says here that you don't always speak of Krsna. We want to know why? If you don't tell us, we have our ways of getting this information out of you!

I think you better talk if you know vats good for you?

Seriously read post #18 carefully.

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