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About Divya Medicines of Swami Ramdev

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First of all thanks and really thanks to all you guys from Audarya Fellowship. I´m a reader of this forum since March, 2007. I just feel this place as a wonderful forum, I always pass here down to read and learn more about ayurveda, vedic culture, etc.


Well my question is about Divya Medicines of Swami Ramdev, did someone ever take them? Are they good?




Moon Child

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we haven't tried the medicines but have incorporated his pranayam and yoga into our lives...let me tell you that it makes a drastic difference in your health within 3 months. my father suffered from ulceritis and he is totally cured...of course he follows a good diet and excersise but with the addition of pranayam his natural glow has returned.


I was not able to help more...sorry for that


Jai shri krishna

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I have been doing pranayam (yes, the proper way) for about a year. No results as yet. It may take some time to work. And I have taken the Divya Amla candies, they are nice tasting and it supposedly helps your immune system as well as many other things. Again, I still have not seen an improvement.

Pranayams require patience and proper way + proper diet.What's your diet ? It should be Milk, cereals, fruits, butter etc, have you been taking fast food ?:idea:

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