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Beggar prabhu's words remind me of the following song (From Saranagati, I think it is Atma Nibedana Song 4):


`ahaḿ mama’-śabda-arthe jāhā kichu hoy

arpiluń tomāra pade, ohe doyā-moy!



Whatever I am, whatever I possess, I offer at Your lotus feet, O merciful Lord. I no longer belong to myself. Now I am exclusively Yours.

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Hare Krishna.

I am the father of Indulekhadasi. That is not her actual name but we both decided to keep ourselves anonymous. Gaurhari isn't my real name, either. Indulekhadasi is a 14 year old girl. However, both of us don't understand why everyone is so amazed by her age.

Sri Guru Vaishnava kripa prarthi,


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If she (more likely he) was really 14 then she'd be in school or being home schooled during the times that her posts take place. Moreover she (more likely he) has the understanding of a man who has studied Gaudiya Vaisnavism for at least 2 if not 3 decades. I haven't met many women with such a mentality and understanding and I'm not saying that it doesn't exist.

But I would categorically state that such a mentality would not be found in a 14 year old girl. If it did then I would consider such a 14 year old girl to be one of my siksa gurus. Anyway I appreciate Indulekha dasi's posts but I just don't believe that she's a 14 year old girl.

So, because she's wise, she has to be older? And, she has to be a man?! What?! Your statements are blatantly sexist. The only reason you haven't 'met many women' who are advanced in Krishna Consciousness is because you're blind to their wisdom based on your overtly sexist thoughts. I really hope you don't have a daughter... she'll think she's worthless!

Look at the Gopikas, they were all young women, and none of us have seen such wisdom and devotion as compared to Them. Indulekha Dasi is a very wise young women. Leave her alone! What would be her reason to say that she's a fourteen year old girl (if she wasn't) on a religious forum? If she were really a forty year old man pulling this kind of trick, I'm sure she wouldn't be looking for dates on a religious web site... she'd probably just be stalking MySpaces all day :rolleyes:

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Hare Krishna.

I am the father of Indulekhadasi. That is not her actual name but we both decided to keep ourselves anonymous. Gaurhari isn't my real name, either. Indulekhadasi is a 14 year old girl. However, both of us don't understand why everyone is so amazed by her age.

Sri Guru Vaishnava kripa prarthi,


I wonder what Beggar's going to say to this? He's probably going to concoct some elaborate scheme, like that Indulekha Dasi kidnapped someone from Audarya and made them write this at gun-point :rolleyes:

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So, because she's wise, she has to be older? And, she has to be a man?! What?! Your statements are blatantly sexist. The only reason you haven't 'met many women' who are advanced in Krishna Consciousness is because you're blind to their wisdom based on your overtly sexist thoughts. I really hope you don't have a daughter... she'll think she's worthless!

Look at the Gopikas, they were all young women, and none of us have seen such wisdom and devotion as compared to Them. Indulekha Dasi is a very wise young women. Leave her alone! What would be her reason to say that she's a fourteen year old girl (if she wasn't) on a religious forum? If she were really a forty year old man pulling this kind of trick, I'm sure she wouldn't be looking for dates on a religious web site... she'd probably just be stalking MySpaces all day :rolleyes:

Hare Krishna,

With all due respect to Beggar prabhuji, I have to agree with Radhe Radhe here. There have been many woman devotees in time such as Kunti devi, Draupadi devi etc. I can not compare to them at all. It is my hope that one day I can get one drop of their devotion to the Supreme Lord. It shouldn't be hard to accept that I am a 14 year old girl. My posts are not over amazing for my age, or anything. I also don't think that I am wise in spiritual topics. The reason for my being on Audarya is to LEARN from advanced devotees. Beggar prabhuji, you are one of those advanced devotees. If I had one drop of your devotion I would be raised to great heights. But when you wrote that you would accept me as your siksha guru, I was very much embarrassed. If I do not know anything about spiritual life then how can I instruct you? Both in age and in qualification you are senior to me!

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Originally Posted by Gaurhari - both of us don't understand why everyone is so amazed by her age.

Prabhuji the awareness and maturity in your child is somethign which comes with age and studies... and in many even age brings no maturity... so whan god has gifted such qualities in one so young it is right that people should be amazed :)


the child is a lucky child... to have parents who inculcated such awareness in her at so young a age...

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