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Rahu Mahadasha

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Dear learned sirs,


I would like to have your comments on the effect Rahu has on me. I am undergoing Rahu mahadasha with Budh antardasha. The birth details are as follows :


Date of birth - 28 October 1959

Place - Sambalpur, Orissa

Time - 0155 hrs


I notice the following in the chart :


- Moon is in 1st house both in lagna chart as well as navansa chart - Vargottam ? Venus (10th lord) in lagna alongwith moon


- Rahu in 2nd house (bank?) in Kanya - mitra (Budh's) rashi


- Sun debilitated in Tula (3rd house) along with Mars (combust)


- Exchange of house between Sun and Venus


- Gaj-Kesari Yog ? Jupiter in 4th house but along with Budh.


- Shani in 5th house aspecting Rahu (2nd house), 7th house (own) and 11th.


- Ketu in 8th aspected by Jupiter


- Mars gets exalted (in Capricorn) in Nabamsa chart



From what ever discussions on Indian astrology I come across, I am getting more and more perplexed. Due to these I have the following questions"


1. What effect Rahu - in 2nd house in Kanya rashi - has on finacial position?


2. Is it advisable to wear Ruby (ascendant lord is Sun). Pukhraj (5th house lord) or Red Coral (Mars is 9th house lord) ? Or should Gomed be worn ?


3. What effect the planetary transitions - saturn in lagna (sani sadhe sati), Jupiter in sagittarius and Rahu will have on the native now in near future



May I have your comments please ?

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1. What effect Rahu - in 2nd house in Kanya rashi - has on finacial position?

The effects will differ as per opreation of antardasas of different planets. Overall, placement of Rahu in 2nd house is not welcomed especially when it is under aspect of Saturn. Such Rahu is found to operate as Strong Marakesh and is capable of giving all sorts of trouble during its Mahadasa. The financial gains during Rahu Mahadasa are very likely to face destruction. In your case, the role of rahu is likely to be very negative regarding matters related with Health, disputes, debts and marriage (married life). Though, Rahu will be able to provide moderate support in the matters of Luck and profession that is there will always be hope for betterment and professional matters will develop even under worst circumstances, though the financial gains may not be appropriate.


2. Is it advisable to wear Ruby (ascendant lord is Sun). Pukhraj (5th house lord) or Red Coral (Mars is 9th house lord) ? Or should Gomed be worn ?

On general basis wearing of Ruby, Pukhraj and Red Coral are likely to be suitable.


3. What effect the planetary transitions - saturn in lagna (sani sadhe sati), Jupiter in sagittarius and Rahu will have on the native now in near future

The effect of transit is limited and subject to the operation of Mahadasa and Antardasa at the time. As in your case, the Operation of Mercury antardasa in the Mahadasa of Rahu is not good. Mercury antardasa started from 7 Dec 2006 and will operate till 24 June 2009. This period is likely to cause trouble on following fronts:


1. Problem to/from Parents and elders in the family causing loss of finance.

2. Obstacles in business/profession resulting in frequent and unexpected changes.

3. specific problems in marriage such as trouble to/from wife/children due to health and/or dispute.

4. loss of finance due to dispute, debts and health problems.


The transit of Saturn causing Sade-Sati is troublesome while the transit of Jupiter is providing some relief, Jupiter being a benefic planet for your nativity.


- Moon is in 1st house both in lagna chart as well as navansa chart - Vargottam ? Venus (10th lord) in lagna alongwith moon

Yes, but Lagna lord Sun is in Neecha rashi. Venus in the sign of Sun is not welcomed.

- Rahu in 2nd house (bank?) in Kanya - mitra (Budh's) rashi

Rahu is aspected by Saturn. Placement of Rahu in 2nd house is capable of making it work as a Maraka planet.

- Sun debilitated in Tula (3rd house) along with Mars (combust)

The conjunction of Sun and Mars is good and is capable of providing suitable relief through the favor of luck during unfavorable circumstances.

- Exchange of house between Sun and Venus

This is actually a bad Yoga known as Denya Yoga. Exchange of 1st and 3rd lords can only work in favor when both the planets are strong and having aspect of benefic planets.

- Gaj-Kesari Yog ? Jupiter in 4th house but along with Budh.

Gaj-Kesari Yoga is related to Jupiter's position to Moon and/or Lagna. Further, Jupiter has to be placed in strong sign. Here, the dispositor of Jupiter (i.e. lord of the sign occupied by Jupiter) is Mars which is combust.


- Shani in 5th house aspecting Rahu (2nd house), 7th house (own) and 11th.

Saturn's aspect over 7th and 11th house is good but on the 2nd house it will cause problems related to 2nd house i.e. family, wealth and status.

- Ketu in 8th aspected by Jupiter

This is good, as it will give inclination towards spirituality and religion.

- Mars gets exalted (in Capricorn) in Nabamsa chart

This is also good as it provides moderate strength to the Yogakaraka Mars which is otherwise combust in your natal chart.

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Dear astro_tech, thanks for your reply.


But since Sun is debilitated, shouldn't upaya be done for that, like wearing ruby, offering water to rising sun, recitation of Aditya Hridaya stotra etc.?


What effect will wearing Gomed ring will have on the financial position since rahu is in 2nd house and presently it is rahu mahadasha?





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Dear astro_tech, thanks for your reply.


But since Sun is debilitated, shouldn't upaya be done for that, like wearing ruby, offering water to rising sun, recitation of Aditya Hridaya stotra etc.?


What effect will wearing Gomed ring will have on the financial position since rahu is in 2nd house and presently it is rahu mahadasha?






Well, I am just unable to comment on your assessment of the things like debilitation of the Sun, remedies suggested by you for debilitation of the Sun and questions raised regarding wearing of Gomed. There are various ways of depicting/analysing a horoscope and as per my limited understanding of astrology most of them are good. It is just like, treatment through various philosophies of medicines viz. Yunani, Homeopathy, Alopathy or Ayurveda. Each is capable of curing diseases but each is having different rules. Mixing of rules of two different approaches is not suggested. I have my own style of working over charts on the basis of which I have recommended what I though best for yourgood self. Other things, I should not comment as a good human being.


best wishes

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Please help me reading my horoscope to see what can you tell me what and when is coming. I lost a job almost three months ago and now I am unemployed.


DOB 16TH JULY 1955

TOB 22:43 (10:43pm)





I will be reverting on your chart within a short period. If you can wait, let me know about it.

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Hi Astrotech


I don't know if you have left me message or was it for somebody else to wait for few days. Are you still working on my Kundli? If so I can still wait.




My question was about work and business when is it coming. I was told I am under Shani's Sade Sati.


DOB 16TH JULY 1955


TOB 22:43

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at present you are running under Saturn/Sun and both are highly malefic planets for your chart. The next antardasa of Moon will be starting from August 2008 which is very likely to provide good business opportunities. The presence of Venus + Mercury + Ketu in 4th house of your chart is highly undesirable and such combination denotes lack of domestic and mental peace along with loss of property and vehicles. You should not wear Emerald at all under such circumstances. Wearing of Red Coral and Pearl is the ideal combination of gems for professional and financial betterment.

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Thanks Astrotech for reading


Can you tell me about Pearl and Red Coral if and after I get those done in ring which finger should I wear them, and is there day I have to wear them? Can you also tell me what kind of business is coming to me?


Thanks again




Best will be wearing Pearl and Red Coral in a silver-locket in neck. Regarding time of wearing the stones, you can take help of local pundits or wear the stones on Monday or Tuesday. It is very difficult to specifically point out the type of business under free readings as such it takes a lot of time and effort.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...

Iam facing some financial problems and physical problems too. Currently I have BUDH mahadasha and RAHU antardasha. I am wearing PEARL in my small finger of right hand. Please some suggest me why Iam facing these problems aand till what time it will be like these





Rajan kumar




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  • 2 months later...

:pray: respected all,

even i am going through rahu mahadasha... my date of birth is 3rd july 1986 at 18:45 (nadiad). can any one let me know,, what will be the effects of rahu in 5th in aries.. and aspected by mars in lagna,,, but i do have a question as in chalit chart my mars takes second position

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  • 3 months later...

Dear Sir:


I wanted to know if you can tell me about my professional, financial, and marriage prospects - I am currently in Rahu Mahadasha


My birth details:


August 8, 1978

Colombo, Sri Lanka


My nakshatra is: uttaraphalguni kanya rasi


Much appreciated. Thank you.

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  • 1 month later...

Dear ceetee,


please provide you birth details for better analysis.

are you male or female?

also clarify the following queries.

Whats your age.How was your previous 'MARS' dasa? Can you split the same as first 3.5 and next 3.5 years. if any major incident happened in that period....

Is your rahu dasa started or about to start.

Apart from this psychologically whats your view regarding marriage or opposite sex!!!

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Thanks for your intrest in my Chart. Here i give details below


I am a Male

D.O.B : 15 dec 1975

Age : 33 year old

Mars dasa :

Mars was my Lagna Athipathy

It is placed in 3rd place from lagna(mesha)

No major problems in first 3.5yrs

Second 3.5yrs had problems in business

Rahu Dasa :

It already started going without any problem.

But business and new venture started this period of rahu dasa.

But the new venture is slow going.

Financially we have no problem anytime.


1. Moon & Ketu

3. Mars

4. Sani

7. Venus & Rahu

8. Sun

9. Budhan

12. Jupiter


What will be the effects of Rahu dasa being the 5th dasa ?

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