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Latest 3D Animation Model of the Vedic Planetarium Temple

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I wonder why such a colossal squandering of resources is being indulged in, when far more noble and pragmatic endeavours could be brought to fruition with these millions upon millions of dollars. And all this on what is arguably the least important and most controversial part of the Bhagavata Purana, the empirically unprovable and unverifiable mythic cosmology of the fifth canto. Let the professional astronomers explain the cosmos, that is not the job of religionists. Striving to reach out to God is, on the other hand.

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colossal squandering of resources


if someone has resources he is free to utilise them in the way he choses to... who are we to advice him that this is using and that is squandering ... each of us has such a limited and varied idea of what is using and what is squandering... someone may say a puja is using someone may say feeding poor is using someone may say feeding pegions is using... someone may say buying a latest mobile phone is using... and everyone is right and everyone is wrong


cause finally everything is maya and all the resources which we talk about just dont exist... :)



Holy Cow, how totally cool is that!


now this is a cool response which any one with awareness would display

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Such investment I won't consider as wasteful but instead innovative. This optical world (or I would rather say WYSIWYG (What you see is wat you get)) really needs such kind of knowledge transmission. The upcoming generations are gradually losing their faculty and patience to listen to the prior generations. The only things that they like to hear are their own whims.

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Prabhupada had expressed his desire for a Vedic planetarium.

It's very impressive and the cost will be astronomical if you will forgive the word play. This is what ISKCON embraces of course, the showcase, the spectacle, the dazzling displays of wealth and opulence, while so many of its temples are struggling.

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From http://www.sastradana.com/





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The Spiritual world is always full of such opulence as Prabhupada’s wonderful presentation of Mayapur is proving.


This wonderful transcendental manifestation of Lord Caitanya’s abode, is the central point of all genuine Spirituality on this planet and in this universe, some of us just have not realized the significance of Mayapur yet because their eyes have not been blessed with Bhakti and the chanting of Hare Krsna, which are the easiest way to know and serve God on the highest level in this degraded age of Kali yuga.


The appearance of a Golden Age within this Kali-yuga, in which Lord Caitanya appears, is very, very rare.


This manifestation of Mayapur and Lord Caitanya Himself only manifests in one Kali-yuga within evey day of Brahma.

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Holy Cow, how totally cool is that!


This is only the beginning of Lord Caitanya's movement, remember even the demigods are lined up to take birth, they are just waiting for a suitable pure Krsna conscious family to take birth in.


If you are Krsna conscious then you can attract a great soul to come and take shelter in your family. The more Krsna Conscious the devotees are, the more spiritually advanced souls will come and take birth in Lord Caitanya's movement.:pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:






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Such investment I won't consider as wasteful but instead innovative. This optical world (or I would rather say WYSIWYG (What you see is wat you get)) really needs such kind of knowledge transmission. The upcoming generations are gradually losing their faculty and patience to listen to the prior generations. The only things that they like to hear are their own whims.


That's amazing indeed, spend billions erecting edifices that have as underlying motivating rationale nothing else than mythology and fantasy, and that in effect amount to no more than ostentatious showing-off; let the hapless indigent living around the compound to their own fates, as deprived of proper nutrition, clean water, adequate education and other basic human necessities as they are. Talk about wanting to uplift society. True spirituality is ineluctably intertwined with humility and simplicity, not fancy Disney theme park-like wonderlands. Then again, to each his own, and the likes of Jayapataka and a couple of others have sufficiently demonstrated the overwhelming amount of meanness and bad qualities that they embody by almost literally attempting to march over the heads of the Mayapura-dhama-vasis to have the access to the ISKCON property widened. Luckily, these monsters eventually had to contend with failure in that pursuit, which explains why the original architectural plan for the Planetarium has required drastic reworking, leading to the current proposed model being of considerably more modest dimensions than the previous one.

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uote: <table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td style="border: 1px solid rgb(102, 102, 102); padding-left: 3ex; padding-right: 3ex;" bgcolor="#e0e0e0"> Originally Posted by LoveroftheBhagavata <!-- BEGIN TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->

That's amazing indeed, spend billions erecting edifices that have as underlying motivating rationale nothing else than mythology and fantasy, and that in effect amount to no more than ostentatious showing-off</td> </tr> </tbody></table> <!-- END TEMPLATE: bbcode_quote -->

The above is a load of bitter, faithless envious nonsense. The only way to make this world a better place is by recognizing and glorifying God (Sri Krsna Caitanya), but only a true devotee can understand that as explained below -.



The Spiritual world is always full of such opulence as Prabhupada’s wonderful presentation of Mayapur is proving.


This wonderful transcendental manifestation of Lord Caitanya’s abode, is the central point of all genuine Spirituality on this planet and in this universe, some of us just have not realized the significance of Mayapur yet because their eyes have not been blessed with Bhakti and the chanting of Hare Krsna, which are the easiest way to know and serve God on the highest level in this degraded age of Kali yuga.


The appearance of a Golden Age within this Kali-yuga, in which Lord Caitanya appears, is very, very rare.


This manifestation of Mayapur and Lord Caitanya Himself only manifests in one Kali-yuga within evey day of Brahma.

Devotees of Lord Caitanya a very, very rare, take advantage of their association. If you are near a Temple, go and chant Hare Krsna in front of the Dieties with the devotees and then honor prasadam.

Don't waste this rare human form and ignore devotees. Just leave your false ego at the front door of the Temple in what ever country you are in and just humbly chant Hare Krishna with the devotees. Every step you take towards Krsna, He will take a hundred thousnd steps towards you!! Somehow, even in disguise if nessessary, always associate with devotee of Sri Krsna Caitanya

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That's amazing indeed, spend billions erecting edifices that have as underlying motivating rationale nothing else than mythology and fantasy, and that in effect amount to no more than ostentatious showing-off; let the hapless indigent living around the compound to their own fates, as deprived of proper nutrition, clean water, adequate education and other basic human necessities as they are. Talk about wanting to uplift society. True spirituality is ineluctably intertwined with humility and simplicity, not fancy Disney theme park-like wonderlands.

Well, the amount invested is not really a concern when provided the return on investment is still higher; and if billions can be invested on movies like Matrix, Titanic and others and why not for spiritual purpose.


And concerning clean water, proper nutrition etc.., that is an issue for food for the body and not food for the soul. And if you wanted to outline about the opportunity cost of spiritual investment then also you need not worry because proper utilization of resources (with respect to basic human necessities ) can only happen when the term Svadharma becomes clear to the individual.


And also humility and simplicity are the by-products of spirituality and if there is no initiated investment, we cannot even think about them.


Last but not the least, any judgement is done by considering the 3 factors, the object itself, time and circumstance. We need technology to infuse spiritual culture to the upcoming generations.

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When Srila Bhaktisiddhanta made his famous statement to Srila Prabhupada: "If you ever get some money, just print books" he was deeply disgusted over his disciples fighting over rooms in the opulent Bagh-bazar Temple. Srila Prabhupada's disciples ended up fighting over opulent positions ten times worse than the previous generation. This temple (if ever built) will be just a continuation of that fight.


And the ultimate irony? Iskcon wants to build a temple devoted to the Vedic vision of the universe while after close to 40 years they still can not decide whether the Moon is further away from Earth then the Sun. It is a total joke.

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When Srila Bhaktisiddhanta made his famous statement to Srila Prabhupada: "If you ever get some money, just print books" he was deeply disgusted over his disciples fighting over rooms in the opulent Bagh-bazar Temple. Srila Prabhupada's disciples ended up fighting over opulent positions ten times worse than the previous generation. This temple (if ever built) will be just a continuation of that fight.


And the ultimate irony? Iskcon wants to build a temple devoted to the Vedic vision of the universe while after close to 40 years they still can not decide whether the Moon is further away from Earth then the Sun. It is a total joke.


You are partially right in what you say but you must have faith in the predictions of Lord Caitanya, if this generation is Krishna Conscious, and home Deity worship is the central point of the family unite instead of the TV set or the family car, then great souls will come.


Build the proper Krishna Conscious foundations selflessly, then they will come and take birth.

If the congregation, Temple devotees sanyasis, gurus fight amongst themselves, as what went on in both the Gaudiya math and ISKCON, then great souls will not feel safe to take birth because the devotees do not have the proper Krishna Conscious frame of mind that makes them qualified, matured and fit enough to deserve such dear devotees to bring up and protect from birth on this planet.

Our frame of mind attracts a particular soul at conception however, if a householder couple is not Krishna Conscious, then how can one protect their children and see what is safe and best for them? How can they see whom to trust with their precious children? The answer is simple

Our lack of Krishna Conscious vision, which obviously includes the leadership who did not recognize the sexual, psychological and emotional bulling in past, is due to the immaturity of both the leadership and householders who have focused more on imitating a pure devotee as Temple devotees, gurus, sanyasis, than being the real deal that can never be imitated.

This is the real cause of ISKCON’s serious struggles. The leadership cannot deny their responsibility. As the saying goes, great leadership comes with great responsibilities. I know some sannyasis who hide from their mismanagements of the past, hoping they will fade with the passing of time with the trusting simple minded devotees however, their mismanagement and irresponsible immaturity should never be forgotten or covered up and ordinary devotees must become qualified in the understanding of Krishna Consciousness so they are never hurt and cheated again - the blame is a two way street if we are to learn from our past mistakes. This means the ordinary aspiring devotee must also be qualified to see what is real Krishna Conscious guidance, instructions and advice instead of following blindly, so they can protect themselves and their children from being cheated.

In this way if one blindly follows these naive men, claiming they did not know, then it is also their fault for not knowing the right standards.

The sexual, psychological and emotional bulling in past has shown, was happening right under the noses of all leadership but they could not see it (or if they did they did not know how to deal with it) but neither could the parents and again, if they did, they also did not Know how to deal with it.

Many such leaders and the ordinary 'closed minded' devotees who chose to just do what they are told without questioning the reasons why, not all, were 'Krishna Conscious' legends, advanced devotees and very important people, only in their own minds. Even today some of them are still continuing the charade, but in the face of genuine advanced Vaishnavas, they were/are polished hippies in Vaishnava clothing. However, in their defence, which is very important to understand, we are only at the very beginning stages of the great pioneering ISKCON movement of Srila Prabhupada and Lord Caitanya, and some of those ‘hippies’ have become and will become great devotees of Lord Caitanya.

The conclusion is, what has happened and still is happening to some degree, is the natural growth or stage of development of the fallen gradually climbing out of the degradation of Kali-yuga and attempting to become devotees. Like all pioneers, the struggle is intense and there are many, many falldown along the beginning of this narrow rough path that leads to pure Bhakti of serving the servants of your particular Guru, Srila Prabhupada and Krishna in a totally selflessly way beyond all judgementality. This understanding is not an excuse, one must be intelligent and see what is real Bhakti or devotional service and knowledge side by side. A genuine sanyasi or genuine devotee in general, is ALWAYS serving others selflessly and never demands respect but rather commands respect with his/hers humility and genuine concern for all others, even the most wretched and fallen – This is the qualifications of a real devotee of Lord Caitanya. Such a devotee can never be cheated because he or she has the vision of transcendental knowledge.


This is only the very early pioneering stages and as we become purified, great Vaishnava devotees will take birth and become big preachers within the mission of Lord Caitanya, regardless of what camp or branch of Lord Caitanya tree one is devoted to.


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You are partially right in what you say but you must have faith in the predictions of Lord Caitanya...

I have faith in that, but I also have eyes and ears. Like I said: how can you build a temple devoted to the Vedic vision of the universe if after close to 40 years you still can not decide whether the Moon is further away from Earth then the Sun, when it is something you can verify with your own naked eyes? it is a complete farse!

...The leadership cannot deny their responsibility. As the saying goes, great leadership comes with great responsibilities. I know some sannyasis who hide from their mismanagements of the past, hoping they will fade with the passing of time with the trusting simple minded devotees however, their mismanagement and irresponsible immaturity should never be forgotten or covered up if we are to learn from our past mistakes.

Although If one blindly follows these naive men, claiming they did not know, then it is also their fault for not knowing the right standards.



our movement has a huge problem with the lack of honesty, that extends from the area of doctrine (like the above mentioned Earth, Sun and Moon issue) to the personal accountability you refer to in this quote. How can you take seriously the guys who were Kirtanananda's biggest cheerleaders during his reign of terror and who now claim they knew nothing of his shenanigans? how can you take seriously people who follow such cheerleaders now? The cheaters and the cheated - pretending to be world's most advances transcendentalists...

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I have faith in that, but I also have eyes and ears. Like I said: how can you build a temple devoted to the Vedic vision of the universe if after close to 40 years you still can not decide whether the Moon is further away from Earth then the Sun, when it is something you can verify with your own naked eyes? it is a complete farse!


our movement has a huge problem with the lack of honesty, that extends from the area of doctrine (like the above mentioned Earth, Sun and Moon issue) to the personal accountability you refer to in this quote. How can you take seriously the guys who were Kirtanananda's biggest cheerleaders during his reign of terror and who now claim they knew nothing of his shenanigans? how can you take seriously people who follow such cheerleaders now? The cheaters and the cheated - pretending to be world's most advances transcendentalists...


These are valid points but again we must understand these are the pioneering growing pains of a movement of consciousness on this planet that WILL grow gradually into a selfless movement representing Lord Caitanya. There is so much we do not understand, it was only 500 years ago men in Europe believed the world was flat.

Don't get me wrong here, I am not afraid to say that man HAS been to the moon, there is way too much evidence to deny that but it is not the heavenly moon described in the Bhagavatam. In 1976 for about two months, Amoga dasa spread the rumour that Prabhupada had said the world was flat, being naïve and young (22 years old) I believed him however, when I was in Bombay Temple in 1978 this was discussed with an Indian devotee who took sannyasa off Prabhupada just before he left the Planet. He explained to me the secular world we perceive with our biological senses is not flat, it is very round and Amoga had misunderstood Prabhupada however, he further explained that if we take the subtle world into account, which houses the majority of material creation, our planet looks vastly different and is connected to a mass of other subtle worlds which makes it, from an over all viewpoint, a continuous plan. This is hard to understand because of our conditioning in the secular world of matter and biological bodies

In other words our material scientists and all of us, virtually know nothing about what is really going on and we will not understand until we become purified and see the truth for ourselves.

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In 1976 for about two months, Amoga dasa spread the rumour that Prabhupada had said the world was flat, being naïve and young (22 years old) I believed him however, when I was in Bombay Temple in 1978 this was discussed with an Indian devotee who took sannyasa off Prabhupada just before he left the Planet. He explained to me the secular world we perceive with our biological senses is not flat, it is very round and Amoga had misunderstood Prabhupada...


Srila Prabupada said many times that the Moon is further away than Sun in the linear sense, using that as his argument that lunar mission was a hoax. That is a fact.


Even with a naked eye one can see (by observing the shadow pattern on the Moon when Sun and Moon are visible together) that this is not the case, let alone using any other calculation method known even to the ancient astronomers. Iskcon still does not dare to contradict Prabhupada on that issue, even as they attempt to build a Vedic planetarium. Srimad Bhagavatam does not say that Sun is closer to Earth than Moon in the linear sense. That was SP interpretation. Even the writings of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta (which give correct distances to Sun and Moon) were not considered authoritative enough to reject Sp's statements in that regard.


As to the flat world or Earth that is another misunderstanding and over-simplification. Many good devotees left the movement when these issues became public, mainly because of the dogmatic way in which they were presented. There was no room for argument to the contrary. To this very day many devotees do not dare to question such things and repeat the same misconstrued version.

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Sadaputa in my opinion did a terrific job in his two publications 'Vedic Cosmography and Astronomy' and 'Mysteries of the Sacred Universe', blending the devotional and intellectual approaches to formulate a highly rational and compelling thesis, which does not violate the sanctity of the Puranas whilst dressing the cosmological concepts therein in some kind of logical and scientific accoutrement. Michael Cremo has done the same thing in no small measure in his attempts to deconstruct neo-Darwinism, even though one would need to be astonishingly idealistic and naive to seriously contend that any lasting, substantive outcome could potentially result from this. Still, these two devotee-scholars have to their credit the merit to have worked towards a solution and contributed in a concrete way to the perennial discourse between science and religion.


Most unfortunately, what occurred in more recent years? We have loudmouths such as Danavir who butted in and excoriated especially Sadaputa for his "audacity" in interpreting the verses of the fifth canto. And the main body of ISKCON members seem to have followed suit without any thoughtful contemplation on the theme, as far as I can see, and taken to the literalist position of Danavir, leaving the far more mystically and academically convincing studies of the Bhaktivedanta Institute more or less marginalised. How pathetic can people get?

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Most unfortunately, what occurred in more recent years? We have loudmouths such as Danavir who butted in and excoriated especially Sadaputa for his "audacity" in interpreting the verses of the fifth canto. And the main body of ISKCON members seem to have followed suit without any thoughtful contemplation on the theme, as far as I can see, and taken to the literalist position of Danavir, leaving the far more mystically and academically convincing studies of the Bhaktivedanta Institute more or less marginalised. How pathetic can people get?


Yes, that is very unfortunate. Lord Caitanya's movement is held back by fossilized simpletons like Danavir swami. Long ago I spoke with Sadaputa prabhu on the subject of Vedic cosmology and he admitted he is actually holding back some of his views, as they would not be at all accepted in Iskcon. The Danavir generation must die out before the Movement can go forward.

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1 default.jpg Haribol,

Please Accept My Humble Obeisences.

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.


Very interesting and inspiring. I am in the process of building couple of temple models in a virtual world called SecondLife, www.secondlife.com. It is a 3d world viewer wherein a user can create an entire world virtually.

Can i request u to give me some details in the future which will help in replicating this work in SecondLife for all the vaishnavs to see.



Bhakta Kannan



<!-- end .comments-middle -->Comment posted by kannanrs on March 25th, 2008


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2 default.jpg bhakta kannan prabhu, dandavats.


reading that you are active in secondlinfe got my attention: i was planning to research more into this whole phenomenon, after reading that christians and other religions have representations in this virtual world. some christians, apparently, take this quite serious and are out to preach to people “living” in second life, never mind it’s only some virtual representation.


at present i’m not sure i like the idea, or would recommend for devotees to get involved there - simply because my slow internet connection didn’t allow me to participate or even see this type of thing.


would be nice if you could get in touch with me (phani@namahatta.org), if you have any interest talking about your experience there.

your servant, phanisvara das



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Comment posted by phani on March 25th, 2008


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3 262.jpg I am glad to see progress being made on this important project that was directly requested by Srila Prabhupada. It will attract a lot of visitors and will increase the fame of Lord Caitanya’s message.


I have to admit though, I have misgivings about this particular design. (I have seen more beautiful designs over the years). I am no expert on architecture. We have so many talented artists in ISKCON with finely developed senses of style and taste. I would love to hear their reactions, as well as those of professional architects and critics.


Mayapur is something like ISKCON’s Vatican City or Mecca, the spiritual headquarters to which all devotees look, the place from which Lord Caitanya’s mercy is radiating out and saving the world. Our public architecture in such a place should be exceedingly beautiful, something that all devotees will cherish within their hearts.


It should be something admired by nondevotees, too, the way many cathedrals of Europe attract millions of appreciative visitors each year, regardless of their religious backgrounds.


The huge scale of the proposed building is grand and impressive, which I suppose will attract lots of attention, but grandeur in architecture can have its risks. Unless there is sufficient grace and unity in the design, grand buildings can produce a crass or vulgar effect. (There is also a separate issue of local environmental impact.)


Eclecticism can be good. It is wonderful when (as with the Taj Mahal) elements from diverse styles come together to produce a wonderful new, coherent statement. However, there is something “busy” about the many styles in this design which do not seem to really coalesce.


I hate to say it, but there is something about the big, loud, unrefined, unharmonious eclecticism here that reminds me of theme parks, or the excesses of Miami Beach and Las Vegas kitschy hotels. I would like to see more genuine, understated beauty.


At least to my subjective taste there seems to be something garish and artificial about this design, like an overblown Hollywood production. I wonder what true connoisseurs of architecture have to say about it.


I know a lot of devotees have put their hearts and souls into this important project for many years, and I do not want to disparage anyone’s service or hurt anyone’s feelings. However, when ISKCON builds something so big and permanent, it is a real defining moment, so I felt I should not remain silent.



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Comment posted by Akruranatha on March 26th, 2008

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4 262.jpg Specific comments:


The I.M. Pei - style glass pyramid could be nice. The reference to ancient Egypt (another great, ancient culture with its own cosmology), along with the geometric simplicity and clean classic lines of the pyramid, juxtaposed with its ultra-modern execution in glass (what will be housed in the pyramid, anyway?), help accentuate the “oldest of all, but in new dress” theme.


My main gripe is, since Pei originally did this at the Louvre in Paris, it has now been repeated in many different venues. It lacks originality and seems like a rip-off. It also makes the Garuda stambha reminiscent of an Egyptian obelisque, and adds to the sense of over-eclecticism without a strong, unifying aesthetic theme.


The use of the cover-design paintings for the First Canto Bhagavatam is a great idea. I think there are ISKCON temples (e.g. in Peru?) that use this illustration very effectively on the inside of domes. However, in this design it is not well executed.


The painting does not lend itself to the tall, narrow shape of the Mughal-style towers or campaniles on which it is painted. It seems odd to have this same painting reproduced so many times, on each side of each of the eight towers: this creates a jarring impression of many Golokas, many mahat-tattvas. Also, the colors just seem to clash with the green marble columns of the towers. The whole impression is lacking in simplicity, grace or harmony. One big Bhagavatam painting somewhere would be nice, but so many tall, narrow ones side by side on all these multi-colored towers is aesthetically disconcerting.


Something about shape and arrangement of the big, wedding cake domes and their gold cupolas reminds me of political buildings like the U.S. Capitol or San Francisco’s City Hall, both beautiful buildings, but projecting more of an air of earthly political power than majestic divine harmony. I suppose I could get used to it, but it is not love at first sight for me.


And what are the figures on the outside of the domes? Are they statues of devotees like the ones on the Samadhi? I cannot quite make them out in the video, but I hope that is not what they are.


In all this jumble of different styles, the elephant-based columns seem out of place, as do other ancient Indian (pre-Muslim) touches. They seem more like an artificially imposed theme or motif than a genuine part of the architect’s vision.

As for environmental impact, I am sure it has been carefully considered, but …



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Yes, that is very unfortunate. Lord Caitanya's movement is held back by fossilized simpletons like Danavir swami. Long ago I spoke with Sadaputa prabhu on the subject of Vedic cosmology and he admitted he is actually holding back some of his views, as they would not be at all accepted in Iskcon. The Danavir generation must die out before the Movement can go forward.


Are you one of the original Gurukulis Kulapavana?

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  • 2 weeks later...


Impressive look. But one wonders about the accuracy.


Somehow the question arises, how could the planetarium inside the dome explain more what we know already?




Vedic Temple as a Planetarium

The objective of this Adbhuta Mandira is the exposition of the Vedic cosmology. This theme is present in every stage and aspect of the design. The very proportions and geometry of the Temple, both externally and internally, are reflections of the cosmic design.


Within the Temple, each space will house artistic exhibits. A variety of ideas have been developed which will work harmoniously with the interior spaces.



Temple Construction Phases

The Temple is designed from the outset to be easily, cheaply and ascetically built in modular phases from the foundation to the Shikara. According to the project’s Managing Director, Abhirama Dasa, the temple itself can be completed and opened for tours within six years and cost less than $20m to build.

The very basic groundwork prep on the Temple has begun, but as of yet construction of the Temple elf has not started. The the Temple was expected to be completed by 2010, though due to very heated last minute politcal wrangling with the West Bengal state government (an elected communist government.. go figure) who, fearful of losing political power at the draw this project will have, threw up a slew of insane roadblocks that do not have much legal foundation but will take time in overcoming, I personally don’t see it finishing until the 2013 at the least.

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