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oh, Bama

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Will keep this short.



Networks preparing for Hillary to (finally) quit in speech Tuesday night.



Will be from NY, Staffers being told to turn in expenses, resumes being FedExed to Obama and other state/local campaigns.



Staffers at one network recalled from lunches to prepare.



Campaign staffers being told to go home.



One network had long conference call among suits last night, followed by conference call between tech types to set up remotes, back-hauls, break-ins, etc.



Union technicians, cameramen, audio, video engineers, etc. told to expect overtime.


From Associated Press RAPID CITY, S.D. (AP) - Hillary Rodham Clinton will give her post-primary speech in New York Tuesday night, a rare departure from the campaign trail. Staffers who have worked for her on he ground in Puerto Rico, South Dakota and Montana have been invited to attend the event or go home for further instructions, campaign aides said. The New York senator had no other events Tuesday. She planned to address AIPAC Wednesday in Washington.



From "The Atlantic" Clinton Campaign staffers and former campaign staffers are being urged by the Clinton campaign's finance department to turn in their outstanding expense receipts by the end of the week. That's a sign, to them, that the campaign wants to get its affairs in order soon. If Clinton were staying in the race, there'd be no real reason to collect these receipts now; she'd still be raising and spending money from the same primary campaign account. The campaign is in arrears to the tune of about $11 million.



From one network:



"The former first lady's campaign announced that she would hold an election night "celebration" in her home state of New York, not in the final voting states of Montana or South Dakota."



The Politico website reported that far-flung members of Clinton's travelling staff had been summoned back to New York for Tuesday evening and told their roles on the campaign are ending.

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Bob Beckel Says Shoe Will Drop on Obama Tomorrow





“Shoe will drop on OBAMA regarding Michelle, tomorrow” Bob Beckel on Fox News Channel @ 3:23AM Pacific Timezone.




He said he is hearing this from people he knows are credible. He thinks it is stupid of Repubs regarding timing.




He said it is a MAJOR SHOE. Was asked if it was worse than her thesis. He said much worse.




He also reported that all of Hillary’s advance people were told to wrap it up in their states and return to HQ.



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Hey, BB, Im sure it will be quite tough for obama. I had political aspirations at one time, but one must be squeaky clean, and my relationship with Sondra Bacon back in the day would have been rough, especially after she blew up the US Senate building. And all that hash oil, and my relationship with john cippolina and the Owsley bunch. But, ya know, its quite entertaining, doncha think? I can wait for the photos of lil bama with his malcolm X hat, or michelles secret friendship with betty shabazz.


At least the entertainment wont be a re-run, and I find that refreshing. We can say good riddence to bubba and his library, his pardons, vince foster, et all. But The riots wont be in denver, and mccain wont be prez. US Code title 50 will take effect, perhaps well before denver. And america will be begging for straightjackets because the streets will be inhabitable.


You live in a great place. That whole corner is actually redneck/progressive, my kinda folk. Of all the places for a reggae star to play, Ras Michael always did the reggae fest in Pend Oreille. Montana, too, real thinkers there, a whole bunch of pro-life yet very liberal folks (meaning those who appreciate freedom, not the definition of the foxed up linbaugh (who would be just as obnoxious as a liberal if thats where the radio money was). Im okay here, too, except for the riffraff from bangor who moved over when braindead island got too spendy for their double GS 11 status.


Good show, hold out, billary, ya never know. Kennedy had to take johnson, but I think youd be better off to be a supreme court judge. As veep, billy boy has too many rooms to sneak around in, and you aint his cup a tea.



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General Election:


McCain vs. Obama




Polling Data


<TABLE class=data><TBODY><TR></TR><TR class=rcpAvg><TD class=noCenter>RCP Average</TD><TD>05/21 - 06/03</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>46.4</TD><TD>45.0</TD><TD class=spread>Obama +1.4</TD></TR><TR class=alt><TD class=noCenter>Gallup Tracking</TD><TD>05/29 - 06/03</TD><TD>4412 RV</TD><TD>45</TD><TD>46</TD><TD class=spread>McCain +1.0</TD></TR><TR><TD class=noCenter>Rasmussen Tracking</TD><TD>05/31 - 06/03</TD><TD>1600 LV</TD><TD>47</TD><TD>45</TD><TD class=spread>Obama +2.0</TD></TR><TR class=alt><TD class=noCenter>USA Today/Gallup</TD><TD>05/30 - 06/01</TD><TD>803 RV</TD><TD>47</TD><TD>44</TD><TD class=spread>Obama +3.0</TD></TR><TR><TD class=noCenter>Pew Research</TD><TD>05/21 - 05/25</TD><TD>1242 RV</TD><TD>47</TD><TD>44</TD><TD class=spread>Obama +3.0</TD></TR><TR class=alt><TD class=noCenter>Newsweek</TD><TD>05/21 - 05/22</TD><TD>1205 RV</TD><TD>46</TD><TD>46</TD><TD class=spread>Tie</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


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You live in a great place. That whole corner is actually redneck/progressive, my kinda folk. Of all the places for a reggae star to play, Ras Michael always did the reggae fest in Pend Oreille. Montana, too, real thinkers there, a whole bunch of pro-life yet very liberal folks (meaning those who appreciate freedom, not the definition of the foxed up linbaugh (who would be just as obnoxious as a liberal if thats where the radio money was). Im okay here, too, except for the riffraff from bangor who moved over when braindead island got too spendy for their double GS 11 status.



If you ever pass thru dawg, gimme a call. I will give you the insider tour.


The Spokompton River be in flood stage, the Falls is fo shizzle right now.


My humble abode resembles the Unibomber's, but we know how to properly treat our guests.....


Speakin' of Montana, I worked both the 50 Cent show and the Rolling Stones show. There are stories to tell, but I ain't talkin....

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Obama turns to Lord Hanuman for blessing




It is surprising and unusual, but true. The Democratic Party's presidential nominee for the November elections in the US, Barack Obama, is seeking the blessings of Hindu God Hanuman in his battle for the White House..

CJ: abhishek singh samant

<!--end main_pick-->

<!-- Detail --> BARACK OBAMA, the 46-year-old Illinois senator, who emerged victorious in an epic 17-month long electoral battle for Democratic party nomination, by defeating his rival Hillary Clinton, carries a ’tiny monkey god’ with him for good luck. It apparently represents Lord Hanuman.

A recent photo posted on Time’s White House Photo of the Day collection shows that Obama carries with him a bracelet belonging to an American soldier deployed in Iraq, a gambler’s lucky chit, a tiny monkey god and a tiny Madonna and child.

According to the posting, "That tiny monkey god, of course, appears to be a statue of the Hindu monkey god, Hanuman. However it has not been identified by the editors and the photographer as such.

Obama’s father was a Kenyan and mother a white woman from Kansas. The initial days of his life were spent in Indonesia where Hinduism is a popular religion.

It is not only Obama, who carries

<!-- params -->[url="http://world.merinews.com/allArticles.do;jsessionid=05C6239ED3626310F9F9049BA1557467?choice=ByUser&pageNo=1&userId=abhishek+singh+samant"]such lucky mascots. Republican candidate John McCain carries a lucky nickel, and a lucky rubber band, which he wears around his wrist, apart from a lucky penny. He also has a lucky sweater and a lucky hotel room in New Hampshire. The information was revealed by the caption on his photo.

A Clinton spokesman said, "People give Clinton lucky items all the time on the campaign trail."

Elaborating further, he said, "Recently, for example, she’s received a lucky coin, a lucky handkerchief that a woman in Texas gave to her that she sometimes keeps in her pocket, and a lucky bracelet that a woman in Ohio gave her that she wears every day. She keeps all of them."

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Thursday June 12, 2008

Barack Obama's Hindu Lucky Charm



A Time magazine photograph of Barack Obama's hands, displaying his favorite charms, sported this caption: "Amongst the things that Barack Obama carries for good luck is a bracelet belonging to a soldier deployed in Iraq, a gambler's lucky chit, a tiny monkey god and a tiny Madonna and child."

The tiny monkey god has been interpreted to be none other than the Hindu god Hanuman. Why would he choose this lucky charm? It is widely reported that Obama, whose father was a Kenyan and mother a white woman from Kansas, spent initial days of his life in Indonesia where Hinduism is a popular religion. So is this an influence from his Indonesian childhood?

Hanuman is the god that Hindus, especially young children, are taught to turn to when they are afraid of something or get bad dreams at night. Hanuman is said to be the protector who keeps evil away. This extremely powerful son of the wind god is said to be incredibly strong, invincible, the most intelligent being on earth, and immortal. Known as the "remover of distress" Hanuman is especially known for relieving difficulties. In Hindu mythology, Hanuman is also considered the incarnation of Shiva, the destroyer of all evil.

Usually the image of Hanuman is seen with only two arms, but as with Obama's charm, the monkey god is also represented with four arms in some regions of Southeast Asia, like Thailand. (The Chinese also are reported to have a monkey god. But while neither Obama nor his aides have said anything about this or his other good luck charms, all inferences assume his little monkey charm to be Hanuman. Interestingly enough (and predictably), over the last couple of days every Indian newspaper has carried this story and photograph, with "Hanuman" and "Obama" on practically every headline.

Whatever his reasons are for choosing his lucky pieces, Obama is certainly is a nominee who represents an atypical cross section of people. And surely seems like the popular Hindu monkey god is an apt charm for this presidential contender. With all the mudslinging and squabbling that is going on, Obama could certainly use all the help he can get to ward off evil and difficulties.

In contrast to Obama's many charms is a lucky penny that Republican candidate John McCain carries with him. Time magazine reports that he also carries a lucky nickel and a lucky rubber band, which he wears around his wrist. Apparently he also has a lucky sweater and a lucky hotel room in New Hampshire, according to the caption on his photo.

Will this trivia help us vote? I'm not sure, but it certainly gives voters a peek into the nominees' minds and mental makeup. As I see it, there is one who is different and represents change for those that are looking for a transformation, and then there is one who is plain old, the kind of old that suits those who are comfortable and happy with the way things are ...

--Visi Tilak

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Thursday June 12, 2008

Barack Obama's Hindu Lucky Charm



A Time magazine photograph of Barack Obama's hands, displaying his favorite charms, sported this caption: "Amongst the things that Barack Obama carries for good luck is a bracelet belonging to a soldier deployed in Iraq, a gambler's lucky chit, a tiny monkey god and a tiny Madonna and child."

The tiny monkey god has been interpreted to be none other than the Hindu god Hanuman. Why would he choose this lucky charm? It is widely reported that Obama, whose father was a Kenyan and mother a white woman from Kansas, spent initial days of his life in Indonesia where Hinduism is a popular religion. So is this an influence from his Indonesian childhood?

Hanuman is the god that Hindus, especially young children, are taught to turn to when they are afraid of something or get bad dreams at night. Hanuman is said to be the protector who keeps evil away. This extremely powerful son of the wind god is said to be incredibly strong, invincible, the most intelligent being on earth, and immortal. Known as the "remover of distress" Hanuman is especially known for relieving difficulties. In Hindu mythology, Hanuman is also considered the incarnation of Shiva, the destroyer of all evil.

Usually the image of Hanuman is seen with only two arms, but as with Obama's charm, the monkey god is also represented with four arms in some regions of Southeast Asia, like Thailand. (The Chinese also are reported to have a monkey god. But while neither Obama nor his aides have said anything about this or his other good luck charms, all inferences assume his little monkey charm to be Hanuman. Interestingly enough (and predictably), over the last couple of days every Indian newspaper has carried this story and photograph, with "Hanuman" and "Obama" on practically every headline.

Whatever his reasons are for choosing his lucky pieces, Obama is certainly is a nominee who represents an atypical cross section of people. And surely seems like the popular Hindu monkey god is an apt charm for this presidential contender. With all the mudslinging and squabbling that is going on, Obama could certainly use all the help he can get to ward off evil and difficulties.

In contrast to Obama's many charms is a lucky penny that Republican candidate John McCain carries with him. Time magazine reports that he also carries a lucky nickel and a lucky rubber band, which he wears around his wrist. Apparently he also has a lucky sweater and a lucky hotel room in New Hampshire, according to the caption on his photo.

Will this trivia help us vote? I'm not sure, but it certainly gives voters a peek into the nominees' minds and mental makeup. As I see it, there is one who is different and represents change for those that are looking for a transformation, and then there is one who is plain old, the kind of old that suits those who are comfortable and happy with the way things are ...

--Visi Tilak




Maybe Obama has the favor of Lord Krishna, who knows. My initial impression is that he will be just another empty suit, puppet of the Royal Family type of politician but hopefully I am wrong about that.

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Obama and Arjuna: the Hanuman Connection


By Vyenkata Bhatta Dasa on 9 Jun 2008




Image: Brooks Kraft / Corbis for TIME


Amongst the things that Barack Obama carries for good luck are a bracelet belonging to a soldier deployed in Iraq, a gambler’s lucky chit, a tiny monkey god and a tiny Madonna and child.


<!--paging_filter-->Barack Obama, Democratic candidate for President of the United States of America, has been compared to a number of great men before him. The charismatic young politician has been likened to president John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln, as well as to civil rights activist Martin Luther King Jr. But here's one that the mainstream media is not likely to catch: it seems Barack Obama has something in common with Lord Krishna's dear friend and devotee Arjuna.


This Time Magazine White House Photo of the Day reveals that "amongst the things that Barack Obama carries for good luck are a bracelet belonging to a soldier deployed in Iraq, a gambler’s lucky chit, a tiny monkey god and a tiny Madonna and child." Monkey god? Is the small brass statue that Obama considers a luck charm, in fact a deity of Hanuman -- a powerful demigod and dedicated devotee of the Supreme Lord?

Maybe. To be fair, the Time caption did not elaborate, it is hard to make out much detail in the photo, and there is a divine being in some Chinese Buddhist sects also known as a "monkey god."

In any event, one can't help but think of the famous description of Arjuna given in Bhagavad-gita: "At that time Arjuna, the son of Pandu, seated in the chariot bearing the flag marked with Hanuman, took up his bow..." (1.20)

Vaishnava commentators have expressed the significance of the Hanuman emblem on Arjuna's chariot.

"The emblem of Hanuman on the flag of Arjuna is another sign of victory," Srila Prabhupada writes in his purport to this verse, "because Hanuman cooperated with Lord Rama in the battle between Rama and Ravana, and Lord Rama emerged victorious."

In carrying his little Hanuman deity with him wherever he goes, could Obama be following in Arjuna's mighty footsteps?

Of course, as interesting as the connection may be to Hindus, the devoutly Christian Obama would probably not view the little statue as anything more than a lucky trinket. Still, in an increasingly pluralistic America, it might not hurt Obama to keep his mind -- and pocket -- open to the possibilities.

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<TABLE class=storycontent cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2>India monkey god idol for Obama



</TD></TR><TR><TD class=storybody><!-- S BO --><!-- S IIMA --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=226 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>_44770114_bhama226.jpg Mr Bhama says he is ardent supporter of Mr Obama


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A group of Indians are planning to present a statue of the revered Indian monkey God, Hanuman, to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.


The group decided to order the idol after they read a magazine report saying that Mr Obama carried a good luck 'monkey king' charm.


They say that a Barack Obama victory would be good for India.


Hindus revere monkeys which they believe are descendents of the monkey God Hanuman.

<!-- E SF -->

The two-foot tall, 15kg gold-polished, brass idol has been made as a present for Mr Obama because "he will be good for India if he becomes the next president," according to Brij Mohan Bhama, leader of the group.


Mr Bhama belongs to the ruling Congress party and also runs a textile mill in the western city of Mumbai.


'Monkey charm'



"We have heard that he carries a small monkey charm in his pocket. So he is a devotee of Hanuman. That's why we want to present him with this idol," he said.


Mr Bhama and his friends have also invited Carolyn Sauvage-Mar, chairwoman of the group, Democrats Abroad-India, to a meeting they are holding on Tuesday to pray for Mr Obama's success.


The Delhi-based group registers voters, sponsors events and occasionally hosts Democratic Party leaders visiting India.


<!-- S IBOX --><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=231 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=5>o.gif</TD><TD class=sibtbg>start_quote_rb.gif Obama stands for change. We are hoping that he will bring about change so that oil and food prices come down end_quote_rb.gif


Brij Mohan Bhama


</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><!-- E IBOX -->

Mr Bhama is hoping that Ms Sauvage-Mar will pick up the idol and arrange it to be delivered to Mr Obama.

"They have invited me for the prayer. I am happy to go to bring best wishes to Obama," she said.


She said she would talk with the organisers and find out whether she would be able to help in shipping the idol to Mr Obama.


Ms Sauvage-Mar said the people organising the prayer meeting for the presidential candidate had possibly read a Time magazine article which mentioned that Mr Obama carried a "monkey king good luck charm".

"Senator Obama has a good luck charm. We don't know whether it is of Hanuman. But the people here think it is Hanuman," she said.


Mr Bhama says he is an ardent supporter of Mr Obama - even his email identification is bhamaforobama.


"Obama stands for change. We are hoping that he will bring about change so that oil and food prices come down," he said.

"India will progress if he comes to power."


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Indian group asks Hindu monkey god to lead Barack Obama to election triumph


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The Associated Press

Published: June 24, 2008


NEW DELHI: A dozen priests chanted around a sacred fire in New Delhi on Tuesday as a group of Indians offered prayers to the Hindu monkey god Hanuman asking him to grant U.S. presidential hopeful Barack Obama an election victory in November.

Several dozen people took part in the prayer ceremony held at a Hanuman temple. Many said they believed an Obama victory would bring positive change to the world.

"From the land of Gandhi we convey our best wishes to Mr. Obama for the forthcoming presidential elections in the United States," said Brij Mohan Bhama, a local businessman who organized the event.

Bhama said an Obama victory would be good for India and the rest of world "because he stands for change" and would help stem rising prices, poverty and terrorism.

Bhama said he got the idea for Tuesday's event after reading reports in Indian media that among the many good luck charms Obama carries is a replica of Hanuman.


<!-- sidebar --> <!-- today in links --> Today in Asia - Pacific


<!-- /sidebar --> Hanuman is one of the most popular gods in the crowded pantheon of Hindu deities, and devout Hindus ascribe great strength and valor to him.

Hanuman's most famous feat, as described in the Hindu epic the Ramayana, was leading a monkey army to fight the demon King Ravana and rescue a kidnapped princess.

Bhama said he plans to send Obama a 2-foot (60-centimeter) -tall, 33-pound (15-kilograms) statue of Hanuman that has been polished with gold.

Bhama does not represent any official group in India, but Carolyn Sauvage-Mar, the chairwoman of the U.S. group Democrats Abroad-India, attended Tuesday's ceremony.

Sauvage-Mar, is one of 22 delegates who will represent overseas Americans in August at the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado.

"I will definitely and happily bring their best wishes with me," she said of Obama's Indian fans.

Taking the idol may prove more difficult.

Sauvage-Mar said U.S. federal law prohibits senators from accepting any gifts that cost more than US$10.

But Bhama said he was certain the idol would make its way to Obama.

"It is understood that representatives of Mr. Obama will help with sending the idol to him," he said without providing details.

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11-day Prayer For Obama's Success








Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama can now expect help from an unexpected quarter - Lord Hanuman. All-India Congress Committee member Brij Mohan Bhama has organised a 11-day religious ceremony at Karol Bagh here for his success in the U.S. elections.



The idea of sending an idol of Hanuman dawned on him after friends in the United States mentioned a “prominent American politician who carried a miniature Hanuman idol in his pocket for luck,” Mr. Bhama said speaking on the first day of the ceremony on Tuesday.



“After hearing that, I decided to gift Mr. Obama a larger, gold-plated version along with the wishes of thousands of his supporters in this country,” said the leader struggling to lift the 15 kg, 21-inch brass idol.



The first-day ceremony, pranapratishta, or infusion of divine life into an idol, was performed by a dozen priests reciting mantras in tandem. It was attended by Democrats Abroad India chairperson Carolyn Sauvage, who spent over an hour at the venue. The idol was later kept in the sanctum sanctorum of the Sankat Mochan Dham, where it will be kept for 10 more days. Mr. Bhama said several temples in New Delhi had already expressed an interest in keeping the idol for worship on their premises before it begins its journey across the Atlantic.



Along with the idol, a copy of Hanuman Chalisa, a compilation of hymns in praise of the Lord, would be sent.


“We will ensure that Mr. Obama receives the idol by August 24, a day before the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado,” said Mr. Bhama.

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<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=231 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD width=5>o.gif</TD><TD class=sibtbg>start_quote_rb.gif Obama stands for change. We are hoping that he will bring about change so that oil and food prices come down end_quote_rb.gif</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>







The funny thing is people are going to vote for Obama thinking he will bring gas prices down by putting a windfall profit tax on oil companys but that will actually make gas prices go up.

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Pre-election talk is cheap.


The Republicans have lost much credibility, so we will see who gets in.



I was almost certain Obama was going to get in but he has been flip flopping around on issues almost as much as John Kerry did and with gas prices being so high I have a certain sense that people are not going to completely buy into the feel good message with lack of substance of Obama and it will wear off real quickly. Either Obama or McCain I don't think either one will be responsible for much change, at least for the better anyway. They most likely will want to continue business as usual in Washington. Either way it appears this country is going to undergo a real change of consciousness in coming years in regards to energy but things could get bad enough that political correctness will die a hard death.

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Obama seems to be quite liberal, he isn't a religious bigot opposing abortion, science, and pretty much everything else under the sun.:rolleyes:


Who knows Obama may indeed be an avatar or the new Jesus as the media seems to portray him as. I hope you guys are right about him. I generally view most liberal politicians as agents of the Kali-yuga but Bush has been such a nightmare that Obama can't get much worse or at least I hope not. Apparently he does carry around a Krishna statue or something so maybe he does have the favor of Krishna. I am not impressed with his idea of a windfall profit tax on oil because based on what I have read about the oil industry a windfall profit tax would do nothing but make the price of gas go up and ultimately the whole economy revolves around what the price of gas and energy is going to be. But then again if we went back to riding around on horses or whatever that might not be such a bad thing either. In general I have to agree with Michael Savage that liberalism is a mental disorder but then again I gotta admit that Savage is a bit of a blowhard sometimes.

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Misunderstood - caricature of Barack und Michelle Obama




"A caricature of Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama, and wife Michelle, on the new issue of New Yorker Magazine is being blasted as “tasteless and offensive.”

The cartoon cover depicts the Illinois senator and wife Michelle Obama, in a Somali robe and turban, exchanging a fist bump in the Oval Office-a portrait of Osama bin Laden and an American flag in the fireplace are also featured in the image.

“The New Yorker may think, as one of their staff explained to us, that their cover is a satirical lampoon of the caricature Senator Obama’s right wing critics have tried to create. But most readers will see it as tasteless and offensive. And we agree,” Obama’s campaign spokesman Bill Burton said in a statement Sunday."

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I love how he is being treated with Kid gloves. I didn`t see any " outrage " when this was printed in Rolling Stone.



Lets see making fun of torture... Check

Making fun of POWs.... Check

Racist depiction of Asians... Check



Good point and McCain has been friendly to liberals but they still do not have his back.



Actually when I look at that one of the torturers is Bush so maybe this actually making fun of Bush and not necessarily McCain don't know for sure but it definetly is an example of the double standard when it comes to political correctness.

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