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My 7th House

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om gurubhyo namah






highly stressful period will be upto may 2009.

you need to develop courage. if the loss is

in the area of relationship, try to forget as

you are too young to understand the relalities

in relationships. Relationships are like bubbles

and not handled carefully, shall break in no time.


your atma karaka is moon. moon is in its weakest

place and aspected by three malefics. you need

to understand this.


meditation, counselling and prayers are very important.

please concentrate on the future than the love that

was lost.


may mother bless all






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I fall in love at first sight,I missed her ... searched for that unknown person for entire world(Internet,Blogs,Institues,Busstops,different places), sometimes I felt am I mad? why I am searching for that woman,I spent 6 months in search,finally found.. When I did match making with that person i got 30.5 /36 . surprisingly I feel that she is the only one in mylife.I am very far away from her.She never rejected me, I still have hope ..... I am doing everything based on my 6th sense.I have not yet lost her.I love her more than anything in this world. am I going to marry her?



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om gurubhyo namah




venus is placed in 4th in navamsa. its sign dispositor is

moon and its period is running. moon is placed in marana

karaka sthana from venus. since moon is atma karaka

and afflicted , it can give you a terrible lesson.


your sixth sense is clouded.


since this matter is related to mad love, i do not feel to

continue this thread.


wish you the best,


may mother bless all






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  • 3 weeks later...

Dear Sir,I am feeling the great stress and pain in my life, I am getting lot of comments about my friends regarding I am going absent mind, thinking a lot, .... praying god,spending much time lin istening devotional songs,reading Hanuman Chalisa, Suryashtakam ,reading astrology books, struggling lot to come out of from that situation,unable to find peace in my heart... could you please give me suggestion to obtain peace, stability in mind.How can I come out from this dilema, I am trying to forget her, finding great difficulty to concentrate on work , I really appreciate your help in this matter.... Sincerely

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