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My Profession of Faith

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Ok.. I have been saying that I have the Label Vaishnava.. I'm starting to think that may be entirely accurate although I believe there is truth within Vaishnava and it will lead you to God.. I'm slowly learning more and more about Hinduism and It is a wonderful collection of teachings but I'm finding more and more that I believe that the Bagavad-Gita is the Ultimate truth of God and if you follow it you will Rapidly increase in Spiritual Practice. I'm finding Im accepting certain things of specific Yogic Principles.. As I compare them with the Bagavad-Gita.. I believe Bhakti Yoga is a Extremeley Efficient practice and I'm seeing how Other Yogic and Tantric (The Sexual ones ONLY with a marriage partner) can be applied to Bhakti.. Alot of Buddhist Yoga is helpful.. It helps me see God in a Clearer light. Which is the Purpose of Yoga. I accept the Teachings of Christ and I know that he and Krishna are on the same level. I believe in alot of the Kabbalah and that It's Sad that The Council of Nicea rejected the Zohar and they should have included it in the Old Testament. I accept the example of Solomon and How he found True Wisdom by learning all the religions. I believe wholeheartedly that I have found God... I just dont know what label to give myself other than a follower of God. I have Schizophrenia.. I hear voices and I was Plagued with what Psychology called False Beliefs. I had a deep realization about 3 days ago.. In 3 days I have learned to dispell my false beliefs and the negetive voices that I once heard has lessened to such a degree that my suffering has been greatly reduced I know that if I continue with my fellowship with you people my knowledge Of God will improve more and more.. You have all taught me alot and I hope to continue my fellowship with you.. Dark Warrior has taught me to be more humble all his retorting made me see the light.. That light is to talk to people in Love.. I'm sorry I insult him on occaision and that will stop.. I'm sure we probably will disagree but thats fine he'll eventually find the truth. Bagavad-Gita-16:1? "Freedom from anger.. tranquility" these are the things of God we all should practice this.. The Gita is Ultimate Truth..

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no love no gita , no gita no love , the dialogue between krishna and arjuna applies eternal , you ever fight for god, or something else , the something else is illusion , MAYA, in this respect we are all mad. everyone hears a voice inside , as endless chatter, disturbing or not , it takes up your time , bahkti gives you back your brain , the only cure for madness , everything else is temporary , but on your journey, you will pick up so many things, consider before you throw , the world is as it is ,see the contradiction , and then choose what is useful now , no need for, excepting or rejecting , just use your brain , the clever learn from other peoples mistakes , to know something is not useful takes only a moment , because your peace goes out the window , and agitation comes until you realize , and again take up some useful practice , and then peace comes back , freedom from anger and violence , comes very fast to the sincere , but you must still fight , to profess faith is to do , where the doing is more important , than the talking , first word love , doing love first and last , no break , until you are fixed , not rigid but fluid , love rushing into your brain until you can not stop being loving , in a very natural way , when this comes to you , you know it , life is but a moment , love the moment , be loving right now and do not stop , until you stop breathing , live your life anchored to prabhupada and your life will be successful

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...If you understand the meaning of worship.. Which is to Reverently Love and respect.


The eternal associates of Krsna in Goloka Vrndavana have no reverence only love for Him because as far as they know, he is just a beautiful young cowherd boy.

Amongst the inhabitants of Vrndavana the love of the Gopis was considered the best by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.

Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura has written:

aradhyo bhagavan vrajesa-tanayas tad-dhama vrndavanam

ramya kacid upasana vraja-vadhu-vargena ya kalpita

srimad-bhagavatam pramanam-amalam prema pumartho mahan

sri-caitanya mahaprabhor-matam-idam tatradaro nah parah

[The Supreme Lord, the son of Nanda Maharaja, and also His transcendental abode, Sri Vrndavana-dhama, are my worshipful objects. The most excellent method of worshipping Krsna is that which was adopted by the gopis, the young wives of Vraja. Srimad-Bhagavatam, which is evidence of this, is the flawless and most authoritative scripture, and Krsna-prema is the fifth and highest achievement of human life – beyond mundane religiosity, economic development, sense gratification and impersonal liberation. This is the opinion of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. We have supreme regard for this conclusion.”]

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