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Jhulan Lila

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Jhulana Lila – Swing Pastimes

(rAgiNI kAmoda - tAla chuTa daza kusi)

nava ghana kAnana zohana kuJja;

vikasita kusuma madhukara guJja

nava nava pallave zobhita DAla;

sAri zuka pika gAoye rasAla

tahi boli aparUpa ratana hindola;

tA’pora baiThalo yugala kizora

vraja ramaNI-gaNa deota jhakora;

gIrata jAni dhani korotahi kora

koto koto upajala rasa parasaGga;

govinda dAsa tahi dekhoto raGga

“In the new deep forest is a beautiful kunja where the flowers blossom and the bees buzz. On the fresh leaves on the beautiful branches the female Sari-parrots and the male Suka parrots sing delicious songs. Here is a wonderful jewelled swing, on which the Yugala Kisora is seated. The Vraja-gopis give a push, and Radha takes shelter of Krsna’s lap, afraid that She will fall. How many rasika talks are being held? Govinda dasa blissfully beholds it.”

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Jhulana Lila – Swing Pastimes

(rAgiNI kAmoda - tAla chuTa daza kusi)


nava ghana kAnana zohana kuJja;

vikasita kusuma madhukara guJja

nava nava pallave zobhita DAla;

sAri zuka pika gAoye rasAla

tahi boli aparUpa ratana hindola;

tA’pora baiThalo yugala kizora

vraja ramaNI-gaNa deota jhakora;

gIrata jAni dhani korotahi kora

koto koto upajala rasa parasaGga;

govinda dAsa tahi dekhoto raGga

“In the new deep forest is a beautiful kunja where the flowers blossom and the bees buzz. On the fresh leaves on the beautiful branches the female Sari-parrots and the male Suka parrots sing delicious songs. Here is a wonderful jewelled swing, on which the Yugala Kisora is seated. The Vraja-gopis give a push, and Radha takes shelter of Krsna’s lap, afraid that She will fall. How many rasika talks are being held? Govinda dasa blissfully beholds it.”

Thank you so much Mataji! :) Jhulan Lila is one of my favorite pastimes. Could you tell me where to find other poems by Govinda Dasa?

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I really like these ones :)


ālī! mhāne lāge vṛndāvana nīko

ghara ghara tulasī, ṭhākura pūjā, darśana govindajī ko

ālī! mhāne lāge vṛndāvana nīko


nirmala nīra bahata yamunā ko, bhojana dūdha dahī ko

ālī! mhāne lāge vṛndāvana nīko


ratna siḿhāsana āpa virāje, mukuṭa dharyo tulāsi ko

ālī! mhāne lāge vṛndāvana nīko


kuñjana kuñjana phirata rādhikā, śabda sunata muralī ko,

ālī! mhāne lāge vṛndāvana nīko


mīrā ke prabhu giridhara-nāgara, bhajana vinā <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City><st1:place>nara</st1:place></st1:City> phīko

ālī! mhāne lāge vṛndāvana nīko


1) O friend! I like Vṛndāvana so much, where in every home there is worship of tulasī and the Deity with darśana of Govindajī.

2) Where the pure waters of the Yamunā flow and where the foodstuffs are milk and yoghurt. O friend! I like Vṛndāvana so much.

3) Where the Deity sits on a jewelled throne, with tulāsi in His crown. O friend! I like Vṛndāvana very much.

4) Where Rādhikā roams from kuñja to kuñja, having heard the vibration of His flute. O friend! I like Vṛndāvana so much.

5) The hero Giridhārī is the master of Mīrā, who says that without bhajana a person is dull. O friend! I like Vṛndāvana so much.



ab to hari nām dhun lo lāgī, sādho!

saba jaga bolata mākhan chorā,

nām dharo vairāgī!


kaha chāḍi vahu mohan murali?

kaha chāḍi saba gopī?

mora mundāyi gora kati bandhī,

māne na mānī gopī !


māta yasomati mākhan choran

bāndhi jāki bāha,

śyāma kiśor bhaye nava gorā,

caitanya jāko nām !


pitāmbar ko bhāva dikhāvai,

kaṭi kaupīna base,

gore kṛṣṇa ki dāsi mīrā,

jasa na kṛṣṇa bane na bane!

ab to hari nām dhun lo lāgī!


1) O pious souls! Now, my consciousness is absorbed into the Divine vibration of the Names of my Hari! I surrender myself to His Holy Name! The entire world addresses Him as the 'Butter Thief'. But now, He has earned another popular Name for Himself, as 'Vairaagi'- the dispassionate wandering monk! (Sanyasi)

2) O my dearest Mohan ( Enchanter, <st1:place>Krishna</st1:place>)! Why have You discarded Your intimate companion, (Priya-Sakhi)- the Divine Flute? And why have You renounced all Your eternal Sweethearts, Gopis? You appear now with shaven head and ochre cloth at Your waist! But this clever Gopi uncovers Your disguise and doesn't care to conceal it!

3) Now it seems like Mother Yasoda has tied up the both arms of Butter Thief! Alas, no more mischievous tricks! My Dark Beloved has now reappeared as the newly fresh Golden Lord Whose blessed Name is 'Caitanya'!

4) Though clad Himself in skimpy rags, His Pitambara (Yellow Divine Attire) as well as His inner most Divine Love Sentiments are revealed to me. Now Mirabai is the maid-servant of the Golden Krishna Caitanya, whether the Glory of My Krishna is recognized by all or not!


(I never knew Mira Bai was devoted to Lord Chaitanya before!)

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