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what is yog in kundali

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Dear friend i think you are confusing two very different concepts... kundali and kundalini...


Kundali is the horoscope and is a part of vedic astrology ...the "yog" as defined mean periods where those happenings can have maximum possibility... like wedding, wealth, death


Kundalini is a shakti which is a untimate of meditation and which is aquired as a end result of pursuit of Yogas as hatha yoga, gnanya yoga, sankhya yoga... the awakening of the kundalini is assciated with many miracles menifesting in a human being in whom the shakti awakens.

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As i had said kundalini is the apex of physical and mental tapasya and is not the same as kundali


whereas kundali is a part of vedic astrology and yog can be of various types depending on the the position of planets in your chart...


Gaja Kesari Yoga (jupiter and moon) Such people would earn a lot of name and fame in life. A quality of generosity would also be associated with them.

Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga- (5 planets) wealth, name and fame

Ruchaka yoga: (mars) Bravery and arrogance.

Bhadra yoga: (mercury)orator/writer governing business

Hamsa yoga: (jupiter)he would never get in trouble.

Malavaya yoga: (venus)loving and supporting wife, good businessman with expansion skills

Shasha yoga: (saturn)profound and deep thinker. makes a person cold and calculating.

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what kind of yogas are found in my kundli????????

DOB 29th july 1968,time 12.56 pm



please tell me....



As i had said kundalini is the apex of physical and mental tapasya and is not the same as kundali


whereas kundali is a part of vedic astrology and yog can be of various types depending on the the position of planets in your chart...


Gaja Kesari Yoga (jupiter and moon) Such people would earn a lot of name and fame in life. A quality of generosity would also be associated with them.

Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga- (5 planets) wealth, name and fame

Ruchaka yoga: (mars) Bravery and arrogance.

Bhadra yoga: (mercury)orator/writer governing business

Hamsa yoga: (jupiter)he would never get in trouble.

Malavaya yoga: (venus)loving and supporting wife, good businessman with expansion skills

Shasha yoga: (saturn)profound and deep thinker. makes a person cold and calculating.

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  • 1 month later...


As i had said kundalini is the apex of physical and mental tapasya and is not the same as kundali


This is not strictly accurate. While the term "kundali" is used Vedic astrology, it is also used as a synonym for kundalini. The usage is found in many texts, the best known of which are probably the Yoga Upanishads like the Varaha-Upanishad or the Yogakundali-Upanishad.



Best Regards,


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The distinction between kundali and yoga in astrology and in yoga sastra by sri Sivaduta is technically valied as kundali in astrology means horoscopical chart and yoga means planetory combination while in Yoga Sastra Kundalini refers to the coiled power in muladhara and yoga means the procedure of awakening the kundalini and leading her to saharara where she unites with Siva (Yoga, alternatively, also means the the union of jeevatma with paramatma).


However the the same word kundali(ni) employed in the two different discipline may not be a mear accident. There is an esoteric aspect to astrology.While astrology deals with the mundane material aspects of life, it also has a spiritual side to it. While the twelth house in a horoscope represents loss, impresenment and the like in mundane aspect, it also represent the final moksha - the union of kundalini shakti with siva or the union of jeevatma with paramatma. Thus, while the first house represent the jeevatma, the last house represents the paramatma. thus the entire kundali, the coiled chart of houses from first to twelth of the astrology has an association with the total journey of the jeevatma to paramatma.


This interpretation could be further strengthened by the association of the seven regular plannets with trhe seven yogic centers in certain esoteric traditions. Jewish kabala employs such an association. In India, too certain tantric and Siddha traditions have such association. For example the following system of association between planets and chakra in siddha tradition may be noated:


Muladhara: Sani

Swadistana: Guru

Manipuraka: Angaraka

Anahata: Ravi

Vishuti : Sukra

Agna : Budha

Sahasrara : Chandra


I donot know the basis odf this assignment and the assignment itself can differ from system to system . However that there is an association of thius sort exists. Hence astrology and yoga sastra are intimately linked nd Kundali and Kundalini are closly linked.


It is just a speculation of mine. i dont have a well researched evidence for this thesis.



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