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New Devi Mandir

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pujarie five o

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hello all,

I have been worshipping Ma for over 10 years. The thing is, i do it from my heart without knowing the rules in Kali Ma worship. I have tried to get info from the head pujari at that temple, and that was the most impossible! I understand that love is the end all and be all of worship and there is only one God, just different manifestations (just as a mother is a cook , a cleaner, a wife, an employee and so on).


Can someone please shed some light on Ma Kateri. I've read the threads about her, but its like its not enough. I need to know more about her. Can someone PLEASE shed some light for me.


Also, why is it that at some temples the members wear yellow and at other temples, members wear white? And under what condition is a waistband to be used?



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