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Which is correct Vakiya or Tirukanitha Panchang

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I request learned members and those learning Astrology to comment on this write-up. This write-up is entirely based on my observations and view.


Question1: Which horoscope system is best or right or perfect -> Vakiya panchangam or Tirukanitha Panchangam


Question 2: Here in Tamil Nadu, off late many astrologers are starting to say Only tirukanitha is right and vakiya is wrong. why?


Question 3. If Vakiya is wrong -> these guys were using it to predict for several centuries and now why they are not using - > it will mean they were wrong in predicting for several centuries because of using a wrong system.


Question 4. Tirukanitha panchang was authored by Aryabatta and baskara in early 4 Century AD. Actually they were using Vakiya panchang but they mixed it with mathematics to calculate all scientifically.


Question 5: During last few years say last 17 years only this tirukanitha phanchangam is used every where to cast horoscopes because a software is developed to cast horoscopes in Computer. An at that time computers in India were just a fundamental devices so they understood only tirukanitha system


Question 6. Because computers are eliminating the problem of painful calculation of horoscopes by astrologers using a paper and pen to cast a entire horoscope in paper from beginning -> can it be a reason for astrologers to say tirukanitha system is correct because it was drafted by a computer at a input of minor details as computer is idiot box with no knowledge on its own.


Question 7. For last few years say 18 years I am seeing lot of broken-down marriages, wrong predictions etc, is it because of this so called computer horoscopes as they were cast using tirukanitha system


In tirukanitha system and vakiya system there is lot of difference. For example: in my horoscope: Sun is in only in 4 house from lagna and 5th house is occupied by Venus, Mercury and Kethu -> this is as per vakiya and as per Tirukanitha system: The 4th house is occupied by sun and venus and 5th house by Mercury and Kethu. In my sister's horoscope the rasi and navamsa are same for both systems but dasa bukti is different: in Vakiya her Venus dasa is 3-2-22 and in Tirukanitha it is 0 - 6 - 22. For some the star is different. For my cousin in vakiya it is uthiram and as per tirukanita it is pouram.


Question 8. Why is this difference? If One astrologer says his predictions based on tirukanitha then the palans may entirely different from one told as per vakiya system.


In my opinion, the reasons for wrong predictions is using Tirukanitha charts, as our rishis who devised the astrology in Veda, were using only Vakiya system, and their predictions were correct, even now, see nadi -> the nadi predictions are nearly 95 % correct. But once when people (astrologers ) started using Tirukanitha panchangam stating simple to cast using computer, I think all predictions were starting going wrong.


All the above were my observations, I request the people who knows astrology and has interest in astrology to post their vox populi / animadverts, as many like me will have this doubt, and if there is a healthy debate on this, many will get benefited also those learning astrology will also get their enlightenment. So please post your honest opines. Thanks in advance.

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