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Looking for Vaishanava Group

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Namaste Everyone :namaskar:


i have been reading through the posts about vaishnavaism and also caste system on this board and i had a question.


as some of you already know i am a neophyte in sanathana dharma. i am interested in finding a group or organization or teacher where i can learn more. i think i perfer vaishnavism and i feel affinities to god in both krishna and narayan forms but i do not particularly feel any connection with iskcon. does anyone know of any alternative places where a westerner can learn? are there particular groups of teachers to stay away from?


thank you for your advice :D



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Many different answers may come from many different perspectives. One thing about Vaisnavism is the acceptance of a personal God who reveals Himself.


Srila Prabhupada taught, "By the grace of Krishna one gets guru and by the grace of guru one gets Krishna."


The point is the starting place to finding one's guru is to petition the Lord in the heart to reveal His represntative to us.

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Namaste Everyone. i think i perfer vaishnavism and i feel affinities to god in both krishna and narayan forms but i do not particularly feel any connection with iskcon. does anyone know of any alternative places where a westerner can learn? are there particular groups of teachers to stay away from?


thank you for your advice :D




I've compiled some links to the websites of some of the more prominent Gauidiya Vaishnava missions, in no particular order of personal preference. Perhaps by carefully examining some of these sites, you will feel some inspiration to make a connection. As far as which groups to avoid, I can't advise you so much there (on a public forum), but to the best of my knowledge, all the missions listed below are bona fide and worthy of taking shelter. Hare Krsna!










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I do have my own personal beginning in the spritual quest, but I prefer not to give my personal experience as an example. But I will still give you some tips:

1. Try to invoke the mercy of Krishna and His Devotees, by this definately a concrete path will be created for you.


2. Never fear to venture alone in your quest, with time certainly you'll start getting the required support. But at any point in time, you are never alone, the Lord is always seated in your Heart, knowing your endeavours.


3. It's not you who decide, how'll you'll know the Lord, it's He who'll take the responsibility of everything, provided that your quest is sincere.


4. Not being attached with any Sampradaya is Good, but definately you'll get your Knowledge from atleast one of them, there is no way out. Be more concerned with what the Guru laid and not too much with what His followers are doing. All the Sampradaya teaching Bhakti to Vishnu is Bonafide, but in the beginning you'll need the eye to discrimate for the right ones and don't worry that also will be made available by Krishna.


5. If there is something more, I'll tell you.

Jai Sri Ram

Jai Sri Hanuman

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Radhe Radhe


Another way to approach it is to go back to the roots through the teachings of the foundational acharyas.


The link below to VilasKunja forum will give you an idea of the many parivars or family under the umbrella of Lord Chaitanya. Many of the members of the forum dove deep into Gaudiya Vaishnavism; they are real practitioners in more ways than one. Most members there would be very happy to hold your hands as you initially tread into the beautiful tradition and siddhanta of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. And most importantly we know each other more or less on a personal level and we have great respect for each other.


Kind regards

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thank you everyone for your helpful and very informative answers. the suggestions about going to the Lord on this is very good and something i hadn't even thought of doing (left over effect from being a buddhist, doing everything on your own)


Thank you also Malati and Vedesu for the links. i have a ton to read over :)


without sparking any type of debate or anything, what do you guys think about the Divine Love Society http://www.jkp.org ? are they recognized as being legit? I kind of like what have been reading but i don't want to get involved with any kind of culty stuff.


thanks again :namaskar:


Jai Sri Visnu!

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thank you everyone for your helpful and very informative answers. the suggestions about going to the Lord on this is very good and something i hadn't even thought of doing (left over effect from being a buddhist, doing everything on your own)


Thank you also Malati and Vedesu for the links. i have a ton to read over :)


without sparking any type of debate or anything, what do you guys think about the Divine Love Society http://www.jkp.org ? are they recognized as being legit? I kind of like what have been reading but i don't want to get involved with any kind of culty stuff.


thanks again


Jai Sri Visnu!


U have done a right choice. Jagadguru Kripaluji maharaj is very learned scholar.His discourses are worth listening.You can hear his discourses on Sanskar TV daily at 7.30 pm(IST).After hearing his discorses you can make your judgement.


Hari Bol



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without sparking any type of debate or anything, what do you guys think about the Divine Love Society http://www.jkp.org ? are they recognized as being legit? I kind of like what have been reading but i don't want to get involved with any kind of culty stuff.

Jai Sri Visnu!


You will find both good and bad opinions about this guy. This is true for most Gurus these days anyway.


So you can rely on third party opinion only so far. Picking a Guru/doctrine and sticking around is a very personal choice and the lesser you rely on general opinions, the better off you are.


In reality I have seen most people who pursue religion/spirituality have very superficial levels of interest. Their interest/involvement is above and beyond all other other activities that are going on in their lives. For such people, it does not matter whom they pick as any damage that may be caused by a religious system is very low as the involvement was low.


There are some people who are interested enough to make drastic changes in their lifestyle by choosing a teacher or system. Changes that cannot be reversed, if there is a fallout like lost youth, education, etc. In such cases, extra care is strongly advised before taking the plunge. I have personally seen terrible damage happen to two people, a 18 year old and a 27 year old.


I think you are of the former type, so you do not have to worry.



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I would strongly adise you to avoid Kripalu. He is a covert mayavadi or impersonalist. He has an interesting twist on Krishna-lila. His opinion is that Krishna and the whole spiritual world emanated from the impersonal Brahman. In the Gita Krishna says He is the source of the impersonal Brahman. Big difference but why does this matter?


Because according to Kripalu once you accept liberation into the impersonal Brahman there is no coming back as your individuality is lost forever because in reality it never existed. He holds that there are two kinds of maya, maha-maya and yoga-maya which according to him means the illusion that we are material individuals serving matter while trying to be God (maha-maya) and the illusion that we are spiritual individuals loving, playing with and serving God (yoga-maya).


Both of these states are products of the impersonal Brahman according to him.


This to him is Vaisnavism. His version of vaisnavism differs from authentic Vaisnavism because it is based on the supposed illusion of individuality whereas real vaisnavism is based on the reality of individuality of both God and the small souls...us.


It is so cleverly constructed that it fools most who are not skeptical and can read between the lines.


This is why the search must begin and end with the Supreme Lord Himself within the heart. IOW's we must learn to humble ourselves before the Lord in the heart through prayer and seek His guidance. Only He can see us through the material condition.


It's a jungle out there.

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Your conclusion is baseless about Kripaluji maharaj.Daily I am listening to his discourse.His philosophy is very simple i.e... do unconditional bhakti to Lord Krishna.All his views are supported by sastric pramaan.Mostly he would quote from Srimad Bhagavatam.

If your have any query then go & ask him.All your doubts will be cleared.


He has spent his entire life in Krishna Bhakti.Actually it is the effect of the Kaliyug that we are not able to recognize saintly persons.Anyway everyperson has got the right to form the opinion.



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Actually it is the effect of the Kaliyug that we are not able to recognize saintly persons.Anyway everyperson has got the right to form the opinion.



Well, the identification of The Mahatma has never been a yuga issue, it is an eternal issue. Since time immemorial the Birth of a Mahatma on this material world been very very rare and identifying that person is very very difficult also.


But I can see that Kalyuga has removed this problem also, we can find Bhaktas in every corner of the street.

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Your conclusion is baseless about Kripaluji maharaj.Daily I am listening to his discourse.His philosophy is very simple i.e... do unconditional bhakti to Lord Krishna.All his views are supported by sastric pramaan.Mostly he would quote from Srimad Bhagavatam.

If your have any query then go & ask him.All your doubts will be cleared.


He has spent his entire life in Krishna Bhakti.Actually it is the effect of the Kaliyug that we are not able to recognize saintly persons.Anyway everyperson has got the right to form the opinion.



I did my homework several years ago from his discourses on the web site that his then disciple Didi put up and in response to one of his disciples who was posting here. I don't need to go back over it. That Didi left him amidst much controversy and accusations against him. I do not want to go into it again and besides such things are not really the major point I was trying to get across to Lokesvara prabhu.


My point is from beginning to end in our spiritual journey we need to pray to the Lord in the heart for guidance. This is a constant and is the only sure way to avoid being duped or misdirected.


Our sincerity is the only thing lacking. We must pray to Krishna to help us gain and maintain sincerity in our search for Him. We must realize we are absolutely 1,00% dependent on Him to find those that represent Him just as we are 100% dependent upon Him for the air we breath.


It is my belief that as a general rule personal prayer to the Lord in the heart is not stressed enough and should be right from day one to every new bhakta.


Not that we will be able to hear the Lord's voice right away that is not the point. But He will hear us and guide us despite our temporary deafness.


This comes up all the time. People always ask "How can I find Guru"? It is a natural and common question. Instead of pointing to this person or that person why do we not point directly to Krishna?


Afterall we teach that Krishna is a the Supreme Person who lives in the heart of all and is guiding the wanderings of all souls, both sinners and saints. So if we really believe this then why not include Krishna directly in all such matters?


Krishna is not just with us as a kinda vague philosophical concept or something. He is with us right now and always, directly as the Supreme Personality of Godhead.


No harm in also mentioning those that have inspired us. But those that have inspired us may not be what Krishna has in mind as the source of inspiration for others.


Let's leave revealing guru to the aspirant up to Krsna. He is the Supreme Match Maker because afterall in the highest sense guru is a manifestation of Him on earth and Krishna is self-revealing by nature.

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Namaste and thank you for the great responses.


i was not aware that Kripalu taught mayavadi philosophy as i hadn't come across it yet but i am only in the beginning stages. i am not at the point in my life where i am not looking to be initiated with a guru or wanting to move into a temple so my interest is definitely more superficial. i am more interesting in finding an organization where i can learn legit teachings as outside of reading the gita and some parts of the bhagavatam, i don't have much experience. the sites listed though are wonderful from the little bit i have had the chance to read so far. :)


i will keep an open heart though and ask the lord for guidence. my concern was that i don't want to be learning things from an organization or teacher of questionable reputation.


thanks again for all of your help, direction, and insight.





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i will keep an open heart though and ask the lord for guidence. my concern was that i don't want to be learning things from an organization or teacher of questionable reputation.



"Seek and we shall find." Sincereity guaruntees success by the Lord's grace.


Considering the above statement you may want to check out the sites on this google page.



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Afterall we teach that Krishna is a the Supreme Person who lives in the heart of all and is guiding the wanderings of all souls, both sinners and saints. So if we really believe this then why not include Krishna directly in all such matters?


Krishna is not just with us as a kinda vague philosophical concept or something. He is with us right now and always, directly as the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

Let's leave revealing guru to the aspirant up to Krsna. He is the Supreme Match Maker because afterall in the highest sense guru is a manifestation of Him on earth and Krishna is self-revealing by nature.


Very well said theistji.

Fully accepted with respect.



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