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Sunspots Are Caused By Human Turmoil

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A sunspot is scientifically defined as an area on the photosphere (surface) of our Sun that is marked by a lower temperature than its surroundings and has intense magnetic activity, which inhibits convection and hence forms areas of low surface temperature. Sunspots are relatively cool in temperature and dark in colour. They come in various shapes and sizes and often appear in groups. Each sunspot is much larger than Earth; some sunspots can be over 10 times Earth's diameter. According to modern astronomy, sunspots are caused when our Sun's magnetic field loops up out of the photosphere and cools it slightly, making that section less bright. These disturbances in our Sun's magnetic field make the sunspot about 1500°C cooler than the surrounding area. However... what if there is something else, something far subtler, which causes sunspots? I think that each of us affects the entire universe around us just as much as the entire universe around us affects each of us. If what I think is an accurate representation of Reality itself, then it would not be very difficult to suppose that our negative thoughts and negative actions, as a collective whole, are what ULTIMATELY cause sunspots. Our Sun is a living being, like every other star, moon and planet in this entire universe. I don't doubt that claim even for a second. There is a correlation between events involving intense human turmoil here on Earth (and perhaps on other planets in our solar system too) and cycles of sunspot formation on our Sun. Extreme collective jealousy, anger, hate, animosity and inhumanity on our planet is reflected on our Sun's surface as a sunspot. Intriguingly, dozens of sunspots have been observed on our Sun in 1945. As I'm sure most of us already know, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima (August 6, 1945) and another one on Nagasaki (August 9, 1945). On August 9, 1945, approximately 30 sunspots were observed on our Sun. It would appear that the worldwide turmoil associated with the two fearsome atomic explosions were reflected rather quickly upon the surface of our Sun in the few days that followed the Hiroshima atomic explosion. Interestingly enough, the number of sunspot sightings decreased dramatically shortly after Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed. This is almost definitely due to people realising that World War II was inevitably coming to an end very soon. And it did come to an end very soon (on that same year). Check out this line graph:




Notice that the estimated number of sunspots toward the end of the 18th century (the 1780s, to be precise) is relatively high. The Russo-Turkish War occurred during 1787 to 1792 whilst the French Revolution took place during 1789 to 1799. There was estimated to be over 100 sunspots during the 1610s. What events of great historical significance occurred during the 1610s? Well, for a start, there was the Time Of Troubles (a period of immense political and social upheavel in Russia) which lasted from 1598 to 1613. There was also the Thirty Years' War, fought primarily on the borders of today's Germany between 1618 and 1648, which devasted most of Europe. If you look carefully at that line graph, you'll notice that sunspot numbers reach their peak during the early 1960s. Why? On October 15, 1962, the Cold War reached a climactic period known as the Cuban Missile Crisis. The Cuban Missile Crisis is widely regarded as the period of time during the Cold War when the prospect of a full-scale nuclear war seemed most likely to occur. Almost the entire human population was extremely tense at the prospect of an impending nuclear war. Though my mother was but a toddler when the Cuban Missile Crisis took place, she still remembers how her parents prayed that no nuclear missiles would be launched. They feared that human civilisation as a whole could have been extinguished during that turbulent period of time, yet obviously (and not to mention fortunately), it didn't. However, there were almost 200 sunspots during that period of time! Is this not a poignant example of the interconnectedness of everything? Perhaps our thoughts and our emotions affect our universe more intimately than we currently realise.



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sometimes I think that the way Universe looks is to some small (?) degree somehow related to the general vibration of dominating human consciousness. consciousness affects material reality, just like material reality affects consciousness. It is like a grand interactive spectacle in the sky.

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I wonder how we affect other planets and moons in our solar system. Our noble deeds and thoughts might contribute to a vibrant ecosystem on a planet/moon, whilst perhaps our malicious deeds and thoughts might contribute to the sterilisation of an ecosystem on a planet or moon. These contributions might seem miniscule if they were tangible to us, but it's still a contribution nonetheless and it would show that EVERYTHING is linked together in one way or another.

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I just thought of something - I should check out the dates on that line graph where there are troughs. Wherever there are troughs in the number of sunspots, there should probably be corresponding periods of greater collective peace. I'm gonna look into this more extensively. That said, every time there is a peak in that line graph, there is also some kind of war going on!

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