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help me regarding marriage

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My birthdate is 22nd feb 1980, time of birth is 21.50 and place of birth is Mulund, Mumbai.


Can you please predict as when will i get married? and how will be my future life with my partner? Any details about partner? Will it be a love marriage or arranged?


plz help me. The problem is whenever i like the boy, our patrika dont match and when patrika matches, i dont like the boy. so plz guide me as how will be my husband.

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from the horo, you must be in love with somebody who is much above than you in all aspects, look, money, family. if true, you might marry him. but it seems your is love marrige. it is only opinion.


You are absolutely right. I am maratha and he is Brahmin. He is above me in all aspects except that he is 15 days younger to me. And I dont know if he feels the same way about it. Can you please predict as by when will we get married? Thank you so very much

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