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Advice on Career

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Respected guruji,


I've been suffering from not able to grow in my career even though i feel i'm putting more efforts on the same. Please advice how i can grow in my career and sustain much more longer. I'm more or less stuck in one place for more than 7 years and i've not grown; I want to move out to a better place/job but that looks non workable solution.


I'm giving my birth chart details below.


Date of birth: 16th Aug 1971; 6:15 AM; Bangalore City India


1st House : Karkataka (Cancer) (Lagna): Ravi; Shukra; Ketu

2nd House: Leo: Budha (Mercury)

3rd House:

4th House:

5th House: Vrishchika: Guru

6th House:

7th House: Makara: Kuja; Rahu

8th House:

9th House

10th House:

11th House: Vrushabha (Janma) Moon; Shani

12th House:



Please advice.




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Please give some remedial measures so that i can make progress in my career.

Waiting for your advice.


Thanks and Regards,



I dont know much about astrology but here are my findings.


lord of 10th house(career) mars is in 7th house afflicted by rahu. Further lagnathipathi moon is in bad placement and lagna itself is occupied by malefic kethu who aspects mars again.


still, jupiter the lord of 9th house who is a functional benefic sits in 5th house and sees the lagna with his 9th aspect. This will definitely help in overcoming the bad effects.


You can chant Vinayaka slogas and do poojas to Ganapathy for kethu effects.


Dont worry. God will help you.

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Respected RamKrishnaHari,


Thank you very much for your advice. I'll definitely start working on your advice. If there's a single mantra that can ward off the positional imbalances present in my chart and at the same time give some power on my career, please let me know.


Thanks and Regards,


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Respected RamKrishnaHari,


Thank you very much for your advice. I'll definitely start working on your advice. If there's a single mantra that can ward off the positional imbalances present in my chart and at the same time give some power on my career, please let me know.


Thanks and Regards,





You can chant Ganesha Pancharatnam which has come in a cassete by MS. You can get the script in google. If you know tamil, Vinayakar Agaval is very powerful. Esp. sanakata hara chadhurthi vradham every month is very powerful for Vinakaya worship. That day you can go to Ganesh temple and perform archana.


Pls dont give respected title and all to me. Infact I dont know astrology clearly. But as no one replied to you, as a console I told some thing. Neverthless, Vinayaka worship will remove all types of obstacles and he can control all 9 planets. Though I dont know much of astrology, I assure you will definitely achieve what you want in life soon. All your worries and obstacles of growth will get shattered shortly. Dont worry.


Even I am depressed in life due to many fold problems. I dont know what God has in store for me.



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Hi RamKrishnaHari,


Thanks again for your advice.


I know the problems we face are kind of temporary but it matters how long one has to undergo. At the end of the day we live on hope and hope tomorrow will be better. I pray to God that both our problems go away quickly. As i can make out you are ardent devotee of Lord Ganesh who will definitely clear off all problems. One ganapathi mantra "Om Sri kshipra prasadaya namah" is supposedly provide quick results.




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