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Career Problem

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hello Sir,


This is Zakaria

Date of Birth: 6 November 1982

Time: 22:25 (10.25 P.M)

Place: Mumbai/India


I am not getting a job or any business oppurtunity plz help, when will i get the opportunity and will i sucseed in life


Kundli Details are below


Lagna: Mithun


Chandra and Rahu in Mithun


Planets in Tula (5th House)

Guru, Budh, Shani, Shukra and Surya


Planets in Dhan (7th house)

Mangal and Ketu



Warm Regards,



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You can expect suitable rise in professional matters in the coming antardasa of Venus in Mahadasa of Mercury (2 June 2008 to 2 April 2011). There are good chances of either visiting abroad or gains from foreign countries during this period. Chart denotes problems in arranging and managing finance in business matters; therefore, avoid initiating business with loan else you may get into troubles.

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