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the anti-pope

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I was a big fan of John Paul II. Im not a fan of the new one, for the following reasons. I hope catholics who read here will simply regard this as opinion and also take heed of the necessity to give up all varieties of religion and surrender to the Supreme Lord.


There is an ancient prophet whose record of hits (meaning those that come true) is even greater than the more famous Nostradamus. Malachi the Prophet lived sometime in the 5th century, yet he accurately described each pope since. His list ends with this present pope and he refers to the one following JPII as the anti-pope. It is not just because Malachi says it, but the history of Benedict verifies this disqualification that may sound similar to those who accept the PADA investigations and claims as accurate concerning cover-ups of horrific crimes against children that has plagued our own society for a quarter century.


Benedict was part of an anti defamation league of bureaucrats that refused to acknowledge crimes against children by priests. In fact, this commision included transfering "hot" priests from one parish to another, even involving international flight to avoid prosecution. This is not just a cover-up to avoid defaming the integrity of the catholic church, this is actually an enabling crime that allowed pedophiles to continue their crimes from parish to parish. This person has no qualifications to be a spiritual guide for anyone who wants to follow Lord Jesus Christ whom the pope purportedly represents.


I see him flowing with that war criminal who is the fascist leader of america, and I dont see who has held that office since I was born. I was too young to notice Pius XII, but the activities of John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul II were deeply appreciated by this writer, and I write the above with reference to the prophet Malachi, the prophecy of Mother Mary to the children of Fatima about the demise of the Catholic Cuurch, and simply accept these prophecies as true, before our own eyes. Benedict's ties to fascism are there as well, not because he's german, but because he is a divider who sets the worlds population apart, not a unifier like the previous popes.


So I reject him fully, and who he blesses are very unfortunate indeed. It is like Satan himself offering praise to those whom he has misled by using catholic doctrine, which is also a prophecy of Lord Jesus Christ Himself, as well as his Divine Mother.


This post may not last long, but I have nothing but respect for those real catholics I have been graced to meet or accept in this lifetime, like the Avadhuta Thomas Merton, the pure saints in the line of Therese Avila like Mother Theresa, Albert Sweitzer, Padre Pio and other pure blessings on this world by the Merciful Father whom Lord Jesus praises His holy names.


Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

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I was a big fan of John Paul II. Im not a fan of the new one, for the following reasons. I hope catholics who read here will simply regard this as opinion and also take heed of the necessity to give up all varieties of religion and surrender to the Supreme Lord.


There is an ancient prophet whose record of hits (meaning those that come true) is even greater than the more famous Nostradamus. Malachi the Prophet lived sometime in the 5th century, yet he accurately described each pope since. His list ends with this present pope and he refers to the one following JPII as the anti-pope. It is not just because Malachi says it, but the history of Benedict verifies this disqualification that may sound similar to those who accept the PADA investigations and claims as accurate concerning cover-ups of horrific crimes against children that has plagued our own society for a quarter century.


Benedict was part of an anti defamation league of bureaucrats that refused to acknowledge crimes against children by priests. In fact, this commision included transfering "hot" priests from one parish to another, even involving international flight to avoid prosecution. This is not just a cover-up to avoid defaming the integrity of the catholic church, this is actually an enabling crime that allowed pedophiles to continue their crimes from parish to parish. This person has no qualifications to be a spiritual guide for anyone who wants to follow Lord Jesus Christ whom the pope purportedly represents.


I see him flowing with that war criminal who is the fascist leader of america, and I dont see who has held that office since I was born. I was too young to notice Pius XII, but the activities of John XXIII, Paul VI, and John Paul II were deeply appreciated by this writer, and I write the above with reference to the prophet Malachi, the prophecy of Mother Mary to the children of Fatima about the demise of the Catholic Cuurch, and simply accept these prophecies as true, before our own eyes. Benedict's ties to fascism are there as well, not because he's german, but because he is a divider who sets the worlds population apart, not a unifier like the previous popes.


So I reject him fully, and who he blesses are very unfortunate indeed. It is like Satan himself offering praise to those whom he has misled by using catholic doctrine, which is also a prophecy of Lord Jesus Christ Himself, as well as his Divine Mother.


This post may not last long, but I have nothing but respect for those real catholics I have been graced to meet or accept in this lifetime, like the Avadhuta Thomas Merton, the pure saints in the line of Therese Avila like Mother Theresa, Albert Sweitzer, Padre Pio and other pure blessings on this world by the Merciful Father whom Lord Jesus praises His holy names.


Haribol, ys, mahaksadasa

At least pope Benedict XVI decries clergy abuse what the GBC can learn from him. "What does it mean to speak of child protection when pornography and violence can be viewed in so many homes through media widely available today?" Benedict asked that question.


Pope decries clergy abuse

Pope says clergy abuse scandal sometimes 'badly handled'


By VICTOR L. SIMPSON, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - Pope Benedict XVI told America's Roman Catholic leaders Wednesday evening that the clergy sex abuse scandal has sometimes been "very badly handled," his harshest criticism yet regarding the crisis that has badly damaged the U.S. church. Benedict's remarks came at a prayer service with hundreds of American bishops at a national shrine in Washington, and marked the second time the pope has addressed sex abuse on his first papal journey to the U.S.

On his flight from Rome, the pope said he was deeply ashamed of the scandal and would fight to keep pedophiles out of the priesthood. Benedict addressed clerical molesters in the wider context of secularism and the over-sexualization of America. "What does it mean to speak of child protection when pornography and violence can be viewed in so many homes through media widely available today?" he asked.

The pope spoke after Cardinal Francis George of Chicago, who is the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. George said that the consequences of the clergy abuse scandal "and of its being sometimes very badly handled by bishops makes both the personal faith of some Catholics and the public life of the church herself more problematic." Benedict seemed to agree with that assessment. "Responding to this situation has not been easy and, as the president of your episcopal conference has indicated, it was sometimes very badly handled," he said.

Benedict said that it was important to remember that the vast majority of priests served faithfully but that it also was the bishops' "God-given responsibility" to reach out to those who had been "so seriously wronged."


full article: http://news./s/ap/20080416/ap_on_re_us/pope_us

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Boise Devotee Meets the Pope BY: YSABEL BILBAO


Apr 18, BOISE, IDAHO, USA (KTVB) — Ravi Gupta is one of the chosen few meeting with Pope Benedict during his U.S. visit. Ravi was raised in Boise, the son of a Hare Krishna leader. The 26-year-old joined an interfaith contingent for today's meeting with the pope during his highly publicized trip to Washington, D.C. and New York City.

"It's very important for religious leaders to come together, that they stand together for peace and dialogue," said Ravi Gupta.

The topic among leaders from various religions was strengthening interfaith relationships.

Ravi is a Hare Krishna, a sect of the Hindu faith. He has been in the news before. When he was only 12 years old, he attended Boise State University, where he doubled majored. At 17, he was getting his PhD at Oxford. Now, he's a theology teacher in Kentucky.

Today, we put our NBC affiliate in touch with Ravi and they were able to talk to him before he loaded the bus that took a number of religious leaders to their meeting with the pope. Ravi represented not only his faith, but also his generation and their quest for interfaith relationships.

Ravi gave the pope an incense burner from his temple. He also wore the traditional Hare Krishna dress. The Catholic Diocese in Washington, D.C. picked Ravi after he spoke at an interfaith event about the Hare Krishna movement.

"I think it's very important to remember that there are not just three religious in the world and religious diversity is very, very vast, and Hinduism is a very diverse religion," said Ravi Gupta.

We also spoke with Ravi's father Arun. He took us through the temple where Ravi was educated and humbly talked about his son's accomplishments.


<center>See the video, "What Ravi Learned"</center>

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ISKCON Scholar Greets Pope on Behalf Of US Hindus


By ISKCON News Staff on 19 Apr 2008


Radhika Raman Dasa (Dr. Ravi Gupta) exchanges greetings with the Pope on behalf of the Hindu Community in North America.


<!--paging_filter-->Washington, D.C.-Dr. Ravi Gupta, a professor of Hinduism at William and Mary College in Williamsburg, Virginia, and an initiated brahmana priest of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), presented a gift of an elaborate OM symbol to Pope Benedict XVI at an interfaith gathering in Washington, D.C., on behalf of the Hindu American community on Thursday, April 17.

The Pope, the spiritual leader of the Roman Catholic Church including 65 million Americans, is in Washington as part of a North American tour that will include an address later in the week to the United Nations General Assembly in New York.

The interfaith meeting where Dr. Gupta met the Pope was organized by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB), and was held at the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center in Washington. Approximately one hundred and fifty interfaith leaders attended the session, including representatives from the Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, and Jain traditions.

"It was a great honor to meet His Holiness Pope Benedict on behalf of the Hindu community in America," said Dr. Gupta. "I was impressed by the intimacy of the gathering, and the Pope's genuine interest in meeting with us. It was my feeling that the Pope-as both a holy man and a scholar-wished he had more time to spend with his guests, and to be able to know us all better," Gupta said.

The meeting, entitled "Peace Our Hope-An Interreligious Gathering with His Holiness Pope Benedict XVI" concluded a diverse and event-filled day for the pontiff including his celebrating Mass in the local sports stadium with 45,000 adherents and Washington elite.

Dr. Gupta, 26, whose devotional name is Radhika Raman Dasa, was one of five young representatives of religious traditions who were invited to greet the Pope and offer him a gift from their respective traditions. Anuttama Dasa, ISKCON's Minister of Communications and a Governing Body Commissioner (GBC), also attended the private event on behalf of the Hare Krishna society.

<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" width="540"> <tbody><tr> <td valign="top"> Due to tight security, attendees to the interfaith gathering were ushered into their meeting room two hours before the Pope. The Pontiff arrived at the John Paul II Center just after 6 PM in his 'Pope Mobile' escorted by security vehicles and limousines carrying an entourage of cardinals, bishops and priests.

</td> <td valign="top">




The Pope Mobile approaches the John Paul II Center in Washington, D.C., where the head of the Roman Catholic Church will meet with religious leaders from five faiths, including ISKCON's Dr. Ravi Gupta.

</td> </tr> </tbody></table> After brief welcoming remarks, the Pope spoke for twenty minutes on the importance of interfaith dialogue and cooperation. He quoted former President Franklin Roosevelt who said, "No greater thing could come to our land today than a revival of the spirit of faith."

The Pope invited the group to bear "witness to those moral truths which they hold in common with all men and women of goodwill" and thus, as religious people "exert a positive influence on the wider culture."

<table border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="3" width="540"> <tbody><tr> <td valign="top">




The Pope Mobile approaches the John Paul II Center in Washington, D.C., where the head of the Roman Catholic Church will meet with religious leaders from five faiths, including ISKCON's Dr. Ravi Gupta.

</td> <td valign="top">After speaking, the Pope stepped down from his elevated seat to greet his visitors more intimately, beginning with the youth representatives. Just minutes before he was to offer his gift to the Pope, Dr. Gupta, dressed in traditional dhoti, kurta, and tilak, was told he was welcome to also share some personal words with the Holy Father.</td> </tr> </tbody></table> "I greeted the Pope with our traditional Hare Krishna greeting," reported Gupta. "Then I said, 'Your Holiness, you are well aware of the richness within Hinduism, including a strong tradition of monotheism and religious tolerance. I hope these can be a foundation for a strong and continued dialogue with the [Catholic] Church."

The Pope responded positively, "Yes, our dialogue should continue to grow," accepted the OM symbol, and held Dr. Gupta's hand warmly before the next representative came forward.

"It was a historical occasion," said Anuttama Dasa, ISKCON GBC Member. "The tensions on the world stage call for religious leaders to understand each other better and to teach their respective congregations to not only respect, but to learn from one another. The Pope, while careful to not minimize his own tradition's values and faith commitments, opened the door wider for increased cooperation with the Church."

Both Gupta and Dasa are also in Washington this week to attend the 11th Annual Vaishnava-Christian dialogue, which coincided with the Pope's visit.

KTVB Idaho News did a feature on Radhika Ramana Dasa here and his visit to the pope here. (includes video footage)

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WASHINGTON, DC: At a Q&A session following Pope Benedict XVI's Wednesday address to the Bishops of the United States, he addressed the "particular problem" of secularism in America. While it allows profession of belief in God, it "can subtly reduce religious belief to a lowest common denominator," he said. Thus there is a separation "of faith from life: living 'as if God did not exist'."



The Pope noted that rather than "thinking with the Church", some Catholics believe they have "a right to pick and choose" in the faith, "maintaining external social bonds but without an integral, interior conversion to the law of Christ."



"We have seen this emerge in an acute way in the scandal given by Catholics who promote an alleged right to abortion," he lamented.

It is this internal betrayal by Catholics that seems to most deeply distress the Holy Father. Besides the much publicized cases of sexual abuse by priests, and the proliferation of homosexuality within certain seminaries, the scandalous behavior of a majority of Catholics in political life also gives rise to the Pontiff's deep sadness. As he said in his homily at Nationals Park Thursday, the Church "senses, often painfully, the presence of division and polarization in her midst, as well as the troubling realization that many of the baptized, rather than acting as a spiritual leaven in the world, are inclined to embrace attitudes contrary to the truth of the Gospel."

At the Q&A session with the Bishops, again at the Wednesday Mass, and again in his address to the United Nations today, the Pope stressed as the solution to many of these problems the tie between faith and reason; "the intrinsic relationship between the Gospel and the natural law"; and the "sound understanding of freedom, seen in positive terms as a liberation both from the limitations of sin and for an authentic and fulfilling life."




Re: The Pope noted that rather than "thinking with the Church", some Catholics believe they have "a right to pick and choose" in the faith, "maintaining external social bonds but without an integral, interior conversion to the law of Christ.",


He could be describing a lot of "devotees" out there . . .

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Again, I apologize to all who I offend by my remarks. Im old and useless, and my remarks, if taken to the bank, will make you penniless. (Howzit, random, hope all is well.)


I am not referring to crimes against children, because I also heard the pope's apologies. But he has not apologized for his direct involvement in the cover-up. Breaking into Watergate and spying on democrats is political shenanigan, and no different than the games played in that arena since the very beginning. The crime in watergate is the crimes committed in covering it up, and these crimes were much worse than B&E.


Okay, if Im the head of ISKCON and some perv sanyassi hillbilly embarasses the movement of my spiritual master, I have to practice some sort of damage control. My actions are judged with a greater degree of concern than those of the culprit. So I must make the decision to either work with the authorities to bring about justice against horrific crimes and the perp, or I thwart justice in every step allowing the perp to continue his crimes. The latter means that the society is destroyed fully, to employ the former means that we take our lumps, but we maintain dignity.


The Catholic Church has employed the latter. These crimes of enabling really sick individuals to harm children again and again are much worse that the crimes committed by the criminal. The pope can be as sorry as he wants because the church has taken lumps and is seen as a not-so-spiuritual organization, spending billions in legal fees to discredit those victims that placed their trust in the so-called cloth. The Catholic Church DID transfer pedophile priests to other parishes and they did continue to rape and pillage children. These transfers were ordered by HIGH OFFICIALS of the church, not unlike the disappearing gurukula teachers who avoided prosecution by being sent to India or other places where the law had no jurisdiction.


If one examines the organizations and committees that the pope sat on while the first charges came to be made, will find out that these committees were directly involved in protecting their priests at all costs, which means that they ALLOWED and ENABLED crimes against children. The pope has always been a manager, an ambitious person whose orders were carried out. His decisions are what has occurred.


So, hes so sorry about trusting kids got raped. Its pretty easy to apologize for a crime he did not commit. But he must come clean on the entire chruch being at fault and allowing this stuff to go unchecked for many decades. Otherwise, he is merely a hypocrite and a fraud. Im sure many appreciated his apology, but it is just salt in the wound for those who KNOW his actual role in enabling these crimes to continue.


Hare Krsna, ys, mahaksadasa

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The Pope noted that rather than "thinking with the Church", some Catholics believe they have "a right to pick and choose" in the faith, "maintaining external social bonds but without an integral, interior conversion to the law of Christ."


I was talking about this the other day with my Catholic mom. I think that part of the reason why they blow off big things (like abortion, etc...) is because Catholicism makes such a big deal out of the little things (like saying that missing a day of Mass is the same kind of 'sin' as ripping an unborn child from the womb and killing it).

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I agree with Mahak's views about the current pope. I don't really like him much either. But, I did enjoy reading about the interfaith relations conference. Thanks for sharing it with us Suchandra :)

Thanks for sharing your concerns about the pope, could be that we're not really in that position that someone is interested to know from us if we like the pope or not.



From an internet news channel about what pope Benedict is doing all day but still people like RadheRade1657 reject him. What you want more?:D


"Now Pope Benedict, following in the footsteps of his brow-beaten predecessor, Pope John Paul, who apologized to the Jews for the so-called “wrongs inflicted on Jews by Christians,” has cowtowed to the Jews.


How so? By caving into the demands of Rabbi David Rosen, the head of the Jewish Committee for Interreligious Consultations, last week. Rabbi Rosen demanded that Pope Benedict excise references to the “blindness” and “darkness” of the Jews in a Good Friday prayer that calls for their conversion to Christianity. The prayer originally read:


— “Almighty God, you do not refuse your mercy even to the perfidious Jews; Hear the prayers which we offer for their blindness so that they may acknowledge Christ and be delivered from their darkness.” —


The apt adjective “perfidious” was unfortunately removed by Pope John in 1959. But the Jews were still not satisfied. So Pope Benedict bowed to their pressure last week and took out the words “blindness” and “darkness” of the Jews."

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Now he must go to the mosque, otherwise he is not being equal. He must declare solidarity with all who accept the Father of Lord Jesus Christ.


Barak Obama is getting screwed because he chooses not to leave the association of his spiritual guide. This pressure is unreal and unrighteous and smaks of hipocracy, because we can use the same standard and call all those who stay in the catholic church pedophiles because they associated with pedophiles as if they were Christ Himself. Cant have it both ways. All who take advice and blessing from robertson and the other fundamentalists must be held responsible for the actions of their religious leaders. Devotees who say "tsk, tsk" to obama must also leave their guru who claims that America is a demoniac society.


No, that is false doctrine. We must separate spirit from matter. I will not reject my guru because he supports bush and right wing dudes, nor will he reject me because I'm left of che guavara and uncle Ho. I dont have to like the fact that my guru is different politically than I am, but I dont approach him for political views. Same goes with my godbrothers. Me and Random are quite different, and never agree about much concerning wars and rumors of wars, but I consider him my friend, and Im secure that he accepts me as well..


As far as popes go, history has many black popes (not referring to skin tone, because they would have a black pope the same time the mormons have a black leader). The blackest ias the one who presided over the misrepresentation called the Council of Trent, and the Council of Nicea, where bhakti was driven out of Lord Jesus' teachings, replaced by smarta brahmanism, where we may pray like jesus, but we are never like him because he is god. Pope Sylvester was the worst, and the murderers and thieves are numerous.



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