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Purpose of meditation

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a bahktis dicipline is to always remember krishna , this is his meditation , a vaishnava is ever engaged present with his service at all times , bahkti is the hihgest meditation because it is non stop , when these mellows are reached agitation leaves your life your mind free to use and choose , the bahkti ever watfull for krishna has krishna in his mind , but still time is lost , absorbed by other matters , those who have control of there minds can remember the thought paths away from krishna and can quickly return as they remember the mellows of krishna , this force of bahkti meditation is so powerfull that your love for krishna starts to burst out of you as action intelegence compassion , chaitanyas dream made manifest , to chant the the mantra with sincerity once is to be on your way home ,to meditate krishna to be before your very own eyes rahda appears as prabhupada cries jai bahkti jai rahda

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Krsna is so lovable that simply by thinking of Him increases our love for Him. That love we have eternally, and it awakens in His association. Soon it controls us and helps define who we really are.


Love of God is the goal. It is there, but covered like a diamond is covered with mud; we need only to let it manifest - let it shine.


So we fall in love, gradually in His presence, the presence of His name, form, qualities and pastimes, all of which are all-attractive, all of which are so lovable.


We call it meditation but it is really just falling in love. And that is our true nature, our real position, our actual existence.

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I dont understand exactly what that means.. What is it of Krishna I'm supposed to think about at all times? I mean do I see everything as Krishna? Or do I think of the qualities at all times? His form?

Not in a mechanical way, though. You relate everything to Krishna. When you drink water, for instance, relate the taste to Krishna. When you see some mind-boggling stuff, just try to see those things as reflections of Krishna's achintya shakti. And so forth. This is smaraNa, rather than dhyAna. DhyAna, which is the unbroken concentration on the Lord, is only possible for superior deva-s like Vayu, Shiva, and the rest. For us humans, this should suffice.


Also, try to understand this verse in the Gita.


Bhagavat Gita 9.27


yat karoṣi yad aśnāsi

yaj juhoṣi dadāsi yat

yat tapasyasi kaunteya

tat kuruṣva mad-arpaṇam



yat — whatever; karoṣi — you do; yat — whatever; aśnāsi — you eat; yat — whatever; juhoṣi — you offer; dadāsi — you give away; yat — whatever; yat — whatever; tapasyasi — austerities you perform; kaunteyaO son of Kuntī; tat — that; kuruṣvado; mat — unto Me; arpaṇamas an offering.




Whatever you do, whatever you eat, whatever you offer or give away, and whatever austerities you perform — do that, O son of Kuntī, as an offering to Me.

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Whats the purpose of meditation as a devotee? Is it just for mental discipline?


For a Vaishnava, meditation is the steady, unbroken concentration on Vishnu's qualities, forms, and activities. There are many purposes, foremost being the desire to attain His grace. But more importantly, one cannot have the direct vision of God (aparOxa jnAnam), unless one is able to fix the image steadily in one's mind. This is why meditation is very important for a Vaishnava, but it comes at a later stage in life. Initially, of course, your time is better spent in svAdhyAya and smaraNam. This helps one prepare for dhyAnam, which eventually leads to aparOxa jnAnam.

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the mind ultimatly is only a mirror , reflective , the moon is rahda , ever reflecting krishnas efulgence , the fragmented mirror of maya only steals light by refracting , this multiple is quantum , once it enters your neurology a billion neurons burn , this rlocaoster of nature nuture is abuot held states , the mantra weaves between these states , until your mind is fixed , as a neophyte you do this any way you can , practice practice , until your mind is clear , prabhupadas hospital , serve eveything as krishna no separation in your mind , slowly the mind becomes strong again ,until it is restored to its original job as servant , when your mind serves there is no conflict, the mind begins to enjoy as it perceives krishna in all things , the mind leaps to engage in bahkti ,knowing the truth , not chasing after thought and feeling ,but allowing the mind to rest ,as it observes as wacther , the mind only a tool, remembering it has no light of its own , is very difficult for the mind to except , but we are so fortunate , because of prabhupada , this pure science of soul is available to us , practice do ,do practice, practice done shows , as love intelegence commpassion steady undisturbed allways engaged loving friend to all, your mind a friend to all, your heart overflows,your dody does , as bahkti flows and shows mind lets go , and intelegence holds the mind ever smiling , at bahktis goal, for krishna to know and hold as prabhupada told jai rahda

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