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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-RIGHT: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-RIGHT: 3ex; BORDER-TOP: #666666 1px solid; PADDING-LEFT: 3ex; BORDER-LEFT: #666666 1px solid; BORDER-BOTTOM: #666666 1px solid" bgColor=#e0e0e0>Originally Posted Theist


You obviously know little of Gaudiya philosohy.

Krsna says in the gita "In one sense I am everything, yet I am independent." God is more than everything.



Excellently well written theist prabhu



The Sun and the Sunrays are inconceivable simultaneously one but also different. An anology explaining Krsna's relationship with the living entities


This is called Acinta-beda-beda-tattva propounded by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu


Srila Prabhupada explains this nicely - "In the Bhagavad-Gita it is accepted that the living entities are sparks of, part and parcel, of God, Krsna. But part is never equal to the whole.


So you can claim as a spark of God, as every living entity can claim, but you cannot claim as the Supreme Person with full power.


That is misleading. You can show a little magic, as other magicians also can show, but you cannot show the full magic, as Krsna displayed or Lord Rämacandra displayed.


Therefore, your claim as a full power is completely false and blasphemous.” from letter sent to Sai Baba - BBT letters


Lord Caitanya's Acinta-beda-beda-tattva -inconceivable simultaneously one and different different.



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With all respects, to theist:



Nonsense. I am not into word games for word games sake.


"Don't mistake my finger for the Moon." -Lao Tzu

I agree, its a complicated analogy, thats why i asked:

is there any other important point in the analogy of Sun and sunshine particles other than that of the relation between a whole and a part?





"In one sense I am everything, yet I am independent."
Brick is in one sense a wall, yet it is a just a part.


Your have some other point?

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With all respects, to theist:


I agree, its a complicated analogy, thats why i asked:

is there any other important point in the analogy of Sun and sunshine particles other than that of the relation between a whole and a part?


It is a very good analogy that Srila Prabhupada taught us. It does however revolve on the relationship between the part and the whole. Understanding that relationship is the beginning of transcendental knowledge, call sambandha-jnana.





Brick is in one sense a wall, yet it is a just a part.


Your have some other point?


Well a brick may be a wall to an ant but it takes more than one brick to make a wall. Your analogy of taking away all the individual bricks and there is no wall left is Buddhism. Buddha supposedly taught this meditation:


I see the lotus petal, I see the stem, I see the leaf, but I do not see a lotus flower.


This is called neti neti or simply negating one thing after another until you come to the void.


Krsna consciousness is not in anyway like this. No analogy can adequately explain Krsna's position but I will try to give some indication.


We have the Sun and the particles of sunshine that emanate from the Sun. Now imagine all the particles of sunshine disappearing in at the same instant.


Unlike a brick wall example the Sun would not be effected. It would still be there in the sky. The next instant the particles of sunlight would be replaced.


So this shows us that the Sun globe is independent on the particles for it's existence. But if we remove the Sun globe the sun particles will simulataneously disappear also. In this way the particles are 100% dependent on the Sun globe for their existence.


So it is between God and us.

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