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list of ingredients containing animal

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Hare Krishna could someone please link me to the list where I can find the ingredients that are derived from animal flesh?


I just bought some vegetarian burger patties and have just realized it's got egg white in it. I need to find out what actually is in this.



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Hare Krishna could someone please link me to the list where I can find the ingredients that are derived from animal flesh?


I just bought some vegetarian burger patties and have just realized it's got egg white in it. I need to find out what actually is in this.




Yeah that's the problem with the word vegetarian. There is a group of people that call themselves lacto-ovo-vegetarians meaning they eat dairy and egg products. I've met people who call themselves vegetarian because they don't eat meat except chicken and fish. :rolleyes:


I have found the only safe way is to look for the word VEGAN. That is the only sure bet.

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Yeah I had a big problem with the customer services representative. They kept telling me about all these lacto vegetarian, all these different types, I had no idea what on earth she was talking about. I figured it was people just being loose with terms for example saying they're vegetarian but eat fish.

I told her egg was a potential chicken embryo. And that by eating this i've sanctioned the killing of a potential chicken. She told me i didnt understand. Maybe I don't. But it's caused me grief, for compensation she's sending me vouchers. Gahhh.


But anyhow, I'd like to see what else is in this product, does anyone have a link to a list of all the ingredients?


I'm going to write a letter to vegetarian society to see if anything more can be done in compensation.


Everybody boycott Sanitarium products

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Yeah I had a big problem with the customer services representative. They kept telling me about all these lacto vegetarian, all these different types, I had no idea what on earth she was talking about. I figured it was people just being loose with terms for example saying they're vegetarian but eat fish.

I told her egg was a potential chicken embryo. And that by eating this i've sanctioned the killing of a potential chicken. She told me i didnt understand. Maybe I don't. But it's caused me grief, for compensation she's sending me vouchers. Gahhh.

But anyhow, I'd like to see what else is in this product, does anyone have a link to a list of all the ingredients?


I'm going to write a letter to vegetarian society to see if anything more can be done in compensation.


Everybody boycott Sanitarium products


She is probably referring to the fact that the eggs are unfertilized and so won't produce chicks. Even so it is the product if a chickens mentsrual (sp) cycle and therefore disgusting as a food product. It is also as much as a part of the chicken as chicken blood. I also see animal milk in the same way.

I'll bump suchandra's thread on eggs being meat for you. You may find it interesting.


Even vitamins sometimes have animal origins. Like vit. D. D2 is from fish livers whereas D3 is vegan.


I boycott everything that is not specifically vegan. Works for me.


But we can never become pure through this method. Something will always slip by no matter how careful we are. So we do our best without becoming too obsessive and going nutso :crazy2:. Believe me I have been there. In the 70's I was trying to replace ever particle of my body with prasadam and obtain a 'prasadam body'. That seemed to be going OK until one day I was walking past a fast food chicken place and smelled the cooking chicken corpses. I then realized to my horror that minute chicken parts molecules were entering my system through my nostrils and defeating my efforts of developing a prasadam body. I was horrified :eek:....and defeated :(.


Do your best and forget the rest with mind fixed on Krsna. He promises to "preserve what His devotees have and carry what they lack" so we will try to hang with His devotees and we may be accepted also by being in their proximity.

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LOL... pesco-poyo-lacto-ovo 'vegetarians'. :D

Pesco means fish right? Is poyo a reference to chicken?Is that a real term they use? LOL OMG it's crazy out there.


Meat eaters are even proud of themselves now for just eating organic cows. Never mind the cows still suffer they are treated better before their throats are cut.:rolleyes: Vegetarians do this with milk also.

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Pesco means fish right? Is poyo a reference to chicken?Is that a real term they use? LOL OMG it's crazy out there.


Meat eaters are even proud of themselves now for just eating organic cows. Never mind the cows still suffer they are treated better before their throats are cut.:rolleyes: Vegetarians do this with milk also.

They really do use that term! It's a mix between languages! Poyo is chicken in Spanish, and Pesco is fish in Latin! Even their name is mixed up! :D

Oh jeez... don't even get me started on "organic cow farms". A lot of the people who get their meat from there actually pick out which cow they want slaughtered, and they're proud of themselves for that.

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Oh jeez... don't even get me started on "organic cow farms". A lot of the people who get their meat from there actually pick out which cow they want slaughtered, and they're proud of themselves for that.


Hmmmmph, *gasps*.

As to what you were saying about about all this ovo-lovo-pesco-wovo vegetarian types, I really can't understand how the term has become so diverse.

Either you eat meat or you don't. I think a possible reason for the advent of all these bogus terms is the fact that many people feel a great sense of pride in adopting the term 'vegetarian'. So yeah, you'll find people saying "Oh yes I am vegetarian, I don't eat chicken or cow, but I eat fish and egg" - apparently fish aren't cute enough for these people, so they eat them.

What is the need in creating new terms for people who will only eat meat of a certain kind?

They're all meat eaters, so wouldn't it make things much simpler if we went back to using the traditional terms "non-veg" and "vegetarian" to differentiate between a meat eater and non meat eater?

Look at this way; all kinds of meats are readily available in supermarkets, a pescetarian doesn't exactly have to apply great effort on his part to make sure his food meets pescetarian standards. If in a restaurant a person orders fish the chef isn't going to assume he's a pescetarian and prepare his meal in some elaborate way, and nor would the chef prepare his meal any differently if he had been told by him that he was pescetarian. So what justice does the term in itself do apart from provide somekind of false prestige to the persons name? The term is pure fluff in my opinnion.

I could go on further but I won't, as then it will turn into an even longer and sillier rant.

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Lol... I totally know what you mean thehat. It's like they just want to be in the "hip" crowd and call themselves 'vegetarians', and then, when you see them eating a chicken sandwhich, they go, "Oh... but I'm a pesco-poyo vegetarian... so it's okay." And then I go off on a huge rant about how ridiculous the term is, and that they shouldn't call themselves 'vegetarians' b/c they obviously aren't! I've ruined more than a few relationships over that one.

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